中文简历Xiaole Wen Professional Ranks and Titles Associate Professor
Head of Teching 1、Graduates Courses:Environmental Planning and Management;Environmental Impact Assessment;Environmental Law 2、Postgraduates Courses:Principles of Environmental Engineering
Research Interests Remote sensing of Environment resources;Environmental Planning ;Environmental Impact Assessment
E-mail wenxiaole@sina.com
Biograhpy 没有摘要 Education Experience Teaching 1、Graduates Courses:Environmental Planning and Management;Environmental Impact Assessment;Environmental Law 2、Postgraduates Courses:Principles of Environmental Engineering Reasearch Project Awards Books Journal Publications 1.Wen Xiaole. Lin Zhengfeng. Tang Fei. Remote sensing analysis of ecological change caused by construction of the new island city: Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Fujian Province. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 2015, 26(2): 541-547.2.Wen Xiaole. Jiang Xingqiang. Xu Hanqiu. Vegetation Coverage Change of Changle City Based on TM Image. Remote Sensing Information. 2013, 28(6): 56-61.3.Wen Xiaole. Discussion of EIA Emphasis of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering. 2011, 4038-4041. EI.4.Wen Xiaole. Xu Hanqiu. Remote Sensing Analysis of Impact of Fuzhou City Expansion on Water Quality of Lower Minjiang River, China. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2010, 30(4): 624-629.5.Wen Xiaole. Xu Hanqiu. Remote Sensing analysis of the spatial temporal variations of suspended sediment in the lower Min River (Fozhou portion) during the last two decades. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae. 2009, 29(3): 648-654.6.Wen Xiaole. Xu Hanqiu. Quantitative Estimation of Suspended Solid Concentration in the Lower Min River Based on Multi-Source Synchronal Data. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. 2008, 29(9): 2441-2447. EI.7.Wen Xiaole. Yang Yanna. Application and Prospect of Biological Remediation Technology in Organic Contaminated Soils. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008,31(7): 62-64.8.Wen Xiaole. Lin Zhengfeng. Application of Fuzzy Matrix Model to Acoustic Environmental Quality Assessment of Campus. Environmental Protection Science. 2006, 32(4): 57-59.9.Wen Xiaole. Xia Lijiang. Effects of Leachate on Ammonia-Nitrogen Adsorption Ability in Soil Nearby a Municipal Waste Landfill. Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 2004, 23(3): 503-507.10.Xiaole Wen. Lijiang Xia. City landfill leachate effects on groundwater pollution. Water-Saving and Sustainable Use of Water and Land Resources. Proceedings of International Conference on Water-Saving Agriculture and Sustainable Use of Water and Land Resources. 2003:977-983. SCI.11.Wen Xiaole. Analyzing the development of environment Label dynamics and trend. JOURNAL OF FUZHOU UNIVERSITY (Philosophy and Social Sciences). 2003(4): 30-32.12.Wen Xiaole. A Green Passport of International Market——Environment Tag. Ecological Economy. 2000, (8): 29-31.13.XU Hanqiu. DING Feng and WEN Xiaole. Urban expansion and heat island dynamics in the Quanzhou region, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2009, 2(2):74-79. EI. SCI.14.Xia Lijiang. Wen Xiaole. Effects of waste leachate on availability of iron and manganese in landfill soil and on ground water quality. Soil and Environmental Sciences. 2002, 11(1): 6-9.15.Xia Lijiang. Wen Xiaole. The quality variation of the soil nearby municipal waste landfill and its contamination situation. Soil and Environmental Sciences. 2001, 10(1): 17-19.16.Xia Lijiang. Wen Xiaole. Effects of Broken Down Products from Wool on Transfer of Mercury in Soil Under Anaerobic Condition. Agro environmental Protection. 2000, 19 (2): 65-67.17.Wang Liu. Xiong Wei. Wen Xiaole. Feng Lingzhi. Effect of climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation on maize production in China. Transactions of the China Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2014, 30(21): 138-146.
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