

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

性 别男
系 别机电工程系
学 位博士
职 称/职 务****/院长


通讯地址:中国福建省福州市大学新区学园路2号福州大学机械工程及自动化学院 邮编:350108
Email: sczhong@fzu.edu.cn


钟舜聪教授长期从事智能传感与诊断、光学和太赫兹仪器、无损检测和定量评价等方面的研究。钟教授于2007年获得英国曼彻斯特大学博士学位,曾在英国帝国理工、利物浦大学、兰卡斯特大学、斯特拉斯克莱德大学、香港理工大学、上海交通大学和深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子从事研究、教学和产品研发工作。现为福州大学机械工程及自动化学院院长、“嘉锡****”****、博导、百千****才工程国家级人选、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow)、国际状态监测学会会士(ISCM Fellow)福建省高层次引进创业创新人才、福建省****基金获得者、校学术委员会委员,担任福建省机械工程学会无损检测分会理事长、福建省力学学会副理事长、中国振动工程学会故障诊断专委会理事、中国机械工程学会无损检测分会委员等;已发表170余篇(其中SCI收录近70 篇)和2部英文专著/章节,获得48项授权中国专利、6项国际PCT和13项软件著作权;制定国际标准、国家标准、地方标准和团体标准各1项;获得省部级科技奖4项(其中一等奖1项,排名第一)。曾获卢嘉锡优秀导师奖、“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”指导教师等。


2010年6月至今: 福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,院长(2019年5月起)
英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow)
国际状态监测学会会士(ISCM Fellow)
2014年1月至2015年07月:英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学工程学院,Chancellor Fellow/Lecturer
1999年09月至2002年01月:汕头大学机械电子工程系,硕士研究生 (广东省“南粤优秀研究生”、优秀毕业研究生,全系第一)


英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow)
国际状态监测学会会士(ISCM Fellow)
国际标准ISO 16063-33“磁灵敏度测试”委员会,委员
IEEE TC-1 on NDE&II 委员会,委员
ICEDyn 2017 和 ICEDyn 2019科学委员会委员(欧美国家之外中国唯一的委员)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member
Optical Society of America (OSA), Member
Guest Editor, Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Guest Editor, Frontiers in Physics (Optics and Photonics)
Journal of Marine Science Research and Technology, Editorial Board Member
国家自然基金评审专家、科技部重点研发计划评审专家、科技部重点研发计划评审专家答辩评审专家、福建省****基金到会评委、教育部回国留学人员启动资金、福建省自然科学奖、厦门市双百人才评审专家、莆田市双百人才评审专家、教育部博士学位论文通讯评议专家、国际杂志特邀审稿人:Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Sound and Vibration, IEEE Photonics Journal、Journal of Applied Physics、Applied Optics、Applied Surface Science、Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、IEEE Sensors、Optik、IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics等杂志
国际会议“The 1st Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technology for Industrial Revolution 4.0”大会副主席、ICEDyn 2017、ICEDyn 2019和UCMMT 2017等国际会议技术/科学委员会委员


1) Terahertz Pulsed Imaging, High Power Terahertz Device based on Surface Plasmon Resonance, ultra-sensitive terahertz sensing, and Terahertz applications
2)Optical Coherence Tomography and its applications
3) Non-destructive testing and quantitative evaluation, damage/defect detection and health monitoring/condition monitoring, characterization of multi-layered coating structures / thin films/surfaces and interfaces (optical coherence tomography, terahertz pulsed imaging, ultrasonic imaging, infrared spectroscopy and imaging, thermal imaging, ultrasonic wave propagation, vibration, and acoustic emission etc.)
4) Wearable medical devices and biomedical sensing
5)Advanced signal/imaging processing, sensors, instrumentations and algorithm development
6)Design, analysis and health monitoring of offshore wind turbines
7)FDTD electromagnetic simulation, and finite element analysis
8)Active vibration control/isolation


1) 国家自然科学基金,主持,TGO生长和微缺陷演化的太赫兹定量无损评价机理及其可靠性研究,2017-2020
2) 福建省科技计划项目,糖尿病视网膜病变的低成本便携式光学诊断系统研发,2019-2022
3) 华润燃气项目, 城镇燃气管道安全运行与检验风险控制关键技术于应用研究,2019-2021
4) 企业横向项目,大型石油储罐安全检验与风险评价关键技术研究与工程应用,2020-2022
5) 企业横向项目,电站锅炉角焊缝超声相控阵检测工艺,2020-2022
6) 厦门市特种设备检测检验院课题,TOFD超声自动检测机器人技术研究,2018/01-2019/12
7) 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放课题,基于光学位感条纹的振动测量系统及其应用研究,2018/01-2019/12
8) 福建省财政厅,超快激光和太赫兹工程创新团队建设经费,2016-2018
9) 福建省****基金(滚动资助计划),主持,“超高温陶瓷复合材料涂层的定量无损评价研究”,2014-2017
11)国家自然科学基金,主持, “多层结构蠕变和微裂纹扩展行为的无损检测和定量评价”, 2011-13,结题(优秀)
27) 国家质检总局院科技计划项目,主要参与,“在役锅炉水冷壁管涡流检测技术研究与应用”2009-2011,结题
31) 英国曼彻斯特大学研究项目,主持,“结构损伤检测以及信号处理方法研究”,结题
32) 香港创新科技基金(ITF)项目,主要参与,“汽车防盗系统”,结题
33) 香港创新科技基金(ITF)项目,主要参与,“精密仪器的主动振动隔离/控制”,结题
34) 东芝ODM项目,主要参与,“全数字黑白B超医学诊断仪”,结题
35) 教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目,主要参与,“机械振动信号处理中一些关键理论的研究”,结题
36) 国家自然科学基金,主要参与,“机械振动信号处理中的离散频谱校正理论”,结题


1)N. Zhou, S Zhong*, et al., Acoustic-excitation Optical Coherence Vibrometer for Real-time Microstructure Vibration Measurement and Modal Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ,2020, 69(9), 7180 - 7190
2)B. Fang, S Zhong*, et al., Full range line-field optical coherence tomography for high-accuracy measurements of optical lens, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ,2020, 67(6), 1434 - 1445
3)Y. Huang, S. Zhong*, et al., Terahertz Plasmonic Phase-Jump Manipulator for Liquid Sensing, Nanophotonics, 2020, 9(9), 3011–3021
4)Q Zhang, S Zhong*, et al., Full-range Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography based on Mach–Zehnder interferometer, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 124, 105794
5)Q. Zhang, S Zhong*, et al., Anti-noise frequency estimation performance of Hanning-windowed energy centrobaric method for optical coherence velocimeter, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134, 106250
6)Y Huang, S Zhong*, T Shi, YC Shen, D Cui, HR-Si prism coupled tightly confined spoof surface plasmon polaritons mode for terahertz sensing, Optics Express, 2019, 27 (23), 34067-34078
7)Y. Huang, S. Zhong*, et al., Trapping waves with tunable prism-coupling terahertz metasurfaces absorber, Optics Express, 2019, 27 (18), 25647-25655.
8)Q Zhang, S Zhong*, J Lin, J Zhong, Y Yu, Z Peng, S Cheng, High-performance optical coherence velocimeter: theory and applications, Optics Express 27 (2), 965-979, 2019
9)J Zhong, S Zhong*, Q Zhang, S Liu, Z Peng, N Maia, Real-time three-dimensional vibration monitoring of rotating shafts using constant-density sinusoidal fringe pattern as tri-axial sensor, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 115, 132-146, 2019
10)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Yao–chun Shen, Yingjie Yu, and Daxiang Cui, Terahertz phase jumps for ultra-sensitive graphene plasmon sensing, Nanoscale, 10 (47), 22466-22473, 2018
11)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Nuno Maia, Yaochun Shen, Shulin Liu, Yingjie Yu, and Zhike Peng, Vision-based system for simultaneous montoring of shaft rotational speed and axial vibration using non-projection composite fringe pattern, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120, 765-776, 2019
12)J Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Q Zhang, Z Peng, Measurement of instantaneous rotational speed using double-sine-varying-density fringe pattern, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 103, 117-130, 2018
13)Q Zhang, Shuncong Zhong*, J Zhong, X Fu, Ultrahigh-Accuracy Measurement of Refractive Index Curves of Optical Materials using Interferometry Technology, Measurement, 122, 40-44, 2018
14)W Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, A Incecik, X Fu, Defect feature extraction of marine protective coatings by terahertz pulsed imaging, Ocean Engineering, 173, 58-67, 2019
15)S Zhong, Progress in terahertz nondestructive testing: A review, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 14(3), 273–281, 2019
16)Jiewen Lin, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Weiqiang Chen, Five-frame Variable Phase-shifting Method for Full-Range Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(9), 1580
17)M Luo, S Zhong, Non-Contact Measurement of Small-Module Gears Using Optical Coherence Tomography, Applied Sciences 8 (12), 2490, 2018
18)Y Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Y Shen, L Yao, Y Yu, D Cui, Graphene/Insulator Stack Based Ultrasensitive Terahertz Sensor With Surface Plasmon Resonance, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (6), 1-11, 2017
19)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Haizi Yao, and Daxiang Cui, Tunable Terahertz Plasmonic Sensor Based on Graphene/Insulator Stacks, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (1), 1-10, 2017
20)Shuncong Zhong*, J. Zhong, Q. Zhang, N. Maia, Quasi-optical coherence vibration tomography technique for damage detection in beam-like structures based on auxiliary mass induced frequency shift, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 93, 241-254, 2017
21)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*,Qiukun Zhang, Quasi‐OCVT technique for response‐only experimental modal analysis of beam‐like structures, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24 (11), 2017
22)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, H Yi, D Cui, CL Pan, Handedness-Switchable Optical Chirality in One-Dimensional Periodic Plasmonic-Grooves for Circular Dichroism and Simultaneous Refractive Index Sensing, IEEE Photonics Journal 9 (3), 1-9, 2017
23)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Handedness-switchable chiral field in the one-dimensional metal grooves for plasmonic circular dichroism spectroscopy”, Journal of Optics, 19 (5), 055001, 2017
24)Y Lin, H Yao, X Ju, Y Chen, S Zhong, X Wang, Free-standing double-layer terahertz band-pass filters fabricated by femtosecond laser micro-machining, Optics Express 25 (21), 25125-25134, 2017
25)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Two-dimensional optical coherence vibration tomography for low-frequency vibration measurement and response-only modal analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 79, 65-71, 2016
26)J. Zhong, Shuncong Zhong* et al., Vibration monitoring using non-projection quasi-interferogram fringe density enhanced by spectrum correction method, ?Measurement Science and Technology, 28(1):015903 , 2016
27)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen1, and Atilla Incecik, Nondestructive Testing of Marine Protective Coatings Using Terahertz Waves with Stationary Wavelet Transform, Ocean Engineering, 111, 582-592, 2016
28)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Haizi Yao, Daxiang Cui, “Tunable ultrasensitive terahertz sensing based on surface plasmon polariton of doped monolayer graphene”, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 2016
29)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Wideband circularly polarized vortex surface modes on helically grooved metal wires, IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (6), 1-7, 2015
30)Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Subnanoscale-displacement-resolution Calibration of Piezoelectric Actuators using Enhanced Optical Coherence Tomography, Sensors and Actuators A: physical, 233, 42-46, 2015
31)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, W Tu,Performance analysis of higher mode spoof surface plasmon polariton for terahertz sensing, Journal of Applied Physics 117 (13), 133104, 2015
32)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, “Two-dimensional optical coherence tomography for real-time structural dynamical characterization”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66, 74-79, 2015
33)H. Lin, R. May, M. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, L. Gladden, Y. Shen, J. Zeitler, Impact of Processing Conditions on Inter-tablet Coating Thickness Variations Measured by Terahertz In-Line Sensing, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 104(8), 2513-22, 2015
34)Ping Zhang, Shuncong Zhong*, Application of Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, Current Optics and Photonics, 2020, accepted
35)J Ding*, J Lin, S Zhong*, Optical coherent tomography to evaluate the degree of inflammation in a mouse model of colitis, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2020, 10 (5), 945
36)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Higher-order mode spoof SPP of periodic grooves for high sensitive terahertz sensing, Optics Express, 2014, 22(21): 25149-25160.
37)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen, Qing Zhou and Ligang Yao, FDTD-Based Quantitative Analysis of Terahertz Wave Detection for Multilayered Structures, Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 31(10), 2285-2293 (2014)
38)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Plasmonic corrugated cylinder-cone terahertz probe”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(8), 1856-1860, 2014
39)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Frequency dependent circular-polarization of terahertz chiral spoof surface plasmon polariton on helically grooved metallic wire”, Optics Communications, 2015
40)Shuncong Zhong, Y.Shen, L. Ho, R. May, J. Zeitler, M. Evans, P. Taday, M. Pepper, T. Rades, K. Gordon, R. Muller, and P. Kleinebudde, “Nondestructive quantification of pharmaceutical tablet coatings using terahertz pulsed imaging and optical coherence tomography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(3), 361-365, 2011.
41)Shuncong Zhong, Hao Shen, and Yaochun Shen, “Real-time monitoring of structural vibration using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(1), 127-131, 2011.
42)R.K. May, M. J. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, I. Warr, L.F. Gladden, Y.C. Shen and J.A. Zeitler, Terahertz in-line sensor for direct coating thickness measurement of individual tablets during film coating in real-time, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100(4), 1535-1544, 2011
43)R.K. May, K. Su, L. Han, Shuncong Zhong, J. A. Elliott, L. F. Gladden, M. Evans, Y. C. Shen, and J. A. Zeitler, Hardness and Density Distributions of Pharmaceutical Tablets Measured by Terahertz Pulsed Imaging, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DOI:10.1002/jps.23560)
44)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack sensitivity analysis of sampling interval for damage detection by wavelet transform”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20(1), 2013
45)Shuncong Zhong, S. O. Oyadiji, “Detection of cracks in simply-supported beams by continuous wavelet transform of reconstructed modal data”, Computers and Structures, 89,127-148, 2011.
46)Shuncong Zhong, S. O. Oyadiji, “Crack Detection in Simply Supported Beams using Stationary Wavelet Transform of Modal Data”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 18(2), 169-190, 2011.
47)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Analytical predictions of natural frequencies of cracked beams with a traversing auxiliary mass”, Journal of Sound and vibration, 311, 328-352, 2008
48)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “ Response-only method for damage detection of beam-like structures using high accuracy frequencies”, Journal of Sound and Vibration , 311, 1075-1099, 2008
49)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Identification of cracks in beams with auxiliary mass spatial probing by stationary wavelet transform”, Trans. of ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics , 30, 1-14, 2008
50)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack detection in simply-supported beams without modal parameter using stationary wavelet transform”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 21(4) , 1853-1884, 2007




1) 光学和太赫兹仪器
2) 智能传感与诊断
3) 无损检测和结构健康监测
4) 信号处理和设备故障诊断

相关话题/福州大学 机械工程