

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

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在Delft University of Technology和中国科学院大学独立获得双博士学位。2018年12月入职南方科技大学地球与空间科学系,任助理教授。主要从事卫星重力学,地球表层物质迁移,极地冰盖质量变化,冰冻圈遥感等方面的研究。重点参与我国首颗重力卫星的指标论证和预研工作,并撰写英文学术著作章节1章;在国内率先利用短弧长法攻克GRACE数据反演高精度时变地球重力场模型的难关;利用GRACE解算的地表质量变化产品(以Greenland冰川为例)优于美国NASA同类产品。在The Cryosphere,Journal of Geodesy,Journal of Geophysical Research,Geophysical Journal International,Journal of Geodynamics,Remote Sensing等期刊发表论文约20篇。担任Journal of Geodesy,Remote Sensing of Environment,Marine Geodesy等期刊审稿人。


2011-2017,博士,卫星重力学,Delft University of Technology


2019.11 访问****,剑桥大学
2018.12 - 至今 助理教授,南方科技大学地球与空间科学系
2017.08 - 2018.12 客座研究员,Delft University of Technology
2018.02 - 2018.10 Postdoctoral Fellow,The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011.11 - 2017.07 Research Assistant,Delft University of Technology

高精度时变地球重力场模型反演(GRACE, GRACE-FO)

深度学习(Deep Learning)在地学领域的应用



Book Chapter
Jiangjun Ran, MinZhong, Houze Xu. 2015. Expected Accuracy and Requirement Analysis of China’sFuture Satellite Gravity Mission (Ed.), GRACE Follow-On in China: Space advancegravity measurement program (pp. 1-14). Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT AcademicPublishing

Journal Articles(*forcorresponding author;#for group members, e.g., students, postdocs)


26. Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar. 2021. Analysis and mitigation ofbiases in Greenland ice sheet mass balance trend estimates from GRACE masconproducts.Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth. In press
25. X Wan, W Han,J Ran,W Ma, RF Annan, B Li. 2021.Seafloor density contrast derivedfrom gravity and shipborne depth observations: A case study in a local area ofAtlantic Ocean.Frontiers in Earth Science9, 303.
24. L Cai, X Wan, H Hsu,JRan, X Meng, Z Luo, Z Zhou. 2021. The earth’s gravityfield recovery using the third invariant of the gravity gradient tensor from GOCE.Scientific Reports11 (1), 1-13.
23. X Wan, J Yu, L Liang,J Ran, RF Annan.2021. Analysis of limitations on recovery of gravity field based on satellitegravity gradient data.Geodesy and Geodynamics12 (1), 31-42.


22. W. Liu#, X. Chen#,Jiangjun Ran*, et al.2020.A Novel Lightweight Multi-Task CNN for Automatically Extracting LakeArea and Shoreline from Remote Sensing Images.Remote Sensing.Inpress
21. X. Deng#,Jiangjun Ran*. 2020. Commenton"Integral formulas for transformation of potential field parameters ingeosciences".Earth-Science Reviews. In press
20. X Yang, S Tian, W Feng,Jiangjun Ran, W You, ZJiang, X Gong. 2020. Spatio-Temporal Evaluation of Water Storage Trends fromHydrological Models over Australia Using GRACE Mascon Solutions.RemoteSensing12 (21), 3578.
19. Jiangjun Ran, Natt Tangdamrongsub. Xiaoyun Wan. 2020. Theimpact of error covariance matrix structure of GRACE’s gravity solution on themass flux estimates of Greenland Ice Sheet .Advances in SpaceResearches. Accepted.

18. Groh, A.; Horwath, M.; Horvath, A.; Meister, R.;S?rensen, L.S.; Barletta, V.R.; Forsberg, R.; Wouters, B.; Ditmar, P.;JiangjunRan; Klees, R.; Su, X.; Shang, K.;Guo, J.; Shum, C.K.; Schrama, E.;Shepherd, A. 2019. Evaluating GRACE Mass Change Time Series for theAntarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet—Methods and Results.Geosciences2019,9, 415.
17. Yao-Chong Sun, Makoto Uyeshima, Hengxin Ren, QinghuaHuang, Koki Aizawa, Kaori Tsukamoto, Wataru Kanda, Kaori Seki, TakahiroKishita, Takao Ohminato, Atsushi Watanabe,Jiangjun RanandXiaofei Chen. 2019. Numerical simulations to explain the coseismicelectromagnetic signals: a case study for a M5.4 aftershock of the 2016Kumamoto earthquake.Earth Planets Space71, 143 (2019).https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-019-1122-7
16. Yang, Y., Li, F., Hwang, C., Ding, M.,JiangjunRan.2019. Space‐time evolution ofGreenland Ice Sheet elevationand massfrom Envisat and GRACE data.Journalof GeophysicalResearch: Earth Surface,124.


15.Jiangjun Ran, Miren Vizcaino, Pavel Ditmar, Michiel R. van denBroeke, Twila Moon, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Bert Wouters and Roland Klees. 2018.Seasonal mass variations show timing and magnitude of meltwater storage in theGreenland ice sheet,The Cryosphere.12(9), 2981-2999,doi:10.5194/tc-12-2981-2018.
14.Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Roland Klees et al. 2018. Statisticallyoptimal estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet mass variations from GRACE monthlysolutions using an improved mascon approach,Journal of Geodesy.92(3),299-319, doi:10.1007/s00190-017-1063-5.
13. Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Roland Klees et al. 2018. Optimal mascongeometry in estimating mass anomalies within Greenland from GRACE.GeophysicalJournal International.214(3), 2133–2150.
12. Jiangjun Ran, Xiaoyun Wan. 2018. GRACE observed mass loss in themiddle and lower Yangtze basin,Geodesy and Geodynamics.Accepted.
11. Pavel Ditmar, Natt Tangdamrongsub,JiangjunRan*, Roland Klees. 2018. Estimation and reduction of random noise in massanomaly time-series from satellite gravity data by minimization ofmonth-to-month year-to-year double differences,Journal of Geodynamics.119,9-22, doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2018.05.003.
10. Xiaoyun Wan,Jiangjun Ran*, Shuanggen Jin.2018. Sensitivity analysis of gravity anomalies and gradient data forbathymetry inversion.Marine Geophysical research.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11001-018 -9361-8
9. Xiaoyun Wan,Jiangjun Ran*, Jinhai Yu,Xiangchao Meng. 2018. An alternative method to improve gravity field models byincorporating GOCE gradient data.Earth Sciences Research Journal.22(3),In press.
8. Tangdamrongsub, N., Han, S. C., Tian, S., MüllerSchmied, H., Sutanudjaja, E. H.,Jiangjun Ran,Feng, W. 2018.Evaluation of Groundwater Storage Variations Estimated from GRACE DataAssimilation and State-of-the-Art Land Surface Models in Australia and theNorth China Plain.Remote Sensing,10(3), 483. doi:10.3390/rs**


7. Jiangjun Ran, Min Zhong, Houze Xu et al. 2015. Analysis of thegravity field recovery accuracy from the low-low satellite-to-satellitetracking mission.Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition,58(10): 3487-3495, doi: 10.6038/cjg**
6. Jiangjun Ran, Min Zhong, Houze Xu et al. 2014. Global temporalgravity field recovery using GRACE data.Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 57(4): 1032-1040, doi:10.6038/cjg **
5. Changqing Wang, Houze Xu, Min Zhong, Wei Feng,JiangjunRan, Fan Yang. 2015. An investigation on GRACE temporal gravity fieldrecovery using the dynamic approach.Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 58(3): 756-766, doi: 10.6038/cjg**
4. Changqing Wang, Houze Xu, Min Zhong,JiangjunRan, Jiangjun Chun. 2015. A study on the effect of ocean tides error inGRACE temporal gravity field recovery.Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 58(9): 3072-3079, doi: 10.6038/cjg**
3. Ziren Luo, Min Zhong, Xing Bian, Peng Dong, YuhuiDong, Wei Gao, Hongyin Li, Yuqiong Li, Heshan Liu,Jiangjun Ran,Mingxue Shao, Wenlin Tang, Peng Xu, Gang Jin. Mapping Earth's gravity in space:Review and future perspective.Advances in Mechanics, 44(1):291-337. doi:10.6052/ 1000-0992-14-047
2. Jiangjun Ran, Houze Xu et al. 2012. Expected accuracy of the globalgravity field for next GRACE satellite gravity mission.Chinese Journalof Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 55(9): 2898-2908, doi: 10.6038/j.issn.0001-5733.2012.09.009
1. Wei You, Yunzhong Shen, Dongmin Fan,JiangjunRan. 2010. The algorithm of Earth's gravitational field recovery based onsatellite's orbital perturbation theory.Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 53(11): 2574-2581, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.11.005.

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