本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-07
南强青年拔尖人才支持计划教 授
王传超,厦门大学人类学与民族学系教授,南强青年拔尖人才计划A类引进人才。2015年6月获复旦大学现代人类学教育部重点实验室人类生物学博士学位,2015年7月至2017年8月先后任哈佛医学院遗传学系博士后、德国马普人类历史科学研究所博士后、助理研究员,2017年8月入职厦门大学任副教授,2018年1月晋升为特任研究员,2018年6月晋升为教授。近年来,在Science、Nature Communications等国内外期刊上发表SCI或SSCI论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Science、Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.、Journal of Genetics and Genomics等期刊发表SCI或SSCI论文20余篇,累计被引用650余次,h指数为15,i10指数为18,担任SCI期刊Historical Biology副主编,SSCI期刊Human Biology副主编,SCI期刊Scientific Reports、PLoS One、Mitochondrial DNA编委,SCI期刊Frontiers in Genetics评审编委、Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine编委等,研究成果由中央电视台新闻联播、中央电视台新闻频道、《探索发现》等全国多家知名媒体广泛报道。
2006.09-2010.06: 中国海洋大学国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地班,获理学学士学位;
2010.09-2015.06: 复旦大学现代人类学教育部重点实验室硕博连读,获人类生物学博士学位;
2011.07-2011.09: 美国贝勒医学院人类基因组测序中心,实习生(Intern).
2015.07-2017.06: 德国马普人类历史科学研究所(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History),博士后(Postdoctoral Researcher)
2015.10-2017.08:哈佛医学院遗传学系(Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School),博士后(Research Fellow)
2017.07-2017.08:德国马普人类历史科学研究所(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human
History),助理研究员(Research Associate)
2017. 09-2017. 12:厦门大学人类学与民族学系 副教授
2018. 01-2018.06:厦门大学人类学与民族学系 “南强青拔”特任研究员
2018. 06-至今:厦门大学人类学与民族学系 教授
通过古 DNA 和群体遗传学与语言学、历史学、考古学的交叉研究来解析东亚古今各族群的起源、迁徙、演化和混合过程
在东亚人群和语言的起源和分化、人类遗传学在历史与考古研究中的应用、东亚特殊疾病相关基因的进化等研究领域共发表学术论文 50 余篇,其中 SCI 和 SSCI 论文 40 余篇,累计被引用 600 余次。以第一作者或通讯作者在 Science, Am J Phys Anthropol, J Genet Genomics, Scientific Reports, PLoS One, J Hum Genet, J Syst Evol, Quatern Intern 等发表 SCI 和 SSCI 论文 20 余篇,研究成果由中央电视台新闻联播、中央电视台新闻频道、《探索发现》等全国多家知名媒体广泛报道。
中央高校基本科研业务费,中国东北地区新石器农业人群的源流及其与通古斯语扩散的关系,2018.01-2020.12,10 万元;
南强青年拔尖人才支持计划,厦门大学科研启动经费,2017.09-2022.12,200 万元;
Max Planck Society, Reconstruct population history in East Asia, 2015.07-2017.06,50 万元;
复旦大学研究生创新基金,Y 染色体非重组区高精度谱系树的构建,2012.07-2015.06,
1.5 万元;
教育部博士研究生学术新人奖,批准号无,基于深家系的 Y 染色体突变率估算,
2013.01-2015.06,5 万元;
European Research Council (ERC), Grant Number: 646612, The origin and dispersal of the Transeurasian languages, 200 万欧元;
国家自然基金优秀青年科学基金项目,批准号 **,人类起源与进化, 2013.01-2015.12;
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,批准号 **,农业起源与发展过程中人类酒精代谢相关基因家族的微进化,2012.01-2015.12,100 万元;
国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,批准号 **,中国各地回族与汉族的基因交流研究,2011.01-2013.12,34 万元;
上海市教委科技创新重点项目,批准号 11zz04,汉藏、阿尔泰、乌拉尔、叶尼塞四大族系遗传同源地研究,2011.01-2013.12,15 万元;
上海市自然科学基金项目,批准号 10ZR**,汉藏人群起源关键地区川西走廊的遗传结构调查,2010.03-2012.03,10 万元。
SCI 期刊《Historical Biology》副主编 (2017 年至今)
SSCI、SCI 期刊《Human Biology》副主编 (2017 年至今)
SCI 期刊《Scientific Reports》编委 (2017 年至今)
SCI 期刊《PLoS ONE》编委 (2015 年至今)
SCI 期刊《Mitochondrial DNA》编委 (2017 年至今)
SCI 期刊 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Genetics and Plant Science 评审编委(2018 年至今)
《Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine》编委 (2017 年至今)
《现代人类学通讯》编委 (2010 年至今)
以下国内外学术期刊审稿人:Genome Research, Molecular Biology and Evolution, European Journal of Human Genetics, Scientific Reports, Journal of Human Genetics, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Annals of Human Biology, BMC Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Hereditas, Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, and Science China Life Sciences.
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)评审人
上海市优秀毕业生(2015 年)
复旦大学“五四”青年奖章(2015 年)
上海市大学生年度十大人物(2014-2015 年)
上海市哲学社会科学奖二等奖(2014 年, 第二完成人)
海南省科技进步二等奖(2014 年, 第四完成人)
卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖(2014, 卢嘉锡科学教育基金会)
百人会英才奖 (2014, 美国百人会)
复旦大学优秀学生标兵(2013-2014 学年)
10. 国家奖学金(2013-2014 学年)
教育部学术新人奖 (2012, 教育部 国务院学位委员会)
吴瑞奖 (2012, Ray Wu Prize: Ray Wu Memorial Fund)
13. 国家奖学金(2012-2013 学年)
研究论文(*并列第一作者, #通讯作者):
Wang CC#, Reinhold SR, Kalmykov A, et al. The genetic prehistory of the Greater Caucasus. bioRxiv, 2018, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/322347.
Wang LX, Lu Y, Zhang C, Wei LH, Yan S, Huang YZ, Wang CC, Mallick S, Wen SQ, Jin L, Xu SH, Li H. Reconstruction of Y-chromosome phylogeny reveals two neolithic expansions of Tibeto-Burman populations. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-018-1461-2.
Spyrou M, Tukhbatova R, Wang CC, Valtue?a AA, Lankapalli A, Kondrashin V, Tsibin V, Khokhlov A, Kühnert D, Herbig A, Bos K, Krause J#. 3,800-year-old Yersinia pestis genomes suggest Bronze Age origin for bubonic plague. Nature Communications, 2018, accepted.
Huang X#,*, Zhou Q*, Bin X, Lai S, Lin C, Hu R, Xiao J, Luo D, Li Y, Wei LH, Yeh HY, Chen G, Wang CC#. The genetic assimilation in language borrowing inferred from Jing people. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23449.
Mittnik A#, Wang CC, Pfrengle S, Daubaras M, Zari?a G, Hallgren F, Allm?e R, Khartanovich V, Moiseyev V, Furtw?ngler A, Valtue?a AA, Feldman M, Economou C, Oinonen M, Vasks A, T?rv M, Balanovsky O, Reich D, Jankauskas R, Haak W, Schiffels S, Krause J#. The genetic prehistory of the Baltic Sea region. Nature Communications, 2018, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-02825-9.
Peltzer A, Mittnik A, Wang CC, Begg T, Posth C, Nieselt K, Krause J#. Inferring genetic origins and phenotypic traits of George B?hr, the architect of the Dresden Frauenkirche. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 2115.
Huang YZ*, Wei LH*, Yan S, Wen SQ, Wang CC, Yang YJ, Wang LX, Lu Y, Zhang C, Xu SH, Yao DL, Jin L, Li H#. Whole sequence analysis indicates a recent southern origin of Mongolian Y-chromosome C2c1a1a1-M407. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2017, 293 (3), 657-663.
Huang YZ, Pamjav H, Flegontov P, Stenzl V, Wen SQ, Tong XZ, Wang CC, Wang LX, Wei LH, Gao JY, Jin L, Li H#. Dispersals of the Siberian Y-chromosome haplogroup Q in Eurasia. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2017, doi:10.1007/s00438-017-1363-8.
Yao HB, Tang S, Yao X, Yeh HY, Zhang W, Xie Z, Du Q, Ma L, Wei S, Gong X, Zhang Z, Li Q, Xu B, Zhang HQ, Chen G, Wang CC#. The Genetic Admixture in Tibetan-Yi Corridor. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2017, 164(3):522-532.
Yao HB*,#, Wang CC*,#, Wang J, Tao X, Shang L, Wen SQ, Du Q, Deng, Q, Xu B, Huang Y, Wang, HD, Li S, Cong B, Ma L, Jin L, Krause J, Li H#. Genetic structure of Tibetan populations in Gansu revealed by forensic STR loci. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41195.
Nothnagel M#, Fan G, Guo F, He Y, Hou Y, Hu S, Huang J, Jiang X, Kim W, Kim K, Li C, Li H, Li L, Li S, Li Z, Liang W, Liu C, Lu D, Luo H, Nie S, Shi M, Sun H, Tang J, Wang L, Wang CC,
Wang D, Wen SQ, Wu H, Wu W, Xing J, Yan J, Yan S, Yao H, Ye Y, Yun L, Zeng Z, Zha L, Zhang S, Zhang X, Willuweit S, Roewer L. Revisiting the male genetic landscape of China: a multi-center study of almost 38,000 Y-STR haplotypes. Human Genetics, 2017, 136(5):485-497.
Schuenemann VJ*, Peltzer A*, Welte B, van Pelt WP, Molak M, Wang CC, Furtw?ngler A, Urban C, Reiter E, Nieselt K, Te?mann B, Francken M, Harvati K, Haak W#, Schiffels S#, Krause J#. Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods. Nature Communications. 2017, 8: 15694.
Yao X*, Tang S*, Bian B, Wu X, Chen G#, Wang CC#. Improved phylogenetic resolution for Y-chromosome Haplogroup O2a1c-002611. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1146.
Zhang M*, Wang CC*, Yang C*, Meng H, Agbagwa IO, Wang LX, Wang Y, Yan S, Ren S, Sun Y, Pei G, Liu X, Liu J, Jin L#, Li H#, Sun Y#. Epigenetic Pattern on the Human Y Chromosome Is Evolutionarily Conserved. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(1):e**.
Mittnik A*,#, Wang CC*, Svoboda J, Krause J. A Molecular Approach to the Sexing of the Triple Burial at the Upper Paleolithic Site of Dolní Věstonice. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(10): e**.
Yao HB*,#, Wang CC*,#, Tao X, Shang L, Wen SQ, Zhu B, Kang L, Jin L, Li H#. Genetic evidence for an East Asian origin of Chinese Muslim populations Dongxiang and Hui. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:38656.
Yang HX, Liu R, Wang CC#. Searching the co-occurrence of pathogenic mutations for Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy and hearing loss in more than 26,000 whole mitochondrial genomes. Mitochondrial DNA. 2016, 27(5):3399-3402.
Wang CC, Huang Y, Chen C, Jin L, Li H#. Agriculture driving male expansion in Neolithic Time. Science China Life Sciences. 2016, 59(6):643-6.
Wang CC#, Shang L, Yeh HY, Wei LH. The Consistencies of Y-Chromosomal and Autosomal Continental Ancestry Varying among Haplogroups. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 2016, 2(4):229-232.
Kang L, Wang CC, Chen F, Yao D, Jin L, Li H#. Northward genetic penetration across the Himalayas viewed from Sherpa people. Mitochondrial DNA. 2016, 27(1): 342-349.
Wang LX, Wen S, Wang CC, Zhou B, Li H#. Molecular adaption of alcohol metabolism to
agriculture in East Asia. Quaternary International. 2016, 426:187-194.
Wang CC, Wang LX, Shrestha S, Wen SQ, Zhang MF, Tong XZ, Jin L, Li H#. Convergence of Y chromosome STR haplotypes from different SNP haplogroups compromises accuracy of haplogroup prediction. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2015, 42(7):403-407.
Xu HY*, Wang CC*, Shrestha R, Wang LX, Zhang MF, He Y, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Jin L, Li H#. Inferring population structure and demographic history using Y-STR data from worldwide populations. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2015, 290(1): 141-150.
Li Y, Hong Y, Li X, Yang J, Li L, Huang Y, Wang C, Li H, Xu B#. Allele frequency of 19 autosomal STR loci in the Bai population from the southwestern region of mainland China. Electrophoresis. 2015, 36(19):2498-503.
Yan S#, Tachibana H, Wei LH, Yu G, Wen SQ, Wang CC. Y chromosome of Aisin Gioro, the imperial house of the Qing dynasty. Journal of Human Genetics. 2015, 60(6):295-8.
文少卿,王传超,敖雪,韦兰海,佟欣竹,王凌翔,王占峰,韩昇,李辉(2016)古 DNA 证据支持曹操的父系遗传类型属于单倍群 O2-F1462.人类学学报 35(4):617-625.
侯伟光,王传超,蒋世洪,刘海东,李辉(2015)曲阜地区孔姓人群 17 个 Y-STR 基因座遗传多态性分析.人类学学报.35(1): 125-131.
Wang CC, Wang LX, Shrestha R, Zhang MF, Huang XY, Hu K, Jin L, Li H#. Genetic structure of Qiangic populations residing in the western Sichuan corridor. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(8), e103772.
Wang CC, Jin L, Li H#. Natural selection on human Y chromosomes. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2014, 41(2):47-52.
Wang CC, Gilbert MTP, Jin L, Li H#. Evaluating the Y chromosomal timescale in human
demographic and lineage dating. Investigative Genetics. 2014, 5:12.
Yan S#, Wang CC, Zheng HX, Wang W, Qin ZD, Wei LH, Wang Y, Pan XD, Fu WQ, He YG, Xiong LJ, Jin WF, Li SL, An Y, Li H, Jin L#. Y Chromosomes of 40% Chinese Are Descendants of Three Neolithic Super-grandfathers. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(8):e105691.
Ding Q, Hu Y, Xu S, Wang CC, Li H, Zhang R, Yan S, Wang J, Jin L#. Neanderthal Origin of the Haplotypes Carrying the Functional Variant Val92Met in the MC1R in Modern Humans. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2014, 31 (8): 1994-2003.
Huang SQ, Wang CC, Li H#. Natural Selection on Human mitochondrial DNA.
Biotechnology Frontier, 2014, 3(1):1-7.
邓琼英, 王晓庆, 王传超, 李辉(2014)茶洞话群体的 Y 染色体遗传结构及其父系起源研究.人类学学报 33(1):1-7.
王传超,王凌翔,张曼菲,姚大力,金力,李辉(2014)Y 染色体揭示赛典赤·赡思丁和郑和的波斯祖源.现代人类学通讯 8:8-10.
34. 王传超 (2014) 现代人起源之争. 科技导报, 32(32), 88.
Wang CC, Li H#. Inferring human history in East Asia from Y chromosomes. Investigative Genetics. 2013, 4(1):11.
Wang CC, Yan S, Qin ZD, Lu Y, Ding QL, Wei LH, Li SL, Yang YJ, Jin L, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Late Neolithic expansion of ancient Chinese revealed by Y chromosome haplogroup O3a1c-002611. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013, 51(3): 280–286.
Wang CC, Yan S, Yao C, Huang XY, Ao X, Wang Z, Han S, Jin L, Li H#. Ancient DNA of Emperor CAO Cao's granduncle matches those of his present descendants: a commentary on present Y chromosomes reveal the ancestry of Emperor CAO Cao of 1800 years ago. Journal of Human Genetics. 2013, 58(4):238-9.
Li DN*, Wang CC*, Yang K, Qin ZD, Lu Y, Lin XJ, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium.
Substitution of Hainan indigenous genetic lineage in the Utsat people, exiles of the Champa kingdom. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013, 51(3):287–294.
Deng QY*,#, Wang CC*, Wang XQ, Wang LX, Wang ZY, Wu WJ, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Genetic affinity between the Kam-Sui speaking Chadong and Mulam people. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013, 51(3):263-270.
Li DN*, Wang CC*, Lu Y, Qin ZD, Yang K, Lin XJ, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Three phases for the early peopling of Hainan Island viewed from mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013, 51 (6): 671-680.
Lu Y*, Pan SL*, Qin SM, Qin ZD, Wang CC, Gan RJ, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Genetic evidence for the multiple origins of Pinghua Chinese. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013, 51 (3): 271-279.
王晓庆,王传超,邓琼英,李辉(2013)广西仫佬族 Y 染色体和 mtDNA 的遗传结构分析.遗传.35(2):168-174.
王晓庆,王传超,邓琼英,李辉(2013)广西仫佬族线粒体 DNA 高变 I 区多态性分析.解剖学报 44(4)559-562.
Wang CC, Ding QL, Tao H, Li H#. Comment on "Phonemic diversity supports a serial founder effect model of language expansion from Africa". Science. 2012, 335(6069):657.
Wang CC, Yan S, Hou Z, Fu W, Xiong M, Han S, Jin L, Li H#. Present Y chromosomes reveal
the ancestry of Emperor CAO Cao of 1800 years ago. Journal of Human Genetics. 2012, 57(3):216-8.
Wang CC, Farina SE, Li H#. Neanderthal DNA and Modern Human Origins. Quaternary International. 2012, 295: 126–129.
Lu Y, Wang CC, Qin Z, Wen B, Farina SE, Jin L, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Mitochondrial origin of the matrilocal Mosuo people in China. Mitochondrial DNA. 2012, 23(1):13-9.
Lu Y, Kang L, Hu K, Wang CC, Sun X, Chen F, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Li H#. High diversity and no significant selection signal of human ADH1B gene in Tibet. Investigative Genetics. 2012, 3(1):23.
Kang L, Lu Y, Wang CC, Hu K, Chen F, Liu K, Li S, Jin L, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Y-chromosome O3 haplogroup diversity in Sino-Tibetan populations reveals two migration routes into the eastern Himalayas. Annals of Human Genetics. 2012, 76(1):92-9.
付姗姗, 慕芳红, 杨世超, 王传超(2012) 青岛沧口潮间带小型底栖生物的时空分布研究. 中国海洋大学学报 (自然科学版).42(S): 124-130.
王传超,严实,韩昇,金力,李辉 (2012) 鄱阳操姓血缘上并非出自曹操. 现代人类学通讯 6:e2/14-16.
Yan S#, Wang CC, Li H, Li SL, Jin L#, the Genographic Consortium. An updated tree of Y-chromosome Haplogroup O and revised phylogenetic positions of mutations P164 and PK4. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2011, 19(9):1013-5.
Cai X*, Qin Z*, Wen B, Xu S, Wang Y, Lu Y, Wei L, Wang CC, Li S, Huang X, Jin L, Li H#, the Genographic Consortium. Human migration through bottlenecks from Southeast Asia into East Asia during Last Glacial Maximum revealed by Y chromosomes. PLoS ONE. 2011, 6(8):e24282.
Ding QL, Wang CC, Farina SE, Li H#. Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese
Archipelago. Advances in Anthropology, 2011, 1(2)19-25.
王传超,李士林,周怀谷,平原,李辉(2011)将 DNA 鉴定技术正确应用于司法实践——反驳《DNA 难堪“证据之王”之责》一文. 中国社会科学报 164:7.
王传超, 李辉 (2010) 古 DNA 分析技术发展的三次革命. 现代人类学通讯. 4:e6/35-42.
王传超(2018)古DNA揭示东北地区农业人群的形成历史. 第二届吴瑞青年论坛. 安徽黄山, 2018年6月29日-7月1日.
王传超(2018)古基因组揭示青铜时代欧亚草原人群的形成和扩张历史. 第五届地球系统科学大会. 上海, 上海跨国采购会展中心, 2018年7月2-4日.
王传超(2018) 古基因组所见的东亚族群史前史. 基因、族群与文化:跨学科的探索. 厦门大学, 厦门, 2018 年 6 月 23-24 日.
Wang CC, Ning C (2018) Ancient Genomic Evidence for the Deep Ancestry of Northeast Asia. Eighth Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA) at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, June 8-11, 2018.
Wang CC (2018) Inferring the population history in East Asia from ancient genomes. Fossils And Ancient Genomics Satellite Symposium. China National GeneBank, Shenzhen. April 17, 2018. (Co-Chair)
王传超(2017)古 DNA 解析东亚族群历史. 人类学与人类遗传学前沿学术研讨会. 复旦大学, 上海, 2017 年 12 月 23-24 日.
王传超(2017)古 DNA 揭示的东亚族群的起源、迁徙和演化历史. 广西解剖学会年会. 广西医科大学, 南宁, 2017 年 12 月 15-17 日.
王传超(2017)古 DNA 解析东亚人群历史. 中国人类学学会学术年会. 内蒙古师范大学, 呼和浩特, 2017 年 8 月 14-17 日.
王传超(2017)一个关于东亚深层历史的基因模型. 2017 国际医学人类学学术研讨会“创造健康中国:医学人类学的新视野”. 厦门大学, 厦门, 2017 年 6 月 23-24 日.
Chuan-Chao Wang, Nadin Rohland, Shop Mallick, Longli Kang, Shi Yan, Rukesh Shrestha, Shaoqing Wen, Oleg Balanovsky, Elena Balanovska, Yuri Bogunov, Qiongying Deng, Hongbing Yao, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Lalji Singh, Rong Lin, Wangwei Cai, Dongna Li, Ling-Xiang Wang, Manfei Zhang, Lan-Hai Wei, Alexander Kim, Pontus Skoglund, Iosif Lazaridis, Iain Mathieson, Stephan Schiffels, Wolfgang Haak, Chris Stringer, Nick Patterson, Li Jin, Alexander N Popov, Hui Li, Johannes Krause, David Reich (2016) Reconstructing population history in East Asia. 7th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA7). The Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford. 14th-16th September, 2016.
Kang LL, Jin TB, Wu F, Ao X, Wen SQ, Wang CC, Huang YZ, Li XL, Li H. Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. American Society of Human Genetics 63rd Annual Meeting. 2013, October 22-26, Boston, MA, USA. Poster No. 2041F. Abstract .
Yan S, Wang CC, Jin L. Paleolithic human migrations in East Eurasia by sequencing Y chromosomes. The American Society of Human Genetics 62nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov.6-10, 2012. No. f.
Wang CC, Li H. Are Neanderthals challenging the “out-of-Africa” model for modern human origins? First Human Settlements in Eurasia. EXPO Spanish Pavilion, Shanghai, October 8-10, 2010. Session 2.1: Taxonomy and phylogeny.
Pritchard JK. Wang CC, Li H (Chinese translation). How we are evolving? Globalscience, Chinese Edition of Scientific American. 2010, 59(11):19-25.
Wang CC, Yan S, Li H. Y chromosomes and evolvements of surnames and clans. Science Times. 2010, May 12, 2010. A2.
Wang CC. Give youth a chance. Nature. 2015, 520: S36.
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姓名:朱家骏出生年月:1954年11月民族:汉族籍贯:台湾台北电话:(0592)**Email:jiajun8882@yahoo.com.cn通信地址:福建省厦门大学人类学研究所邮政编码:361005个人中文简介1982年厦门大学外语系日语专业毕业后,在集美航海专科学校任教,1985年到日本国立大阪 ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07厦门大学人类学与民族学系导师教师师资介绍简介-冯莎
姓名:冯莎职务:助理教授地址:厦门大学人类学与民族学系邮编:361005Email:cunfs@qq.com主要研究方向:艺术人类学;跨文化研究;人类学理论和方法;流行文化研究学习经历:2001-2005中央民族大学,民族学与生态学双学位专业,获历史学学士学位、理学学士学位2005-2008中央民族 ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07厦门大学人类学与民族学系导师教师师资介绍简介-孙雯
教育经历:1.2011年毕业于金陵科技学院古典文献(古籍修复)专业,获文学学士学位;2.2014年毕业于意大利博洛尼亚大学艺术品的历史与保护专业,获硕士学位;研究领域主要研究实践有机物材质文物的保护与修复,包括纸质文物(古籍、书法绘画),以及壁画的修复与保护。完成从文物病虫害分析到修复方案制订,再到 ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07厦门大学人类学与民族学系导师教师师资介绍简介-宋平
姓名:宋平职称:厦门大学人类学与民族学教授通讯地址:厦门人文学院邮编:361005E-mail:Songping@xmu.edu.cn宋平教授,博士生导师,民族学学科学术带头人。她先受训于国内史学,就职于厦门大学历史系,教授世界史,而后得益于欧洲人类学博士训练,毕业于阿姆斯特丹大学社会科学研究院,获 ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07厦门大学人类学与民族学系导师教师师资介绍简介-宋雷鸣
姓名:宋雷鸣职务:助理教授地址:厦门大学人类学与民族学系邮编:361005Email:slm06@126.com主要研究方向:汉人社会;文化流行病学主要研究经历2005-2006年:国家社科基金重点项目“人类学社会学切入临终关怀研究的综合成果”(主要成员)2006-2007年:皖北农民影视的人类学研 ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07厦门大学人类学与民族学系导师教师师资介绍简介-张志培
个人简介:姓名:张志培(博士学位)职务:助理教授通讯地址:福建厦门思明南路422号厦门大学人类学与民族学系邮编:361005Email:cheungchipuiAT126.com研究方向:中国农村政治经济、城乡发展、定性取向政策研究、当代中国社会文化变迁、文化想象论文发表:2017.PolicyDo ...厦门大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-07