

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-11

Email: jcou@hqu.edu.cn
欧聪杰:博士,教授,硕士生导师。现在华侨大学信息科学与工程学院任教。2007年至2008年在法国高等材料力学研究所(Institue Supérieur des Matériaux et Mécaniques Avancées du Mans)从事为期15个月的博士后研究工作,2015年至2016年赴日本三重大学物理工学部访学研究。主要从事量子热力学、非广延统计物理、玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)的理论研究,对非广延熵在图像处理中的应用也有一定的研究。至今已在“Physical Review E”、“Chaos, Solitons and Fractals”、“European Physics Letters”、 “European Physical Journal B”、“Physics Letters A”、“Signal Processing”等国际知名学术刊物上发表SCI论文三十余篇,发表的多篇论文均获得福建省以及泉州市的优秀科研论文奖。已主持两个国家自然科学基金项目、一个教育部留学回国人员基金、两个福建省自然科学基金项目、一个福建省高校****科研人才培育计划以及一个福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划。被评为2017年度“厦门市重点人才”。
5. 华侨大学“中央高校基本科研业务费” (JB-SJ1005),项目负责人,已结题。
6. 华侨大学中青年教师资助计划(华侨大学中青年教师科研提升资助计划): 小系统量子热机的特性研究(ZQN-PY114),项目负责人,已结题。
7. 华侨大学引进高层次人才启动项目(07BS105),项目负责人,已结题。
8. 福建省自然科学基金(2015J01016):量子小系统的热力学循环特性研究,2015.04-2018.04,项目负责人,在研。
2012年福建省高校****科研人才培育计划 (JA12001)
2014年福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划 (2014FJ-NCET-ZR04)
2. 第九届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,(2010)
3. 第十届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,(2012)
4. 第七届泉州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖 (2012)
5. 华侨大学2011-2012年度科研奖 (2012)
6. 全国高校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛福建赛区一等奖、华东赛区三等奖 (2014)
7. 华侨大学2012-2014年度优秀教师
8. 第八届泉州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 (2014)
9. 华侨大学2015年度优秀共产党员
10. 主讲的本科课程《力学》入选2016年度华侨大学“百门优质课程”
11. 厦门市重点人才(2017)
1. 福建省物理学会理事
2. 期刊Physics Letters A, Chinese Physics B, Modern Physics Letters B, Signal Processing, Entropy, Neural Computing and Applications, European Physical Journal Plus, Scientific Research and Essays等审稿人
1. “Some basic problems in Tsallis’ statistics”, China-Singapore Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics,19-21 May 2006, Hangzhou,China.
2. “Generalized measurement of uncertainty and the maximizable entropy”,The 1st International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS), 23-25 Oct 2008, Lemans, France.
3. “The uncertainty measure for q-exponential distribution function”,1st Franco-Mongolian Workshop on “Material Science: Theroretical and Experimental Aspect”,22-25 Aug 2010, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
4. “Generalized entropies under different probability normalizations”,The 2nd International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS), 23-27 Oct 2010, Wuhan, China.
5. “Performance of a two-state quantum heat engine improved by the superposition effect”,The 3rd International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS), 24-31 Aug 2012, Kazan, Russian.
6. “Tsallis entropy and the long-range correlation in image thresholding”, The Symposium on Tsallis Entropy and Its Applications, 16-19 Oct 2012, Wuhan, China.
7. “Analysis of available force in long-duration memory complex systems and its statistical physical properties”,The 4th International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS), 12-16 Oct 2014, Yichang, China.
8. “Exotic properties of quantum heat engine including the energy-conservation process”,The 5th International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS), 12-15 Oct 2017, Wuhan, China.

1. C. Ou and J. Chen, “Thermostatistic properties of a q-generalized Bose system trapped in an n-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential”, Physical Review E, 68, 026123-1-7 (2003).
2. C. Ou and J. Chen, “Nonextensive thermostatistic properties of a q-generalized Fermi system”, European Physical Journal B, 43, 271-277 (2005).
3. C. Ou, J. Chen and Q. A. Wang, “Temperature definition and fundamental thermodynamic relations in incomplete statistics”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 28, 518-521 (2005).
4. C. Ou and J. Chen, “A unified description of the thermostatistic properties of a class of Bose systems”, Physics Letters A, 342, 107-113 (2005).
5. C. Ou and J. Chen, “Two long-standing problems in Tsallis’ statistics”, Physica A, 370, 525-529 (2006).
6. C. Ou, W. Li, J. Du, F. Tsobnang, J. Chen, A. Le Méhauté, and Q. A. Wang, “ Possible canonical distributions for finite systems with nonadditive energy”, Physica A, 387, 5761-5767 (2008).
7. C. Ou, A. El Kaabouchi, J. Chen, A. Le Méhauté and Q. A. Wang, “Stability of incomplete entropy and incomplete expectation”, Physica A, 388, 1813-1817 (2009).
8. C. Ou, Z. Huang, J. Chen, A. El Kaabouchi, L. Nivanen, A. Le Méhauté and Q. A. Wang, “A basic problem in the correlations between statistics and thermodynamics”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41, 2313-2318 (2009).
9. C. Ou, A. El Kaabouchi, J. Chen, A. Le Méhauté, Q. A. Wang, “Generalized measure of uncertainty and the maximizable entropy”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 24, 825-831 (2010)
10. C. Ou, A. El Kaabouchi, L. Nivanen, J. Chen, F. Tsobnang, A. Le Méhauté and Q. A. Wang, “Maximizable informational entropy as measure of probabilistic uncertainty”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B., 24, 3461-3468 (2010).
11. C. Ou and J. Chen, “Generalized entropies under different probability normalization conditions”, Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 3649-3653 (2011).
12. C. Ou, A. El Kaabouchi, Q. A. Wang and J. Chen, “The uncertainty measure for q-exponential distribution function”, Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 1524-1528 (2013).
13. C. Ou, Z. Huang, B. Lin and J. Chen, “Performance of a two-state quantum engine improved by the superposition effect”, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56, 1815-1821 (2013).
14. C. Ou, Z. Huang, B. Lin and J. Chen, “A three-process quantum engine cycle consisting of a two-level system”, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 57, 1266-1273 (2014).
15. C. Ou and S. Abe, “Exotic properties and optimal control of quantum heat engine”, EPL 113, 40009 (2016).
16. C. Ou, R. V. Chamberlin and S. Abe, “Lindbladian operators, von Neumann entropy and energy conservation in time-dependent quantum open systems”, Physica A 466, 450-454 (2017).
17. C. Ou, S. Abe, “Comment on ‘Route from discreteness to the continuum for the Tsallis q-entropy’”, Physical Review E, 97, 066101 (2018).
18. Y. Zhang, C. Ou, B. Lin and J. Chen, “The regenerative criteria of an irreversible Brayton heat engine and its general optimum performance characteristics”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 128, 216-222 (2006).
19. Y. Zhao, C. Ou and J. Chen, “A new analytical approach to model and evaluate the performance of a class of irreversible fuel cells”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33, 4161-4170 (2008).
20. Z. Huang, C. Ou, A. Le Méhauté, Q. A. Wang and J. Chen, “Inherent correlations between thermodynamics and statistic physics in extensive and nonextensive systems”, Physica A, 388, 2331-2336 (2009).
21. Z. Huang, C. Ou and J. Chen. “Nonextensive and extensive thermostatistic properties of Fermi systems trapped in different external potentials”, Chinese Physics B, 18(04), 1-9 (2009).
22. Y. Zhang, W. Hu, C. Ou and J. Chen, “A unified model of combined energy systems with different cycle modes and its optimum performance characteristics”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 1766-1772 (2009).
23. G. Su, C. Ou, Q. A. Wang and J. Chen, “Finite-size effects in a D-dimensional ideal Fermi gas”, Chinese Physics B, 18, 5189-5195 (2009).
24. T. Lin, G. Su, C. Ou, B. Lin, A. Le Méhauté, Q. A. Wang and J. Chen, “Thermosize effects in confined quantum gas systems”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 24, 1727-1737 (2010).
25. A. El Kaabouchi, C. Ou, J. Chen, G. Su and Q. A. Wang, “A counterexample against the Lesche stability of a generic entropy functional”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 063302 (2011).
26. T. Lin, C. Pujos, C. Ou, W. Bi, F. Calvayrac and Q. A. Wang, “Path probability for a Brownian motion”, Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 3736-3740 (2011).
27. Q. Lin and C. Ou, “Tsallis entropy and the long-range correlation in image thresholding”, Signal Processing 92, 2931-2939 (2012)
28. R. Wang, C. Ou, J. Chen and Q. A. Wang, “About a nonadditivity of energy and entropy”, European Physical Journal B, 85, 314-1-4 (2012).
29. Z. Huang, C. Ou and J. Chen. “Incomplete nonextensive statistics and the zeroth law of thermodynamics”, Chinese Physics B 22, 040501(2013).
30. Z. Huang, C. Ou, B. Lin, G. Su and J. Chen, “The available force in long-duration memory complex systems and its statistical physical properties”, Europhys. Lett. 103, 10011 (2013).
31. Z. Huang, C. Ou, B. Lin, G. Su and J. Chen. “Conditional statistical properties of the complex systems having long-duration memory”, Physica A 409, 138-145 (2014).
32. S. Liu, and C. Ou. “Maximum Power Output of Quantum Heat Engine with Energy Bath”, Entropy 18, 205 (2016).
33. 林倩倩,欧聪杰*. “二维Tsallis熵在图像阈值分割中的应用”,传感器与微系统 33(7),150-153 (2014).
34. 石雨豪,胡威望,尚睿,余扬超,欧聪杰*. “一种基于熵和聚类理论的图像阈值分割算法”,计算机应用研究 33,优先出版 (2015).
35. 宋亚玲,欧聪杰*. “Tsallis熵的参数在图像阈值分割中的应用”,传感器与微系统 34(11),147-149 (2015).
1. 欧聪杰,“将微积分的思想融入大学物理教学”, 教育教学论坛 139, 178-179 (2014).

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