本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
6、论文:比较视域下的重写中国文学史策略---以哈佛****的中国文学史书写为例,《西南大学学报》(社 会科学版)2018年第5期。
7、论文:比较视域下的重写中国文学史策略---以哈佛****的中国文学史书写为例,《高等学校文科学术文 摘》2018年第6期。
12、专著:《异域之镜:哈佛中国文学研究四大家--宇文所安、韩南、李欧梵、王德威》,科学出版社, 2016年出版。
15、专著:《四川思想家与< 文心雕龙>》,科学出版社,2018年出版。(合著)
17、项目主持:国家社科基金西部项目“重写文学史的海外视角:哈佛****的中国文学史研究”,项目编号 16xww001。项目负责人:孙太。
Curriculum Vitae
Sun, Tai
AssociateProfessor; Ph. D; M.A. Students Supervisor
College of International Studies
Southwest University, Beibei District, Chongqing, P.R.C. 400715
Phone: 0086-** (mobile); Email: tai307@126.com
College web segment: http://cms.swu.edu.cn:8080/viscms/foreignidex/
Birth Date
January 2, 1966
Education Experience
B. A:English Language and Literature, Southwest University, 1986.
M. A:British and American Literature, Fudan University, 1990.
Ph. D:Comparative Literature and World Literature, Sichuan University, 2015.
Academic Visitor:University of Cambridge, 2017.
Research Areas
British and American Literature
Comparative Literature and World Literature
Sinology (Restudy of Chinese Literature Studies Abroad)
Chinese Literature
Translation of English Poetry into Chinese
Translation of Chinese Poetry into English
PositionHeld and Courses Given
Doctor of Philosophy; Associate Professor and M.A. students supervisor of Southwest University
British Literature: History and Readings
American Literature: History and Readings
English Poetry: Reading and Appreciation
European and American Drama: History and Readings
Academic Writing in MLA and APA Styles
Major Publications
Sun, Tai. “A Comparative Study ofBound East for CardiffandOf Mice and Men.”Foreign Literature 62.2(1996): 102-106. Print.
Sun, Tai. “A Probe into the Poetic Qualities inBeyond the Horizon.”Journal of School of Foreign Languages of Shandong Teachers University 1(2001): 42-45. Print.
Sun, Tai. “The Iceman Comethand the Theater of the Absurd.”Journal of Southwest Normal University (Supplementary Issue, 2001): 106-109. Print.
Sun, Tai. “A Probe into the Self-Destructive Complex in Beyond the Horizon.”Journal of Southwest Normal University (Supplementary Issue, 2001): 161-164. Print.
Sun, Tai, et al, comps.Selected Readings in British and American Literature. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001. Print.
Sun, Tai, et al, trans.Curriculum: A New Assessment. Beijing: Education Science Publishing House, 2008. Print.
Sun, Tai.An Introduction to Literature. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2009. Print.
Sun, Tai, et al, comps.American Literature: A Brief History and Selected Readings. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2010. Print.
Sun, Tai, and Zuji Wang.The Mirror of the Other: A Probe into the Chinese Literature Studies of the Four Harvard Sinologists—Stephen Owen, Patrick Hanan, Leo Ou-fan Lee, and David Der-wei Wang. Beijing: Science Press, 2016. Print.
Sun, Tai, trans. The Spring Festival (a documentary film; part of a major project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, The Spring Festival being one of the two films chosen by the Ministry of Culture of P.R.C for an exhibition tour of Chinese culture in America in 2017).
Sun, Tai, et al. A Study of the Essays of Sushi: From the Perspectives of Stylistics and Literary Aesthetics. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2017. Print.
Sun, Tai. “A Probe into the New Findings and Misunderstandings of Stephen Owen in His Study of the History of Tang Poetry.”Journal of Yibin University 17.11(2017): 63-70. Print.
Sun, Tai, et al. The Sichuan Thinkers and The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. Beijing: Science Press, 2018. Print.
Sun, Tai. “A Probe into the Strategies of Rewriting Chinese Literary History: With Reference to the Chinese Literary History Studies of Harvard Scholars.” Journal of Southwest University (Social Sciences Edition), 44.5(2018): 105-116. Print.
Sun, Tai. “A Probe into the Strategies of Rewriting Chinese Literary History: With Reference to the Chinese Literary History Studies of Harvard Scholars.” China University Academic Abstracts 35.6(2018): 194-194. Print.
Sun, Tai, et al. Project of Chinese Universities Scientific Foundation: A Survey of the Latest World Researches on European and American Literature. Project Number: SWU**; with Professor Lihui Liu as the project leader.
Sun, Tai. Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China:A Probe into the Chinese Literary History Studies of the Harvard Scholars: A Comparative Perspective. Project Number: 16XWW001; with Tai Sun as the project leader.
Unpublished Materials
Sun, Tai.The Conflict Between Dream and Reality: A Study of Eugene O’Neill’s Plays. Unpublished M.A. Thesis of Fudan University, 1990.
Sun, Tai.A Probe into the Chinese Literary History Study of the Harvard Sinologists: From the Perspective of the Other. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation of Sichuan University, 2015.
Sun, Tai.Chinese Translations of 100 Classical English Poems in the Conventional Style.
Sun, Tai.A Miscellany of Poems. Unpublished book of poetry written in Chinese.
Sun, Tai. A Collection of Articles on Literature and Translation.
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