

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

刘凡--助理教授 个人主页
刘凡,博士,南方科技大学电子与电气工程系助理教授。2013年于北京理工大学获工学学士学位,2018年于北京理工大学获工学博士学位,师从2012年国家最高科学技术奖获得者,“中国预警机之父”王小谟院士。曾于2016年-2018年赴英国伦敦大学学院任访问****,2018年-2020年在英国伦敦大学学院担任“玛丽·居里”研究员 (Marie Curie Research Fellow)。2020年回国后全职加入南方科技大学。主要研究方向为感知通信一体化,车联网与智能交通,毫米波通信等。截止目前已在本领域国际顶级期刊和会议上发表学术论文40余篇。目前担任IEEE Communications Letters编委,以及IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications客座编委。曾多次作为共同主席在ICC, ICASSP, PIMRC等通信与信号处理国际会议上组织研讨会、分会和特邀报告,并作为创始会员成立IEEE无线通信技术委员会感知通信一体化研究小组。曾获得2019年中国电子学会优秀博士学位论文奖,2018年欧盟“玛丽·居里”****,2018年北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文奖。并于2017年-2018年多次获得IEEE期刊的模范审稿人称号。

教育经历 2013-2018:北京理工大学,信息与电子学院,工学博士
工作经历 2020-至今:南方科技大学,电子与电气工程系,助理教授
2018-2020: 伦敦大学学院,电子与电气工程系,“玛丽·居里”****
研究简介 雷达感知与通信一体化设计
所获荣誉 2020年“电子信息前沿青年****出版工程”资助计划入选者
2018年欧盟“玛丽·居里”****(Marie Curie Individual Fellowship)
2018年IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 模范审稿人
2017-2018年IEEE Communications Letters 模范审稿人
2017年IEEE Transactions on Communications 模范审稿人
代表文章 1. F. Liu?and C. Masouros, "A Tutorial on Joint Radar and Communication Transmission for Vehicular Networks - Part III: Predictive Beamforming without State Models",?IEEE Communications Letters, Early Access, 2020. -?EiC Invited Paper
2. F. Liu?and C. Masouros, "A Tutorial on Joint Radar and Communication Transmission for Vehicular Networks - Part II: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead",?IEEE Communications Letters, Early Access, 2020. -?EiC Invited Paper
3. F. Liu?and C. Masouros, "A Tutorial on Joint Radar and Communication Transmission for Vehicular Networks - Part I: Background and Fundamentals",?IEEE Communications Letters, Early Access, 2020. -?EiC Invited Paper
4. W. Yuan,?F. Liu*?(Corresponding Author), C. Masouros, J. Yuan, D. W. K. Ng and N. G. Prelcic, "Bayesian Predictive Beamforming for Vehicular Networks: A Low-Overhead Joint Radar-Communication Approach",?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Early Access, 2020.
5. N. Su,?F. Liu*?(Corresponding Author) and C. Masouros, "Secure Radar-Communication Systems with Malicious Targets: Integrating Radar, Communications and Jamming Functionalities",?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Early Access, 2020.
6. F. Liu, W. Yuan, C. Masouros and J. Yuan, "Radar-assisted Predictive Beamforming for Vehicular Links: Communication Served by Sensing",?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7704-7719, Nov. 2020.
7.?F. Liu, C. Masouros, T. Ratnarajah and A. Petropulu, "On Range Sidelobe Reduction for Dual-functional Radar-Communication Waveforms",?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1572-1576, Sept. 2020.
8.?F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Petropulu, H. Griffiths and L. Hanzo, "Joint Radar and Communication Design: Applications, State-of-the-art and the Road Ahead",?IEEE Transactions on Communications,? vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 3834-3862, June 2020. -?EiC Invited Paper?(ranked 6th most popular article in IEEE TCOM, Nov 2020)
9. A. Li,?F. Liu*?(Corresponding Author), C. Masouros, Y. Li and B. Vucetic, "Interference Exploitation 1-Bit Massive MIMO Precoding: A Partial Branch-and-Bound Approach with Near-Optimal Solution,"?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3474-3489, May 2020.
10. Z. Ma,?F. Liu*?(Corresponding Author), M. Li, H. Qiao and X. Lv, "Joint Optimization of Anchor Deployment and Power Allocation in Wireless Network Localization",?IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1086-1089, May 2020.
11. F. Liu, A. Garcia-Rodriguez, C. Masouros and G. Geraci, "Interfering Channel Estimation in Radar-Cellular Coexistence: How Much Information Do We Need?"?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 4238-4253, Sept. 2019.
12. F. Liu, L. Zhou, C. Masouros, A. Li, W. Luo, and A. Petropulu, "Toward Dual-functional Radar-Communication Systems: Optimal Waveform Design,"?IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 16, pp. 4264-4279, Aug. 2018.?(ranked 16th most popular article in IEEE TSP, Nov 2020)
13. F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li, T. Ratnarajah, and J. Zhou, "MIMO Radar and Cellular Coexistence: A Power-Efficient Approach Enabled by Interference Exploitation,"IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 14, pp. 3681-3695, Jul. 2018.
14. F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li, H. Sun and L. Hanzo, "MU-MIMO Communications with MIMO Radar: From Co-existence to Joint Transmission,"?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2755-2770, April 2018.
15. F. Liu, C. Masouros, P. V. Amadori and H. Sun, "An Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding,"?IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1542-1546, Oct. 2017.
16. F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Li and T. Ratnarajah, "Robust MIMO Beamforming for Cellular and Radar Coexistence,"?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 374-377, June 2017.
招聘信息 刘凡博士课题组目前招聘研究助理教授、博士后、科研助理,招收博士生、硕士生、本科实习生,同时欢迎来自国内外大学及科研机构的访问****和交流学生,有兴趣者请联系:liuf6@sustech.edu.cn

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