

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-22


博士,于2020年获得西南交通大学信息与通信工程专业工学博士学位(2015.9-2020.6),导师:范平志 (IEEE Fellow),国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士(2017.10-2018.10),英国兰卡斯特大学、曼切斯特大学,国外导师:Zhiguo Ding (IEEE Fellow),于2015年获得基础数学专业理学硕士学位(2012.9-2015.6),导师:叶建军&范小明,于2012年获得数学与应用数学专业理学学士学位(2008.9-2012.6)。主要研究兴趣为:非正交多址接入、信息理论与编码、信号设计与处理、物联网隐私保护、联邦学习(federated learning)、分布式一致优化算法设计等。

2020.7.16- 至今 暨南大学网络空间安全学院讲师(青蓝****)



IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Comm. Letter, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Access, Physical Communication,等期刊审稿人

[13]Y.Xu, C.Shen,D. CaiandG.Zhu,"Latency-ConstrainedPacketsSchedulingWithHybridMultipleAccess,"IEEETransactionsonVehicular Technology,vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 12312-12316, Oct. 2020.
[12] Q.Zou, H. Zhang, D. Caiand H. Yang, "ALow-ComplexityJointUserActivity,ChannelandDataEstimationforGrant-FreeMassiveMIMOSystems," IEEE SignalProcessing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 1290-1294, 2020.
[11] Y. Xu,D. Cai,F. Fang, Z. Ding, C. Shen and G. Zhu,"Outage Constrained Power Efficient Design for Downlink NOMA Systems with Partial HARQ,"IEEE Transactions onCommunications,vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 5188-5201, Aug. 2020.
[10]Q. Zou, H. Zhang,D. Caiand H. Yang, "Message Passing Based Joint Channel and User Activity Estimation for Uplink Grant-Free Massive MIMO Systems With Low-Precision ADCs," IEEE SignalProcessing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 506-510, 2020.
[9]D. Cai,Y. Xu, F. Fang, Z. Ding and P. Fan, "On the Impact of Time-Correlated Fading for Downlink NOMA," IEEE Transactions onCommunications, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 4491-4504, June 2019.
[8] Y. Xu,D. Cai, Z. Ding, C. Shen and G. Zhu, "Average Power Minimization for Downlink NOMA Transmission with Partial HARQ," 2018IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Abu Dhabi, UnitedArab Emirates, 2018, pp. 1-5.
[7]Y. Xu,D. Cai, F. Fang, Z. Ding, C. Shen and G. Zhu, "Outage Analysis and Power Allocation for HARQ-CC Enabled NOMA DownlinkTransmission," 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference(GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2018, pp. 1-6.
[6] D. Cai, Y. Xu, F. Fang, S. Yan and P. Fan, "Outage Probability of NOMA with Partial HARQ Over Time-Correlated Fading Channels," 2018IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Abu Dhabi, UnitedArab Emirates, 2018, pp. 1-6.
[5] D. Cai,Z. Ding, P. Fan and Z. Yang, "On the Performance of NOMA With Hybrid ARQ," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67,no. 10, pp. 10033-10038, Oct. 2018.
[4] L. Yu, P. Fan, D. CaiandZ. Ma, "Design and Analysis of SCMA Codebook Based on Star-QAM Signaling Constellations," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no.11, pp. 10543-10553, Nov. 2018.3
[3] D. Cai, J. Wu, J. Yang and P. Fan, "Optimum Spectral and Energy Efficiency Tradeoff in Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.7, no. 3, pp.468-471, June 2018.2
[2] D. Cai,P. Fan and P. T. Mathiopoulos, "A Tight Lower Bound for the Symbol Error Performance of the Uplink Sparse Code MultipleAccess,"IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 190-193, April 2017.
[1]D. Cai, P. Fan, X. Lei, Y. Liu and D. Chen, "Multi-Dimensional SCMA Codebook Design Based on Constellation Rotation and Interleaving,"2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTCSpring), Nanjing, 2016, pp. 1-5.

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