本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
作为负责人已主持完成包括5项国家自然基金和1项海南省国际合作重点项目在内的多个研究项目。近年来,发表在包括国际权威期刊Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chemical Science, Green Chemistry等研究论文70余篇,被引次数超过1200,单篇最高引用次数250次。这些论文发表后引起国际学术界的高度关注,多篇研究工作被国际顶级综述类期刊(Chemical Review 和Chemical Society Review等)以亮点工作的方式评价和总结。多个国际学术期刊包括JACS和Angew Chem.等审稿人和国家自然基金项目的函评专家。荣获海南省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖,海南省省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,海南大学科研先进个人,海南省‘515人才工程’第二层次,海南省科技进步一等奖等省级和校级多项奖励。
E-mail:hnyuanwb@126.com或 hnyuanwb@gmail.com
主持的国家自然基金项目(Selected Funds supported from National Natural Science Foundation of China):
Professor Wenbing Yuan
Contact Details
School of Enviromental and Chemical Engineering
Foshan University
18 Jiang-wan-yi-lu, Foshan 528000, China.
Email:hnyuanwb@126.comor hnyuanwb@gmail.com
2000 – 2005Ph.D. with Prof. Rudong Yang, Lanzhou University, China.
1996 – 2000B.S. Ningxia University, China.
Research Experience
2020–presentProfessor, Foshan University, China.
2016– 2017 Visiting ScholarwithProf. Jing Li, Department of Chemistry and Chemical
Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA.
2014Visitingresearch scientistwithProf. Jonathan Nitschke, Department of
Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.
2012, 2011, 2009-2010,Visiting researcher with Prof. Stuart L. JamesSchool of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
2006 – 2011Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Rong Cao , State Key Laboratory of
Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of
Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
2005-2019Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Hainan University, China.
Dr. Yuan’s main research areas are the design and synthesis of new porous materials including metal-organic frameworks, hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks and porous carbon materials etc.Moreover, he has also actively explored the sustainable large-scale synthesis (Mechanochemistry and Vapor-assisted aging) of metal-organic framework materials, and has achieved somenotable results. In the above-mentioned related research fields, he successfully applied for five projects financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He hasmore than 70 research papers in some high-rankedjournals including Journal of the American Chemical Society and Angewandte Chemie International Editionare published, collectivelycited over1200 times. In addition, because of the above excellent scientific research work, Dr.Yuan also received somesignificant awards and honours.
代表性论文(Selected Publications):
1.Y.-L. Li, E. V. Alexandrov, Q. Yin, L. Li, Z.-B. Fang, W. Yuan*, D. M. Proserpio*, .T.-F. Liu*, Record Complexity in the Polycatenation of Three Porous Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks with Stepwise Adsorption Behaviors, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020, 142, 15, 7218-7224
2.W. Yuan,*T. Fri??i?,*D. Apperley, S. L. James,*High reactivity of metal-organic frameworks under grinding conditions-parallels with organic molecular materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 3916-3919. (Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 4008–4011)
3.J. Sun, F. Dai, W. Yuan, W. Bi, X. Zhao, W. Sun, and D. Sun,* Dimerization of a Metal Complex through Thermally Induced Single-Crystal-to-Single- Crystal Transformation or Mechanochemical Reaction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 7061-7064.
4.Z. Guo, R. Cao, X. Wang, H. Li, W. Yuan, G. Wang, H. Wu and J. Li, A Multifunctional 3D Ferroelectric and NLO-Active Porous Metal-Organic Framework, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6894-6895.
5.I. Brekalo, W. Yuan, C. Mottillo, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, J. Casaban, K. T. Holman,* S. L. James,*F. Duarte, P. A. Williams, K. D . M. Harris*, T. Friscic,* Manometric real-time studies of the mechanochemical synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks, Chem. Sci.,2020, 11, 2141–2147
6.X.Feng, C.Jia,J.Wang, X.Cao, P.Tang, W.Yuan,* Efficient vapor-assisted aging synthesis of functional and high crystalline MOFs from CuO and rare earth sesquioxides/carbonates, Green Chem., 2015,17, 3740-3745
7.X.Ma, W.Yuan, S.J. Bell*and S.L. James,* Better understanding of mechanochemical reactions: Raman monitoring reveals surprisingly simple ‘pseudo-fluid’ model for a ball milling reaction, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 1585-587.
8.M.Deng,X.Cao, L.Guo, H.Cao, Z.Wen, C.Mao, K.Zuo, X.Chen,* X.Yu* and W.Yuan,* Graphene quantum dots: efficient mechanosynthesis, white-light and broad linear excitation-dependent photoluminescence and growth inhibition of bladder cancer cells, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 2308-2316
9.J.Yang, X.Feng, G.Lu, Y.Li, C.Mao, Z.Wen,W.Yuan*, NaCl as a solid solvent to assist the mechanochemical synthesis and post-synthesis of hierarchical porous MOFs with high I2vapour uptake, Dalton Trans.,2018, 47, 5065 –5071
10.W.Liu, K.Zhu, S.J. Teat, B.J. Deibert, W.Yuan,J.Li*, A mechanochemical route toward the rational, systematic, and cost-effective green synthesis of strongly luminescent copper iodide based hybrid phosphors,J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 5962- 5969
11.C.Jia, J.Wang, X.Feng, Q.Lin*and W.Yuan,* Efficient apour-assisted aging and liquid-assisted grinding synthesis of a microporous copper-adeninate framework, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 6552–6555.
12.C.Jia, Qiang Lin*and Wenbing Yuan*, A series of coordination polymers constructed by a flexible tetracarboxylic acid: synthesis, structural diversity and luminescent properties, CrystEngComm,2014, 16, 2508–2519.
13.P.Wang,G.Li,Y.Chen,S.Chen,S.L. James*,W.Yuan,* Mechanochemical interconversion between discrete complexes and coordination networks – formal hydration/dehydration by LAG, CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 1994-1997.
14.W.Yuan, A.L.Garay, A.Pichon, R.Clowes, C.D. Wood, A.I. Cooper, S.L. James,* Study of the mechanochemical formation and resulting properties of an archetypal MOF: Cu3(BTC)2(BTC = 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate), CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 4063–4065.
15.W.Yuan, J.O’Connor,S.L. James,*Mechanochemical synthesis of homo- and hetero-rare-earth(III) metal–organic frameworks by ball milling, CrystEngComm,2010, 12, 3515–3517.
16.S.-S.Wu, W.-B.Yuan, H.-Y.Wang, Q.Zhang,*M.Liu, K.-B.Yu, Synthesis, crystal structure and interaction with DNA and HSA of (N,N-dibenzylethane-1,2- diamine) transition metal complexes,Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry,2008, 102, 2026-2034.
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