

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

张珞平 Luo-ping Zhang
教授 Professor 博导
办公电话:Tel:(86) 138 0600 8525
邮箱:Email: lpzhang@xmu.edu.cn

履历l 厦门大学海洋系海洋化学专业学士(1982)
l 厦门大学海洋系研究生班(海洋环境科学方向)(1985-1987)
l 厦门大学环境科学研究所实习研究员、助理研究员(1982-1992)
l 厦门大学环境科学研究中心副研究员(1992-2000)
l 厦门大学环境科学与工程系教授(2000-2012)
l 兼任厦门大学海洋与海岸带发展研究院副院长(2005-2014)
l 厦门大学环境与生态学院教授(2012至今,2014年退休)
l BS, Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Xiamen University (1982)
l Graduate education, Oceanography, Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University (1985-1987)
l Intern Researcher, Assistant Researcher, Institute of Environmental Science, Xiamen University (1982-1992)
l Associate Researcher, Environmental Science Research Center, Xiamen University (1992-2000)
l Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xiamen University (2001-2012)
l Concurrently the deputy director of Coast and Ocean Management Institute(COMI), Xiamen University (2005-2014)
l Professor, The College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University (2012 to now, retired in 2014)
研究方向 l 海洋环境监测及其环境质量综合评价
l 战略环境评价和环境风险评价
l 海岸带和区域环境规划与管理
l Marine environmental monitoring and integrated environmental quality assessment
l Strategic environmental assessment and environmental risk assessment
l Coastal and regional environmental planning and management

代表性论文 Davide Calamari, Luoping Zhang. Environmental risk assessment of pesticides on aquatic life in Xiamen, China. Toxicology Letters, 2002, 128(1-3): 45-53.
Zhang Luoping, Hong Huasheng, Chen Weiqi et al. Practice of strategic environmental assessment in coastal zone, China. Science Foundation in China, 2005, 13(1): 45-50.
Luo-Ping Zhang, Hua-Sheng Hong, Wei-Qi Chen et al. Marine Environmental Security: An Evolving Concept. Environmental Information Archives, 2005, 3: 435-438.
L-P Zhang, W-Q Chen, Q-H Fang et al. Resources-Oriented Principle and Sustainability: Theory and Application in China. 5th International Conference on Environmental Informatics, ISEIS 2006.
Qinhua Fang, Luoping Zhang, Huasheng Hong. Towards adaptive town environmental planning: the experience from Xiamen, China. Environment & Urbanization, 2006, 18(1): 87-101.
Luoping Zhang, Xin Ye, Huan Feng et al. Heavy metal contamination in western Xiamen Bay sediments and its vicinity, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2007, 54(7): 974-982.
Luoping Zhang, Huan Feng, Xiaoxia Li et al. Heavy metal contaminant remediation study of western Xiamen Bay sediment, China: Laboratory scale testing results. J. Hazardous Materials, 2009, 172: 108-116.
Xuan Wang, Weiqi Chen, Luoping Zhang et al. Estimating the ecosystem service losses from proposed land reclamation projects: A case study in Xiamen. Ecological Economics, 2010, 69(12): 2549-2556.
Jingjing Zhang, Luoping Zhang*, Paolo F. Ricci. Water quality and non-point sources of risk: the Jiulong River Watershed, P.R. of China. Water Science & Technology, 2012, 65(1): 38-45.
Rong Mu, Luoping Zhang, Qinhua Fang. Ocean-related zoning and planning in China: A review. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2013, 82: 64-70.
张珞平,母容,张冉. 多维决策法:一种新的战略决策方法. 战略决策研究,2014,5(1):71-83.
Kan-Kan Wu, Luo-Ping Zhang*, Qin-Hua Fang. An approach and Methodology of environmental risk assessment for strategic decision-making. J. Environ. Assess. Policy & Management, 2014, 16(3): **-1~21.
Weiwei Yu, Luoping Zhang*, Paolo F. Ricci et al. Coastal ecological risk assessment in regional scale: Application of the relative risk model to Xiamen Bay, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2015, 108: 131-139.
Luo Ping Zhang, Hong Ni Xu, Hua Xia Sheng, Wei Qi Chen et al. Concept and Evaluation of Ecosystem Intrinsic Value. J. Agricultural Sci. & Technology B, 2015, 5(6): 401-409.
Kan-Kan Wu, Luo-Ping Zhang*. Application of environmental risk assessment for strategic decision-making in coastal areas: case studies in China. J. Environ. Planning & Management, 2016, 59(5): 826-842.
Sufen Ye, Luoping Zhang*, Huan Feng. Marine ecological risk assessment methods for radiation accidents. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 2017, 180: 65-76.
Hua-Xia Sheng, Hongni Xu, Luoping Zhang*, Weiqi Chen. Ecosystem intrinsic value and its application in decision-making for sustainable development. J. for Nature Conservation, 2019, 49 (1): 27–36.
Xiaofang Wu, Luoping Zhang*, Meifeng Luo. Discerning sustainability approaches in shipping. Environ., Development & Sustainability, 2020, 22(6): 5169-5184.
Xiaofang Wu, Luoping Zhang*, Huan Feng. Green Strategic Planning Approach for International Shipping Activities. Sustainability, 2020, 12(1): 文献号:41.
Luoping Zhang. Concept of Absolutism - Comments on the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanism. 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 428: 文献号:012090.
Sufen Ye, Luoping Zhang*, Huan Feng. Ecosystem intrinsic value and its evaluation. Ecological Modelling, 2020, 430: 文献号:109131.

l 环境管理相关理论及进展(2009-2015)
l Applied Methods of Data Analysis for Environmental Scientists(2009-2011,与Paolo Ricci合讲)
l Principles of Management and Decision Analysis for Environmental Management(2009-2011,与Paolo Ricci合讲)
l Risk Management Cases and Methods(2009-2011,与Paolo Ricci合讲)
l 海岸带环境规划与管理案例研究(2014-2016)
l 环境管理(2001-2013)
l 环境评价(2001-2013)
l 环境规划(2001-2011)
Course Structure:
PhD program:
l Theory and Progress of Environmental Management(2009-2015)
l Applied Methods of Data Analysis for Environmental Scientists(2009-2011, cooperating with Prof. Paolo Ricci)
l Principles of Management and Decision Analysis for Environmental Management(2009-2011, cooperating with Prof. Paolo Ricci)
l Risk Management Cases and Methods(2009-2011, cooperating with Prof. Paolo Ricci)
l Case Study on Coastal Environmental Planning and Management(2014-2016)
Graduate program:
l Environmental Management(2001-2013)
l Environmental Assessment(2001-2013)
l Environmental Planning(2001-2011)
Undergraduate program
Environmental Planning and Management(2002-2013)
厦门湾港口总体规划战略环境评价, 福建省计委(2000-2002)

Selected Research Programmes:
Strategic environmental assessment of Port Master Plan in Xiamen Bay, Fujian Provincial Planning Commission (2000-2002)
Environmental capacity of Xiangshan Bay in Zhejiang Province, Marine and Fisheries Bureau of Ningbo City (2001-2002)
Agricultural non-point source pollution control in Jiulong River Watershed, Department of Science and Technology of Fujian Province (2002-2004)
Project of numerical simulation and environmental studies in major bays of Fujian Province-Xiamen Bay and Fuqing Bay (2005-2006)
Strategic environmental assessment of Comprehensive Planning of Jiulong River Watershed, Fujian Development and Reform Commission (2006-2007)
Environmental Planning around Luoyuan Bay area, Environmental Protection Bureau of Fuzhou City (2006-2007)
Environmental quality assessment and environmental capacity of typical offshore waters in China, National 908 Project (2008-2010)
Development of national standard for the technical guidelines of environmental impact assessment for the reclamation planning in bays, National marine public welfare projects (2008-2010)
Development and pilot project of the framework and technology system for principal function zoning in coastal zones, National marine public welfare projects (2009-2012)
Integrated assessment of marine environmental quality in Pearl River Estuary, State Oceanic Administration (2011-2012)
Ecological risk assessment for marine radiation accidents, Marine and Fisheries Bureau of Fujian Province / South China Sea Branch of State Oceanic Administration (2013-2015)
荣誉奖励l 1999, 教育部科技进步奖三等奖,香港和厦门港湾污染沉积物的来源及变化过程研究
l 2004, 福建省科技进步奖二等奖,福建近岸海域持久性有机污染物的迁移转化规律及生物毒性效应研究
l 2005, 国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖二等奖,宁波市象山港环境容量及污染物排放总量控制研究
l 2008, 福建省科技进步奖二等奖,福建省主要海湾数模与环境研究
l 2008, 福建省科技进步奖二等奖,九龙江流域农业非点源污染机理与控制研究
l 2009, 福建省科技进步奖三等奖,环罗源湾区域环境资源承载力与可持续发展战略研究
l 2016, 福建省标准贡献奖一等奖,海湾围填海规划环境影响评价技术导则国家标准
Selected Honors and rewards:
l 1999, The third prize of science and Technology Award of Ministry of Education, Source and biogeochemical process of contaminated sediments in the bays of Hong Kong and Xiamen
l 2004, The second prize of Fujian Science and Technology Award, Removal and transformation of persistent organic pollutants and their biotoxic effects in Fujian coastal waters
l 2005, The second prize of Oceanic Innovation Achievement Award of The State Oceanic Administration, Environmental capacity and total pollutant Control in Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo City
l 2008, The second prize of Fujian Science and Technology Award, Numerical modeling and environmental studies in major bays of Fujian Province
l 2008, The second prize of Fujian Science and Technology Award, Mechanism and control of agricultural non-point source pollution in Jiulong River Watershed
l 2009, The third prize of Fujian Science and Technology Award, Environmental and resource carrying capacity and sustainable development strategy around Luoyuan Bay area
l 2016, The first prize of Fujian Standard Contribution Award, National standard for the technical guidelines of ecological and environmental impact assessment for the reclamation planning in bays

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