张勇 Yong Zhang
教授 博导
履历 As a professor in Environ. Chem. in State Key Lab of Mar. Environ. Sci. of China (Xiamen univ.), Dr. Zhang has being worked in environmental science for more than 35 years. His research interests are Environ. Chem. and Environmental behaviors of POPs, and mainly focused on Mar. Environ. Sci., Environ. Anal. Chem. and molecular luminescence and its applications in environmental science. Research and development of microscopic fluorescence spectral instrument.
Dr. Zhang is currently a member of chemical society of China, oceanography society of China, and the first POPs steering committee of CSES in China. He is also working as an editor of international Journals, such as Science of the Total Environment and nation Journals in China, and reviewers of several international Journals, such as Anal. Chim Acta, Talanta, IBB, IJEE, JES, Luminescence, Environmental Technology, Water Air and Soil Pollution, Analytical Letters and so on in his research field. Dr. Zhang has published more than 230 national and international journal articles.
研究方向Environ. Chem. and Environmental behaviors of POPs, and mainly focused on Mar. Environ. Sci., Environ. Anal. Chem. and molecular luminescence and its applications in environmental science. Research and development of microscopic fluorescence spectral instrument.
代表性论文PUBLICATIONS (Top 5 papers as follows in recent 5 years)
1. Yong Zhang et al., Study on the molecular interactions of hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with catalase using multi-spectral methods combined with molecular docking, Food Chemistry. 2020, 309, 125743.
2. Yong Zhang et al., Simultaneous determination of dissolved phenanthrene and its metabolites by derivative synchronous fluorescence spectrometry with double scans method in aqueous solution, Talanta, 2019, 195: 339–344.
3. Y Zhang et al., Insight into the heterogeneous adsorption of humic acid fluorescent components on multi-walled carbon nanotubes by excitation emission matrix and parallel factor analysis, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018,148, 194-200.
4. Y Zhang et al., The retention and distribution of parent, alkylated, and N/O/S-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the epidermal tissue of mangrove seedlings,Environmental Pollution, 2017, 226, 135-142.
5. Y Zhang, et al., Influences of humic acid on the bioavailability of phenanthrene and alkyl phenanthrenes to early life stages of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma), Environmental Pollution, 2016, 210: 211-216
开设课程 《Introduction to Environmental Science》for undergraduate students
《Coastal Environmental Forensics》for Ph.D and Master students
科研课题Study on the interface processes of typical PAHs between atmosphere and mangrove leaves and effects of nano-particles on them by In situ Visualising Method, 580000RMB, NSFC
Environmental behaviors and interface process mechanisms of parent and alkylated PAHs in mangrove wetlands, 650000RMB, NSFC
Research and development of deep UV and multi-dimensionLaser confocal scanning microscopic fluorescence spectral instrument, **RMB, NSFC
荣誉奖励CAIA reward, Second class reward
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09
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