

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12


cuism@sustech.edu.cn http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/cuism/

◆ 2015年,杜兰大学,数学系,获数学博士学位;
◆ 2010年,同济大学,数学科学学院,获应用数学学士学位。

◆ 2019年9月至今,南方科技大学,数学系,助理教授;
◆ 2017年8月至2019年8月,Arowana资产管理有限公司,高级量化分析员;
◆ 2017年1月至2017年7月,Fast Track控股有限公司,助理交易员;
◆ 2015年9月至2016年12月,天普大学,数学系,博士后;
◆ 2010年9月至2015年5月,杜兰大学,助教。

10. Real-timedistance estimation and filtering of vehicle headways for smoothing of trafficwaves
R. Bhadani, M.Bunting, B. Seibold, R. Stern, S. Cui, J. Sprinkle, B. Piccoli, D. Work
Proceedings ofthe 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems

9. TrackingVehicle Trajectories and Fuel Rates in Oscillatory Traffic
F. Wu, R. Stern, S. Cui, M. L. Delle Monache, R.Bhadani, M. Bunting, M. Churchill, N. Hamilton, B. Piccoli, B. Seibold, J.Sprinkle, D. Work
Transportationresearch. Part C, Emerging technologies, Elsevier, 2019, 99, pp.82-109.

8. Dissipationof stop-and-go waves via control of autonomous vehicles: Field experiments
R. E. Stern, S.Cui, M. L. Delle Monache, R. Bhadani, M. Bunting, M. Churchill, N. Hamilton, R.Haulcy, H. Pohlmann, F. Wu, B. Piccoli, B. Seibold, J. Sprinkle, D. B. Work
TransportationResearch Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 89, April 2018, Pages 205-221.

7. Well-BalancedSchemes for the Euler Equations with Gravitation: Conservative FormulationUsing Global Fluxes
A. Chertock, S.Cui, A. Kurganov, S. N. Ozcan & E. Tadmor
Journal ofComputational Physics, 358 (2018), 36-52.

6. HybridFinite-Volume-Particle Method for Dusty Gas Flows
A. Chertock, S.Cui & A. Kurganov
SMAI Journal ofComputational Mathematics, 3 (2017), 139-180.

5. Controllingfor unsafe events in dense traffic through autonomous vehicles
D. B. Work, R.Stern, F. Wu, M. Churchill, S. Cui, H. Pohlmann, B. Seibold, B. Piccoli, R.Bhadani, M. Bunting, J. Sprinkle, M. L. Delle Monache, N. Hamilton, R. Haulcy
1stInternational Workshop on Safe Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,SCAV 2017

4. Stabilizingtraffic flow via a single autonomous vehicle: Possibilities and limitations
S. Cui, B.Seibold, R. E. Stern, D. B. Work
Proceedings ofthe 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, 2017.

3. Steady Stateand Sign Preserving Semi-Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for ODEs with StiffDamping Term
A. Chertock, S.Cui, A. Kurganov & T. Wu
SIAM Journal onNumerical Analysis, 53 (2015), 2008-2029.

2. ParticleMethods for PDEs Arising in Financial Modeling
S. Cui, A.Kurganov & A. Medovikov
Applied NumericalMathematics, 93 (2015), 123-139.

1. Well-BalancedPositivity Preserving Central-Upwind Scheme for the Shallow Water System withFriction Terms
A. Chertock, S.Cui, A. Kurganov & T. Wu
InternationalJournal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 78 (2015), 355-383.


◆ 计算数学
◆ 交通流模型
◆ 偏微分方程数值解
◆ 计算金融

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