本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05
2007.9-2008.12 广东外语外贸大学商学院讲师
2009.1-2013.12 广东外语外贸大学商学院副教授
2014.1-至今 广东外语外贸大学商学院教授
1.“Research on Technological Innovation Efficiency in China’s High-Technology Industries—Based onSBM and the Three-Stage DEA Model”,Journal of Residuals Science &Technology,2016.09。SCI收录
3. “研发投入及其溢出效应对省区经济增长的影响”,《科研管理》,2013.5。CSSCI收录,国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊?
4. “研发创新SBM效率的国际比较研究—基于OECD国家和中国的实证分析”,《财经研究》,2011.9。CSSCI收录
5. “集聚经济一定有利于产业的国际化吗?”,《经济学家》,2011.7。CSSCI收录
6. “基于三阶段DEA模型的中国物流产业技术效率研究”,《财经研究》,2010.09。CSSCI收录
7. “国家创新效率的结构特征及其收敛性研究”,《科学学与科学技术管理》,2012.3。CSSCI收录,国家自然科学基金委认定的B类期刊
8. “空间经济学视角下的物流业集聚及其影响因素研究”,《山西财经大学学报》,2011.11。CSSCI收录
9. “我国物流上市公司运营效率的实证研究”,《商业经济与管理》,2011.4。CSSCI收录
10. “考虑环境效应和随机误差的中国港口技术效率研究—基于三阶段DEA模型的测度”,《福建师范大学学报(哲学社科版)》,2013.2。CSSCI收录
2. 主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金:政治关联、多元化战略与企业R&D投资研究,2013-2017。
3. 主持广东省哲学社会科学十一五规划项目课题:产业转移、区域经济竞争力与物流资源整合研究:以广东省为例:2009年,已结项。
4. 主持广东省科技计划软科学项目:珠三角地区战略性新兴产业协同创新联盟构建与自主创新能力提升研究,2014年。
5. 主持广东省软科学科技计划软科学项目:创新驱动广东省战略性新兴产业的机制、路径与对策研究,2015年。
6. 主持广东省教育厅优秀青年基金项目:知识产权治理、协同创新与广东制造业集群转型升级研究,2014年。
7. 主持广州市哲学社会科学十一五规划项目:产业集群、总部经济与广州物流资源整合研究,2008年,结项优秀。
8. 主持广州市科技计划软科学项目:广州市战略性新兴产业协同创新联盟构建与政策研究,2014年。
9. 主持广东省教育厅人文社科规划一般项目:创新中介视角下的制造业集群升级与产业国际化联动机制研究:以广东省为例,2012年。
1. 昆山金世界商业园可行性研究报告
2. 广州市“江高”中央大厨房项目策划报告
3. 中山市服务业十二五规划
4. 郴州(湘南)矿产品物流与交易中心可行性研究报告
5. 经石油品运输项目可行性研究
6. 珠三角洲地区经济社会发展与需水管理
7. 南海渔业公司发展战略规划
1. 论文“基于三阶段DEA模型的中国物流产业技术效率研究”获第九届中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖(排名第一),并入选中国物流学术年前沿报告(2010-2011)。
2. 论文“空间经济学视角下的物流产业集聚及其影响因素”获第十届中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖,并入选中国物流学术年前沿报告(2011-2012).
3. 论文“我国物流企业技术进步与技术效率变化研究——基于DEA的malmquist指数的实证分析”获第十二届中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖。
4. 2016年度广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖。
5. 2009年度广东外语外贸大学科研业绩二等奖。
6. 2010年度广东外语外贸大学优秀教学奖三等奖。
7. 2008、2010、2011、2012年度考核优秀。
9. 2008年度广东外语外贸大学优秀本科生导师。
10. 首届全国大学生创业大赛广东赛区优秀指导教师奖。
手 机:
电 邮:zhongzuc@163.com
Zhong Zuchang Professor
Personal Information
Name: Zhong Zuchang
Gender: male
Native Place: Fujian Province
Nationality: She Nationality
Research Orientation:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management,
Global Value Chain Management
Courses Taught
Logistics Management, E-Logistics Management,Distribution Management,Enterprise Research
Doctor: World Economics, Zhongshan University;
Master: Technical Economy and Management, Fuzhou University;
Bachelor: Information Statistics, Fuzhou University.
Work Experience
2007.7-2008.12: Lecturer, School of Business, GDUFS;
2009.1-2013.12: Associate Professor, School of Business, GDUFS;
Since 2014.1: Professor, School of Business, GDUFS.
Academic Papers
1. Research on Technological Innovation Efficiency in China’s High-Technology Industries—Based on SBM and the Three-Stage DEA Model.Journal of Residuals Science & Technology. 2016(9). Included by SCI.
2. A Study on the Impact of Overseas Patent Distribution on China's Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis Based on Regional Panel Data. Management Review. 2017(5). Included by CSSCI, Journal of Class A, identified by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Corresponding Author.
3. Impacts of R&D Investment and Its Spillover Effects on Regional Economic Growth.Science Research Management.2013(5). Journal of Class A, identified by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
4. An International Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Innovative SBM in R & D - Based on the Empirical Analysis of OECD Countries and China.Journal of Finance and Economics. 2011. (9). Included by CSSCI.
5. Will the Agglomeration Economy Be Conducive to the Internationalization of the Industry?Economist. 2011(7). Included by CSSCI.
6. Research on Technical Efficiency of China’s Logistics Industry Based on Three-stage DEA Model.Journal of Finance and Economics.2010(9).Included by CSSCI.
7. A Study on the Structural Characteristics and Convergence of National Innovation
Efficiency.Science of Science and Management of S. & T.2012(3). Included by CSSCI,
Journal of Class B, identified by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
8. Study on Agglomeration of Logistics Industry and Its Influencing Factors from the
9. Perspective of Spatial Economics. Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.2011(11).Included by CSSCI.
10. An Empirical Study on the Operational Efficiency of Logistics Listed Companies in
China. Journal of Business Economics.2011(4). Included by CSSCI.
11. Study on the Technical Efficiency of China's Port Considering Environmental Effects and
Random Errors - Based on the Measure of Three-stage DEA Model. Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition). 2013(2).Included by CSSCI.
Research Projects
1. Preside over the project under the National Natural Science Foundation: Research on
Promotion Mechanism and methods of the Value Chain of the Manufacturing Industry
Driven by Innovation, 2017-2020;
2. Preside over the project under the Humanity and Social Sciences Research Youth
Foundation of Department of Education: Research on Political Relevance, Diversification
Strategy and Enterprise R&D Investment, 2013-2017;
3. Preside over the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Project of Philosophy and Social Science in
Guangdong Province: Research on Industrial Transfer, Regional Economic Competitiveness
and Logistics Resources: A Case Study of Guangdong Province, 2009;
4. Preside over the Science and Technology Program Soft Science Project in Guangdong
Province: Study on the Construction of Cooperative Innovation Alliance of Strategic
Emerging Industries and the Promotion of Independent Innovation Ability in Pearl River
Delta, 2014;
5. Preside over the Science and Technology Program Soft Science Project in Guangdong
Province: Research on the Mechanism, Path and Countermeasure of Innovating the StrategicEmerging Industry in Guangdong Province, 2015;
6. Preside over the Outstanding Youth Foundation Project of Department of Education of
Guangdong Province: Research on Intellectual Property Governance, Collaborative Innovation and Transformation and Upgrading of Guangdong Manufacturing Cluster, 2014;
7. Preside over the project: Resources Integration of Industrial Cluster, Headquarters
Economy and Logistics in Guangzhou, a social sciences and natural sciences under
Guangzhou’s 11th Five-Year Plan project, 2008;
8. Preside over the Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Planning of Department of Education of Guangdong Province: Research on the Mechanism of Industrial Cluster Upgrade
and Industry Internationalization in the Perspective of Innovation Intermediary—a Case
Study of Guangdong Province, 2012;
9. Preside over the Science and Technology Program Soft Science Project in Guangdong
Province: Research on the Construction and Policy of Strategic Emerging Industry
Cooperative Innovation Alliance in Guangzhou, 2012.
Research Outputs
1. Preside over the Innovative Project of Postgraduates’ Education in Guangdong Province: A Study on the Cultivation Mechanism of Interdisciplinary Postgraduates in Colleges and
Universities in 2012;
2. Preside over the Provincial Teaching Reform Project of Guangdong Provincial Department
of Education: A Study on the Innovation of Talent Cultivation Mechanism of School-
Enterprise Cooperation—A Case Study of Colleges and Universities in Guangdong, 2012.
Researcher ofChina Society of Logistics;
Researcher of Guangdong Institute of International Strategies.
1. Feasibility Study Report of Kunshan Golden World Business Park;
2. Planning Report of Central Grand Kitchen Project in Jiang’gao, Guangzhou;
3.Twelfth Five-Year Plan of the Service industry in Zhongshan City;
4.Feasibility Study Report of Southern Hunan Logistics and Trading Center of Mineral Products;
5. Feasibility Study Report of Petroleum Transportation Project;
6. The Management between Social and Economic Development and Water Supply in Pearl
River Delta;
1. Research on Technical Efficiency of China’s Logistics Industry Based on Three-stage DEA
Model, awarded the first prize of “Paper of Excellence” in the 9th Annual Conference of
China Society of Logistics and selected in China’s Logistics Academy Frontier Report.
2. Logistics Industry Agglomeration from the Perspective of Spatial Economics and Its
Influencing Factor, awarded the first prize of “Paper of Excellence” in the 10th Annual
Conference of China Society of Logistics and selected in China’s Logistics Academy
Frontier Report. (2011-2012)
3. Research on Technological Progress and Technical Efficiency Change of Logistics
Enterprises in China - An Empirical Analysis of Malmquist Index Based on DEA, awarded the
First prize of “Paper of Excellence” in the 12th Annual Conference of China Society of
4. Awarded the second prize for scientific research performance of GUFS in 2016;
5. Awarded the second prize for scientific research performance of GUFS in 2009;
6. Awarded the second prize for excellent teaching of GUFS in 2010;
7. Awarded the annual excellent assessment in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012;
8. Awarded the excellent undergraduate supervisor of GUFS in 2008;
9. Awarded the excellent tutor of the First National Undergraduate Entrepreneurship
Competition in Guangdong Division.
Address: School of Business, GDUFS. Guangzhou Higher Education Mega
Email: zhongzuc@163.com
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