

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08

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个人简介 研究成果 研究项目
2017.09 - 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、经济学院,教授
2014.02-2017.07 西南财经大学经济与管理研究院,教授
2011.02-2014.01 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院,副教授
2006.8-2010.12 西南财经大学经济与管理研究院,副教授
2005.11-2006.4 哈佛大学商学院助理研究员 (Research Associate)
2005.8-2005.10 Torto Wheaton Research (Boston), Real Estate Economist
2018— Editorial board member, Growth and Change; PLOS ONE

2005 经济学博士,美国波士顿学院 (Boston College)1998 经济学硕士,南开大学经济研究所
1993 房地产专业 (专科),湖南城市学院


1. Air Pollution and Manufacturing Firm Productivity: Nationwide Estimates for China, with V. Brian Viard and Peng Zhang, Economic Journal, 2021, Accepted.
2. Race-Specific Urban Wage Premia and the Black-White Wage Gap, with Elizabeth Ananat and Stephen L. Ross, Journal of Urban Economics 108(2018), 141-153.
3. Measuring the Stringency of Land-Use Regulation and Its Determinants: The Case of China’s Building Height Limits, with Jan Brueckner, Junfu Zhang, and Yizhen Gu, Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2017), 663-677.

4. Corporate Sexual Equality and Firm Performance, with Liwei Shan and Lu Zheng, Strategic Management Journal 38 (2017), 1812-1826.
5. Highway Toll and Air Pollution: Evidence from Chinese Cities, with Yizhen Gu, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 83 (2017), 32-49.
6. The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity, with V. Brian Viard, Journal of Public Economics 125 (2015), 98-115.
7. Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: How Important is Worker Heterogeneity? With Stephen L. Ross, Journal of Labor Economics 31 (2013), 271-304.

8. Smart Café Cities: Testing Human Capital Externalities in the Boston Metropolitan Area, Journal of Urban Economics 61 (2007), 86-111.

1. Land Conversion Across Cities in China, with Xiaocong Xu and Junfu Zhang, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2021, in press.
2. Do Rural Migrants Benefit from Labor Market Agglomeration Economies? Evidence from Chinese Cities, with Guangliang Yang and Lixing Li, Growth and Change 51(2020), 910-931.
3. Runing with a Mask? The Effect of Air Pollution on Marathon Runners' Performance, with Mengmeng Guo, Journal of Sports Economics 20(2019), 903-928.
4. Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus, with V. Brian Viard, Journal of Economic Geography 19(2019), 723-752.

5. The Effect of Housing Wealth on Labor Force Participation: Evidence from China, with Yu Liao and Junfu Zhang, Journal of Housing Economics 33 (2016), 59-69.
6. Do Agglomeration Economies affect Local Comovement of Stock Returns? Evidence from China, with Michael Firth and Liwei Shan, Urban Studies 54 (5), 1142-1161, 2017.
7. Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities in China, with Zhihong Chen and Dayong Zhang, Urban Studies 50 (2013), 2118-2135.
8.Impact Fees and Real Estate Prices: Evidence from Thirty-five Chinese Cities, with Xiaofang Dong and Yufei Yuan, Frontiers of Economics in China 8 (2013), 207-219.
9.Economic Growth, Local Industrial Development and Inter-Regional Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China, with Puman Ouyang, China Economic Review 23 (2012), 445-460.
10. Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries: Urban Diversity or Urban Size? With Junjie Hong, Journal of Regional Science 51 (2011), 585-603.
11.Information and Communication Technologies and Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from China, with Junjie Hong, Urban Studies 48 (2011), 2339-54.
12.Industry Specialization, Diversification, Churning, and Unemployment in Chinese Cities, with Xiaofang Dong and Guojun Chai, China Economic Review 21 (2010), 508-520.
13.The R&D Survey-Patent Database Link Project, with William Kerr, Journal of Technology Transfer 33 (2008), 173-186.
1. 科研人才招聘需要“查三代”吗?——基于16所经济学院教师教育背景和科研绩效的实证研究,与王军辉、洪永淼合作,《世界经济文汇》2014 年第3期。
2. 强制医保制度下无保险人群的健康状况研究,《经济研究》2013年第7期,与赵绍阳、臧文斌、刘国恩合作。(该文被收入《中国经济学2013》,格致出版社出版)
3. 《如何撰写并发表英文经济学论文》, 与Judith M. Pereira 合作,格致出版社, 2012。
4. 从“配给”到“自由选择”—我国住房制度改革与住房需求决定因素的变迁,与董晓芳合作,《制度经济学研究》,2010第4卷。
5. 企业规模、城市规模与集聚经济,与洪俊杰合作,《经济研究》2008第11期。
6. 亨利·乔治定理、基础设施配套费与新建商品房价格,《中国房地产研究季刊》2008年第4卷。
7. 发展和规范我国住房二级市场,《管理世界》2000年第2期。

2017 国家自科基金面上项目“空气污染对我国劳动力城际和国际流动的影响” (项目编号 **)
2007 国家社科基金重点课题“城市增长与房地产价格”(编号07AJY004,已结题)

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