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金融学副教授,厦门大学经济学院、王亚南经济研究院, 2013年~2018年
金融学助理教授,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院, 2010年~2013年
教授金融经济学,国际金融,固定收益分析, 高级衍生品分析,金融风险建模等课程

15th annual conference of Australia Center for Financial Studies (ACFS),Melbourne, Australia, October 2010
50th annual meeting of Southwestern Finance Association,Houston, United States, March 2011
21st Asia-Pacific Futures Research Symposium (APFRS),Singapore, February 2011
7th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives,Busan, Korea, August 2011
22nd Asia-Pacific Futures Research Symposium (APFRS),Shanghai, April 2012
2nd International Conference on Derivatives and Risk Management,Beijing, November 2013

3rd International Conference on Derivatives and Risk Management,Shanghai, October 2014

首届中国人民大学“大宏观”论坛,北京, 2015年11月
第11届中国(深圳)国际期货大会”,深圳, 2015年12月3日—12月5日
the 1stChina Derivatives Markets Conference (CDMC), Suzhou, May 2016


China Financial Research Conference (CFRC), 清华大学五道口金融学院,北京,2016年7月1-3日

第12届中国(深圳)国际期货大会,深圳, 2016年12月3日—12月5日
2010年美国西南金融协会金融市场组别最佳论文奖,“Equilibrium Relationship between Market Prices of Risks and Market Risk Aversion in Complete Stochastic Volatility Models with Habit Formation”
2014年上海期货交易所最佳论文奖,“The Nelson–Siegel Model of the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility and Volatility Components”
2015年中国期货业协会征文竞赛一等奖,"Does index futures trading reduce volatility in the Chinese stock market? A panel data evaluation approach

[1] Guo, B., Han, Q., Liu, M., & Ryu, D. (2013). A Tale of Two Index Futures: The Intraday Price Discovery and Volatility Transmission Processes between the China Financial Futures Exchange and the Singapore Exchange.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,49, 197-212.

[2] Guo, B., Han, Q., & Zhao, B. (2014). The Nelson–Siegel Model of the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility and Volatility Components.Journal of Futures Markets.
[3] Guo, B., Han,Q., Lee, J., & Ryu, D.(2014). How important is a non-default factor for CDS valuation? Forthcoming onJournal of Futures Markets.
[4] Guo, B., Han, Q., & Ryu, D. (2013). Is the KOSPI 200 options market efficient? Parametric and nonparametric tests of the martingale restriction.Journal of Futures Markets,33(7), 629-652.
[5] Chen, H., Han, Q., Li, Y., & Wu, K. (2013). Does index futures trading reduce volatility in the Chinese stock market? A panel data evaluation approach.Journal of Futures Markets,33(12), 1167-1190.
[6] Han, Q., Guo, B., Ryu, D., & Webb, R. I. Asymmetric and negative return-volatility relationship: The case of the VKOSPI.Investment Analysts Journal, (76), 69-78, 2012
[7] 陈海强,韩乾和吴锴,现金流波动、盈利稳定性与公司价值:基于沪深股市的实证研究,《金融研究》2012第9期
[8] 韩乾和洪永淼,国家产业政策、投资者行为和资产价格,经济研究》2014第12期
[9] 陈海强,韩乾和吴锴,融资约束抑制技术效率提升吗?公司微观层面的视角,《金融研究》2015年第10期
[10] 韩乾和梁巨方,商品期货会分散投资组合尾部风险吗?《金融研究》,2017

[11] Han, Q., Liang, J. & Wu, B. Cross Economic Determinants of Implied Volatility Smile Dynamics: Three Major European Currency Options, forthcoming inEuropean Financial Management
[12] Guo, B., Han, Q., & Lin, H. (2017). Are There Gains over the Term Structure of Implied Volatilities?, Journal of Futures Markets
[13] 韩乾,袁宇菲和吴博强, (2017). 短期国际资本流动与我国上市企业融资成本, 《经济研究》, 2017

[14] 韩乾,徐恒. 我国上市企业年报披露择机与投资者关注,《中国经济问题》,2016
[15] Han, Q. & Liang, J. Index Futures Trading Restrictions and Spot Market Quality: Evidence from the Recent Chinese Stock Market Crash, Journal of Futures Markets, April 2017
[16] 韩乾,梁巨方(2015). 卖空限制、套保压力与期现持续负基差:来自本轮股市异常波动的实证
[17] Chen, Y., Han, Q., & Niu, L. (2016). Forecasting the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility: The Power of Adaptive Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model,Journal of Empirical Finance
[18] 韩乾,姜圆(2016). 商品期货可以预测通货膨胀率吗?已投稿


[1]Chen, Z., Fan, Q., Han, Q., & Li, D. 2013. Global Systemic Risk
[2] Guo, B.,Han,Q.,Liang, J.,& Ryu, D. 2014. Sovereign Credit Risk Contagion in Asia

• 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015.01-2018.12),进行中

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