

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-13


国际期刊International Journal of Computer MathematicsComputer Systems Theory副编辑(Associate Editor), 美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员,担任IEEE Transactions on Computers、IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems、IEEE Transactions on Reliability、Theoretical Computer Science、Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing、Discrete Applied Mathematics、The Computer Journal、International Journal of Computers and Applications、Computers and Electrical Engineering、Information Processing Letters、International Journal of Computer Mathematics、Frontiers of Mathematics in China、Operations Research Transactions、Parallel Processing Letters等国际学术杂志的审稿人。
2002年9月-2005年7月:厦门大学数学科学学院 (理学博士)

2005年9月-现 在:福建师范大学数学与计算机科学学院
(22)2019年7月11日-13日参加台湾国际暨南大学主办的“第六届海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,并作题为“An Introduction to social network analysis based on graph theory”的邀请报告。2019年8月15日-17日,参加清华大学主办的中国容错计算年会。2019年8月22日-25日,参加北京理工大学主办的图论及其应用研讨会并作学术报告。
(21) 2018年8月12日-14日参加由中国科学院大学主办的“The 1stInternational Conference on Sceince of Cyber-Security”; 2018年8月15日-17日,参加哈尔滨工业大学主办的全国第十届测试会议(CTC’18)。
(20) 2018年7月27日-31日,参加青海师范大学主办的“2018 International Conference on graph, artificial intelligence and complex networks”,并作题为“Reliability Assessment on Multiprocessor System based on (n, k)-Star Graphs”的学术报告。
(19)2018年6月22日-24日,参加河南师范大学主办的“第五届海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,并作题为“Survey of reliability assessment on (n, k)-Star Graphs”的大会报告。
(18)2018年6月17日-18日,参加北京师范大学主办的“2018年图论与组合网络理论研讨会”,并作题为“Survey of reliability assessment on (n,k)-arrangement graphs”的邀请报告。
(16)2017年7月4日-6日,参加成功大学主办的“2017年海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,并作题为“Diagnosabilities of regular networks under three-valued comparison models”的邀请报告。
(15)2016年7月22日-24日,参加苏州大学主办的“2016年海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,并作题为“Reliability Assessment on Multiprocessor System based on (n, k)-Star Graphs”的邀请报告。
(14)2016年6月24日-26日,参加福州大学主办的离散数学与优化国际学术会议(International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Optimization)。
(13) 2015年11月18日-20日,参加The 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015),负责Session-Distributed computing,并作题为Diagnosabilities of regular networks under three-valued comparison model的学术报告。
(11)2015年7月21日-26日,参加台湾由台北商业大学和东华大学联袂主办的“2015年海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,并作题为“Analysis of Reliability on Multiprocessor System based on Arrangement graphs”的邀请报告。
(9) 2014年7月24-26日,负责组织由福建师范大学主办的“2014年海峡两岸网络容错与故障诊断学术研讨会”,海峡两岸约60位专家****应邀参加本次研讨会。
(8)2014年3月14日-16日, 参加福州大学离散数学与理论计算机科学研究中心主办的芯片设计自动化的数学方法国际学术会议(International Workshop on Mathematical Methods for Chip Design Automation),并作题为The t/k-diagnosability of star graph networks的学术报告。
(6)2013年9月19日-21日,参加the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC).
(5)2012年7月7日-9日,参加2012 International Conference of Intelligence Computation and Evolutionary Computation.
(4)2011年6月10日-12日,参加2011 IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Automation Engineering.
(3) 2009年6月22-25日参加IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, zhuhai/macau, China.
(2)2008年10月17-19日,参加华中科技大学承办中国自动化学会第23届青年学术年会(YAC2008); 11月,参加重庆大学主办的第三届全国可信计算学术会议CDC’08。
(1) 2007年7月14-16日,参加第十二届全国容错计算学术会议(CFTC’07, 清华大学主办),并作学术报告; 25-27日,参加The Second International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE’2007, Wuhan ),并作学术报告。
(1)厦门大学研究生科研成果二等奖(2004); 厦门大学本栋奖学金(2005); 厦门大学优秀毕业生(2005);
6省科技厅引导性项目(No. 2017Y0028)-预测社区老年人跌倒风险的体域网步态远程监测系统关键技术研究(2017年至2020年)
4省自然基金面上项目(No. 2014J01222)-基于网络通信的δ算子系统鲁棒控制和滤波(2014年至2013年)
3省自然基金面上项目-正反演化推理的原理与机制(校内编号No.K2-709) (2013年至2015年)
2教育厅B类-某些简单无向网络的最小反馈点集(校内编号No.J1-830) (2010年至2012年)
(1) 博士研究生培养:
(2) 硕士研究生研究方向:
2010级:范 伟、杨小雪、林丽美(研究生国家奖学金、校优秀毕业论文,读博)
2014级:胥 翔(研究生国家奖学金)、李小旺(省优秀硕士毕业论文,读博)

2017级:高 鸽、吕晓婷、杨 阳
2019级:王国辉、金文君、银 杰、李睿思
Regular PapersSelected):
[84]Guanqin, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Persistence of hybrid diagnosability of regularnetworks under testing diagnostic model, The Computer Journal(To appear)
[83]Yihong Wang, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Tao Tian, Subgraph-based Strong Menger Connectivity of Hypercube and Exchanged Hypercube, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 2021, 1-26. (SCI)
[82]Wei Lin, Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Qianru Zhou, Phase transition in spectral clustering based on resistanceMatrix, Physica A566(2021) 125598. (SCI)
[81]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Gaolin Chen, Lanxiang Chen, Jiafei Liu, Chin-Chen Chang,On Reliability of Multiprocessor System Based onStar Graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability60(2)(2020)715-724. (SCI)
[80]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Shanshan Yin, Reliability measure of multiprocessorsystembasedonenhancedhypercubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 289 (2021) 125-138. (SCI)
[79]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, XiangyuRen, Xia Guo,Structure and substructure connectivity of alternating group graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation391(2021) Article 125639. (SCI)
[78]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xia Guo,Tianlong Ma, The h-restricted connectivity of the generalized hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science850(4) (2021)135-147.(SCI)
[77]Jiafei Liu, Shuming Zhou*, Zhengdong Gu, Qianru Zhou, Dajin Wang, Fault diagnosability of Bicube networks under the PMC diagnostic model, Theoretical Computer Science 851(2021)14-23. (SCI)
[76]Yihong Wang, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Qianru Zhou, Shuming Zhou*, Note on Rg-conditional diagnosability of hypercube, Theoretical Computer Science849(2021)197-201. (SCI)
[75]Xueli Sun, Shuming Zhou*, Mengjie Lv, Jiafei Liu, Guanqin Lian, Intermittent fault diagnosability of somegeneral regular networks, The Computer Journal63(1)(2020)16-24.(SCI)
[74]Zhengdong Gu, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Qianru Zhou, Dajin Wang, Shapley distance and shapley index for somespecial graphs, Parallel Processing Letters30(4)(2020) Article **. (EI)
[73]Gaolin Chen, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Min Li, Qianru Zhou, Influential node detection of social networks based on network invulnerability, Physics Letter A384(2020) Article 126879. (SCI)
[72]Yihong Wang, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Diagnosability for two families of composition networks,Theoretical Computer Science824-825(2020)46-56. (SCI)
[71]Qifan Zhang, Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou, Weihua Yang,Reliability analysis of subsystem in dual cubes,Theoretical Computer Science 816(2020)249-259. (SCI)
[70]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou, Weihua Yang, Component connectivity of Cayley graphs generated bytransposition trees, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 35(1)(2020)103-110. (EI)
[69]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou, Weihua Yang, Fault-tolerant maximal local-connectivity onCayley graphs generated by transpositions, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science30(8)(2019)Article 1301-1315. (SCI)
[68]Guanqin Lian, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Zhengdong Gu, Reliability and conditional diagnosability of hyper bijectiveconnection networks, International Journal of Computer Mathematics5(1) (2020) 25-47.
[67]Guanqin Lian, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Yihong Wang, Performance evaluation on hybrid fault diagnosability of regular networks,Theoretical Computer Science 796(2019)147-153. (SCI)
[66]Guanqin, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Jiafei Liu, Zhengdong Gu, Characterization of diagnosability on the bounded PMC model, The Computer Journal 63(9)(2020)1397-1405. (SCI)
[65]Xueli Sun, Shuming Zhou*, Zhendong Gu, Yihong Wang, Min Li, Reliability Evaluation of Complete Cubic Networks, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems35(1)(2020)42-56. (EI)
[64]Jiafei Liu, Shuming Zhou*, Zhengdong Gu, Yihong Wang, Independent number and domination number of graphs, Parallel Processing Letters29(3)(2019)Article **. (EI)
[63]Wei Lin, Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Zhengdong Gu, Phase transitions in normalized cut of social networks, Physics Letter A383(2019) 3037-3042. (SCI)
[62] Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Guanqin Lian, Gaolin Chen, Chen-Wan Lin, Communities detection in social network based on localedge centrality, Physica A531(2019) 121552. (SCI)
[61]Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu,Gaolin Chen, Zhengdong Gu, Yihong Wang, A new metric to quantify influence of nodes in social networks, International Journal of Modern Physics B 33(17)(2019) **.(SCI)
[60]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian, Jiafei Liu, Dajin Wang, Probabilistic diagnosis of clustered faults for hypercube-based multiprocessor system, Theoretical Computer Science 793(2019)113-131. (SCI)
[59]Xueli Sun,Qingfeng Dong, Shuming Zhou*, Mengjie Lv, Guanqin Lian, Jiafei Liu, Fault tolerance analysis of hierarchical folded cube, Theoretical Computer Science790(2019) 117-130. (SCI)
[58]Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Shuming Zhou,Fault diagnosability of dater center networks,Theoretical Computer Science776(2019) 138-147. (SCI)
[57]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian, Fault diagnosability of DQcube under the PMCmodel, Discrete Applied Mathematics259(2019)180-192.
[56]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian, Jiafei Liu, Reliability of (n, k)-star network based on g-extraconditional fault, Theoretical Computer Science757 (2019)44-55. (SCI)
[55]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian and Gaolin Chen, The g-good-neighbour conditional diagnosability ofmultiprocessor system based on half hypercube, International Journal of Computer Mathematics3(3)(2018)160-176. (SCI)
[54]Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian,Gaolin Chen, Jiafei Liu, Heterogeneity of social network based on degree sequence and community, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32(30)(2018) **.(SCI)
[53]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian and Jiafei Liu, Reliability Evaluation of Data Center Network DCell, Parallel Processing Letters28(4)(2018) **. (EI)
[52]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian, Conditional diagnosability of multiprocessor system based on complete-transposition graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics247(2018)367--379. (SCI)
[51]Jinqiang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xiaowang Li, An Insertion-Deletion-Compensation Model with Poisson Process for Scale-Free Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems 83(2018)425-430. (SCI)
[50]Limei Lin, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Riqing Chen, The relationship between extra connectivity and conditional diagnosability of regular graphs under the PMC model, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 95(2018) 1-18. (SCI)
[49]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian, Zuwen Luo, A kind of conditional connectivity of Cayley graphs generatedby 2-trees, The Computer Journal,61(5)(2018)714-721. (SCI)
[48]Shuming Zhou, Xiaowang Li, Jingqiang Li, Dajin Wang, Reliability assessment of multiprocessor system based on (n, k)-star network, IEEE Transactions on Reliability66(4) (2017) 1025-1035. (SCI)
[47]Xiang Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu. Diagnosabilities of regular networks under three-valued comparison models, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 10(4/5)(2017) 251-258.(EI)
[46]Jing Zhang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Geyong Min, Yang Xiang, Jia Hu, Crossed Cube Ring: A k-connected virtual backbone for wireless sensor networks, Journal of Network and Computer Application91(2017)75-88. (SCI)
[45]Xiaoding Wang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, A Straight Skeleton Based Connectivity Restoration Strategy in the Presence of Obstacles for WSNs, Sensors17(2017)1-19. (SCI)
[44]Xiang Xu, Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*,Rong-Xiao Hao, Mei-Mei Gu, The g-good-neighbor diagnosability of (n, k)-star graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 659(2017)51-63. (SCI)
[43]Xiang Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Jinqiang Li, Reliability of complete cubic networks under the condition of g-good-neighbor, The Computer Journal60(5)2017)625-635. (SCI)
[42]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xiang Xu, Limei Lin, Dajin Wang. The reliability analysis based on subsystems of (n, k)-star graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(4) (2016) 1700-1709. (SCI)
[41]Li Xu, Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The extra connectivity, extra conditional diagnosability and t/m-diagnosability of arrangement graphs, IEEE Transactions on Reliability65(3)(2016) 1248-1262. (SCI)
[40]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Yang Xiang, Trustworthiness hypercube based reliable communication in mobile social networks, Information Sciences369 (2016) 34-50. (SCI)
[39]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, Shuming Zhou, The g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of arrangement graphs, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15(3)(2018) 542-548.(SCI)
[38]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The t/k-diagnosability for regular networks,IEEE Transactions on Computers 65(10)(2016)3157-3170. (SCI)
[37]Shuming Zhou, Sulin Song, Xiaoxue Yang, Lanxiang Chen, On conditionalfaulttolerance and diagnosability of hierarchical cubic networks, Theoretical Computer Science 609(2016) 421-433. (SCI)
[36]SulinSong,ShumingZhou*, Xiaoyan Li, Conditional diagnosability of burnt pancake networks under the PMC model, The Computer Journal 59(1)(2016) 91-105. (SCI)
[35]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The extra, restricted connectivity and conditional diagnosability of split-star networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems27(2)(2016) 533-545. (SCI)
[34]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Relating the extra connectivity and the conditional diagnosability of regular graphs under the comparison model,Theoretical Computer Science618 (2016) 21-29. (SCI)
[33]Shuming Zhou, Limei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, The t/k-diagnosability of star graph networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers62(2)(2015) 547-555. (SCI)
[32]Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, The extra connectivity and conditional diagnosability of alternating group networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems26(8)(2015) 2352-2362.(SCI)
[31]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Dajin Wang. The reliability of subgraphs in the arrangement graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability64(2)(2015) 807-818. (SCI)
[30]SulinSong,XiaoyanLi,ShumingZhou*, Mi Chen, Fault tolerance and diagnosability of burnt pancake networks under the comparison model, Theoretical Computer Science582(2015) 48-59. (SCI)
[29]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Conditional diagnosability and strong diagnosability of split-star networks under the PMC model, Theoretical Computer Science562 (2015) 565-580. (SCI)
[28]Jing Zhang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Xiucai Ye, A novel sleep scheduling scheme in green wireless sensor networks, The Journal of Supercomputing71(2015) 1067-1094. (SCI)
[27] Jing Zhang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Wei Wu, Xiucai Ye, An efficient connected dominating set algorithm in WSNS based on the Induced tree of the crossed cube, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science25(2)(2015) 295-309. (SCI)
[26]Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, Conditional diagnosability of arrangement graphs under the PMC model, Theoretical Computer Science548 (2014) 79-97. (SCI)
[25]Xiaoding Wang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, A resolving set based algorithm for fault Identification in wireless mesh networks, Journal of Universal Computer Science 21( 3) (2015) 384-405.(SCI)
[24]Xiaoding Wang, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Restoration strategy based on optimal relay node placement in wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2015, 1-14. (SCI)
[23]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Conditional diagnosability of shuffle-cubes under the comparison model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics92(2)(2015) 230-249. (SCI)
[22]宋苏琳, 林丽美, 周书明*, Pancake网络的t/k-诊断度及其算法, 运筹学学报, 4(2014) 65-77.
[24]Shuming Zhou, Jun-Ming Xu, Faultdiagnosabilityof arrangementgraphs, Information Sciences246 (2013) 177--190. (SCI)
[21]Xiaoxue Yang, Shuming Zhou*, On conditional fault tolerant of dual-cubes, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems28(3) (2013) 199-213. (EI)
[20]Lanxiang Chen, Shuming Zhou, Xinyi Huang, Li Xu. Data dynamics for remote data possession checking in cloud storage, Computer and Electrical Engineering39(7) (2013) 2413-2424. (EI)
[19]林丽美,周书明,许力,交错群图AGn的外连通度,高校应用数学学报, 28(4)(2013) 379--390.
[18]范 伟,周书明,分层立方体网络的容错性分析,高校应用数学学报, 28(2) (2013) 200--211.
[17]Shuming Zhou, Li Xu, Conditional fault diagnosability of pancake graphs, Journal of Convergence Information Technology8 (2013) 668-675.
[16]Shuming Zhou, Lanxiang Chen, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault diagnosability of dual-cubes,International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science23(8) (2012) 1729-1747. (SCI)
[15]Shuming Zhou, Limei Lin, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault diagnosis of hierarchical hypercubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics89(16) (2012) 2152-2164. (SCI)
[14]Shuming Zhou, Jian Wang, Xirong Xu, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditionalfault diagnosis ofbubble sort graphs under the PMC model, Intelligence Computation and Evolutioary Computation 180 (2012) 53-59.(EI)
[13]Shuming Zhou, The conditional fault diagnosability of (n, k)-star graphs,Applied Mathematics and Computation218 (2012) 9742-9749.(SCI)
[12]Li Xu, Lei Ji, Shuming Zhou, An efficient self-diagnosis protocol for hierarchical wireless mesh networks, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,25(14) (2012) 2036-2051. (SCI)
[11]Shuming Zhou, Jun-Ming Xu,Conditional fault tolerance of arrangement graphs, Information Processing Letters111(2011) 1037-1043. (SCI)
[10]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao,Conditional diagnosability of alternating group networks,Information Processing Letters110(10)(2010)403-409. (SCI)
[9]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao, and B. Parhami, Construction of vertex-disjoint paths in alternating group networks, The Journal of Supercomputing54(2010) 206-228.(SCI)
[8]Shuming Zhou, The Conditional diagnosability of crossed cubes under the comparison model, International Journal of Computer and Mathematics87(15) (2010) 3387-3396. (SCI)
[7]Shuming Zhou, Shuxia Zheng, Li Xu,The Fault diagnosability of alternating group graphs, Journal of Information and Computational Science1(5) (2008) 297-304. (EI)
[6]Shuxia Zheng, Shuming Zhou*, Diagnosability of the incomplete star graphs, Tsinghua Science and Technolgy 12(S1)(2007) 105-109. (EI)
[5]Shuming Zhou, Ni Du, Baoxing Chen, A new family of interconnection networks of odd degree, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing66(2006) 698-704. (SCI)
[4]Shuming Zhou, A new family of trivalent cayley networks on wreath product, Journal of System Science & Complexity 19(2006) 577-585.
[3]Shuming Zhou, Huizhi Xu, Wenjun Xiao, A unified formulation of kautz network and generalized hypercube, Computers & Mathematics with Applications49 (2005) 1403-1411.(SCI)
[2]Shuming Zhou, The Cayley network of expanded pancake graphs, International Journal of Computer Mathematics82(2005)1371-1378. (SCI)
[1]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao, A new family interconnection networks of fixed degree three, Journal of Computer Science and Technology19(2)(2004)218-223. (SCI)
相关话题/福建师范大学 数学