本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08
办 公 室:数理大楼B612
教育经历:1994/9-1998/6 山西师范大学数学与计算机科学学院 本科
1998/9-2001/6 山西师范大学数学与计算机科学学院 硕士
2002/9-2005/6 山西大学数学科学学院 博士
2014/7-2015/7 贵湖大学与滑铁卢大学
2006/10至今 厦门大学数学科学学院
[27] Du S., Bai Z., Qi X, Coherence Manipulation under incoherent operations, Physical Review A, 2019, 100, 032313.
[26] Du S., Bai Z., Guo Y., Erratum: Conditions for coherence transformations under incoherent operations [Phys. Rev. A 91, 052120 (2015)], Physical Review A, 2017, 95, 029901.
[25] Du S., Bai Z., Qi X., Coherence measures and optimal conversion for coherent states, Quantum Information & Computation, 2015,15,1355-1364.
[24] Bai Z.,Du S., Maximally coherent states, Quantum Information & Computation, 2015,15,1307-1316.
[23] Du S., Bai Z., Guo Y., Conditions for coherence transformations under incoherent operations, Physical Review A, 2015, 91,052120.
[22] Guo Y., Du S., Li X. and Wu S., Entangled basis with fixed Schmidt number, J. Physics A: Math. Theor., 2015, 48,245301.
[21] Du S., Bai Z., The Wigner-Yanase information can increase under phase sensitive incoherent operations, Annals of Physics, 2015, 359,136-140.
[20] Guo Y., Bai Z., Du S., When quantum channel preserves product states, Reports on Math. Phys.,2014,74,277-282。
[19] Bai Z., Du S., Quantum channels fixing a convex cone of density operators on T(H), J. Physics A: Math. Theor., 2014,47, 175302。
[18] Guo Y.,Bai Z.,Du S.,Local channels preserving maximal entanglement or Schmidt number, International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2013,52,3820-3829.
[17] Bai Z.,Du S., Strong communativity preserving maps on rings, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematica, 2014,44,733-742.
[16] Bai Z.,Du S., Multiplicative *-Lie isomorphisms between von Neumann algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2012, 60, 311-322.
[15] Bai Z.,Du S.,The structure of nonlinear Lie derivations on von Neumann algebras, Linear Algebra and Its Applications,2012,436,2701-2708.
[14] Bai Z., Du S, Maps preserving products XY-YX* on von Neumann algebras, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012, 386, 103-109.
[13] Bai Z., Du S, Hou J., Maps preserving unitary similarity on B(H), Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematica, 2011, 41, 1157-1172.
[12] Bai Z., Du S, Hou J., Distance preserving maps on nest algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2011, 59, 571-594.
[11] Bai Z., Du S., Characterization of sum automorphisms and Jordan triple automorphisms of quantum probabilistic maps, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010, 43: 165210.
[10] Bai Z., Du S*., Hou J., Additive maps preserving rank one operators on nest algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2010, 58: 269-283.
[9] Bai Z, Du S. , Multiplicative -Lie isomorphism between factors, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, 346: 327-335.
[8] Dolinar G, Du S., Hou J, Legisa P. , General preservers of invariant subspace lattices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2008, 429:100-109.
[7] Bai Z, Du S., Hou J. , Multiplicative Lie isomorphism between prime rings, Communications in Algebra, 2008, 36:1626-1633.
[6] Du S., Hou J., Bai Z., Nonlinear maps preserving similarity on B(H) , Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2007, 422:506-516.
[5] Du S., Hou J., Bai Z., Additive maps preserving similarity or astmptotic similarity on B(H) , Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2007, 55:209-218.
[4] Du S., Hou J., Similarity invariant real linear subspace and similarity preserving additive maps on B(H). Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2004, 377: 141-153.
[3] Du S., Hou J. , Asymptotic similarity preserving additive maps on B(X) , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2004, 291:20-30.
[2] Du S., Hou J., Positive definite solutions of operator equation X +A*X-nA=I, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2003, 51:163-173.
[1] Du S., Hou J., Co-isometric solutions of equation , Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2003, 23B:192-200.
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