1991/09-2002/06 中山大学,生命科学学院,学士,硕士,博士; 2002/10-2005/04 香港科技大学化学系,助理研究员;2005/05-2008/12 美国中佛罗里达大学,博士后;
2009/01-2010/01 美国路易斯安娜州立大学医学院神经生物学中心,博士后;
2010/02-2012/12 美国威斯康星州麦迪逊分校,博士后,助理科学家;
2013/01-2014/07 美国哈佛大学医学院,博士后;
2014/11- 至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,副研究员,研究员。
1. 基于干细胞模型和动物模型进行神经发育障碍疾病相关基因的功能研究;2. 基于动物模型和干细胞模型,研究神经退行性疾病的致病机制,研究重点为非细胞自主因素对疾病发生发展的影响。
1.Du ZW, Chen H, Liu HS, Kun Q, Huang C, Zhong XF, Fan F, Zhang SC. Generation and expansion of high-pure motor neuron progenitors from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature Communications, 2015; 6:6626.2.Li HD, Zhong XF, Chau KF, Santistevan NJ, Guo WX, Kong GY, Li XK, Kadakia M, Masliah J, Jin P, Zhang J, Zhao XY, and Chang Q. Cell cycle-linked MeCP2 phosphorylation regulates adult neurogenesis through the Notch signaling pathway. Nature Communications, 2014,5:5601.
3.Musah S, Wrighton PJ, Zaltsman Y, Zhong XF, Zorn S, Parlato MB, Hsiao C, Palecek SP, Chang Q, Murphy WL, Kiessling LL. Substratum-induced differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells reveals the coactivator YAP is a potent regulator of neuronal specification.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 ,111(38):13805-10.
4. Lee KK, Zhong XF, Gu SY, Kruel AM, Dorner MB., Perry K, Rummel A, , Dong M, and Jin RS. Molecular basis for disruption of E-cadherin adhesion by botulinum neurotoxin A complex. Science, 2014, Jun 20;344(6190):1405-10.
5.Williams EC, Zhong XF, Mohanmed A, Li RH, Liu Y, Dong QP, Ananiev G, Mok JCC, Lin BR, Lu JF, Chiao C, Cherney R, Li HD, Zhang SC and Chang Q. Mutant astrocytes differentiated from Reet syndrome patients-specific iPSCs have adverse effects on wildtype neurons. Human Molecular Genetics, 2014 ;23(11):2968-80.
6.Zhong XF, Li HD, Chang Q. MeCP2 phosphorylation is required for modulating synaptic scaling through mGluR5. J Neurosci., 2012, Sep 12;32(37):12841-7.
7.Ryu MJ, Liu YG, Zhong XF, Du J, Peterson N, Kong GY, Li HD, Wang JY, Salamat S, Chang Q, and Zhang J. Oncogenic Kras Expression in Postmitotic Neurons Leads to S100A8-S100A9 Protein Overexpression and Gliosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, 287(27):22948-22958.
8.Li HD, Zhong XF, Chau KF, Williams EC, Chang Q. Loss of activity-induced phosphorylation of MeCP2 Enhances Synaptogenesis, LTP, and Spatial Memory. Nature Neuroscience, 2011,14(8):1001-8.
9.Soundarapandian MM., Zhong XF, Peng LS, Wu D and Lu YM. Role of KATP channels in protection against neuronal excitatory insults. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2007, 103(5):1721.
10.Soundarapandian MM, Wu D, Zhong XF, Petralia RS., Peng LS, Tu WH and Lu YM. Expression of Functional Kir6.1 Channels Regulates Glutamate Release at CA3 synapses in Generation of Epileptic Form of Seizures. Journal of Neurochemistry 2007, 103(5):1982-8.
11.Peng LS, Zhong XF (Co-first author), Tu WH, Soundarapandian MM, Molner P, Zhu DY , Lau L, Liu SH, Liu F and Lu YM. ADAR2-Dependent RNA Editing of AMPA Receptor Subunit GluR2 Determines Vulnerability of Neurons in Forebrain Ischemia. Neuron,2006, 49(5),719-733.
12.Zhong XF, Yang HH, Guo ZH, Sin WYF, Chen W, Xu JJ, Fu L, Wu J, Mak CKG, Cheng CSS, Yang YZ, Cao SY, Wong TY, Lai ST, Xie Y, Guo ZH. B-Cell responses in patients who have recovered from severe acute respiratory syndrome target a dominant site in the S2 domain of the surface spike glycoprotein. Journal of Virology, 2005, 79(6): 3401-3408.
13.Zhong XF, Guo ZF, Yang HH, Peng LS, Xie Y, Wong TY, Lai ST and Guo ZH. Amino terminus of the SARS coronavirus protein 3a elicits strong, potentially protective humoral responses in infected patients. Journal General Virology 2006, 87: 369-373.
14.Zhong XF, Peng LS, Zheng SL, Sun ZZ, Ren YF, Dong ML, Xu AL. Secretion, purification and characterization of a recombinant Aspergillusoryzae tannase in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification, 2004, 36: 165-169.