

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-27

何细新 男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究领域主要为中药及天然药物活性成分研究,采用药物化学(天然药物化学)方法揭示天然药物(中药)中具有抗炎、抗肿瘤、神经保护等作用的生物活性成分,并开展结构修饰及成药性评价。现兼任广东省药学会药物化学专业委员会委员,广东省精准医疗学会免疫治疗分会常委学术职务。主讲《中药化学》、《天然药物化学》、《波谱新技术》等理论和实验课程。近年来发表SCI收录论文20余篇,授权发明专利3项。



4、广东省自然科学基金项目,2014A, 珊瑚共附生微生物中克服肿瘤EGFR-TKIs耐药活性小分子抑制剂研究, 2015/1-2017/12,主要参与人
5、广东省科技厅国际合作项目,2012B,新型多靶点抗阿尔茨海默氏病候选药物的开发研究,2012/9-2014/12, 主要参与人


指导本科生获“广东省大学生创新创业项目” 5项, “广州中医药大学校级优秀论文” 3篇,“第二届医药院校药学/中药学世界大学生创新创业暨实验教学改革大赛”一等奖1项,获2011年度“广州中医药大学优秀教师”荣誉

1.Zhang Xiao (#),He Xixin(#)(*),Chen Qiuhe, Lu Junfeng, RapposelliSimona, Pi Rongbiao(*). A review on the hybrids of hydroxycinnamic acid as multi-target-directed ligands against Alzheimer’s disease. Bioorg Med Chem., 2018, 26(3): 543-550 .
2. Nyein Chan Myae(#),Zhong Xiaolin(#),Lu Junfeng,Luo Huijuan,Wang Jiamin,Rapposelli Simona,Li Mingtao,Ying Ou-yang,Pi Rongbiao(*),He Xixin(*). Synthesis and anti-glioblastoma effects of artemisinin-isothiocyanate derivatives. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(71): 40974-40983.
3. Tan Bing-Xin(#), Yang Lu(#), HuangYi-You, ChenYun-Yun, Peng Guang-Tian, Yu Si, WuYi-Nuo(*), Luo Hai-Bin, He Xi-Xin(*). Bioactive triterpenoids from the leaves of Eriobotrya japonica as the natural PDE4 inhibitors. Nat Prod Res., 2017, 31(24): 2836-2841.
4. He Xi-xin(#)(*), Yang Xiao-hong, Ou Rui-ying, OuyangYing, Wang Sheng-nan, Chen Zi-wei, Wen Shi-jun, Pi Rong-biao(*). Synthesis and evaluation of multifunctional ferulic and caffeic acid dimers for Alzheimer's disease. Nat Prod Res., 2017, 31(6): 734-737.
5. HeXi-Xin(#), Chen Xiao-Jie, Peng Guang-Tian, Guan Shan-Yue, Lei Ling-Fang, Yao Jun-Hua, Liu Bing-Xin, Zhang Cui-Xian(*). Pelopuradazole, a new imidazole derivative alkaloid from the marine bacteria Pelomonaspuraquaesp. nov. Nat Prod Res., 2014, 28(9): 680~682.
6. Zhao Peng(#), Chen Shang-Ke(#), Cai Ying-Hong, Lu Xiao, Li Zhe, ChengYuen-Kit, Zhang Cuixian, Hu Xiaopeng, He Xixin(*), Luo Hai-Bin(*).The molecular basis for the inhibition of phosphodiesterase-4D by three natural resveratrol analogs. Isolation, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, binding free energy, and bioassay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics. 2013, 1834(10): 2089-2096.
7. Chao Xiaojuan#, He Xixin#, Yang Yilin, Zhou Xie, JinMinghua, Liu Shu, Cheng Zhiyi, Liu Peiqing, Wang Yuting, Yu Jianchen, Tan Yi, Huang Yingjuan, Qin Jian, Rapposelli Simona, Pi Rongbiao*. Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of novel tacrine-caffeic acid hybrids as multi-targeted compounds against Alzheimer’s disease. Bioorg Med Chem Let.,2012, 22: 6498-6502.
8. Chen Shang-Ke, Zhao Peng, Shao Yong-Xian, Li Zhe, LiuMing, Zhang Cuixian, Liu Peiqing, He Xixin*, Luo Hai-Bin* and Hu Xiaopeng. Moracin M from Morus alba L. is a natural phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor. Bioorg Med Chem Let.,2012, 22: 3261-3264.

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