

广东外语外贸大学 /2012-11-07




王友贵  马建军   王   虹  刘   岩    张平功  彭保良

周静琼   方开瑞   黄家修  金李俪  管建明  何洪亮  丁少彦


姓 名:王友贵
目前的研究兴趣:①中国翻译文学史;②英国文学; ③比较文学
E-MAIL: bbwwjj@pub.guangzhou.gd.cn
办公电话: 36207227

⒈ History as “Voice Echoing in the Dark”—An Intertextual Analysis of Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters 历史是“黑暗中回荡的声音”— 朱利安•巴恩斯《十章半世界史》的互文性分析
⒉ Colors as Metaphors in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man—Taking “Black”, “Green” and “Red” as Examples 《都柏林人》和《一个青年艺术家的肖像》中颜色词—以“黑色”,“绿色”和“红色”为例
⒊ Meace and Intrusion—A Comparative Study of Harold Printer’s Comedies of Menace and The Collection under the Theme of ,Menance 威胁与闯入—威胁主题下哈罗德•品特的威胁喜剧与《收集证据》的比较研究
⒋ A Restless Creative Soul—An Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Anxieties in Her Early Letters and Their Reflections in Mrs. Dalloway
⒌ Constructed by Music: An Analysis of Sounds in Ulysses with a Focus on “Sirens”

姓 名:马建军
所获学位:硕 士
专业:文 学
目前的研究兴趣:①英语小说 (以英国小说为主);②女性文学(以小说为主)
E-MAIL: mjj55@163.com
办公电话: 36207227

⒈ Resisting Grand Narratives—A Lyotardian Reading of Waterland 反宏大叙事—利奥塔后现代理论观照下的《洼地》
⒉ A Modern Construct of American Slavery History: A Tense Study of The Known World 美国奴隶制历史的现代版本:对《已知世界》的故事与叙事的关系研究
⒊ An Identity Study of Burger’s Daughter and The Pickup—Nadine Gordimer’s Cosmopolitan Thought 《伯格的女儿》与《偶遇》的身份研究—纳丁•戈迪默的世界主义观
⒋ Idealism in Daniel Deronda
⒌ A Pluralistic Universe of Postmodernism: on the Fragmented, Nonlinear and Indefinite Narration in Jeanette Winterson’s The Powerbook
⒍ The Plurality and Fluidity of Female Identity — On the Complex Construct of Iris in The Blind Assassin
⒎ The Plurality and Fluidity of Female Identity — On the Complex Construct of Iris in The Blind Assassin
⒏ An Biblical Archetypal Study of Joseph Conrad’s The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’
⒐ Power Relations between Clegg and Miranda in John Fowles’s The Collector
⒑ An Ecofeminist Reading of Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea
11.Ulysses: An Exile for Self-Realization-A Jungian Study of the Individuation Development of Stephen 《尤利西斯》:寻求自我的放逐——论斯蒂芬斯的个体化成长经历
12.The Lament of the Grass-A Freudian Psychoanalytic Interpretation of The Grass Is Singing 野草的挽歌——《野草在唱歌》弗洛伊德精神分析论的解读

姓 名:王 虹
所获学位:博 士
专 业:文 学
目前的研究兴趣:①莎士比亚戏剧;②英国浪漫主义诗歌; ③英国现当代诗歌
办公电话: 36207227

⒈ Eugene O’Neill’s Exploration of the Meaning of Human Existence: An Existentialist Approach to O’Neill’s Late Plays 尤金•奥尼尔对存在意义的追寻—从存在主义视角解读奥尼尔晚期作品
⒉ Formation of Masculine Identity in Shakespeare’s Romantic Comedies 莎士比亚浪漫喜剧中男性身份的形成
⒊ A Labyrinth without an Exit—A Bakhtinian Reading of The Castle 没有出口的迷宫—对《城堡》的巴赫金式解读
⒋ An Analysis of the Diabolic Imagery in Othello
⒌ Hybrid Identities in Midnight’s Children
⒍ Antithesis as Cause and Effect of the Tragedy in Macbeth


姓 名:刘 岩
专业技术职称:教 授
所获学位:博 士
专 业:文学文化研究
Email: liuyan@mail.gdufs.edu.cn
办公电话: 36207102
⒈ Female Bodies under Patriarchal Oppression —A Feninist Sudy of Two Plays by PaulaVogel 男权压抑下的女性身体—保拉•沃格尔戏剧的女性主义研究
⒉ The Shadow of the Father-God: A Study of Fatherhood in Two Plays of Arthur Miller
⒊ To Subvert or to Respect? —A Study of the Female Roles and Gender Relations in Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time
⒋ Being or Becoming?—A Study on Chinese Father’s Cultural Identity in Ang Lee’s “The Family Trilogy”
⒌ Self-exploration in Dialogues: A Thematic Study of Beckett’s Radio Plays
⒍ The Search for Female Subjectivity in Individual Space—A Feminist Analysis of The Hours
⒎ The Visual Pleasure of Medusa: An Anslysis of the Female Gaze in The Piano, The Tango Lesson and Letter From an Unknown Woman
8. Women: the Victims in the Male-dominated Society-A Feminist Analysis on Three Types of Women in The Bell Jar 女人:男权社会的受害者——从女性主义角度分析《钟形罩》中的三类女性

姓 名:张平功
所获学位:博 士
专 业:文化研究;英语文学
目前的研究兴趣: 大众/通俗文化研究;战后英美文化(侧重消费文化和青年亚文化研究);全球化理论;英语学(运用政治,历史和社会学理论诠释现当代英语文化和文学文本);主题文化景观和迪斯尼化的文化空间。
Email: pgz1@mail.gdufs.edu.cn

1.The Spatisl Study on Raymond Williams’s Second Generation 雷蒙•威廉斯小说《第二代》的空间理论研究
2.The Structure of Feeling in Jane Austen’s Persuasion—About the Author’s Stand and Stance 《劝导》中的情感结构—简•奥斯丁的立场分析
3.Matrix and Hyperreality—A Postmodern Study of The Marix Trilogy Matrix 与超现实—电影《黑客帝国》三部曲的后现代解读
4.Seeking Identities across the Worlds:—A Critical Analysis of Ang Lee’s Film The Wedding Banquet
5.Towards the Authentic Existence — A Heideggerean Study of Mrs. Dalloway
6.An Analysis of Unga in Jack London’s An Odyssey of the North from Feminisit, Post-colonialisit and Post-Colonial Feminisit Perspectives 从女性主义、后殖民主义、后殖民女性主义角度透析《北方的奥德赛》中恩卡形象
7.In Search of Authenticity——An Existential Study of the Protagonist Lin Kong in Ha Jin’s Waiting追寻本真——对哈金《等待》中主人公孔林的存在主义解读

姓 名:彭保良
所获学位:博 士
专 业:英语语言文学
Email: peng_baoliang@yahoo.com.cn

⒈Subversion of the Male Gazer—A Lacanian Reading of the Gaze in Girl with a Pearl Earring 男性凝视主体的解构—对影片《戴珍珠耳环的少女》中凝视的拉康式解读
2. Respect for Nature—A Bakhtinian Dialogic Study of the ecology in the films Microcosmous, Himalayas, and Winged Migration 尊重自然—影片《微观世界》、《喜马拉雅》和《迁徙的鸟》生态意义的对话研究
3. The English Patient: From Novel To Film—Ideology Translated
4. Latent Orientalism: a Postcolonial Study of The Last Samurai and Lost in Translation
5. Undoing the Hegemonic Modes of Gender and Sexuality — Transsexuals Re-read in the Two Films Boys Don’t Cry and Transamerica
6. James Bond Will Return: Orientalism Continues—A Postcolonial Study of the 007 Films
7. Oneness Between Man and Nature in Walden——From Taoistic Perspective从道家视角看《瓦尔登湖》中的天人合一

姓 名:周静琼
所获学位:博 士
专 业:英美文学
目前的研究兴趣:主要集中在以下两点:①美国小说。 出版的书,包括博士论文,多以美国小说为专题。②黑色幽默研究,包括对英美小说、诗歌和戏剧中跨时代跨国界的黑色幽默主题、结构、和语言等特征进行微观研究。

⒈ Mark Twain’s Subversion of the White and Black in Pudd’nhead Wilson 马克•吐温在《傻瓜威尔逊》中对黑白世界的颠覆
⒉ Humor of the Tall Tale in Roughing It 《苦行记》中的幽默民间传奇
3. Black Humor in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 《飞跃疯人院》中的黑色幽默解读
4.Humor in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Mules and Men
5.Humor in Portnoy’s Complaint and The Ghost Writer
6.Comparative Study of Black Humor in The Ballad of the Sad Café and Wise Blood

姓 名:方开瑞
所获学位:博 士
专 业:英语语言文学
电子信箱:fangkr@mail.gdufs.edu.cn, fangkr2005@163.com

⒈ On the Narrative Strategies in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter 《心灵是孤独的猎手》中的叙事策略
⒉ The Moral Reconstruction: from “Selfness” to “Unselfing”—A Moral Study on Murdoch’s World in An Accidental Man 道德重构:从自我到非我—论默多克小说中《偶然的人》中的道德研究
⒊ A Study of Carnivalized Features of A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》的狂欢化化特点研究
4. Conrad’s Concern for Humanity in Under Western Eyes
5. The Problematic Marital Status in The Good Earth — Pearl S. Buck’s Implied Authorial Concern
6.Gaze, Focalization and Identification — A study by Integrating Literary Studies and Cultural Studies
7.A Burning World of War — How Iconicity Works in Constructing the Fictional World View in A Farewell to Arms
8.A Study of the Carnivalized World in John Barth’s The End of the Road
9.A Study of Narrative Features in Under Western Eyes
10.A Narratological Interpretation of The Scarlet Letter《红字》的叙事学解读
11.A Structuralist Study of The Scarlet Letter 结构主义分析下的《红字》

姓 名:黄家修
所获学位:学 士
专 业:文 学
Email: hjiaxiu@hotmail.com

⒈ Black Women’s Sisterhood in Toni Morrison’s Sula 莫里森的小说《秀拉》中的黑人女性姐妹情谊及其作用研究
⒉ The Tired Businessman: A Freudian Reading of Babbitt 一个疲倦的商人:对《巴比特》的弗洛伊德式解读
⒊ An Interpretation of Yasha’s Identity Crisis in Singer’s The Magician of Lublin
⒋ The Lifting of the Bell Jar: A Lacanian Interpretation of Esther’s Attempt to Find Her Subjectivity
⒌ An Analysis of Emily Dickinson’s Marriage Complex
⒍“We were Sisters of a Strange, Isolated Little Family”— On “Sisterhood” in Amy Lowell’s Poetry
⒎ Trauma and the Construction of Black Female Subjectivity in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
⒏ Absurdity in Stephen Crane’s Poetry
9.The Functions of Black Humor in Anne Tyler’s Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
10.A Lacanian Reading of Holden’s Psychological Dilemma
11.A Wild Rose-bush in the Wildness——An Androgyny Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter 荒野中的野玫瑰——《红字》中海斯特•白兰的雌雄同体研究
12.The Significance of Selfhood in African American Female Initiation 非裔美国女性的自我在引导其子女成长中的重要性
13.A你Archetypal Reading on the Main Characters of Snow White 《白雪公主后传》主要人物的原型分析

Email: ljin531@gmail.com

1.在后现代语镜中解读 Tom Stoppard;
2.Sam Shepard 之家庭剧的心理分析研究;
3.对女性真正解放的疑问-Caryl Churchill 剧中女性人物的研究;
4.对Edward Albee 荒诞派戏剧的研究;
5.对 Tony Kushner 《天使在美国》的互文性研究;
8.Harold Pinter 现实主义和非现实主义戏剧因素的研究;
9.权利与性:对Tennessee Williams 《热铅皮屋顶上的帽》的福柯式解读。

姓 名:管建明
所获学位:博 士
专 业:英语语言文学
目前的研究兴趣:西方二十世纪文论,尤其是解构主义,新历史主义,女性主义和后殖民文化批评部分;文本方面主要关注福克纳研究和美国二十世纪六十年代后的美国少数族裔文学(譬如华裔美国文学, 犹太裔美国文学,非洲裔美国文学和印第安裔美国文学)研究。
Email: guanroger2001820@263.net

1. The Study of the Jewishness of Humboldt’s Gift 《洪堡的礼物》的犹太性研究
2. From Ambivalence To Absorption —An Analysis of the Change in Frank Chin’s Attitudet owards Traditional Chinese Cuture in His Reconstructin of Chinese Amerivan Imagined Community 从模糊排斥到汲取挪用—赵建秀构建华裔美国想象共同体 体中对中国宣传统文化的嬗变态度的研究
3.Self-identification between Jewishness and Americanness—A Study of Philip Roth’s The Ghost Writer from the Perspective of Cultural Identity 在犹太性与美国性之间的自我身份认同—对菲利普•罗斯之《鬼作家》的文化身份解读
4.On Milkman’s Cultural Identity Construction in Song of Solomon
5.A Light of Redemption Amidst the Darkness of Evil—An Investigation of the Ethical Significance of Golding’s Lord of the Flies
6.Orientalist Representations in Joseph Conrad’s Lors Jim康拉德《吉姆爷》中的东方主义表述
7.The Inaccessibility of the Ideal of Androgyny——An analysis of the Characterization of Scarlett O’Hara雌雄同体理想的不可实现性——对斯佳丽•奥哈拉人物形象刻画的分析

E-mail: hhl6088@yahoo.com.cn

1.On Metaphor Translation in Cartoon Screenplay from the Perspective of Communicative Translation—A Case Study of Disney’s Mulan & Mulan II
2. Rewriting As an Approach to Cope with the Cultural and Ideological Differences in Foreign Publicity Translation
3.Translator’s Subjectivity in News Translation
4.C-E Translation of Business News: A Translation Variation Approach

姓 名:丁少彦
所获学位:博 士
专 业:英语语言文学
Email: dingshaoyan@yahoo.com.cn

1.Re-representing Youth in American Graffiti(1973) and Havoc(2005)
2.Deconstructing Stereotypes in Bone解构《骨》中的刻板化描写


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  • 广东外语外贸大学翻译学院MTI研究生导师介绍康志洪
    康志洪副教授电邮地址:Zhihong_kang@yahoo.com.cn研究方向:翻译中的术语问题;比较翻译讲授课程:英汉/汉英翻译(笔译)文体与翻译(主要包括科技翻译)法汉/汉法翻译(笔译)主要论文:英语中含人名、地名的术语及其汉译,《语言与文学研究》,1/2003,香港略论译名中的译者导向,《福 ...
    广东外语外贸大学 免费考研网 2012-11-07