本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
Full Professor, Pharmaceutical Science, Southwest University, Chongqing, China,2017-present.
Research Associate, (WPI-AIMR),2015–2017, Tohoku University
Research Associate, 2013-2014, (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University
K S Krishnan Fellow, 2012-2013, BARC
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-2012, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
PhD, 2009, University of Missouri, Columbia,
M.Sc, 2003, IIT Kharagpur
BSc, 2000, Calcutta University
Research grant awarded by WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University as aPrinciple investigator, 2016.
Nature’s open innovation challenge award 2015, for the submission of proposal“Novel treatment approach to cure inflammatory bowel disease”.
Juan de la Cierva Fellowship 2014, Government of Spain (University of Barcelona)
Overseas Travel Awardfor research, 2013, Kyoto University, Japan.
K S KRISHNAN Fellow 2012, BARC, Mumbai.
Steven Research Fellowship Award, 2004, University of Missouri Columbia.
Excellence in Teaching, 2004was certified by University of Missouri-Columbia program, the state of Missouri College teaching Institute.
Selected Publications
Long, Y.; Deng, S.;1Wu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, S.; Gillies, E.; Bhattacharyya, S.; C, Li., Inducible epitope imprinting: ‘Generating’ the required binding site in membrane folate receptor for targeted drug delivery, DOI:10.1039/C6NR09449J, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 5394-97.
Bhattacharyya, S.; Kim, K.; Teizer, W.Restoring the processivity of kinesin nano-motors, Adv. Biosys, 2017, **-40.
Bhattacharyya, S.; Kim, K.; Nakazawa, H.; Umetsu, M.; Teizer, W.Altering the microtubule-Tau assembly and dynamic by altering the chemical environment, Integr. Biol, 2016, 8,1296-1300.
Bhattacharyya, S.; Kim, K.; Nakazawa, H.; Umetsu, M.; Teizer, W.Modulating the microtubule kinesin nanomechanics in the presence of metallic ions, IEEE Nano, 2016.
Long, Y.; Deng, S.;1Wu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, S.; Gillies, E.; Bhattacharyya, S.; C, Li., Novel polymeric nanoparticles targeting the lipopolysaccharides of pseudomonas aeruginosa, Int. J. Pharm, 2016, 502 (1-2): 232-41.
Bhattacharyya,S.;Giri,K.;Dong,H.H.;Nicholas, B.J.;Bhattacharya,R.;Sood,A.; Mukherjee,P.Cystathione Beta Synthase Contributes to Advance Ovarian Cancer Progression and Drug ResistancePLoS One, 2013, 8(11), e79167.
Arvizo,R.R.; Bhattacharyya,S.;Kudgus,R.;Giri,K.;Bhattcharya,R.;Mukherjee, P.Therapeutic ApplicationofNobelMetalNanoparticles:FromthePasttothe Present Day, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41(7), 2943-70.
Bhattacharyya,S.; Thakter, R.; Bhattacharya, R.; Mark A M.; Mukherjee, P. SwitchingtheTargetingPathwaysofTherapeuticAntibody by Nanodesign,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51(7), 1563-67.
Bhattacharyya,S.;Khan,A. J.;Curran,A.J.;Robertson,D.;Bhattacharya,R.; Mukherjee,P. EfficientDeliveryofGoldNanoparticlebyDualReceptorTargeting,Adv. Mat., 2011, 23 (43), 5034-38.
Haying,J.;Singh,H;Parsons,Z;Lewis,S; Bhattacharya,S;Seiner,D;LaButti,J; Reilly,T;Tanner,J; Gates,K.S.TheBiologicalBuffer,Bicarbonate/CO2,Potentiates H2O2-MediatedInactivationofProteinTyrosinePhosphatases,J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2011, 133 (40), 15803-805.
Bhattacharyya,S.;Gonzalez,M.; Robertson, DJ.; Bhattacharya,R.; Mukherjee,P.A SimpleOneStepSynthesisofTargetedDrugDelivery SystemwithEnhanced Cytotoxicity,Chem. Comm., 2011,47 (30), 8530-32.
Bhattacharyya,S.;Bhattacharya,R.;Steven,C.;MarkAM.; Mukherjee,P. NanoconjugationModulatestheTraffickingandMechanismofAntibody Induced ReceptorDynamicsEndocytosis,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.(PNASUSA).,2010,107,33, 14541-54.
Bhattacharyya,S.;Seiner,D.;Gates,K.S.InvestigationofChemicalMechanism andStructuralAnalysisofPTP1BInactivationby Chemopreventiveagent1,2-Dithiol-3- thiones , Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2010,18, 16, 5945-49.
Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
Editorial board member of Australasian Medical Journal
Research Interest:
Protein misfolding and neuro degeneration
Protein misfolding has been attributed to trigger various neuro degenerative and neuro muscular disorders such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, Prion disease and many others. Misfolded protein tends to aggregate and often deposit both inside and outside the cell since they often can’t be processed by proteasomal degradation or cellular clearance and quality control system. Many of this misfolded protein such as tau protein have the ability to spread through synaptic transmission similar to Prion like mechanism. In addition, misfolded protein can also disrupt the cytoskeletal dynamics comprising of microtubule and kinesin motor and give rise to transport deficit. This transport deficit can initiate various neuro muscular disease onsets. Protein misfolding and transport deficit can also trigger pre-mature ageing and subsequent disorders. My lab is interested is to understand the cellular mechanism how various misfolded protein related to many neurodegenerative disease interacts with cytoskeletal element such as microtubule and furthermore, come up with a strategy that can combat various neuronal disorders arising from protein misfolding and cytoskeletal defects.
Formulating smart nano drug delivery system
Nanoparticle drug delivery system and nanoscale formulation has shown quite a bit promise in last decades as a smart design to delivery pharmaceutics by overcoming various therapeutic challenges that are usually faced when a drug is delivered as a single agent. The advantages of nanoformulation include the targeted release of the pharmaceutics payload to the desired tissue although long mileages are waiting for Nanoscience to improve for translational research in order to precise the nanomedicine from bench to bedside. My lab is interested to use nano science primarily for biomedical application such as (1) delivering agent to carry the therapeutic agents to the targeted location and subsequently utilize NIR imaging strategy using formulation chemistry (2) Using nano particles as a self-therapeutics for combating disease besides applying them only as carrier. My lab is mainly interested using gold, iron and sliver metal nanoparticles and polymer nanoparticles such as PEG and PLGA for various drug deliveries and biomedical application such as cancer, neuro disorders including metabolic disorders such as diabetes.
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