

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

办公地点:创园9栋 301室


南方科技大学讲席教授,中国科学院院士。1982年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学系地球物理学专业,获学士学位;1985年在中国地震局地球物理研究所获硕士学位;1991年在美国南加州大学地球科学系获理学博士学位。1996年回国工作,曾先后任教于北京大学和中国科学技术大学, 2016年9月加盟南方科技大学。一直从事地球物理学的教学与科研工作,发表论文150余篇,已培养60余名博士和硕士,曾主持国家自然科学基金会****项目、优秀创新群体项目、重点项目、国际(地区)合作项目、重大项目课题以及科技部973项目课题等科研项目20余项。主要研究方向为理论与计算地球物理学、地球动力学及其在防震减灾和资源勘探领域的应用。


2016.09- 讲席教授,南方科技大学,地球与空间科学系 系主任
2008.06-2016.08 教授,中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院执行院长 (2009-2014)
1996.09-2008.05 教授,北京大学, 地球与空间科学学院,副院长、地球物理学系主任
1992.01-1996.08 博士后、Research Associate,美国南加州大学,地球科学系
1985.03-1985.12 研究实习员,中国地震局,地球物理研究所

2015, 增选为中国科学院院士
2015, 当选国际大地测量和地球物理联合会(IUGG)首届会士(Fellow)
2009, 获何梁何利科学技术进步奖(地球科学奖)
1996, 获国家****科学基金资助
2017至今,中国地球物理学会 理事长
2016至今,国际大地测量与地球物理联合会(IUGG)中国委员会 副主席
2015至今,中国地震学会 副理事长
2015至今,国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组地球物理学分组 召集人
2009至今,《Earthquake Science》 Associate Editor in-Chief
2004至今,《地震学报》 副主编

1. 复杂地球介质中地震波传播及结构成像;
2 .震源破裂动力学及地震物理学;
3. 近场强地面震动定量模拟及震害预测;
4. 地球内部结构及地球动力学。


1.Zhang W.Q., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F., (2020). “GPU implementationof curved-grid finite difference modelling for non-planar rupture dynamics”, Geophys.J. Int., Accepted
2.Zheng A., Zhang W.B., Yu X.W., Chen X.F., (2020). “A hybrid sourcemechanism of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake revealed by the jointinversion of strong-motion, teleseismic and InSAR data”, Tectonophysics, Accepted.
3.Xu J.K.,Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F., (2020). "Ground motionsignatures of supershear ruptures in the Burridge-Andrews andfree-surface-induced mechanisms", Tectonophysics, Accepted.
4.Xu J.C., Zhang W., Chen X.F. (2020), “An effectivepolarity correction method for microseismic migration-based location”,Geophysics, accepted /https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2019-0497.1
5.Hu F., Oglesby, D.D., Chen X.F.,(2020). “The near-fault ground motion characteristics of sustained and unsustainedfree-surface-induced super-shear rupture on strike-slip faults”, J. Geophys.Res.- Solid Earth, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019039
6.Zhan W., Pan L., Chen X.F., (2020). “3D crustal shear velocity structure of China Northeast constrainedfrom inversion of multimodal dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves from ambientseismic noise”, J. Asian Earth Sci., 196, July, doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104372
7.Li Z.B., Chen X.F., (2020).“An effective method to extract overtones of surface wave from Array SeismicRecords of earthquake events”, J. Geophys. Res.- Solid Earth, 2020, 125,e2019JB018511. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2019JB018511
8.Hu F., Zhang Y., Xu X.R., ChenX.F., (2020). “Dynamic rupture process of the 2017 Mw6.5 Jiuzhaigouearthquake based on stress parameters inferred from kinematic slip inversion”,Tectonophysics, 787, June, doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228441
9.Yu, H., Zhang W., Zhang Z.G., LiZ.B., Chen X.F., (2020). “Investigation on the Dynamic Rupture of the1970 Ms 7.7 Tonghai, Yunnan, China, Earthquake on the Qujiang Fault”, Bull.Seismol. Soc. Am. 110, 898–919, doi: 10.1785/
10.Wu G.X., Pan L., Wang J.N., ChenX.F., (2020). “Shear velocity inversion using multimodal dispersion curvesfrom ambient seismic noise data of USArray Transportable Array”, J. Geophys.Res.- Solid Earth, 2020, 125, e2019JB018213, doi.org/ 10.1029/2019JB018213,online 26 DEC 2019
11.Li X.Y., Chen X.F., YangZ.T., Wang B., Yang B.,(2020). “Application of high-order surface waves inshallow exploration: An example in Suzhou River, Shanghai”, Chinese J. Geophys.(in Chinese), 2020, 63(1):247-255,doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0202.
12.Qian Y.Y., Chen X.F., LuoH., Wei S.J., Wang T., Zhang Z.G., Luo X.Y., (2019). “An extremely shallowMw4.1 Thrust Earthquake in the Eastern Sichuan Basin (China) Likely Triggeredby Unloading during infrastructure construction”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2019,46, doi.org/10.1029/ 2019GL99
13.Zhou H., Li J.T., Chen X.F.,(2019). “Establishment of a seismic topographic effect prediction model in theLushan Ms 7.0 Earthquake area”, Geophys. J. Int., 2019, 221(1): 273–288
14.Zhang W.Q., Zhang Z.G.,ChenX.F.,(2019).“Importance of spatial resolution in ground motionsimulations with 3D basins: An example using the Tangshan earthquake”,Geophys.Res. Lett.,46. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2019GL084815.
15.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W.Q.,ChenX.F.,(2019).“Dynamicrupture simulations of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake by the curved gridfinite‐difference method”,J. Geophys. Res.- Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2019JB018630
16.Pan L.,Chen X.F.,Wang J.N, Yang Z.T., Zhang D.Z.,(2019).“SensitivityAnalysis of Dispersion Curves of Rayleigh Waves with Fundamental and HigherModes”,Geophys. J. Int., 216: 1276-1033
17.Wang J.N., Wu G.X.,ChenX.F.,(2019).“Frequency-Besseltransform method for effective imaging of higher-mode Rayleigh dispersioncurves from ambient seismic noise data”,J. Geophys. Res. -Solid Earth,124(4): 3708-3723. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB016595
18.Yang ZT,Chen X.F.,Pan L. and Wang J.N.,(2019).“Multi-channelanalysis of Rayleigh waves based on the Vector Wavenumber TransformationMethod”,Chinese J. Geophys., 62(1): 298-305
19.Fang X.D.,Chen X.F.,(2019).“A fast and robust two point ray tracingmethod in layered media with constant or linearly varying layervelocity”,Geophysical Prospecting,DOI:10.1111/1365-2478.12799
20.Sun Y.C., Ren H.X., Zheng X.Z., LiN., Zhang W., Huang Q.H.,Chen X.F.,(2019).“2-D poroelastic wave modelling with a topographicfree surface by the curvilinear grid finite-difference method”,Geophys.J. Int., 218(3):1961-1982, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz263
21.Gao, Y.X., Wang D.D., Wen J., HuH.S.,Chen X.F., Yao C,(2019).“Electromagneticresponses to an earthquake source due to the motional induction effect in a 2-Dlayered model”,Geophys. J. Int., 219(1):563-593,doi:10.1093/gji/ggz303
22.Xu, J.C., Zhang W.,ChenX.F.,(2019).“Minimumsemblance weighted stacking with polarity correction for surface micro-seismicdata processing”,The Leading Edge,doi:10.1190/tle**.1.
23.Hu F., Oglesby, D.D.,ChenX.F.,(2019).“The sustainabilityof free‐surface‐induced super-shear, rupture on strike‐slip faults”,GeophysicalResearch Letters, doi:10.1029/2019GL084318.
24.Xu, X.R., Zhang Z.G., Hu,F.,Chen, X.F., “Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the 1920 Ms 8.5Haiyuan Earthquake in China”, September 2019,Bull. Seism. Am. Soc.,doi: 10.1785/
25.Wu H.L.,Chen X.F.,Pan L.,(2019).“S-wavevelocity imaging of the Kanto basin in using the frequency-Besseltransformation method”,Chinese J. Geophys., 62(9): 3400-3407
26.Fu H.H., Chen B.B., Zhang W.Q.,Zhang Z.G., Yang G.W., Chen X.F., (2019). ”Extreme-scale earthquake simulationson Sunway Taihulight”, CCF Transactions on high performance computing, 1,14–24(2019)
27.HuangH.Q.,ZhangZ.G.,ChenX.F.,(2018).“Investigation of topographicaleffects on rupture dynamics and resultant ground motions”,Geophys.J.Int, 212(1): 313-323
28.Sun Y.C., Zhang W.,ChenX.F.,(2018).“3D Seismicwavefield modelling in generally anisotropic media with a topographic freesurface by the curvilinear-grid finite difference method”,Bull.Seismol. Soc. Am.,108:(3A):1287-1301
29.Harris R.A., Barall M., AagaardB., Ma S., Roten D., Olsen K., Duan B., Liu D., Luo B., Bai K., AmpueroJ-P., Kaneko Y., Gabriel A-A., Duru K., Ulrich T., Wollherr S., Shi Z., DunhamE., Bydlon S., Zhang Z.G.,Chen X.F., Somala S.N., Pelties C., TagoJ., Cruz-Atienza V-M., Kozdon J., Daub E., Aslam K., Kase Y., Withers K.,Dalguer L., (2018). “A suite of exercises for verifying dynamic earthquakerupture codes”,Seismol. Res. Lett, 89(3):1146-1162.
30.Hu F., Wen J.,Chen X.F.,“High frequency near-field ground motion excited by strike-slip stepovers”,J. Geophys. Res. -Solid Earth,2018, 123,https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB015027.
31.Ren H.X.,Chen X.F.,Huang Q.H.,(2018).“Quantitativeunderstanding on the amplitude decay characteristic of the evanescentelectromagnetic waves generated by seismoelectric conversion”,PureApplied Geophys., 175 (2018), 2853–2879.
32.Wen J.,Chen X.F., XuJ.K.,(2018).“A dynamicexplanation for the ruptures of repeating earthquakes in the San Andreas faultat Parkfield”,Geophys. Res. Lett., 45
33.Jiang XD, Zhang W., Wang Z.X., LiG.,Chen X.F.,(2018).” Velocity calibration fordownhole microseismic monitoring based on total variation (TV)regularization”,Computing Techniques for Geophysical and GeochemicalExploration, 40(05): 559-564
34.Fu, H.H., He C.H., Chen B.W., YinZ.K., Zhang Z.G., Zhang W.Q., Zhang T.J., Xue W., Liu W.G., Yin W.W., Yang G.W., Chen X.F., (2017). “18.9-Pflops nonlinear earthquake simulation on SunwayTaihuLight: enabling depiction of 18-Hz and 8-meter scenarios”, In:Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing,Networking, Storage and Analysis, ACM, November 2017, Article No.:2Pages 1–12, doi.org/10.1145/**.**
35.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W.,ChenX.F., Li P.E., Fu C.,(2017).“Rupture dynamics and ground motionfrom potential earthquakes in Taiyuan, China”,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.,107(3): 1201-1212
36.Feng, H.K., Zhang W., ZhangJ.,Chen X.F., (2017). “Importance of double-pole CFE-PML forbroadband seismic wave simulation and optimal parameters selection”,Geophys.J. Int, 209, 1148–1167
37.Zhang Z.G., Xu J.K., HuangH.Q.,Chen X.F., (2017). “Seismic characteristics of supershear andsub-Rayleigh earthquakes: implication from simple cases”,Geophys. Res.Lett., 44, 6712-6717
38.Sun Y.C., Zhang W., Xu J.K.,ChenX.F., (2017). “Numerical simulation of 2D seismic wave propagation inthe presence of a topographic fluid-solid Interface at the sea bottom by thecurvilinear grid Finite difference method”,Geophys. J. Int, 210,1721-1738
39.Gao Y.X., Wang M., Hu H.,ChenX.F., (2017). “Seismoelectric responses to an explosive source in afluid above a fluid-saturated porous medium”,J. Geophys. Res. -SolidEarth, 122, 7190-7218.
40.Zhao H.Y.,Chen X.F.,(2017). “Simulation of strong ground motion by the 1975 Haicheng Ms 7.3earthquake”,Chinese J. Geophys., 60(7): 2707-2715.
41.Wu B.,Chen X.F.,(2017). “Accurate computation of leaky modes for] anomalous layered models”,AnnalsGeophys., 60, 6, S0663, doi: 10.4401/ag-7477
42.Hu F., Huang H.Q.,ChenX.F., (2017. “Effect of the time-weakening friction law during thenucleation process”,Earthq Sci, 30(2): 91-96.
43.Hu F., Xu J.K., Zhang Z.G.,Chen X.F.,(2016). “Supershear transition mechanism induced by step over geometry”, J.Geophys. Res., 121, 8738-8749.
44.Xu J.K., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F.,(2016). “The effects of barriers on supershear rupture”, Geophys. Res. Lett.,43(14): 7478-7485.
45.Weng HH., Yang HF., Zhang ZG., ChenXF., (2016). “Earthquake rupture extents and coseismic slips promoted bydamaged fault zones”, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 121, 4446-4457.
46.Wu B., Chen X.F., (2016). “Stable,accurate and efficient computation of normal modes for horizontal stratifiedmodels”, Geophys. J. Int., 206(2), 1281–1300.
47.Zhou L., Zhang W., Shen Y., ChenX.F., Zhang J.,(2016). “Location and moment tensor inversion of smallearthquakes using 3D Green’s functions in models with rugged topography:application to the Longmenshan fault zone”, Earthq. Sci., 29(3): 139-151.
48.Zhang ZG., Huang QH., Zhang W.,Chen XF., (2016). “On the free surface problem in dynamic rupture simulation ofa non-planar fault”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 106(3): 1162–1175.
49.Sun Y.C., Zhang W., Chen X.F.,(2016). “Seismic wave modelling in the presence of surface topography intwo-dimensional general anisotropic media by a curvilinear grid finitedifference method”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 106(3):1036-1054.
50.Hu F., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F.,(2016). “Investigation of earthquake jump distance for strike-slip step oversbased on 3D dynamic rupture simulations in an elastic half-space”, J. Geophys.Res.-Solid Earth, 121, 994-1006.
51.Ren H.X., Huang Q.H., Chen X.F.,(2016). “Numerical simulation of seismo-electromagnetic fields associated witha fault in a porous medium”, Geophys. J. Int., 206(1), 205–220.
52.Zhang ZG, Xu JK, Chen X.F.,(2016). “The supershear effect of topography on rupture dynamics”, Geophys.Res. Lett., 43, 1457-1463.
53.Gao, YX, Harris JM, Wen J, HuangYH, Twardzik C. , Chen XF, Hu HS, (2016). “Modeling of the coseismicelectromagnetic fields observed during the 2004 Mw 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake”,Geophys. Res. Lett., 43,620-627.
54.Zhu G.S., Zhang Z.G., Zhang W.,Chen X.F.,(2016). “Simulation of strong ground motion for the Nantou, Taiwanearthquake of 2 June 2013”, Chinese J. Geophys., 59(8): 2871-2877. (in Chinese)
55.Chen H., Chen X.F., (2016). “Focalmechanism inversion and relocation of the Yun-nan Jing-gu Mw6.2 earthquake on 7October 2014”, Progress in Geophys., 31(4):1438-1411. (in Chinese)
56.Ren HX, Huang QH, Chen XF, (2016).“Existence of evanescent electromagnetic waves resulting from seismoelectricconversion at a solid–porous interface” , Geophys J. Int., 204(1):147-166.
57.Yang Y., Wen J., Chen X.F.,(2015). “Improvements on particle swarm optimization algorithm for velocitycalibration in seismic micro-seismic monitoring”, Earthquake Science, 28(4):263-273.
58.Xu J.X, Zhang ZG, Dai WJ, ZhangW., Akram N., Wen J., Chen XF, (2015). “Preliminary simulation of seismic wavepropagation and the intensity map for the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake”,Chinese J Geophys., 58(5): 2812-1817. (in Chinese)
59.Xu J.K., Zhang H.M., Chen X.F.,(2015). “Rupture phase diagrams for a planar fault in 3-D full-space andhalf-space”, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 2194-2206.
60.Li H, Zhang W., Zhang Z.G., ChenX.F., (2015). “Elastic wave finite-difference simulation using discontinuouscurvilinear grid with non-uniform time step: two- dimensional case”, Geophys.J. Int. , 202, 102–118.
61.Chaljub E,Maufroy E., Moczo P.,Kristek J., Hollender F., Bard P-Y, Priolo E.,Klin P., de Martin F., Zhang ZG,Zhang W., Chen X.F, (2015). “3-D numerical simulations of earthquake groundmotion in sedimentary basins: testing accuracy through stringent models”,Geophys. J. Int., 201, 90–111.
62.Ren H.X., Chen X.F., Huang Q.H.,(2015). “Electrokinetic effect combined with surf ace-charge assumption: apossible generation mechanism of co-seismic EM signals”, Geophys. J. int.,200(2): 837–850.
63.Zhang Z.G., Sun Y.C., Zhang W.,Chen X.F., (2014). “Preliminary simulation of strong ground motion for Ludian,Yunnan earthquake of 12 February 2014, and hazard implication”, Chinese J.Geophys., (in Chinese)., 57(9): 3038-3041.
64.Li N., Ren H.X., Chen X.F.,(2014). “An integral expression of elastic waves in 3D stratified porous media(II): Validation and numerical simulation experiments”, Chinese J. Geophys. (inChinese), 57(7): 2244-2257.
65.Li N., Ren H.X., Huang Q.H., ChenX.F. (2014). “An integral expression of elastic waves in 3D stratified porousmedia (I) Theory”, Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 57(6): 1891-1899.
66.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F.,(2014). “Three-dimensional curved grid finite-difference modelling fornon-planar rupture dynamics”, Geophys. J. Int., 199(2): 860-879.
67.Hu F., Xu J.K., Zhang Z.G., ZhangW., Chen X.F., (2014). “Construction of equivalent single planar fault modelfor strike-slip step-overs”, Tectonophysics, 632: 244-249.
68.Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Hu H.S., WenJ., Tang J., Feng G.Q., (2014). “Induced electromagnetic field by seismic wavesin Earth’s magnetic field”, J. Geophys. Res, 119: 5651-5685.
69.Wu Y., Chen X.F., (2014). “Thescale-dependent slip pattern for a uniform fault model obeying the rate- andstate-dependent friction law”, J. Geophys. Res., 119: 4890-4906.
70.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Chen X.F.,(2014). “Complex frequency-shifted multi-axial perfectly matched layer forelastic wave modelling on curvilinear grids”, Geophys. J. Int., 198 (1):140-153.
71.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Sun Y.C.,Zhu G.S., Wen J., Chen X.F., (2014). “Preliminary Simulation of strong groundmotion for Yutian, Xinjiang earthquake of 12 February 2014, and hazardimplication”, Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 57(2): 685-689.
72.Jiang Y., Chen X.F., (2014). “Bornapproximation paradox of linear finite frequency theory”, Acta SeismologicalSinica, (in Chinese), 36(3): 372-389.
73.Zhu X.S., Wu R.S., Chen X.F., GaoR., (2014). “Numerical tests on generalized diffraction tomography”,Tectonophysics, 610: 74-90.
74.Zhu X.S., Wu R.S., ChenX.F.,(2014). “Generalized diffraction tomography”, Chinese J. Geophys., (inChinese), 57(1): 241-260.
75.Wen J., Chen X.F., (2013). “fmaxand fault zone property of Lushan earthquake of 20 April 2013, Sichuan, China”,Earthq. Sci., 26(3/4): 179-183.
76.Zhu G.S., Zhang Z.G., Wen J.,Zhang W., Chen X.F., (2013). “Preliminary Results of Strong Ground MotionSimulation for the Lushan Earthquake of 20 April 2013, China”, Earthq. Sci.,26(3/4): 191-197.
77.Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Zhang J., HuH.S., (2013). “Early electromagnetic waves from earthquake rupturing —II.validation and numerical experiments”, Geophys. J. Int., 192(3): 1308-1323.
78.Gao Y.X., Chen X.F., Zhang J., HuH.S., (2013). “Early electromagnetic waves from earthquake rupturing: I.theoretical formulations”, Geophys. J. Int, 192(3): 1288-1307.
79.Zhang Z.G., Zhang W., Li H., ChenX.F., (2013). “Stable discontinuous grid implementation for collocated-gridfinite-difference seismic wave modeling”, Geophys. J. Int, 192(3), 1179 –1188.
80.Zhang W., Zhang Z.G., Chen X.F.,(2012). “Three-dimensional Elastic Wave Numerical Modeling in the Presence ofSurface Topography by a Collocated-Grid Finite-Difference Method on CurvilinearGrids”, Geophys. J. Int, 190, 358-378.
81.Wen J., Chen X.F., (2012).“Variations in fmax along the ruptured fault during the Mw7.9 Wenchuanearthquake f 12 May 2008”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 102(3):991-998.
82.Ren H.X., Chen X.F., Huang Q.H.,(2012). “Numerical simulation of coseismic electromagnetic fields associatedwith seismic waves due to finite faulting in porous media”, Geophys. J. Int,188(3): 925–944.
83.Jiang Y., Chen X.F., (2011).“Review on the comparative studies between finite-frequency tomography andray-theoretical tomography”, Progress in Geophysics, 26(5): 1566-1575 (inChinese).
84.Jiang M.M., Zhou S.Y., Sandvol E.,Chen X.F., Liang X.F., Chen Y.J., Fan W.Y.,(2011). “3-D lithospheric structurebeneath southern Tibet from Rayleigh-wave tomography with a 2-D seismic array”,Geophys. J. Int., 185: 593-608.
85.Cai X.G., Yao C., Chen X.F., CaiM.G.,(2011). “Seismic moment tensor in anisotropic ATI media: shear faulting”,Chinese J. Geophys., (in Chinese), 54: 1772-1782.
86.Zha X.J., Dai Z.Y., Ge L.L., ChenX.F., Fu R.S., (2011). “Fault Geometry and Slip Distribution of the 2010 YushuEarthquakes Inferred from InSAR Measurement”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101:1951–1958.
87.Jin C.H., Zhao W.M., Chen X.F.,Cai X.H., (2010). “Inversion of earthquake and explosion data for 3-D velocitystructure in Ningxia and adjacent region”, Acta Seismol. Sinica, 33: 613- 623(in Chinese).
88.Zhou H., Chen X.F., (2010). “A newtechnique to synthesize seismography with more flexibility: the Legendrespectral element method with overlapped elements”, Pure Appl. Geophys., 167:1365-1376.
89.Ren H.X., Huang Q.H., ChenX.F.,(2010). “A new numerical technique for simulating the coupled seismic andelectromagnetic waves in layered porous media”, Earthq. Sci, 23: 167-176.
90.Zhou H., Chen X.F., Chang Y.,(2010). “Review on localized boundary integral equation: Discrete wavenumbermethod for 2D irregular layers”, Earthq. Sci., 23: 129-137.
91.Chen X.F., (2010). “Preface tospecial issue on progress of computational seismology”, Earthq. Sci., 23(2):119-120.
92.Ren H.X., Huang Q.H., Chen X.F.,(2010). “Analytical Regulation of High-frequency instability problem innumerical simulation of seismoelectric wave-field in multilayered porousmedia”, Chinese J. Geophys.,53: 506-511.
93.Zhu D.H., Zhang W., Zhu H.J., LuoY., Chen X.F., (2010). “3-D rupture dynamics of dipping faults withcurvilinear-grid finite difference method”, Acta Seismol. Sinica (in Chinese),32(4): 401-411.
94.Wei X., Wang Y.B., ChenX.F.,(2010). “Hybrid PSM/FDM method for seismic wavefield simulation”,ActaSeismological Sinica, 32(4): 392-400.
95.Zhou H., Chen X.F., (2010). “Raypath of head waves with irregular interfaces”, Applied Geophys., 7, 66-73.
96.Chen X.F., (2010). “Preface to thespecial issue on the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake”, Earthquake Science,22(2): 107-108.
97.Fan Y.H., Liu X.F., Chen X.F.,(2009). “Research on the cross of dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves andmulti-modes coupling phenomenon”, Chinese J. Geophys., 52(9): 2302-2309.
98.Fan Y.-H., Liu X.F., Chen X.F.,Liu J.Q. (2009). “Max-mode method of Rayleigh wave prospecting in frequency-wavenumberdomain”, J. Harbin Inst Tech, 1: 112-114. (in Chinese).
99.Cai X.G., Chen X.F., (2009).“Study on the reflection-transmission coefficients of elastic media withdipping fractures”, Chinese J. Geophys,, 52(5): 1253-1263.
100.Zhu H.J., Zhang W., Chen X.F.,(2009). “Two dimensional seismic wave simulation in anisotropic media bynon-staggered finite difference method”, Chinese J. Geophys., 52(6): 1536-1546.
101.Liu X.F., Fan Y.H., Chen X.F.,(2009). “Research on the cross of the dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves andmulti modes coupling phenomenon”, Chinese J. Geophys., 52(9): 2302-2309.
102.Zhou H. and Chen X.F., (2009).“Localized Boundary Integral Equation–Discrete Wavenumber Method for SimulatingWave Propagation in Irregular Multiple Layers, Part II: Validation andApplication”, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 99(3): 1995–2011.
103.Zhou H. and Chen X.F., (2009).“Localized Boundary Integral Equation–Discrete Wavenumber Method for SimulatingWave Propagation in Irregular Multiple Layers, Part I: Theory”, Bull. Seismol.Soc. Am., 99(3): 1984–1994.
104.Zhang H.M. and Chen X.F., (2009).“Equivalence of the Green’s Function for a Full-Space to the Direct- WaveContributions for a Half-Space and a Layered Half-Space”, Bull. Seismol. Soc.Am., 99(1): 454-461.
105.Zhang H.M. and Chen X.F., (2009).“Dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake”, EarthquakeScience, 22(1): 3-12.
106.Zhang W., Shen Y. and Chen X.F.,(2008). “Numerical Simulation of strong ground motion for the Ms8.0 Wenchuanearthquake of 12 May 2008”, Science in China (D), 51(12): 1673- 1682.
107.Ge Z.-X., Chen X.F., (2008).“Point Source Stacking Method to Compute Synthetic Seismogram of Finite MovingPlanar Source”, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 44(3):407-412. (in Chinese)
108.Zhou H., Chen X.F., (2008).“Simulation of strong ground motion in Beijing city due to the Zhangbeiearthquake”, Progress in Geophys., 23(5): 1355-1366. (in Chinese)
109.Liu Q.M. and Chen X.F.,(2008).“Study on the meshing scheme in the comparison of spontaneous fault ruptureprocess, Acta Seismol. Sinica, 30(6): 449-455. (in Chinese)
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