

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

孙萍 Ping Sun

履历 美国北卡中央大学博士后(2008-2011)
厦门大学副教授(2012- )
PhD, Ocean University of China (2007)
Postdoctoral Researcher, North Carolina Central University, USA (2008-2011)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Ulsan, Korea (2011-2012)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2012- )

研究方向 海洋微生物生态学;海洋浮游动物多样性;微生物分子系统发育与进化;
Marine microbial ecology;Diversity marine microzooplankton; Molecular phylogeny and evolution of microbes;

代表性论文(近5年)1、Sun P.*, Wang Y., Laws E., Huang B. (2020). Water mass-driven spatial effects and environmental heterogeneity shape microeukaryote biogeography in a subtropical, hydrographically complex ocean system - A case study of ciliates. Science of the Total Environment, 706:135753.
2、Sun P. *, Huang L., Xu D., Warren A., Huang B., Wang Y., Wang L., Xiao W., Kong J. (2019). Integrated space-time dataset reveals high diversity and distinct community structure of ciliates in mesopelagic waters of the Northern South China Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:2178.
3、Kong J., Wang Y., Huang L., Warren A., Huang B., Sun P.*. (2019) Diversity distribution and assembly mechanisms of planktonic and benthic microeukaryote communities in intertidal zones of Southeast Fujian, China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:2640.
4、Xu., D.*. Sun, P., Zhang, Y., Li., R., Huang, B., Jiao, N., Warren, A., Wang, L. (2018). Pigmented microbial eukaryotes fuel the deep sea carbon pool in the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Environmental Microbiology, 20(10):3811-3824.
5、Sun P.*, Huang L., Xu D. *, Huang B., Chen N., Warren A. (2017). Marked seasonality and high spatial variation in estuarine ciliates are driven by exchanges between the ‘abundant’ and ‘intermediate’ biospheres. Scientific Reports, 7: 9494.
6、Sun P.*, Clamp J., Xu D., Huang B. & Shin M.K. (2016). An integrative approach to phylogeny reveals patterns of environmental distribution and novel evolutionary relationships in a major group of ciliates. Scientific Reports, 6: 21695.
7、Sun P.*, Clamp J.C., Xu D., Huang B., Shin M.K., Turner F. (2013). An ITS-based phylogenetic framework for the genus Vorticella: finding the molecular and morphological gaps in a taxonomically difficult group. Proceedings of The Royal Society B, 280:**

开设课程 环境生物学

3、教育部博士点基金新教师类,钟虫属纤毛虫的多基因分子系统学及基于DNA条形码种类鉴定, 2014-01至2016-12,项目负责人。
5、厦门大学校长基金,福建九龙江口纤毛虫原生动物群落结构特征, 2013至2015, 项目负责人。
7、国家自然科学基金 重点项目, 南海浮游生态系统结构及其对生物泵效率的调控机制, 296万, 2014/1-2018/12, 项目参与人。

荣誉奖励 入选2014年福建省教育部新世纪优秀人才计划
厦门大学第九届青年教师教学技能比赛英语教学比赛一等奖 2013

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