

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05

Allan Kalueff, PhD
E-mail: avkalueff@gmail.com


1989-1996 BS/MS in Physiology (Summa Cum Laude), Moscow State University, Russia
2003 PhD in Physiology, RUDN State University, Moscow, Russia
2003-2005 Postdoctoral Fellow in Anatomy, Neuroscience, Tampere University Medical School, Tampere, Finland
2005 PhD in Anatomy, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
2005-2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuroscience and Pharmacology, NIMH/NIH, Bethesda, USA

PHD Dissertations:

2003 Subject - Physiology:Neuroactive properties of penicillins and related beta-lactam compounds (RUDN University Medical School, Moscow, Russia); C. Biol
2005 Subject - Anatomy:Neural abnormalities in mice with partially deleted vitamin D receptor gene (Tampere University Medical School, Tampere, Finland); PhD awarded ‘with Honors’[top 5%]

2017-present Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
2014-2017 Distinguished Chair Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Guangdong Ocean University, China
2009-2012 Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Tulane University Medical School, New Orleans, LA, USA
2008-2009 Assistant Professor of Physiology, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington DC, USA
2005-2008 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, USA
2003-2005 Researcher, Medical School, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
1996-2003 Director of Research, Centre for Physiology and Biochemical Research, Kiev, Ukraine
1996 Visiting Academic Scientist, University of Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham, UK
1995 Academic Researcher, Bristol University Medical School, Bristol, UK

Areaofexpertiseisneuropharmacology and developingnewanimalmodelsofbraindisorders, withparticularfocusonaffectivedisorders,psychoses,neurodevelopmental disorders, anddrugabuse.Ourresearchcombineshigh- throughputneurophenotypingscreenswithgeneticandpharmacologicalmodulationinbothrodentand zebrafishmodels. The lab’s most recent research interestscapitalize on uniqueadvantagesofferedby zebrafishmodels.Currently,our labisoneoftheleadersinthefieldofzebrafishneuroscience. We aim toestablishavibranttranslationalresearchprogram,basedonour zebrafishmodels(whichweextendtorodentmodels, capitalizing on past research experience with mouse and rat models of brain disorders, and eventually clinical models).

Research experience with rat, mouse and zebrafish experimental CNS and pharmacological models
Selection and validation of preclinical (rat, mouse and zebrafish) models of brain and neurological disorders
Computational neuroscience, developing new experimental models for drug discovery
Experimental design and data interpretation
Big data data-mining, bioinformatics, omics, Integrative pharmacology, Biomarkers discovery and validation
Teaching pharmacology, neuroscience, physiology and aging medicine


1993-1994 Rector’s Fellowship Award, Moscow State University
1995 Presidential Scientific Prize for outstanding young scientists (the highest possible award for young scientists in Russia)
1995, 1996 Graduate Fellowship, International Science Foundation
1997, 2001 Young Investigator Awards, International Union of Physiological Societies
2000, 2005 Young Investigator Awards, World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry
2005 Medal for Neurosteroid Research, Finland
2005 PhD with honors (top 5%), Tampere University, Finland
2006 Mudry Medal for excellence in education, National Academy, Kiev, Ukraine
2005-2008 IRTA Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIMH, NIH
2007-2009 NARSAD Young Investigator Award
2009-2012 Newcomb Fellow, Newcomb College Institute, Tulane University
2010 NIH NIDA B-START special review panel (mail reviewer)
2012-2015 NIH CSR ECR, Early Career Reviewer
2013 NIH Study Section NAL (Neurotoxicology and Alcohol, ad-hoc member)
2014 NIH Study section PMDA (Pathophysiological Basis of Mental Disorders and Addictions, ad-hoc member)
2014 NIH Study section NMB (Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior, mail reviewer)
2014 NIH Study section BBBP (Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes, ad-hoc member)
2014- present Fellow, International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS)
2015-present NIH Review Panel BBBP-Y: Animal/Biological Resource Facilities, BRLE ad-hoc member

2006-2013 Member, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS)
2007-present Member, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
2007-present Member, World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP)
2007-present Member, Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
2007-present Member, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
2007-2013 Member, International “Stress and Behavior” Society (ISBS)
2009-2013 Member, American Physiological Society (APS)
2009-present Member, Greater New Orleans Area Society for Neuroscience (GNOSN)
2009-2013 Member, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)

2007-present Member, Governing Council, World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry
2009-2013 Member, Animal Use/Ethics Committee, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
2008-present President, Ukrainian Society for Biological Psychiatry
2008-present President, the International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS)
2010-present Chair, International Zebrafish Neuroscience Research Consortium (ZNRC) and Zebrafish Neurophenome Project (ZNP)

2005-present Letters in Drug Discovery and Design
2007-2017 PharmacologyOnline
2008-present Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
2011 Guest Editor (Special Issue), Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacol Biological Psychiatry
2012 Guest Editor (Special Issue), ‘Behaviour’
2012-2017 PLoS One (Biology Academic Editor)
2013-2017 Advances in Biology
2013-2017 Advances in Zoology
2013-present Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neurosciences (FBN)
2014 Guest Editor (Special Issue), Behavioural Brain Research
2014 Guest Editor (Special Issue), Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacol Biological Psychiatry
2014-present Editor-in-Chief, Stress, Brain and Behavior
2015 Guest Co-Editor (Special Issue), Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
2015-present Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews
2017-present Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

2014 Chair, ISBS Special Task Force on Anxiolytic Drugs, The International Stress and Behavior Society
2015 Chair, ISBS Special Task Force on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, The International Stress and Behavior Society
2016 Chair, ISBS Special Task Force on Computational Neuroscience in Biological Psychiatry, The International Stress and Behavior Society
2016 Chair, ZNRC Special Task Force on stress in zebrafish models, The International Zebrafish Neuroscience Research Consortium (ZNRC)
research support

Previously awarded grants

1996 European Science Foundation Neuroscience Program Award ($20,000, PI)
2003-2005 CIMO Finland Young Investigator Award ($40,000, PI)
2003-2005 Tampere Finland Medical Research Grants ($15,000, PI)

Recently Awarded peer-reviewed grants

2007-2010 NARSAD Young Investigator Award ($60,000, PI)
2009-2010 Tulane-LSU Pilot CRECP Grant ($50,000, PI)
2010 LA Board of Regents P-Fund grant ($10,000, PI)
2011-2012 NIH/NIDA R03 SOAR Grant and supplement ($85,000, PI)
2011 Tulane Pilot Grant ($25,000, PI)
2012 LA BoR Opt-In II Grant ($ 20,000, PI)
Other awards
2009 Tulane Senate COR travel grant ($1,000, PI)
2009 LA Board of Regents TGEF Award ($1,500, PI)
2010 Newcomb Fellows Grant ($3,000, PI)
2010 Provost’s Scholarly Engagement grant ($1,500, PI)
2011 Newcomb Fellows Grant ($2,500, PI)
Active research support
2016-2019 Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant ($25,000, PI)

·Current H-index 55, RG Index 42, Total citations: >9000 (April 2018)
·>90% of publications are published in Neuroscience and Pharmacology journals within the first 25% of the respective field’s impact factor (high-impact journals)
·Highly cited lab’s publications include Egan et al. 2009 (>500 times), Kalueff et al. 2007 (>300 times), Kalueff and Nutt 2007 (>300 times)
·20 our papers are cited > 100 times, and are considered “highly cited publications”

Media Coverage:

April 2012: Scientific Americanblog interview about lab’s research
June 2012: Interview about lab’s research on German Public Radio (Germany)
July 2012: Tulane New WaveArticle about the lab’s research
July 2012: Foundation for Biomedical Research Newsletter coverage of lab’s research
Sept 2012: Interview about neuroscience for Arkansas Tech University TV
June 2013: Interview for the National TV Company of Japan (NHK)
Nov 2013: Interview to Voice of Armenianational newspaper
Nov 2014: Mention in ScienceMagazine commentary

ACADEMIC Contribution:

Membership in Doctoral Dissertation committees
2011-2012 A.M. Stewart, Bioengineering PhD Program, University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC), Member
2010-2012 B. Levy, Neuroscience Program, Tulane University, Member
2010-2012 B. Scruggs, Pharmacology Department, Tulane University, Member
2009-2013 J.M. Cachat, Neuroscience Program, Tulane University, Director
2016-2017 TO Kolesnikova and SL Khatsko, Ural Federal University, Director

Membership in Dissertation evaluation committees
2014 F. Ahmad, University of Leiden, Netherlands, external evaluator
2015 D. Carmer, University of Wollongong, Australia, external evaluator
2016 B. Nelson, University of Rome, Italy, external evaluator


·Director, Departmental seminars series, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington DC, USA (2008-2009)
·Faculty Member, Tulane Pharmacology MS Program (2009-2012)
·Pharmacology MS Thesis Director (C. Suciu 2009, K. Wong 2010, S. Leonard 2011)
·Pharmacology MS Thesis Committee member (M. Walters 2009, R. Wekerle, 2012)
·Faculty Member of Tulane University Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (2009-2012) and Tulane Center for Aging and Tulane Graduate Program in Aging (2010-2012)
·Faculty Member, Tulane University’s Neuroscience Graduate (MS, PhD) Programs (2009-2012)
·Neuroscience MS Thesis Director (J. Chung, S. Gaikwad, 2010, C. Collins, 2012)
·Member, Tulane University Senate Budget Review Committee (2010-2012)
Regular ad-hoc reviewer for academic journals:

PNAS, Animal Behavior; Aquatic Toxicology; Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology; Behavioral Processes; Behavioral and Brain Functions; Behaviour; Behavioural Brain Research; Biological Psychiatry; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences; BMC Biology; Brain Research; Brain Research Bulletin; Brain Stimulation; Brain, Behavior, and Immunity; Cell Biology and Toxicology; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology; Current Neuropharmacology; Disease Models and Mechanisms; Environmental Biology of Fishes; European Journal of Pain; European Neuropsychopharmacology; Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery; Frontiers in Child and Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Frontiers (Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience, Pharmacology), Hormones and Behavior; Laboratory Animal Research; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Journal BioTechniques; Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science; Journal of Biological Chemistry; Journal of Comparative Psychology; Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Neuroscience Research; Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; Letters in Drug Design and Discovery; Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology; Nature Protocols; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Neurochemical Research; Neuropharmacology; Neuropsychopharmacology; Neuroscience Bulletin; Neuroscience Letters; Neuroscience Research; Neurotoxicology and Teratology; Physiology and Behavior; PLoS One; Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry; Psychoneuroendocrinology; Reviews in the Neuroscience, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Zebrafish, Scientific Reports, Nature Chemical Biology.

national and international committees, expert reviewer of grant proposals:


National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIDA/NIH, US (Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition B-START Study section)
Academia Europaea, EU (Prizes of Academia for young scientists from Europe)

National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, Reduction of Animal in Research (NC3Rs), UK (NC3R’s Grant Program)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Netherlands (Innovational Research Incentives Scheme – Vidi Grant)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada (Discovery Grants)
Medical Research Council, MRC, UK (Neuroscience and Mental Health)

The Israel Science Foundation, Israel (Legacy Heritage Biomedical Science Partnership)
Council of the Earth and Life Sciences, Netherlands (CELS Research grants)
European Research Advisory Board, EU (ERAB Grants Program)
Medical Research Council, MRC, UK (MRC Research Grants)



Dutch National Research Council, Netherlands (Research Grants Program)
Romanian National Research Council (RNRC), Romania (National Research Grants)
Medical Research Council, MRC, UK (MRC Research Grants)
National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, Reduction of Animal in Research (NC3Rs), UK (NC3R’s Grant Program)
The Israel Science Foundation (Israel)
Luxembourg Research Fund (Luxembourg), NIH SCR (NAL Study section, PMDA Study section, Special review panel, BBBP Integrated review panel), NMB (Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior, Mail reviewer), Ontario Research Fund, Canada
National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, Reduction of Animal in Research (NC3Rs), UK (NC3R’s Grant Program), California Brain Program (CA, USA)

Luxembourg Research Fund (Luxembourg), Kansas Research Foundation (USA), NIH (USA)


Named and Special lectures:

Rudolf Magnus Lecture, Rudolph Magnus Institute of Neuroscience , University of Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2008
Institute Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, May 2012
ISBS Presidential lecture, 21stInternational “Stress and Behavior” Society Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2014

Other National Meetings:
Invited speaker, Satellite symposium on Behavioral Recognition, SfN Conference, DC, November 2008
Inaugural speaker, 1stNeuroscience Symposium, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR, October 2009
Invited speaker, 3rdAddiction Neurobiology Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 2010
Speaker, 5thSymposium on Aquatics Models, Eugene, OR, September 2010
Panel Participant, Keck Conference on Visualizing Science, Davis, CA, November 2010
Inaugural Speaker, Stress Physiology Center Seminars, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 2011
Chair, 16thInternational “Stress and Behavior” (North America) Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2011
Speaker, Midwest Zebrafish Research Symposium, Twin Cities, MN, August 2011
Symposium Chair and speaker, 4thBehavior, Biology and Chemistry: Research in Addiction, San Antonio, March 2012
Chair, 18th“Stress and Behavior” (North America) Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2012
Chair, 20th“Stress and Behavior” (North America) Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2013
Speaker, Behavior Ontologies workshop, Phenotype Ontology RCN, Duke University, Durham, February 2013
Chair, 21st“Stress and Behavior” (North America) Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2014
International Meetings, Russian and Foreign Academic Institutions:
Speaker, Symposium for YI Awardees, World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, June 2005
Plenary speaker, 9th International “Stress and Behavior” Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2005
Guest Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, University of Kuopio, Finland, September 2005
Symposium presentation, Finnish Endocrine Society Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, April 2005
Invited lecturer, Medical School, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, May 2005
Invited Lectures, Department of Neuroscience, University of Maryland, Baltimore, June 2006
Symposium Lectures, NIMH Annual Retreat, NIMH, NIH, September 2006
Guest Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, UK, May 2007
Guest Lecturer, Medical School, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, May 2007
Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Finland, May 2007
Plenary speaker, 10th International “Stress and Behavior” Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2007
Guest Lecturer, EU MS Program in Neuroscience, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, May 2007
Guest Lectures, Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience, NIMH, NIH, June 2007
Seminar speaker, Department of Physiology, Georgetown University, Washington DC, October 2007
Symposium Co-Chair, 3rd International Brain and Behavior Congress, Athens, Greece, November 2007
Guest Lecturer, Gladstone Institute for Neurological Disease, San Francisco, August 2007
Guest Lecturer, Douglas Hospital Medical Research Center, Montreal, Canada, December 2007
Symposium lecturer and Chair, CINP Regional Asia-Pacific Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2008
Guest Lecturer, Institute of Brain Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, April 2008
Guest Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences, Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai, China, April 2008
Organizer and Chair, 1st International Summer school on stress neuroscience, Petersburg, Russia, May 2008
Guest Lecturer, Medical School, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, May 2008
Guest Lecturer, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience , University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2008
Guest Lecturer and Symposium Chair, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, May 2008
Master Class, Neuroscience Master Program, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2008
Symposium speaker, Measuring Behavior 2008 Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2008
Plenary lecturer, Tampere Graduate School Symposium, Tampere, Finland, October 2008
Speaker, Opening Seminar, Departmental Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Physiology and
Biophysics, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington DC, September 2008
Symposium Chair, 12thInternational Stress and Behavior Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2009
Organizer and Chair, 2nd International Summer school on neurogenetics of stress, Riga, Latvia, May 2009
Symposium Chair, 35thThai Science and Technology Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2009
Symposium Chair, 14thInternational Stress and Behavior Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2010
Plenary speaker, 10thSpring School of Japanese Molecular Biology Society, Matsushima, Japan, June 2010
Guest speaker, RIKEN Brain Institute, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010
Guest Speaker, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010
Seminar speaker, Department of Physiology, LSU Medical School, June 2010
Symposium Chair, 15thInternational Stress and Behavior Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2011
Plenary speaker, Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animals Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2011
Guest speaker, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, October 2011
Guest speaker, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland, October 2011
Invited Seminar Speaker, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, October 2011
Guest speaker, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany, October 2011
Guest speaker, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands, October 2011
Guest speaker, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, October 2011
Guest speaker, University of Wutzburg, Germany, November 2011
Invited Seminar Speaker, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, November 2011
Symposium speaker, 21stAnxiety and Depression Conference, Washington DC, November 2011
Symposium speaker, Social Behavioral Neuroscience SfN Satellite Symposium, Washington DC, November 2011
Symposium speaker, SfN Neurophenotyping Satellite Symposium, Washington DC, November 2011
Seminar speaker, Department of Pharmacology, LSU Medical School, February 2010, February 2012
Chair, 17thInternational “Stress and Behavior” Neuroscience Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2012
Symposium speaker, 20thInternational Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) Meeting, Kona, HI, June 2012
Co-Chair, Zebrafish Symposium, SfN Satellite Symposium, New Orleans, LA, October 2012
Seminar speaker, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, April 2013
Seminar speaker, Singapore A-STAR Institute, Singapore, April 2013
Plenary lecturer, 19thInternational “Stress and Behavior” Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2013
Invited speaker, MIT, USA, June 2013
Panel speaker, 1stInternational Task force on Vitamin D and cognition in older adults, Boston, MA, July 2013
Seminar speaker, MIT, Boston MA, August 2013
Symposium co-chair, International PTSD Neuroscience Conference, Yerevan, Armenia, September 2013
Invited speaker, Korean Institute of Science and Technology, IBS. Seoul, Korea, October 2013
Invited speaker, School of Pharmacy, Rowan University, February 2014
Invited speaker, School of Pharmacy, Wayne State University, April 2014
Invited Lecture, Biology School, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, May 2014
Invited Lecture, Institute of Pharmacology RAS, Moscow, Russia, May 2014
Invited Lecture, 35thAnnual Meeting of Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior, Rio, Brazil, September 2014
Seminar speaker, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, October 2014
Plenary lecture, Neuroscience Symposium, Guangdong Ocean University, China, October 2014
Invited Lecture, Safety Pharmacology Society annual meeting, Washington DC, October 2014
Lecture, 7thInternational Zebrafish Neuroscience Workshop (ZB2N), Washington DC, November 2014
Seminar speaker, School of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, December 2014
Plenary Keynote Speaker, Zebrafish Husbandry Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2015
Symposium speaker, LSU Neuroscience retreat, LSU, New Orleans, February 2015
Guest Lecture, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, April 2015
Guest Lecture, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015
Guest Lecture, Neuropharmacology Course, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, May 2015
Chair and speaker, 23nd“Stress and Behavior” (North America) Regional Conference, Miami, FL, June 2015
Lecture, Japan Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Kobe, Japan, July 2015
Lecture, ISBS Regional (Asia) annual meeting, Kobe, Japan, July 2015
Invited Lecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, China, August 2015
Lecture, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 2015
Lecture, Institute of Physiology, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 2015
Lecture and Seminar, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, September 2015
Lecture, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, September 2015
Lecture, 1stMedical University, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2015
Organizer and speaker, Zebrafish Neuroscience Workshop, SfN Satellite Meeting, Chicago, October 2015
Lecture, Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russia, December 2015
Lecture, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Almazov Center, Russia, December 2015
Opening lecture, FENS Course on psychoneuroimmunology, University of Helsinki, Finland, May 2016
Lecture, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, Finland, May 2016
Lecture, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweded, May 2016

2003-2005: Tampere University, Tampere, Finland: Anna Minasyan, Tiina Keisala
2007-2008: NIH/NIMH, Bethesda, MD: Justin LaPorte
2008-2009: Georgetown University, Washington DC: Carissa Bergner, Amanda Smolinsky, Peter Hart, Rupert Egan
2009-2012: Tulane University, USA: Peter Canavello, Anna Tien, Hussain Badani, Andrew Jackson, Michael Strong, Amanda Chung, Peter Hart, Sopan Mohnot, Autumn Laffoon, Whitlee Haymore, Jonathan Cachat, Adam Stewart, Eli Utterback, Katie Chang, Michael Rosenberg, Ivan Zapolsky, Sudipta Roy, Christopher Suciu, Esther Beeson, Jason Goodspeed, Chelsea Grimes, Keith Wong, Ashley Denmark, Kevin Frank, Ferdous Kadri, Leah Grossman, John Chung, John DiLeo, Julia Tan, Salem Elkhayat, Marco Elegante, Brett Bartels, David Tien, Dillon Carlos, Tom Gilder, Jessica Cosgrove, Karolly Vollmer, Alan Newman, Patrick Vivano, Michael Caffery, Mitchell Greenberg, Elisabeth Dow, Indya Bruce, Valerie Piet, Molly Hook, Robert Jenkins, Shavonn Whitten, Russel Riehl, Alexander Allain, Roshan Razav, Louie Monnig, Andrew Roth, Danielle Varga, Daniel Desmond, Jolia Raymond, Joseph Enriquez, Sidarth Bagawandoss, Siddharth Gaikwad, Jeremy Green, Simon Chanin, Jonathan Hester, Mimi Pham, Katerine Rhymes, Caroline Fryar, Evan Kyzar, Robi Randhawa, Andrew Freeman, Mohamed El-Ouinsi, Ari Davis, Jonathan Chawla, Mallorie Brimmer, Michael Gebhardt, Samuel Landsman.
2013-2015: ZENEREI Institute, Slidell, LA, USA: Nikhil Neelkantan, Raymond Arnold, Alina Milhailova, Michael Nguen, Ester Yang, Manoj Poudel
2014-2016: Guangdong Ocean University, China: Shaomin Li, Yingcong Liu, Peirong Chen, Lei Yang, JiaJia Wang
2017-present Tatyana Kolesnikova, Sergey Khatsko, Elana Kysil, Konstantin Demin, Konstantin Zabegalov

success in student training

Our success is reflected in 36 academic awards obtained by the lab and its members in the last 5 years, including: 1 Gordon award; 4 Lurcy awards, 3 Neuroscience Fellowships, 4 Newcomb grants, 2 Provost’s grant; 1 Honors thesis grants, 1 Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Chapter award, 1 Tulane-34; 5 Travel fellowship awards from UTHSC SA, 2 Crest Awards, 1 Health Sciences Specialty Award, 9 Deans’ Grants, 1 CELT Grant, 2 Newcomb College grants, 2 Tulane GSSA Travel awards, 1 Neuroscience Senior Award, 1 Air Force Scholarship, 1 NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention award. Among these awards, Gordon award (D. Tien, 2009) is one of the most prestigious Tulane University student awards, awarded annually to only 1 male undergraduate student. Tulane-34 award (S. Elkhayat, 2010) is a prestigious annual award given by Tulane University for leadership, service and academic excellence. US Air Force Scholarship (B. Bartels, 2010) and the NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention (J. Cachat, 2010) are prestigious federal national awards. J. Cachat’s (2010) Society for Neuroscience Chapter award is a prestigious graduate student award given to only 1 student nominated by the SfN Chapter. E. Kyzar (2012) received the Neuroscience Senior Award, recognized as the best Neuroscience student in 2012. J. Cachat’s 2012 Society for Neuroscience Poster was selected (1 out of 1600 posters) for the special “Dynamic posters” SfN-2012 session.
Minority student mentorship:

2010 LA Minority summer student program mentor (M Greenberg, M Caffery)
2010 Tulane CBD Minority student mentor (W White)
2010, 2011 Tulane minority summer research student mentor (I Bruce)
2011, 2012 LSU Minority summer student mentor (M Brimmer, J Chawla)
Teaching experience:

·Team-taught courses in Aging AGST702 and AGST706, Seminars in Aging AGST704, Tulane University
·Team-taught courses in Pharmacology, including Principles in Pharmacology GPHR 7230, Pharmacology research methods GPHR 7500 and Medical Pharmacology (T2), Tulane University
·Director of a graduate Neuropharmacology (GPHR704) course at Pharmacology Department, Tulane University
·Co-Director of BMS Systems Biology graduate course BMSP7770, Tulane University
·Team-taught courses in Neuroscience, including Research Methods in Neuroscience NSCI 6150 and Advanced Studies in Psychology PSYC 661-662, Tulane University
·Moderator of PBL (Problem-based learning) and TBL (team-based learning) sessions for medical students; lectures for Tulane Neuroscience Summer Research program and Newcomb College Institute seminars, Tulane University
·Director of over 25 Independent studies of Tulane students.
·General Physiology course, Guangdong Ocean University (2014-2015)
·Graduate neuroscience course, Guangdong Ocean University (2014-2016)

1.Kyzar EJ, Nichols CN, Nichols D, Gainetdinov RR, Kalueff AV. Psychedelic drugs in biomedicine. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences(TIPS), 2017, in press. [IF = 10.0]
2.Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Graybiel AM, Berridge KC, Fentress JC. Neurobiology of rodent self-grooming and its value for translational neuroscience research. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016, 17, 45-59 [IF = 31.2]
3.Song C, Berridge KC, Kalueff AV.'Stressing' rodent self-grooming for neuroscience research. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016, 591-592[IF = 31.2]
4.Song C, Shieh SH, Wu YS, Kalueff AV, Gaikwad S, Su KP. The role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the treatment of major depression and Alzheimer’s disease: acting separately or synergistically? Prog Lipid Res, 2016, in press [IF = 10.02]
5.Stewart AM,Kalueff AV.Controlled substances and innovation of biomedicine: a preclinical perspective. Nature Reviews Neurosciences, 2013, 15, 34-35 [IF = 31.2]
6.Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Gottesman I. Targeting dynamic interplay among disordered domains or endophenotypes to understand complex neuropsychiatric disorders: Translational lessons from preclinical models, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2015, 53:25-36 [IF = 10.1]
7.Stewart AM, Ullmann J, Norton WJ, Parker MO, Brennan CH, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV. Molecular psychiatry of zebrafish. Molecular Psychiatry, 2015, 20, 2-17 [IF = 15.40]
8.Kalueff AV., Stewart AM, I Gottesman. Rethinking CNS disorders: time for new drug targets?Trends in Pharmacological Sciences(TIPS), 2014, 35, 491-492. [IF = 10.0]
9.Kalueff AV., Stewart AM, Gerlai R. Zebrafish as an emerging model for complex brain disorders.Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (TIPS), 2014. [IF = 10.0]
10.Stewart AM, Braubach O, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV. Zebrafish models for translational neuroscience research: from tank to bedside. Trends in NeurosciencesTINS, 2014 [IF = 14.0]
11.Scruggs BA, Semon JA, Zhang X, Zhang S, Bowles AC, Pandey AC, Imhof KM,Kalueff AV, Gimble JM, Bunnell BA.Age of the donor reduces the ability of human adipose-derived stem cells to alleviate symptomsinthe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2013, 2(10):797-807 [IF = 5.6]
12.Scruggs BA, Zhang X, Bowles AC, Gold PA, Semon JA, Fisher-Perkins JM, Kalueff AV, Bunell, B. Multipotent stromal cells alleviate iInflammation, neuropathology, and symptoms associated with globoid cell leukodystrophy in the Twitcher mouse. Stem cells.2013. [IF = 7.9]
13.Kalueff AV, Olivier JD, Nonkes LJ, Homberg JR. Conserved role for the serotonin transporter gene in rat and mouse neurobehavioral endophenotypes. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs. 2010;34:373-86. [IF = 9.4]
14.Cachat J, Stewart A, Grossman L, Gaikwad S, Kadri F, Chung KM, Kalueff AV. Measuring behavioral and endocrine responses to novelty stress in adult zebrafish. Nature Protocols2010;5:1786-99. [IF = 9.9]
15.Tuohimaa P, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Cachat J, Kalueff A. Vitamin D, nervous system and aging. Psychoneuroendocrinology.2009;34 Suppl 1:S278-86. [IF = 5.2]
16.Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Kumar SR, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL, et al. The regular and light-dark Suok tests of anxiety and sensorimotor integration: utility for behavioral characterization in laboratory rodents. Nature protocols. 2008;3:129-36. [IF = 9.4]
17.Kalueff AV, Wheaton M, Ren-Patterson R, Murphy DL. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, serotonin transporter, and depression. Biological psychiatry. 2007;61:1112-3. [IF = 9.2]
18.Kalueff AV, Ren-Patterson RF, Murphy DL. The developing use of heterozygous mutant mouse models in brain monoamine transporter research. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2007;28:122-7. [IF = 11.0]
19.Kalueff AV, Aldridge JW, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL, Tuohimaa P. Analyzing grooming microstructure in neurobehavioral experiments. Nature Protocols. 2007;2:2538-44 [IF = 9.4]
20.Kalueff AV, Avgustinovich DF, Kudryavtseva NN, Murphy DL. BDNF in anxiety and depression. Science.2006;312:1598-9. [IF = 31.0]


21.Ma L, Demin KA, Kolesnikova TO, Kharsko SL, Zhu X, Yuan X, Song C, Meshalkina DA, Leonard BE, Tian L, Kalueff AV.Animal inflammation-based models of depression and their application to drug discovery. Expert Opin Drug Discov.2017, in press.
22.Meshalkina DA, Kysil EV, Demin KA, Kolesnikova TO, Khatsko SL, Warnick JE, Kalueff AV. The impact of adult zebrafish research on CNS disease modeling. Lab Aniamal, 2017, in press.

Peer-reviewed journal publications:[1-167]
1. Dong Y, Xu M, Kalueff AV, Song C: Dietary eicosapentaenoic acid normalizes hippocampal omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid profile, attenuates glial activation and regulates bdnf function in a rodent model of neuroinflammation induced by central interleukin-1beta administration.European journal of nutrition(2017).
2. Dong Y, Kalueff AV, Song C: N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-mediated calcium overload and endoplasmic reticulum stress are involved in interleukin-1beta-induced neuronal apoptosis in rat hippocampus.Journal of neuroimmunology(2017) 307(7-13.
3. Kalueff AV, Kaluyeva A, Mailet EL: Anxiolytic-like effects of noribogaine in zebrafish.Behavioural brain research(2017) 330(63-67.
4. Kysil EV, Meshalkina DA, Frick EE, Echevarria DJ, Rosemberg DB, Maximino C, Lima MG, Abreu MS, Giacomini AC, Barcellos LJG, Song Cet al: Comparative analyses of zebrafish anxiety-like behavior using conflict-based novelty tests.Zebrafish(2017) 14(3):197-208.
5. Demin KA, Kolesnikova TO, Khatsko SL, Meshalkina DA, Efimova EV, Morzherin YY, Kalueff AV: Acute effects of amitriptyline on adult zebrafish: Potential relevance to antidepressant drug screening and modeling human toxidromes.Neurotoxicology and teratology(2017).
6. Meshalkina DA, Song C, Kalueff AV: Better lab animal models for translational neuroscience research and cns drug development.Lab Anim (NY)(2017) 46(4):91-92.
7. Khan KM, Collier AD, Meshalkina DA, Kysil EV, Khatsko SL, Kolesnikova T, Morzherin YY, Warnick JE, Kalueff AV, Echevarria DJ: Zebrafish models in neuropsychopharmacology and cns drug discovery.Br J Pharmacol(2017).
8. Piirainen S, Youssef A, Song C, Kalueff AV, Landreth GE, Malm T, Tian L: Psychosocial stress on neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunctions in alzheimer's disease: The emerging role for microglia?Neurosci Biobehav Rev(2017) 77(148-164.
9. Meshalkina DA, M NK, E VK, Collier AD, Echevarria DJ, Abreu MS, Barcellos LJ, Song C, Warnick JE, Kyzar EJ, Kalueff AV: Zebrafish models of autism spectrum disorder.Exp Neurol(2017).
10. Abreu MS, Giacomini AC, Rodriguez R, Kalueff AV, Barcellos LJ: Effects of znso4-induced peripheral anosmia on zebrafish behavior and physiology.Behav Brain Res(2017) 320(275-281.
11. Kolesnikova TO, Khatsko SL, Shevyrin VA, Morzherin YY, Kalueff AV: Effects of a non-competitive n-methyl-d-aspartate (nmda) antagonist, tiletamine, in adult zebrafish.Neurotoxicol Teratol(2017) 59(62-67.
12. Song C, Berridge KC, Kalueff AV: 'Stressing' rodent self-grooming for neuroscience research.Nature reviews Neuroscience(2016).
13. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Song C, Berridge KC, Graybiel AM, Fentress JC: Neurobiology of rodent self-grooming and its value for translational neuroscience.Nat Rev Neurosci(2016) 17(1):45-59.
14. Meshalkina DA, Kizlyk MN, Kysil EV, Collier AD, Echevarria DJ, Abreu MS, Barcellos LJ, Song C, Kalueff AV: Understanding zebrafish cognition.Behavioural processes(2016).
15. Annweiler C, Dursun E, Feron F, Gezen-Ak D, Kalueff AV, Littlejohns T, Llewellyn D, Millet P, Scott T, Tucker KL, Yilmazer Set al: Vitamin d and cognition in older adults: International consensus guidelines.Geriatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement(2016) 14(3):265-273.
16. Meshalkina DA, Kalueff AV: Commentary: Ethological evaluation of the effects of social defeat stress in mice: Beyond the social interaction ratio.Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience(2016) 10(155.
17. Song C, Berridge KC, Kalueff AV: 'Stressing' rodent self-grooming for neuroscience research.Nature reviews Neuroscience(2016) 17(9):591.
18. Song C, Yang L, Wang J, Chen P, Li S, Liu Y, Nguyen M, Kaluyeva A, Kyzar EJ, Gaikwad S, Kalueff AV: Building neurophenomics in zebrafish: Effects of prior testing stress and test batteries.Behavioural brain research(2016) 311(24-30.
19. Hart PC, Bergner CL, Smolinsky AN, Dufour BD, Egan RJ, LaPorte JL, Kalueff AV: Experimental models of anxiety for drug discovery and brain research.Methods Mol Biol(2016) 1438(271-291.
20. Bergner CL, Smolinsky AN, Hart PC, Dufour BD, Egan RJ, LaPorte JL, Kalueff AV: Mouse models for studying depression-like states and antidepressant drugs.Methods Mol Biol(2016) 1438(255-269.
21. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Scattoni ML, Norton WH, Pittman J, Gaikwad S, Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Ullmann JF, Diamond DM, Kaluyeva AAet al: Genetic and environmental modulation of neurodevelopmental disorders: Translational insights from labs to beds.Brain research bulletin(2016) 125(79-91.
22. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Nguyen M, Norton WH, Pittman J, Poudel MK, Gaikwad S, Nakamura S, Koshiba M, Yamanouchi H, Scattoni MLet al: Understanding autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders through experimental translational neurobehavioral models.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews(2016) 65(292-312.
23. Kalueff AV: Commentary: Supplier-dependent differences in intermittent voluntary alcohol intake and response to naltrexone in wistar rats.Frontiers in neuroscience(2016) 10(82.
24. Kyzar EJ, Kalueff AV: Exploring hallucinogen pharmacology and psychedelic medicine with zebrafish models.Zebrafish(2016) 13(5):379-390.
25. Abreu MS, Giacomini AC, Kalueff AV, Barcellos LJ: The smell of "anxiety": Behavioral modulation by experimental anosmia in zebrafish.Physiology & behavior(2016) 157(67-71.
26. Song C, Shieh CH, Wu YS, Kalueff A, Gaikwad S, Su KP: The role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the treatment of major depression and alzheimer's disease: Acting separately or synergistically?Progress in lipid research(2016) 62(41-54.
27. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Echevarria DJ, Collier AD, Gaikwad S, Klimenko VM, Norton W, Pittman Jet al: Improving treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders: Recommendations based on preclinical studies.Expert opinion on drug discovery(2016) 11(1):11-25.
28. Kalueff AV, Echevarria DJ, Homechaudhuri S, Stewart AM, Collier AD, Kaluyeva AA, Li S, Liu Y, Chen P, Wang J, Yang Let al: Zebrafish neurobehavioral phenomics for aquatic neuropharmacology and toxicology research.Aquat Toxicol(2016) 170(297-309.
29. Kyzar EJ, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Effects of lsd on grooming behavior in serotonin transporter heterozygous (sert(+)/(-)) mice.Behavioural brain research(2016) 296(47-52.
30. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Song C, Gottesman, II: Targeting drug sensitivity predictors: New potential strategies to improve pharmacotherapy of human brain disorders.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2015) 63(76-82.
31. Stewart AM, Grieco F, Tegelenbosch RA, Kyzar EJ, Nguyen M, Kaluyeva A, Song C, Noldus LP, Kalueff AV: A novel 3d method of locomotor analysis in adult zebrafish: Implications for automated detection of cns drug-evoked phenotypes.Journal of neuroscience methods(2015) 255(66-74.
32. Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Song C, Kalueff AV: Understanding the genetic architectonics of complex cns traits: Lost by the association, but found in the interaction?J Psychopharmacol(2015) 29(8):872-877.
33. Stewart AM, Kaluyeva AA, Poudel MK, Nguyen M, Song C, Kalueff AV: Building zebrafish neurobehavioral phenomics: Effects of common environmental factors on anxiety and locomotor activity.Zebrafish(2015) 12(5):339-348.
34. Annweiler C, Dursun E, Feron F, Gezen-Ak D, Kalueff AV, Littlejohns T, Llewellyn DJ, Millet P, Scott T, Tucker KL, Yilmazer Set al: 'Vitamin d and cognition in older adults': Updated international recommendations.Journal of internal medicine(2015) 277(1):45-57.
35. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM: Modeling neuropsychiatric spectra to empower translational biological psychiatry.Behavioural brain research(2015) 276(1-7.
36. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Developing better and more valid animal models of brain disorders.Behavioural brain research(2015) 276(28-31.
37. Stewart AM, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV: Developing higher-throughput zebrafish screens for in-vivo cns drug discovery.Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience(2015) in press.
38. Levin ED, Kalueff AV, Gerlai RT: Perspectives on zebrafish neurobehavioral pharmacology.Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior(2015) 139 Pt B(93.
39. Kyzar EJ, Pham M, Roth A, Cachat J, Green J, Gaikwad S, Kalueff AV: Corrigendum to "alterations in grooming activity and syntax in heterozygous sert and bdnf knockout mice: The utility of behavior-recognition tools to characterize mutant mouse phenotypes".Brain research bulletin(2015).
40. Stewart AM, Roy S, Wong K, Gaikwad S, Chung KM, Kalueff AV: Cytokine and endocrine parameters in mouse chronic social defeat: Implications for translational 'cross-domain' modeling of stress-related brain disorders.Behavioural brain research(2015) 276(84-91.
41. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Song C, Gottesman, II: Targeting dynamic interplay among disordered domains or endophenotypes to understand complex neuropsychiatric disorders: Translational lessons from preclinical models.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews(2015) 53(25-36.
42. Stewart AM, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV: Developing higher-throughput zebrafish screens for in-vivo cns drug discovery.Front Behav Neurosci(2015) 9(14.
43. Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Warnick JE, Echevarria DJ, Beaton EA, Song C, Kalueff AV: The failure of anxiolytic therapies in early clinical trials: What needs to be done.Expert opinion on investigational drugs(2015) 24(4):543-556.
44. Stewart AM, Grossman L, Collier AD, Echevarria DJ, Kalueff AV: Anxiogenic-like effects of chronic nicotine exposure in zebrafish.Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior(2015) 139 Pt B(112-120.
45. Stewart AM, Ullmann JF, Norton WH, Parker MO, Brennan CH, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV: Molecular psychiatry of zebrafish.Molecular psychiatry(2015) 20(1):2-17.
46. Stewart AM, Braubach O, Spitsbergen J, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV: Zebrafish models for translational neuroscience research: From tank to bedside.Trends in neurosciences(2014) 37(5):264-278.
47. Nguyen M, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Aquatic blues: Modeling depression and antidepressant action in zebrafish.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014).
48. Nguyen M, Roth A, Kyzar EJ, Poudel MK, Wong K, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Decoding the contribution of dopaminergic genes and pathways to autism spectrum disorder (asd).Neurochemistry international(2014) 66(15-26.
49. Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Wong K, Poudel MK, Kalueff AV: Developing zebrafish models of autism spectrum disorder (asd).Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014) 50(27-36.
50. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: The behavioral effects of acute delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and heroin (diacetylmorphine) exposure in adult zebrafish.Brain research(2014) 1543(109-119.
51. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Anxiolytic drug discovery: What are the novel approaches and how can we improve them?Expert opinion on drug discovery(2014) 9(1):15-26.
52. Soleymani A, Cachat JM, Robinson K, Dodge S, Kalueff A, Wurbel R: Integrating cross-scale analysis in the spatial and temporal domains for classi?cation of behavioral movement.J Spatial Inform Sci(2014) 8(1-25.
53. Annweiler C, Dursun E, Feron F, Gezen-Ak D, Kalueff AV, Littlejohns T, Llewellyn DJ, Millet P, Scott T, Tucker KL, Yilmazer Set al: 'Vitamin d and cognition in older adults': Updated international recommendations.Journal of internal medicine(2014).
54. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM: Modeling neuropsychiatric spectra to empower translational biological psychiatry.Behavioural brain research(2014).
55. Kalueff AV, Nguyen M: Testing anxiolytic drugs in the c57bl/6j mouse strain.Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods(2014) 69(2):205-207.
56. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Gerlai R: Zebrafish as an emerging model for studying complex brain disorders.Trends in pharmacological sciences(2014) 35(2):63-75.
57. Stewart AM, Yang E, Nguyen M, Kalueff AV: Developing zebrafish models relevant to ptsd and other trauma- and stressor-related disorders.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014).
59. Stewart AM, Grossman L, Nguyen M, Maximino C, Rosemberg DB, Echevarria D, Kalueff AV: Aquatic toxicology of fluoxetine: Understanding the knowns and the unknowns.Aquat Toxicol(2014) 7, 8-14.
60. Kalueff AV, Echevarria DJ, Stewart AM: Gaining translational momentum: More zebrafish models for neuroscience research.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014) 55(1-6.
61. Stewart AM, Ullmann JF, Norton WH, Parker MO, Brennan CH, Gerlai R, Kalueff AV: Molecular psychiatry of zebrafish.Molecular psychiatry(2014).
62. Stewart AM, Grossman L, Nguyen M, Maximino C, Rosemberg DB, Echevarria DJ, Kalueff AV: Aquatic toxicology of fluoxetine: Understanding the knowns and the unknowns.Aquat Toxicol(2014) 156(269-273.
63. Kalueff AV, Stewart AM, Gottesman, II: Rethinking cns disorders: Time for new drug targets?Trends in pharmacological sciences(2014) 35(10):491-492.
64. Stewart AM, Yang E, Nguyen M, Kalueff AV: Developing zebrafish models relevant to ptsd and other trauma- and stressor-related disorders.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014) 55(67-79.
65. Nguyen M, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Aquatic blues: Modeling depression and antidepressant action in zebrafish.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2014) 55(26-39.
66. Robinson KS, Stewart AM, Cachat J, Landsman S, Gebhardt M, Kalueff AV: Psychopharmacological effects of acute exposure to kynurenic acid (kyna) in zebrafish.Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior(2013) 108(54-60.
67. Stewart AM, Cachat J, Gaikwad S, Robinson KS, Gebhardt M, Kalueff AV: Perspectives on experimental models of serotonin syndrome in zebrafish.Neurochemistry international(2013) 62(6):893-902.
68. Cachat J, Kyzar EJ, Collins C, Gaikwad S, Green J, Roth A, El-Ounsi M, Davis A, Pham M, Landsman S, Stewart AMet al: Unique and potent effects of acute ibogaine on zebrafish: The developing utility of novel aquatic models for hallucinogenic drug research.Behavioural brain research(2013) 236(1):258-269.
69. Stewart AM, Cachat J, Green J, Gaikwad S, Kyzar E, Roth A, Davis A, Collins C, El-Ounsi M, Pham M, Kalueff AV: Constructing the habituome for phenotype-driven zebrafish research.Behavioural brain research(2013) 236(1):110-117.
70. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Controlled substances and innovation of biomedicine: A preclinical perspective.Nature reviews Neuroscience(2013) 14(12):877.
71. Neelkantan N, Mikhaylova A, Stewart AM, Arnold R, Gjeloshi V, Kondaveeti D, Poudel MK, Kalueff AV: Perspectives on zebrafish models of hallucinogenic drugs and related psychotropic compounds.ACS chemical neuroscience(2013) 4(8):1137-1150.
72. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Developing better and more valid animal models of brain disorders.Behavioural brain research(2013).
73. Scruggs BA, Semon JA, Zhang X, Zhang S, Bowles AC, Pandey AC, Imhof KM, Kalueff AV, Gimble JM, Bunnell BA: Age of the donor reduces the ability of human adipose-derived stem cells to alleviate symptoms in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model.Stem cells translational medicine(2013) 2(10):797-807.
74. Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Skin too thin? The developing utility of zebrafish skin (neuro)pharmacology for cns drug discovery research.Brain research bulletin(2013) 98(145-154.
75. Nguyen M, Yang E, Neelkantan N, Mikhaylova A, Arnold R, Poudel MK, Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: Developing 'integrative' zebrafish models of behavioral and metabolic disorders.Behavioural brain research(2013) 256(172-187.
76. Kyzar E, Stewart AM, Landsman S, Collins C, Gebhardt M, Robinson K, Kalueff AV: Behavioral effects of bidirectional modulators of brain monoamines reserpine and d-amphetamine in zebrafish.Brain research(2013) 1527(108-116.
77. Scruggs BA, Zhang X, Bowles AC, Gold PA, Semon JA, Fisher-Perkins JM, Zhang S, Bonvillain RW, Myers L, Li SC, Kalueff AVet al: Multipotent stromal cells alleviate inflammation, neuropathology, and symptoms associated with globoid cell leukodystrophy in the twitcher mouse.Stem Cells(2013) 31(8):1523-1534.
78. Roth A, Kyzar EJ, Cachat J, Stewart AM, Green J, Gaikwad S, O'Leary TP, Tabakoff B, Brown RE, Kalueff AV: Potential translational targets revealed by linking mouse grooming behavioral phenotypes to gene expression using public databases.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2013) 40(312-325.
79. Kalueff AV, Gebhardt M, Stewart AM, Cachat JM, Brimmer M, Chawla JS, Craddock C, Kyzar EJ, Roth A, Landsman S, Gaikwad Set al: Towards a comprehensive catalog of zebrafish behavior 1.0 and beyond.Zebrafish(2013) 10(1):70-86.
80. Cachat JM: Developing zebrafish models of complex phenotypes relevant to human brain disorders. In:Neuroscience.PhD.Tulane University, New Orleans (2013):150.
81. Scruggs BA, Bowles AC, Zhang X, Semon JA, Kyzar EJ, Myers L, Kalueff AV, Bunnell BA: High-throughput screening of stem cell therapy for globoid cell leukodystrophy using automated neurophenotyping of twitcher mice.Behavioural brain research(2013) 236(1):35-47.
82. Williams LR, Wong K, Stewart A, Suciu C, Gaikwad S, Wu N, Dileo J, Grossman L, Cachat J, Hart P, Kalueff AV: Behavioral and physiological effects of rdx on adult zebrafish.Comparative biochemistry and physiology Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP(2012) 155(1):33-38.
83. Green J, Collins C, Kyzar EJ, Pham M, Roth A, Gaikwad S, Cachat J, Stewart AM, Landsman S, Grieco F, Tegelenbosch Ret al: Automated high-throughput neurophenotyping of zebrafish social behavior.Journal of neuroscience methods(2012) 210(2):266-271.
84. Kyzar EJ, Collins C, Gaikwad S, Green J, Roth A, Monnig L, El-Ounsi M, Davis A, Freeman A, Capezio N, Stewart AMet al: Effects of hallucinogenic agents mescaline and phencyclidine on zebrafish behavior and physiology.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2012) 37(1):194-202.
85. Stewart AM, Gaikwad S, Kyzar E, Kalueff AV: Understanding spatio-temporal strategies of adult zebrafish exploration in the open field test.Brain research(2012) 1451(44-52.
86. Kyzar EJ, Pham M, Roth A, Cachat J, Green J, Gaikwad S, Kalueff AV: Alterations in grooming activity and syntax in heterozygous sert and bdnf knockout mice: The utility of behavior-recognition tools to characterize mutant mouse phenotypes.Brain research bulletin(2012) 89(5-6):168-176.
87. Stewart AM, Kalueff AV: The developing utility of zebrafish models for cognitive enhancers research.Current neuropharmacology(2012) 10(3):263-271.
88. Walker CH, Drew BA, Antoon JW, Kalueff AV, Beckman BS: Neurocognitive effects of chemotherapy and endocrine therapies in the treatment of breast cancer: Recent perspectives.Cancer investigation(2012) 30(2):135-148.
89. Kyzar E, Zapolsky I, Green J, Gaikwad S, Pham M, Collins C, Roth A, Stewart AM, St-Pierre P, Hirons B, Kalueff AV: The zebrafish neurophenome database (znd): A dynamic open-access resource for zebrafish neurophenotypic data.Zebrafish(2012) 9(1):8-14.
90. Stewart AM, Desmond D, Kyzar E, Gaikwad S, Roth A, Riehl R, Collins C, Monnig L, Green J, Kalueff AV: Perspectives of zebrafish models of epilepsy: What, how and where next?Brain research bulletin(2012) 87(2-3):135-143.
91. Stewart A, Gaikwad S, Kyzar E, Green J, Roth A, Kalueff AV: Modeling anxiety using adult zebrafish: A conceptual review.Neuropharmacology(2012) 62(1):135-143.
92. Stewart A, Wong K, Cachat J, Gaikwad S, Kyzar E, Wu N, Hart P, Piet V, Utterback E, Elegante M, Tien Det al: Zebrafish models to study drug abuse-related phenotypes.Reviews in the neurosciences(2011) 22(1):95-105.
93. Gaikwad S, Stewart A, Hart P, Wong K, Piet V, Cachat J, Kalueff AV: Acute stress disrupts performance of zebrafish in the cued and spatial memory tests: The utility of fish models to study stress-memory interplay.Behavioural processes(2011) 87(2):224-230.
94. Stewart A, Riehl R, Wong K, Green J, Cosgrove J, Vollmer K, Kyzar E, Hart P, Allain A, Cachat J, Gaikwad Set al: Behavioral effects of mdma ('ecstasy') on adult zebrafish.Behavioural pharmacology(2011) 22(3):275-280.
95. Cachat J, Stewart A, Utterback E, Hart P, Gaikwad S, Wong K, Kyzar E, Wu N, Kalueff AV: Three-dimensional neurophenotyping of adult zebrafish behavior.PloS one(2011) 6(3):e17597.
96. Stewart A, Wu N, Cachat J, Hart P, Gaikwad S, Wong K, Utterback E, Gilder T, Kyzar E, Newman A, Carlos Det al: Pharmacological modulation of anxiety-like phenotypes in adult zebrafish behavioral models.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2011) 35(6):1421-1431.

97. Grossman L, Stewart A, Gaikwad S, Utterback E, Wu N, Dileo J, Frank K, Hart P, Howard H, Kalueff AV: Effects of piracetam on behavior and memory in adult zebrafish.Brain research bulletin(2011) 85(1-2):58-63.
98. Riehl R, Kyzar E, Allain A, Green J, Hook M, Monnig L, Rhymes K, Roth A, Pham M, Razavi R, Dileo Jet al: Behavioral and physiological effects of acute ketamine exposure in adult zebrafish.Neurotoxicology and teratology(2011) 33(6):658-667.
99. Kyzar E, Gaikwad S, Roth A, Green J, Pham M, Stewart A, Liang Y, Kobla V, Kalueff AV: Towards high-throughput phenotyping of complex patterned behaviors in rodents: Focus on mouse self-grooming and its sequencing.Behavioural brain research(2011) 225(2):426-431.
100. Stewart A, Gaikwad S, Hart P, Kyzar E, Roth A, Kalueff AV: Experimental models for anxiolytic drug discovery in the era of omes and omics.Expert opinion on drug discovery(2011) 6(7):755-769.
101. Kalueff AV, Schmidt MV: Novel experimental models and paradigms for neuropsychiatric disorders: Editorial.Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2011) 35(6):1355-1356.
102. Cachat J, Canavello P, Elegante M, Bartels B, Hart P, Bergner C, Egan R, Duncan A, Tien D, Chung A, Wong Ket al: Modeling withdrawal syndrome in zebrafish.Behavioural brain research(2010) 208(2):371-376.
103. Stewart A, Cachat J, Wong K, Gaikwad S, Gilder T, DiLeo J, Chang K, Utterback E, Kalueff AV: Homebase behavior of zebrafish in novelty-based paradigms.Behavioural processes(2010) 85(2):198-203.
104. Wong K, Elegante M, Bartels B, Elkhayat S, Tien D, Roy S, Goodspeed J, Suciu C, Tan J, Grimes C, Chung Aet al: Analyzing habituation responses to novelty in zebrafish (danio rerio).Behavioural brain research(2010) 208(2):450-457.
105. Stewart A, Wong K, Cachat J, Elegante M, Gilder T, Mohnot S, Wu N, Minasyan A, Tuohimaa P, Kalueff AV: Neurosteroid vitamin d system as a nontraditional drug target in neuropsychopharmacology.Behavioural pharmacology(2010) 21(5-6):420-426.
106. Grossman L, Utterback E, Stewart A, Gaikwad S, Chung KM, Suciu C, Wong K, Elegante M, Elkhayat S, Tan J, Gilder Tet al: Characterization of behavioral and endocrine effects of lsd on zebrafish.Behavioural brain research(2010) 214(2):277-284.
107. Wong K, Stewart A, Gilder T, Wu N, Frank K, Gaikwad S, Suciu C, Dileo J, Utterback E, Chang K, Grossman Let al: Modeling seizure-related behavioral and endocrine phenotypes in adult zebrafish.Brain research(2010) 1348(209-215.
108. Denmark A, Tien D, Wong K, Chung A, Cachat J, Goodspeed J, Grimes C, Elegante M, Suciu C, Elkhayat S, Bartels Bet al: The effects of chronic social defeat stress on mouse self-grooming behavior and its patterning.Behavioural brain research(2010) 208(2):553-559.
109. LaPorte JL, Egan RJ, Hart PC, Bergner CL, Cachat JM, Canavello PR, Kalueff AV: Qui non proficit, deficit: Experimental models for 'integrative' research of affective disorders.Journal of affective disorders(2010) 121(1-2):1-9.
110. Kalueff AV, Olivier JD, Nonkes LJ, Homberg JR: Conserved role for the serotonin transporter gene in rat and mouse neurobehavioral endophenotypes.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews(2010) 34(3):373-386.
111. Cachat J, Stewart A, Grossman L, Gaikwad S, Kadri F, Chung KM, Wu N, Wong K, Roy S, Suciu C, Goodspeed Jet al: Measuring behavioral and endocrine responses to novelty stress in adult zebrafish.Nature protocols(2010) 5(11):1786-1799.
112. Kalueff A, LaPorte JL, Bergner C:Neurobiology of grooming behavior.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2010).
113. Hart PC, Bergner CL, Smolinsky AN, Dufour BD, Egan RJ, Laporte JL, Kalueff AV: Experimental models of anxiety for drug discovery and brain research.Methods Mol Biol(2010) 602(299-321.
114. Bergner CL, Smolinsky AN, Hart PC, Dufour BD, Egan RJ, Laporte JL, Kalueff AV: Mouse models for studying depression-like states and antidepressant drugs.Methods Mol Biol(2010) 602(267-282.
115. Lou YR, Molnar F, Perakyla M, Qiao S, Kalueff AV, St-Arnaud R, Carlberg C, Tuohimaa P: 25-hydroxyvitamin d(3) is an agonistic vitamin d receptor ligand.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2010) 118(3):162-170.
116. Egan RJ, Bergner CL, Hart PC, Cachat JM, Canavello PR, Elegante MF, Elkhayat SI, Bartels BK, Tien AK, Tien DH, Mohnot Set al: Understanding behavioral and physiological phenotypes of stress and anxiety in zebrafish.Behavioural brain research(2009) 205(1):38-44.

117. Tuohimaa P, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Cachat J, Kalueff A: Vitamin d, nervous system and aging.Psychoneuroendocrinology(2009) 34 Suppl 1(S278-286.
118. Keisala T, Minasyan A, Lou YR, Zou J, Kalueff AV, Pyykko I, Tuohimaa P: Premature aging in vitamin d receptor mutant mice.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2009) 115(3-5):91-97.
119. Minasyan A, Keisala T, Zou J, Zhang Y, Toppila E, Syvala H, Lou YR, Kalueff AV, Pyykko I, Tuohimaa P: Vestibular dysfunction in vitamin d receptor mutant mice.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2009) 114(3-5):161-166.
120. Wang JH, Keisala T, Solakivi T, Minasyan A, Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Serum cholesterol and expression of apoai, lxrbeta and srebp2 in vitamin d receptor knock-out mice.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2009) 113(3-5):222-226.
121. Kalueff AV, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL: Perspectives on genetic animal models of serotonin toxicity.Neurochemistry international(2008) 52(4-5):649-658.
122. Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Kumar SR, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL, Tuohimaa P: The regular and light-dark suok tests of anxiety and sensorimotor integration: Utility for behavioral characterization in laboratory rodents.Nature protocols(2008) 3(1):129-136.
123. Kalueff AV, Ren-Patterson RF, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL: Domain interplay concept in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders: A new strategy for high-throughput neurophenotyping research.Behavioural brain research(2008) 188(2):243-249.
124. Zou J, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Zhang Y, Wang JH, Lou YR, Kalueff A, Pyykko I, Tuohimaa P: Progressive hearing loss in mice with a mutated vitamin d receptor gene.Audiology & neuro-otology(2008) 13(4):219-230.
125. Laporte JL, Ren-Patterson RF, Murphy DL, Kalueff AV: Refining psychiatric genetics: From 'mouse psychiatry' to understanding complex human disorders.Behavioural pharmacology(2008) 19(5-6):377-384.
126. Kalueff AV, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL, Sufka K: Hybridizing behavioral models: A possible solution to some problems in neurophenotyping research?Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry(2008) 32(5):1172-1178.
127. Kalueff AV, Ishikawa K, Griffith AJ: Anxiety and otovestibular disorders: Linking behavioral phenotypes in men and mice.Behavioural brain research(2008) 186(1):1-11.
128. Kalueff AV, Wheaton M, Ren-Patterson R, Murphy DL: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, serotonin transporter, and depression: Comment on kaufman et al.Biological psychiatry(2007) 61(9):1112-1113; author reply 1113-1115.
129. Kalueff AV, Fox MA, Gallagher PS, Murphy DL: Hypolocomotion, anxiety and serotonin syndrome-like behavior contribute to the complex phenotype of serotonin transporter knockout mice.Genes, brain, and behavior(2007) 6(4):389-400.
130. Kalueff AV, Murphy DL: The importance of cognitive phenotypes in experimental modeling of animal anxiety and depression.Neural plasticity(2007) 2007(52087.
131. Kalueff AV, Jensen CL, Murphy DL: Locomotory patterns, spatiotemporal organization of exploration and spatial memory in serotonin transporter knockout mice.Brain research(2007) 1169(87-97.
132. Minasyan A, Keisala T, Lou YR, Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Neophobia, sensory and cognitive functions, and hedonic responses in vitamin d receptor mutant mice.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2007) 104(3-5):274-280.
133. Kalueff AV, Aldridge JW, LaPorte JL, Murphy DL, Tuohimaa P: Analyzing grooming microstructure in neurobehavioral experiments.Nat Protoc(2007) 2(10):2538-2544.
134. Kalueff AV, Nutt DJ: Role of gaba in anxiety and depression.Depression and anxiety(2007) 24(7):495-517.
135. Kalueff AV: Mapping convulsants' binding to the gaba-a receptor chloride ionophore: A proposed model for channel binding sites.Neurochemistry international(2007) 50(1):61-68.
136. Kalueff AV, Wheaton M, Murphy DL: What's wrong with my mouse model? Advances and strategies in animal modeling of anxiety and depression.Behavioural brain research(2007) 179(1):1-18.
137. Keisala T, Minasyan A, Jarvelin U, Wang J, Hamalainen T, Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Aberrant nest building and prolactin secretion in vitamin d receptor mutant mice.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2007) 104(3-5):269-273.
138. Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Tuohimaa P: Pharmacological modulation of anxiety-related behaviors in the murine suok test.Brain research bulletin(2007) 74(1-3):45-50.
139. Kalueff AV: Neurobiology of memory and anxiety: From genes to behavior.Neural plasticity(2007) 2007(78171.
140. Kalueff AV, Ren-Patterson RF, Murphy DL: The developing use of heterozygous mutant mouse models in brain monoamine transporter research.Trends in pharmacological sciences(2007) 28(3):122-127.
141. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Neurosteroid hormone vitamin d and its utility in clinical nutrition.Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care(2007) 10(1):12-19.
142. Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Tuohimaa P: Influence of paternal genotypes on f1 behaviors: Lessons from several mouse strains.Behavioural brain research(2007) 177(1):45-50.
143. Kalueff AV, Zimbardo PG: Behavioral neuroscience, exploration, and k.C. Montgomery's legacy.Brain research reviews(2007) 53(2):328-331.
144. Kalueff AV, Gallagher PS, Murphy DL: Are serotonin transporter knockout mice 'depressed'?: Hypoactivity but no anhedonia.Neuroreport(2006) 17(12):1347-1351.
145. Kalueff AV, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Shah ZH, Tuohimaa P: Hair barbering in mice: Implications for neurobehavioural research.Behavioural processes(2006) 71(1):8-15.
146. Kalueff A, Loseva E, Haapasalo H, Rantala I, Keranen J, Lou YR, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Miettinen S, Kuuslahti M, Tuchimaa P: Thalamic calcification in vitamin d receptor knockout mice.Neuroreport(2006) 17(7):717-721.
147. Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Kuuslahti M, Miettinen S, Tuohimaa P: Behavioural anomalies in mice evoked by "tokyo" disruption of the vitamin d receptor gene.Neuroscience research(2006) 54(4):254-260.
148. Kalueff AV, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Kuuslahti M, Miettinen S, Tuohimaa P: Increased severity of chemically induced seizures in mice with partially deleted vitamin d receptor gene.Neuroscience letters(2006) 394(1):69-73.
149. Kalueff AV, Avgustinovich DF, Kudryavtseva NN, Murphy DL: Bdnf in anxiety and depression.Science(2006) 312(5780):1598-1599; author reply 1598-1599.
150. Kalueff AV, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Kuuslahti M, Miettinen S, Tuohimaa P: The vitamin d neuroendocrine system as a target for novel neurotropic drugs.CNS & neurological disorders drug targets(2006) 5(3):363-371.
151. Kalueff AV, Keisala T, Minasyan A, Kuuslahti M, Tuohimaa P: Temporal stability of novelty exploration in mice exposed to different open field tests.Behavioural processes(2006) 72(1):104-112.
152. Kalueff AV, Lou YR, Laaksi I, Tuohimaa P: Abnormal behavioral organization of grooming in mice lacking the vitamin d receptor gene.Journal of neurogenetics(2005) 19(1):1-24.
153. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Mouse grooming microstructure is a reliable anxiety marker bidirectionally sensitive to gabaergic drugs.European journal of pharmacology(2005) 508(1-3):147-153.
154. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: The grooming analysis algorithm discriminates between different levels of anxiety in rats: Potential utility for neurobehavioural stress research.Journal of neuroscience methods(2005) 143(2):169-177.
155. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Contrasting grooming phenotypes in three mouse strains markedly different in anxiety and activity (129s1, balb/c and nmri).Behavioural brain research(2005) 160(1):1-10.
156. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: The role of hair in swimming of laboratory mice: Implications for behavioural studies in animals with abnormal hair.Laboratory animals(2005) 39(4):370-376.
157. Kalueff AV, Minasyan A, Tuohimaa P: Behavioural characterization in rats using the elevated alley suok test.Behavioural brain research(2005) 165(1):52-57.

158. Kalueff AV, Minasyan A, Tuohimaa P: Anticonvulsant effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d in chemically induced seizures in mice.Brain research bulletin(2005) 67(1-2):156-160.
159. Tuohimaa P, Golovko O, Kalueff A, Nazarova N, Qiao S, Syvala H, Talonpoika R, Lou YR: Calcidiol and prostate cancer.The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology(2005) 93(2-5):183-190.
160. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: The suok ("ropewalking") murine test of anxiety.Brain research Brain research protocols(2005) 14(2):87-99.
161. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Contrasting grooming phenotypes in c57bl/6 and 129s1/svimj mice.Brain research(2004) 1028(1):75-82.
162. Kalueff AV, Lou YR, Laaksi I, Tuohimaa P: Increased grooming behavior in mice lacking vitamin d receptors.Physiology & behavior(2004) 82(2-3):405-409.
163. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Grooming analysis algorithm for neurobehavioural stress research.Brain research Brain research protocols(2004) 13(3):151-158.
164. Kalueff AV, Lou YR, Laaksi I, Tuohimaa P: Impaired motor performance in mice lacking neurosteroid vitamin d receptors.Brain research bulletin(2004) 64(1):25-29.
165. Kalueff AV, Lou YR, Laaksi I, Tuohimaa P: Increased anxiety in mice lacking vitamin d receptor gene.Neuroreport(2004) 15(8):1271-1274.
166. Kalueff AV, Tuohimaa P: Experimental modeling of anxiety and depression.Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis(2004) 64(4):439-448.
167. Kalueff AV, Eremin KO, Tuohimaa P: Mechanisms of neuroprotective action of vitamin d(3).Biochemistry Biokhimiia(2004) 69(7):738-741.

Books and book chapters: 35 (not listed), including 5 scholarly books, and 8 edited/co-edited scholarly books

Scientific abstracts presented: > 300 (not listed)

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