本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29
杨现坤,广州大学地理科学与遥感学院副教授,广州大学“青年百人”计划引进人才获得者,意大利帕多瓦大学高访****。主要从事中国大河水文遥感、水文地貌与流域水资源遥感监测与管理研究。2010-2014年,获得新加坡国立大学President Fellowship全额奖学金赴新加坡国立大学地理系攻读博士学位,2014年8毕业,次年2月获哲学博士学位。并于2014年至2017年在新加坡国立大学地理系从事博士后研究,任副研究员。国际期刊Remote Sensing和Frontiers in Environmental Science客座编辑。主要主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目1项,广东省自然科学基金面上项目1项,科技部外国专家局外专人才项目1项。已经在Nature、Nature Communications等发表相关科研论文44篇,其中SCI论文30篇,出版QGIS软件系列专著2部。
2001.09-2005.06,河南大学 环境与规划学院,获得地图学与GIS专业学士学位
2005.09-2007.06,武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院,地图学与GIS专业硕士学位
2017.07-至今, 广州大学地理科学与遥感学院副教授/副院长
近年来负责的主要横向科研项目 [1]2017.11-2018.11,横向合作项目,“723室内信息化第一期”,与广州迈傲信息科技有限公司合作项目,3万元,主持在研。
Yang X.K.*Cui W.H., 2008. A novel spatial clustering algorithm based on delaunay triangulation. International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA), 728530 (December 29, 2008); doi:10.1117/12.813354. (EI)
Yang X.K*.Cui W.H., 2008.Influence of different spatial sampling schemes on digital elevation models interpolation. Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analysesv7146, p71462K (9 pp.). (EI)
Yang X.K.*Chen F.R., 2008. Road and linear structure automatic extraction from remote sensing images using marked point process. 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 85-88. (EI)
Yang X.K.*Chen F.R., 2009. Assessment of accuracy for urban classified raster map analysis. 2009 IEEE Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 7 pp. (EI)
Chen F.R.,Yang X.K., Li X., 2009. Multiscale image analysis method for urban applications. 2009 IEEE Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 143-147. (EI)
Chen, F.R., Guan, Z.Q., Yang, X.K., Cui, W.H., 2011. A novel remote sensing image fusion method based on independent component analysis.International Journal Of Remote Sensing32, 2745-2763.(SCI,IF: 1.65)
Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., Li, S.Y., 2011. Dam not sole cause of Chinese drought. Nature475, 174-174.(SCI, IF:31.0)
Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., Ran, L.S., 2012. Delineation of China's reservoirs and lakes using remote sensing techniques. In: A.L. Collins, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowitz, M. Stone, D.E. Walling, X.B. Zhang (Eds.), Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment,IAHS, Chengdu, China, pp. 235-243, 20-28. (SCI)
Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Yang, X.K., 2012. Mindset Change Needed for China's Water Crisis. AMBIO41, 216-218(SCI, IF: 2.3)
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2012. Model of water regulation in the Yangtze River Basin and its effects using remote sensing techniques. In: A.L. Collins, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowitz, X.X. Lu, M. Stone, D.E. Walling, X.B. Zhang (Eds.), Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment.IAHS, Chengdu, China, pp. 235-243. (SCI)
Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Xin, Z.B., Yang, X.K., 2013. Cumulative sediment trapping by reservoirs in large river basins: A case study of the Yellow River basin. Global and Planetary Change100, 308-319 (SCI,IF: 3.7).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Delineation of lakes and reservoirs in large river basins: an example of the Yangtze River Basin, China. Geomorphology190, 92-102 (SCI, IF: 2.79).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Estimate of cumulative sediment trapping by multiple reservoirs in large river basins: An example of the Yangtze River basin. Geomorphology227: 49-59 (SCI,IF: 2.79).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2013. Ten years of the Three Gorges Dam: a call for policy overhaul. Environmental Research Letters 8, 041006 (SCI,IF: 4.09).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2014. Drastic change in China's lakes and reservoirs over the past decades. Scientific Reports 4,doi:10.1038/srep06041 (SCI,IF: 5.56).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X.X., 2016. Sustaining China’s large rivers: river development policy, impacts, institutional issues and strategies for future improvement. Geoforum 69,1-4(SCI,IF: 2.4).
Liu, S.D., Lu, X.X, Xia, X.H, Zhang, S.R., Ran, L.S., Yang, X.K., Liu, T, 2016. Dynamic biogeochemical controls on river pCO2and recent changes under aggravating river impoundment: an example of the subtropical Yangtze River. Global Change Biology (SCI,IF:8.4) DOI:10.1002/2016GB005388, 2016.
Zhang, G.Q.,Yao, Tandong, Bolch, Tobia, Shilong Piao, Yang, X.K., Xie Hongjie, 2016. Climate change drives extensive lake area changes on Asia's high plateaus. Geophysical Research Letter, (SCI,IF: 5.6).
Liu, S.D., Lu, X.X., Xia, X., Yang, X.K.and Ran, L., 2017. Hydrological and geomorphological control on CO 2 outgassing from low-gradient large rivers: An example of the Yangtze River system.Journal of Hydrology,550, pp.26-41 (SCI,IF: 2.8).
Ran, L.S., Li, L.Y., Tian, M.Y., Yang, X.K., Yu, R.H., Zhao, J., Wang, L. and Lu, X.X., 2017. Riverine CO2 emissions in the Wuding River catchment on the Loess Plateau: Environmental controls and dam impoundment impact.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. (SCI,IF: 4.1)
Ran L.S., Tian M.Y., Fang N.F., Wang S.J., Lu X.X., Yang X.K., Cho F., 2018. Riverine carbon export in the arid to semiarid Wuding River catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Biogeosciences. 15(12):3857-71 (SCI, IF:3.7)
Ran, L.S., Lu, X.X., Fang, N. and Yang, XK., 2018. Effective soil erosion control represents a significant net carbon sequestration.Scientific reports,8(1), p.12018 (SCI, IF:4.5).
Li, D.F., Lu, X.X., Yang, XK., Chen, L. and Lin, L., 2018. Sediment load responses to climate variation and cascade reservoirs in the Yangtze River: A case study of the Jinsha River.Geomorphology,322, pp.41-52 (SCI, IF:3.2).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X., Park, E. and Tarolli, P., 2019. Impacts of Climate Change on Lake Fluctuations in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 11(9), p.1082., (SCI, IF:4.5).
Yang, X.K.*, Lu, X., Ran, L. and Tarolli, P., 2019. Geomorphometric assessment of the impacts of dam construction on river disconnectivity and flow regulation in the Yangtze Basin.Sustainability,11(12), p.3427. (SSCI,IF:2.5).
Tian, M., Yang, X.K., Ran, L., Su, Y., Li, L., Yu, R., Hu, H. and Lu, X.X., 2019. Impact of Land Cover Types on Riverine CO2 Outgassing in the Yellow River Source Region. Water, 11(11), p.2243.(SCI, IF:2.5).
Park, E., Emadzadeh, A., Alcântara, E., Yang, X.K., and Ho, H.L., 2020. Inferring floodplain bathymetry using inundation frequency.Journal of Environmental Management,273, p.111138,(SCI,IF:5.6).
Zeng, Y., Yang, X.K., Fang, N. and Shi, Z., 2020. Large-scale afforestation significantly increases permanent surface water in China's vegetation restoration regions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 290, p.108001.(SCI,IF:4.6).
Qiu, J.L, Yang, X.K*, Cao, B., Chen, Z. and Li, Y., 2020. Effects of Urbanization on Regional Extreme-Temperature Changes in China, 1960–2016.Sustainability,12(16), p.6560.(SSCI,IF:2.5).
Park, E., Merino, E., W Lewis, Q., O Lindsey, E. and Yang, X.K., 2020. A pathway to the automated global assessment of water level in reservoirs with synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Remote Sensing, 12(8), p.1353.(SCI, IF:4.5).
Park, E., Ho, H.L., Tran, D.D., Yang, X.K., Alcantara, E., Merino, E. and Son, V.H., 2020. Dramatic decrease of flood frequency in the Mekong Delta due to river-bed mining and dyke construction.Science of The Total Environment,723, p.138066.(SCI, IF:6.5).
Ran, L., Yang, X.K.,Tian, M., Shi, H., Liu, S., Yu, R. and Zhou, Y., 2020. Riverine export of water, sediment and carbon during flood events in the arid to semi‐arid Wuding River on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,45(8), pp.1777-1788. (SCI, IF:3.7).
Yu, S., Qiu, J., Chen, X., Luo, X., Yang, X.K., Wang, F. and Xu, G., 2021. Soil Mesofauna Community Changes in Response to the Environmental Gradients of Urbanization in Guangzhou City. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 8, p.546433, (SCI, IF:2.4).
Ran. L.S*. Butman D., Battin T., Yang X.K.*, Tian M.Y., Clément Duvert, Jens Hartmann, Naomi Geeraert , Shaoda Liu. Substantial decrease in CO2emissions from Chinese inland waters due to global change. Nature Communications. 2021.(SCI, IF:12.2).
李凌宇, 于瑞宏, 田明扬, 胡海珠, 张笑欣, 冉立山, 杨现坤, 吕喜玺. 2016.黄河二氧化碳逸出时空变化及其影响因素——以头道拐水文站为例. 生态学报.;37(22):7636-46.
宫辰, 杨现坤*, 田明扬, 苏元戎, 李凌宇, 冉立山, 刘少达, 于瑞宏, 胡海珠,吕喜玺, 2018. 黄河源区水库二氧化碳逸出暖季变化规律及影响因素分析——以刘家峡水库为例.环境科学学报,38(7):2919-2930.
邱俊良,杨现坤*,TAROLLI P.珠江三角洲城镇化对区域极端温度变化的影响[J].广州大学学报(自然科学版),2018,17(05):74-82.
高磊, 杨现坤*, 胡海珠,等. 重庆市退耕还林工程实施的生态和经济效益分析[J]. 水土保持研究, 2019, 26(06):353-358.
奚建梅,杨现坤*, 吕喜玺, 胡海珠.基于SWAT模型的黑河与白河流域水文模拟研究.人民黄河 2020 (3), 1-8
钱乐祥,杨现坤*. 地理科学专业人才培养方案与课程体系比较研究[J]. 高等理科教育, 2020, 154(06):111-116.
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基本信息姓名:线实性别:女出生年月:1984年11月职务/职称:副教授/硕士生导师邮箱:geoshixian@gzhu.edu.cn电话:通讯地址:广州市大学城外环西路230号广州大学地理科学与遥感学院个人简介线实,博士,硕导,国家注册城乡规划师。2007年本科毕业于南京大学,2012年毕业于香港大 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学地理科学与遥感学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋广文
基本信息姓名:宋广文性别:男出生年月:1991年7月职称:副教授邮箱:songgwen@126.com通讯地址:广州市大学城外环西路230号广州大学地理科学与遥感学院个人简介宋广文,博士,副教授。2018年毕业于中山大学地理科学与规划学院,获“人文地理学”博士学位,其中2016年11月-2017年1 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29