

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-22


2013-2018:香港中文大学信息工程系(Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong),哲学博士。
2011-2013:清华大学电子工程系(Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University),工学硕士。
2009.8-2009.12:多伦多大学电气与计算机工程系(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto),访问学生。
2007-2011:清华大学电子工程系(Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University),工学学士。




研究论文多次发表于国际顶级或知名的关于普适计算、计算机网络的学术会议,包括Ubicomp, Percom, MobiQuitous, ICC, ICCCN等。关于具体信息,欢迎访问个人主页https://smguo07.github.io/online-cv/

13. Suiming Guo, Chao Chen, Jingyuan Wang, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, Dynamic Price Prediction in Ride-on-demand Service with Multi-source Urban Data, in 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2018), New York, US.
12. Suiming Guo, Chao Chen, Jingyuan Wang, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Daqing Zhang, Dah Ming Chiu, A Simple but Quantifiable Approach to Dynamic Price Prediction in Ride-on-demand Services Leveraging Multi-source Urban Data, in Ubicomp 2018 and ACM IMWUT (2018-09 Issue).
11. Suiming Guo, Chao Chen, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, How to pay less: a location-specific approach to predict dynamic prices in ride-on-demand services, in IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
10. Suiming Guo, Chao Chen, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, It Can be Cheaper: Using Price Prediction to Obtain Better Prices from Dynamic Pricing in Ride-on-demand Services, in 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2017), Melbourne, Australia.
9. Suiming Guo, Chao Chen, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, Modelling Passengers’ Reaction to Dynamic Prices in Ride-on-demand Services: A Search for the Best Fare, in Ubicomp 2018 and ACM IMWUT (2017-12 Issue).
8. Suiming Guo, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, Understanding Passenger Reaction to Dynamic Prices in Ride-on-demand Service, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Hawaii, USA, 2017.
7. Suiming Guo, Yaxiao Liu, Ke Xu, Dah Ming Chiu, Understanding Ride-on-demand Service: Demand and Dynamic Pricing, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Hawaii, USA, 2017.
6. Suiming Guo, Liang Chen, Dah Ming Chiu, An Incentive-based Mixed QoE Framework for Content Delivery to Smart Homes, in 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
5. Suiming Guo, Liang Chen, Dah Ming Chiu, DST: Leveraging Delay-insensitive Workload in Cloud Storage for Smart Home Network, in 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2015), Las Vegas, USA, 2015.
4. Liang Chen, Suiming Guo, Guoqiang Zhang, Distributing Very-large Content from Cloud to Smart Home Hubs: Measurement and Implications, in The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015), London, UK, 2015. (corresponding author)
3. Suiming Guo, Liang Chen, Guoqiang Zhang, Dah Ming Chiu, Batching for Smart Home: Leveraging Delay-insensitive Workload in Cloud Storage, in 7th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS 2015), Bangalore, India, 2015.
2. Suiming Guo, Congxiao Bao, Xing Li, Scalable Distributed Standard Definition Video Conferencing System: Architecture and Forwarding Model, in 2012 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science.
1. 李星, 郭穗鸣, 包丛笑, 可扩展分布式标清视频会议系统: 结构和转发模型, 清华大学学报: 自然科学版, 52(9), 1275--1280, 2012.

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