陈能汪 Nengwang Chen
教授 博导 环境科学系主任;福建省海陆界面生态环境重点实验室副主任
履历l 南京农业大学学士(1998)
l 厦门大学博士(2006)
l 浙江大学博士后(2006-2008)
l 厦门大学助理教授(2009)
l 厦门大学副教授(2009-2014)
l 美国马里兰大学访问****(2011-2012)
l 荷兰乌特勒支大学访问****(2016-2017)
l 厦门大学教授(2014-)/博导(2016-)
l B. S., Nanjing Agricultural University (1998)
l Ph.D., Xiamen University (2006)
l Postdoctor, Zhejiang University (2006-2008)
l Assistant professor, Xiamen University (2009)
l Associate professor, Xiamen University (2009-2014)
l Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland (2011-2012)
l Visiting Scholar, Utrecht University (2016-2017)
l Professor, Xiamen University (2014-present)
研究方向l 环境生物地球化学;海陆界面环境过程与效应;水环境监测与管理;环境规划与管理
l Environmental biogeochemistry; Environmental processes and effects; Aquactic environmental monitoring and management; Environmental planningand management
l 2009年组建环境过程实验室,以流域-河流-河口-湿地生态系统为整体研究对象,主攻全球变化下环境生物地球化学过程、通量与效应。基于长期观测、实验、模型和多学科交叉方法,系统研究营养盐和碳的关键循环过程及其调控机制。致力于将科学研究成果转化应用于流域-近海生态环境保护与综合治理。
l 招生专业:环境管理、环境科学、海洋事务。
l 欢迎有志于水环境科学与管理事业的硕、博研究生、博士后加盟!
代表性论文 Yan J, Chen N*, Wang F, Liu Q, Wu Z, Middelburg J. Xie Y, Guo W, Zhang X. 2021. Interaction between oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide emission in a subtropical hypoxic reservoir, southeastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126, e2020JG006133.
Wang F, Cheng P, Chen N*, Kuo Y. 2021. Tidal driven nutrient exchange between mangroves and estuary reveals a dynamic source-sink pattern. Chemosphere, 270: 128665.
Yuan X, Krom MD, Zhang M, Chen N*. 2021. Human disturbance on phosphorus sources, processes and riverine export in a subtropical watershed. Science of the Total Environment, 769: 144658.
Yu D, Chen N*, Cheng P, Yu F, Hong H. 2020. Hydrodynamic impacts on tidal-scale dissolved inorganic nitrogen cycling and export across the estuarine turbidity maxima to coast. Biogeochemistry, 151: 81-98.
Lin J, Chen N*, Yuan X, Tian Q, Hu A, Zheng Y. 2020. Impacts of human disturbance on the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle in a subtropical river system revealed by nitrifier and denitrifier genes. Science of the Total Environment, 746: 141139.
Lin J, Chen N*, Wang F, Huang Z, Zhang X, Liu L. 2020. Urbanization increased river nitrogen export to western Taiwan Strait despite increased retention by nitrification and denitrification. Ecological Indicators, 109: 105756.
Wang F, Chen N*, Yan J, Lin J, Guo W, Cheng P, Liu Q, Huang B, Tian Y. 2019. Major processes shaping mangroves as inorganic nitrogen sources or sinks: insights from a multidisciplinary study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 1194-1208.
Yu D, Chen N*, Krom MD, Lin J, Chen P, Yu F, Guo W, Hong H, Gao X. 2019. Understanding how estuarine hydrology controls ammonium and other inorganic nitrogen concentrations and fluxes through the subtropical Jiulong River Estuary, S.E. China under baseflow and flood-affected conditions. Biogeochemistry, 142: 443-466.
Chen Y, Chen N*, Li Y, Hong H. 2018. Multi-timescale sediment responses across a human impacted river-estuary system. Journal of Hydrology, 560: 160-172.
Chen N*, Hong H, Gao X. 2018. Securing drinking water resources for a coastal city under global change: Scientific and institutional perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management. Available online 16 March 2018, 104427.
Gao X, Chen N*, Yu D, Wu Y, Huang B. 2018. Hydrological controls on nitrogen (ammonium versus nitrate) fluxes from river to coast in a subtropical region: Observation and modeling. Journal of Environmental Management, 213: 382-391.
Chen N*, Krom MD, Wu Y, Yu D, Hong H. 2018. Storm induced estuarine turbidity maxima and controls on nutrient fluxes across river-estuary-coast continuum. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629: 1108-1120.
Chen N*, Mo Q, Guo YM, Su Y, Zhong Y. 2018. Hydrochemical controls on reservoir nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics under storms. Science of the Total Environment, 619-620: 301–310.
Zhou XP, Chen NW*, Yan ZH, Duan SW. 2016. Warming increases nutrient mobilization and gaseous nitrogen removal from sediments across cascade reservoirs. Environmental Pollution, 219: 490-500.
Mo QL, Chen NW*, Zhou XP, Chen JX, Duan SW. 2016. Ammonium and phosphate enrichment across the dry–wet transition and their ecological relevance in a subtropical reservoir, China. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 18: 882-894.
Lu T, Chen NW*, Duan SW, Chen ZH, Huang BQ. 2016. Hydrological controls on cascade reservoirs regulating phosphorus retention and downriver fluxes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 24166-24177.
Hong H S, Chen NW, Wang DL. 2015. River-estuary-coast continuum: Biogeochemistry and ecological response to increasing human and climatic changes - Editorial overview. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 166: 144-145.
Chen NW*, Wu YQ, Chen ZH, Hong HS. 2015. Phosphorus export during storm events from a human perturbed watershed, southeast China: Implications for coastal ecology. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,166: 178-188.
Chen NW*, Wu JZ, Zhou XP, Chen ZH, Lu T. 2015. Riverine N2O production, emissions and export from a region dominated by agriculture in Southeast Asia (Jiulong River). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 208: 37-47.
Chen NW*, Li J, Wu YQ, Kangas P, Huang BQ, Yu CC, Chen ZH. 2015. Nutrient removal at a drinking water reservoir in China with an algal floway. Ecological Engineering, 84: 506-514.
Yu D, Yan W, Chen N*, Peng B, Hong H, Zhuo G. 2015. Modeling increased riverine nitrogen export: Source tracking and integrated watershed-coast management. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(2): 642-652.
Wang J, Chen N, Yan W*, Wang B, Yang L. 2015. Effect of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen on emission of N2O from rivers in China. Atmospheric Environment, 103: 347-356.
Harris LA, Hodgkins CLS., Day MC, Austin D, Testa JM, Boynton W, Van Der Tak L, Chen NW. 2015. Optimizing recovery of eutrophic estuaries: impact of destratification and re-aeration on nutrient and dissolved oxygen dynamics. Ecological Engineering, 75: 470-483.
Chen NW*, Chen ZH, Wu YQ, Hu AY. 2014. Understanding gaseous nitrogen removal through direct measurement of dissolved N2 and N2O in a subtropical river–reservoir system. Ecological Engineering, 70: 56-67.
Chen NW*, Wu JZ, Chen ZH, Lu T, Wang LJ. 2014. Spatial-temporal variation of dissolved N2 and denitrification in an agricultural river network, southeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 189: 1-10.
Chen NW*, Wu YQ, Wu JZ, Yan XL, Hong HS. 2014. Natural and human influences on dissolved silica export from watershed to coast in Southeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119(1): 95-109.
Wu JZ, Chen NW*, Hong HS, Lu T, Wang LJ, Chen ZH. 2013. Direct measurement of dissolved N2 and denitrification along a subtropical river–estuary gradient, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 66(1-2): 125-134.
Chen NW, Peng BR, Hong HS*, Turyaheebwa N, Cui SH, Mo, XJ. 2013. Nutrient enrichment and N:P ratio decline in a coastal river–bay system in Southeast China: The need for a dual nutrient (N & P) management strategy. Ocean & Coastal Management, 81: 7-13.
Peng BR*, Chen NW, Lin H, Hong HS. 2013 Empirical appraisal of Jiulong River Watershed Management Program. Ocean & Coastal Management, 81: 77-89.
Chen NW*, Wu JZ, Hong HS. 2012. Effect of storm events on riverine nitrogen dynamic in a subtropical watershed, southeastern China. Science of the Total Environment, 431: 357-365.
Chen NW, Hong HS*. 2012. Integrated management of nutrients from the watershed to coast in the subtropical region. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(2): 233-242.
Chen NW, Hong HS*. 2011. Nitrogen export by surface runoff from a small agricultural watershed in southeast China: Seasonal pattern and primary mechanism. Biogeochemistry, 106(3): 311-321.
Chen NW, Hong HS*, Huang QJ, Wu JZ. 2011. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and its long-term dynamics in a southeast China coastal area. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(6): 1663-1667.
Chen NW*, Li HC, Wang LH. 2009. A GIS-based approach for mapping direct use value of ecosystem services at county scale: management implications. Ecological Economics, 68(11): 1093-4529.
Chen NW, Hong HS*, Zhang LP, Cao WZ. 2008. Nitrogen sources and exports in an agricultural watershed in Southeast China. Biogeochemistry, 87(2): 169-179.
陈能汪, 王德利, 鲁婷, 王芬芳, 姜艳, 林国辉, 庄马展. 2018. 九龙江流域地表水锰的污染来源和迁移转化机制.环境科学学报,38(8): 2955-2964.
陈能汪. 2018. 全球变化下九龙江河流-河口系统营养盐循环过程、通量与效应. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 38(1): 23-31.
陈能汪, 董虹佳, 鲁婷, 颜秀利, 余丹, 黄歆宇.2017. 厦门湾流域河流氮污染综合溯源与水体达标策略.环境科学学报,37(6):1-9.
陈朱虹, 陈能汪, 吴殷琪, 莫琼利, 周兴鹏, 鲁婷, 田蕴. 2014. 河流库区沉积物-水界面营养盐及气态氮的释放过程和通量. 环境科学, 35(9): 3325-3335.
陈能汪, 吴殷琪, 张玉珍, 苏玉萍, 詹旋灿, 莫秀娟. 2013. 流域氮磷输出、河流输送与库区富营养化关联分析——以福建山仔水库为例. 农业环境科学学报,32(9): 1862–1869.
鲁婷, 陈能汪, 陈朱虹, 王龙剑,吴杰忠. 2013. 九龙江河流–库区系统沉积物磷特征及其生态学意义, 环境科学,34(9): 3430–3436.
陈能汪, 王龙剑, 鲁婷. 2012. 流域生态系统服务研究进展与展望. 生态与农村环境学报,28(2): 113–119.
陈能汪, 王龙剑, 林晖, 吴杰忠, 刘韬. 2012. 九龙江流域经济发展与河流水质时空关联分析. 生态与农村环境学报,28(1): 19–25.
陈能汪, 吴杰忠, 洪华生. 2011. 九龙江河口区夏季反硝化作用初探. 环境科学,32(11): 3229–3234.
陈能汪, 吴杰忠, 段恒轶, 魏挺桢. 2010. N2:Ar 法直接测定水体反硝化产物溶解N2. 环境科学学报,30(12): 2479–2483.
陈能汪, 章颖瑶, 李延风. 2010. 我国淡水藻华长期变动特征综合分析. 生态环境学报,19(8): 1994–1998.
陈能汪, 洪华生, 张珞平. 2009. 九龙江流域氮的源汇时空模式与机理初探. 环境科学学报,29(4): 830–839.
陈能汪, 李焕承, 王莉红. 2009. 生态系统服务内涵、价值评估与GIS表达. 生态环境学报,18(5): 1987–1994.
陈能汪, 张潇尹, 卢晓梅. 2008. 基于GIS 的生态系统服务直接利用价值评估方法. 中国环境科学,28(7): 380–384.
陈能汪, 洪华生, 张珞平. 2008. 九龙江流域大气氮湿沉降研究. 环境科学,2008,29(1): 38–46.
陈能汪, 洪华生, 肖健, 张珞平, 王吉苹. 2006. 九龙江流域大气氮干沉降. 生态学报,26(8): 2602–2607.
开设课程l 地学基础(本科生)/Foundation of Earth Science (For undergraduate)
l 环境规划(本科生)/Environmental Planning (For undergraduate)
l 环境规划(研究生)/Environmental Planning (For graduate)
l 环境科学与工程前沿与进展(研究生)/ Frontier in Environmental Science and Engineering (For graduate)
科研课题l 国家自然科学基金(**)—亚热带典型河流-河口系统氮的反硝化过程与调控,2011-2013,主持
l Denitrification process and controlling factors in a typical subtropical river-estuary system. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. **). 2011-2013. Principal Investigator.
l 国家自然科学基金(**)—亚热带暴雨事件的河海界面生物地球化学响应,2014-2017,主持
l Biogeochemical responses to subtropical storm events in a river-sea interface. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. **). 2014-2017. Principal Investigator.
l 厦门南方海洋研究中心项目(14GST68NF32)-河流入海通量在线监控关键技术研发及示范,2014-2017,专题负责
l Development of Online Monitoring Technology for the Nutrient Fluxes from River to coast and its Demonstration. Xiamen Southern Oceanographic Center (14GST68NF32). 2014-2017. Co-PI.
l 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC**)-闽三角城市群生态安全保障及海岸带生态修复技术,2016-2019,子课题负责
l Building ecological security for urban agglomeration and integrating ecological restoration techniques for coastal zones in Fujian river deltas. The National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC**), 2016-2019. Co-PI.
l 国家自然科学基金(**)—亚热带河流-河口界面氨氮污染转运的主控过程,2017-2020,主持
l Major processes regulating ammonia nitrogen transformation and export across the river-estuary interface. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. **). 2017-2020. Principal Investigator.
l 国家自然科学基金(**)—红树林-河口系统氨氮的转化与横向输出,2020-2023,主持
l Ammonium nitrogen cycling and lateral export across the mangrove-estuary system. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. **). 2020-2023. Principal Investigator.
l 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目()—中国-智利水环境管理比较研究:聚焦气候变化下流域生态与社会经济的可持续性,2020-2023. 参加
l A comparative study on water environment management between China and Chile: A focus on watershed ecology and socio-economic sustainability under climate change. NSFC-CONICYT (No. ). 2020-2023. Co-PI.
荣誉奖励l 2006年度国家环境保护科学技术奖三等奖,九龙江流域水污染和生态破坏综合整治绩效评估
l 2013年入选教育部新优纪优秀人才支持计划
l 2016年获福建省优秀硕士论文(**)(作者吴殷琪,导师陈能汪),亚热带暴雨事件九龙江营养盐输出过程与河口响应
l 2018年获福建省硕士研究生导师团队
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09
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