本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08
办 公 室:海韵物机楼616
教育经历: 2004.9--2009.7 Ph.D. , Academy of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Advisor: Wang, Youde and Tian, Gang
2000.9--2004.7 B.S., School of Mathematics, Wuhan University, China
2013.8-- Associate Professor,
2011.6--2013.7 Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen Univ., China
2009.7--2011.6 Postdoc , Advisor: Tian, Gang School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking Univ., China
Visiting positons:
University of Kentucky(hosted by Wang, Changyou), March 1–April 25, 2013 AMS Fan Fund China Exchange Program
University of British Coulumbia(hosted by Chen, Jingyi), June 1-August 30, 2015
University of Washington(hosted by Yuan, Yu), September 7, 2015-September 7, 2016 CSC visiting scholar
Lecture notes for Differentiable Manifolds (2020) pdf
Slides for Maths in Natural Sciences I(2019) part1 part2
教学比赛ppt (2015)
Geometric analysis, including:
Blow-up analysis of Harmonic maps and Yang-Mills-Higgs fields;
Hamiltonian Geometric flows, especially Skew mean curvature flow, Schrodinger map flow and their geometric solitons.
"Vortex Filaments", Fields Institute, Toronto, Nov. 3, 2020 (Online)
"Integrability in Machenics and Geometry: Theory and Computations", ICERM, Brown Univ. June 5, 2015 Video
6. 2020-2023, "具有物理背景的两类几何发展方程研究", NSFC 面上项目, no. **;
5. 2017-2019, "斜平均曲率流". Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University,no. ;
4. 2014-2016, "扭曲调和映射的若干问题及其应用", Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China, no. 2014J01023;
3.2013-2015, "KdV曲线与KdV孤立子", NSFC 青年项目, no. **;
2.2013-2015, "一类几何偏微分方程的爆破分析". Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(SRFDP), no. 022;
1. 2011, "扭曲调和映射模空间的紧化", China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,no. 3.
16. "Harmonic map flow with low dbar-energy" (with Alex Waldron), arXiv:2009.07242.
15. "Local existence and uniqueness of skew mean curvature flow", arXiv:1904.03822.
14. "Harmonic maps with free boundary from degenerating bordered Riemann surfaces"(with Lei Liu, Miaomiao Zhu), arXiv:1904.01539
Published papers:
13. " Isolated singularities of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields on surfaces"(with Bo Chen), Intern. Math. Res. Not. (2020), DOI.
12. " The boundary value problem for Yang--Mills--Higgs fields"(with Wanjun Ai, Miaomiao Zhu), Calc. Var. PDE. 58(4), paper no. 157 (2019).
11. " Hessian estimates for convex solutions to quadratic Hessian equation"(with Matt McGonagle, Yu Yuan), Ann. I. H. Poincaré - AN, 36(2), 451-454 (2019).
10.“ Skew Mean Curvature Flow”(with Jun Sun), Commun. Contemp. Math. Vol. 21, No. 01, ** (2019).
9.“ Uniqueness of Schrodinger flow on manifolds"(with Youde Wang), Comm. Anal. Geom. 26, no. 1, 217–235(2018).
8. " Gauss map of Skew mean curvature flow", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145, no. 11, 4963–4970(2017).
7.“ Heat flow of Yang-Mills-Higgs functional in dimension two”(with Changyou Wang), J. Funct. Anal. 272, No. 11, 4709–4751 (2017).
6.“ Convergence of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields”, Math. Ann. Vol. 366, No. 1, 167-217(2016).
5.“ Geometric soliton of Hamiltonian flow on manifolds”(with Xiaowei Sun, Youde Wang),Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 54, No. 12,121505(2013).
4.“ The Cauchy problem of generalized Landau-Lifshitz equation into Sn”(with Jie Yu),Science in China Series A, Vol. 56, No. 2, 283-300(2013).
3.“ The KdV-Airy curve and the Schrodinger-Airy curve”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 140, 635-644(2012).
2.“ Schrodinger solitons from Lorentzian manifolds”(with Youde Wang),Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series”, Vol. 27, No. 8, 1455-1476(2011).
1.“ Critical points of Yang-Mills-Higgs functional”,Commun. Contemp. Math., Vol. 13, No. 3, 463–486(2011)
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