
暨南大学药学院江正瑾 教授简介

暨南大学 /2011-07-21

江正瑾 教授简介

1998年获湘潭大学理学硕士(分析化学), 2001年获南开大学理学博士学位(有机化学)。博士毕业后,先后在国内UniMicro仪器公司和中国科学院大连物理化学研究所,德国蒂宾根大学(University of Tuebingen), 英国伦敦大学国王学院(King’s College London), 辉瑞英国Sandwich研究中心(Pfizer Sandwich Research Center)和诺华英国霍舍姆研究中心(Novartis Horsham Research Centre)等国外著名的大学和医药公司从事科研工作。2010年9月回国,现任暨南大学药学院药学系教授。 主要关注两个方面的研究:一是色谱分离理论和技术; 二是药物和生物分析。在15年的科研工作中,已经在Anal. Chem.; Angew Chem. Int; Electrophoresis; Chirality; Journal of Chromatography A; Journal of Separation Science; Chromatogrphia 等本学科主流的SCI期刊发表论文40多篇科研文章,第一作者23篇,并被英国、美国、德国、瑞士等多个国家举办的国际学术会议上邀请做了多次的oral 或poster发言。其中多篇论文的单引次数超过了30次。作为本研究领域内较为活跃的学者,多次被Journal of Chromatography A,Journal of Separation Science等国际一流期刊约稿,并是这些期刊的长期审稿人。

1. Zhengjin Jiang, Zhuohong Yang, Roderich D. Süssmuth, Norman Williams Smith, Highlighting the secondary interactions in the role of the glycopeptide antibiotic balhimycin for chiral recognition in capillary electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr. A, 2010, 1217, 1149-1156. (IF 4.101)
2. Zhengjin Jiang, John Reilly, Brian Everatt, Emmanuelle Briard, A rapid vesicle electrokinetic chromatography method for the assessment of Non-Specific Binding of potential PET ligands in-vitro, J. Pharmace. Biomed. Anal. 2010, in press. (IF 2.76)
3. Zhengjin Jiang, John Reilly, Brian Everatt, Zwitterionic poly-phosphorylcholine monolithic column for hydrophilic interaction chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A 2009, 1216, 2439-2448. (IF 4.101)
4. Zhengjin Jiang, Norman W. Smith, Paul D. Ferguson, Mark R. Taylor, Novel hydrophilic methacrylate-based monolithic column for capillary liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci 2009, 32, 2544-2555. (IF 2.746)
5. Zhengjin Jiang, Volker Schurig, The existence of a low isoenantioselective temperature in complexation gas chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 2008, 1186, 262-270. (IF 3.756)
6. Norman W. Smith, Zhengjin Jiang, Developments in the use and fabrication of Organic Monolithic Phases for use with HPLC and CEC, J. Chromatogr. A, 2008, 1184, 416-440. (IF 3.756, 他引超12次,2008-2009 top 50 cited article)
7. Zhengjin Jiang, John Reilly, Brian Everatt, A method for rapidly predicting drug tissue distribution using surfactant vesicle electrokinetic chromatography, Electrophoresis, 2008, 29, 3674-3684. (IF 3.509).
8. Zhengjin Jiang, Norman W. Smith, Paul D. Ferguson, Mark R. Taylor, Preparation and characterization of mixed mode of reversed-phase and ion-exchange monolithic column for capillary liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci., 2008, 31, 2774-2783. (IF 2.746)
9. Zhengjin Jiang, Richard Thorogate, Norman William Smith, Comparative study of hydroxylated propyl b-cyclodextrins for enantioseparation in Capillary Electrophoresis, J. Sep. Sci, 2008, 31, 177-187. (IF 2.746)
10. Zhengjin Jiang, Norman W. Smith, Paul D. Ferguson, Mark R. Taylor, Hydrophilic interaction chromatography using methacrylated-based monolithic column for the separation of polar analytes, Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 79, 1243-1250. (IF 5.71, 他引超40次)
11. Giuseppe Sicoli, Francesca Pertici, Zhengjin Jiang, Lazslo Jicsinszkye, Volker Schurig, A gas-chromatographic approach to probe the absence of molecular inclusion in enantioseparations by carbohydrates. Investigation of linear dextrins (‘acyclodextrins’) as novel chiral stationary phases, Chirality, 2007, 19, 391-400. (IF 2.212, 他引超10次)
12. Zhengjin Jiang, Norman W. Smith, Paul D. Ferguson, Mark R. Taylor, Preparation and characterization of long alkyl chain methacrylated-based monolithic column for capillary chromatography, Journal of biochemistry and biophysics Methods, 2007, 70, 39-45. (IF 1.994, 他引超11次)
13. Zhengjin Jiang, Marcelo Bertazzo, Roderich D. Süssmuth, Zhuohong Yang, Norman Williams Smith, Volker Schurig, Highlighting the role of the chlorine substituents in the glycopeptide antibiotic balhimycin for chiral recognition in capillary electrophoresis, Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 1154–1162. (IF 3.509)
14. Giuseppe Sicoli, Zhengjin Jiang, Laszlo Jicsinsky, Volker Schurig, Modified Linear Dextrins (“Acyclodextrins”) as New Chiral Selectors for the Gas-chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers, Angew. chem. int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2-4. (IF 10.879, 他引超20次)。

1. 暨南大学引进特需人才科研启动基金,2010.10-2015.10,负责人。

2008年 Novartis Spot Award
2009 年研究论文J. Chromatogr. A. 2007, 1184(1-2), 416-440被Elsevier 评为2008-2009 年引用频率最高论文



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