本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-05
郑畅,女, 重庆人。西南大学外国语学院讲师,本科英语教育专业、硕士英语语言文学专业,现正在攻读外国哲学专业博士学位。
1. “浪漫的灵魂,诗质的生命—康德哲学视域下济慈诗歌美学特点初探”,《名作欣赏》2012年第12期。
2. “从萨特存在主义观读〈乞力马扎罗的雪>”,《芒种》,2012年12月第12期。
3. “以布局之美展现意义—论莎士比亚< 仲夏夜之梦>的戏剧结构形式及其美学价值”,《安徽文学》,2009年10月第10期。
4. “《仲夏夜之梦》的戏剧结构特点及其艺术价值”,《文学教育》,2009年10月第10期。
5. “A Stylistic Analysis of Jack London’s Novel Martin Eden”,《科技信息》,2009年9月第25期。
6. “A Comparative Study of the Jerome Model and the Horace Model”,Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.8 No.3,June 30,2014, Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
7. "A Poet Dwells in Beauty: A Kantian Reading of Keats’s Poetry",English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.4 No.3 September 2014,Canadian Center of Science and Education.
8. "Gift and Curse of Freedom: A Study of the Snows of Kilimanjaro From Sartre’s Philosophy of Existentialism", Canadian Social Science,Vol.10,No.6December 31.2014.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
9. "On Personality Development of Connie in D.H.Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover from Tripartite Theory in Freud’s Psychoanalysis", Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.10,No.1 January 31.2015.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
10. "A Brief Analysis of the Irony and Sarcasm in Mrs Warren’s Profession", Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.12,No.4 April 30.2016.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
11. "English Newspapers as Specimen: A Study of Linguistic Features of the English Newspapers in the 20th Century From Historical Linguistics",Studies in Literature and Language,Vol. 14 No. 1 January 31. 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
12. "Picturing Her Landscape: An Interpretation of Amy Lowell’s Poems From Emerson’s Transcendentalism",Cross-Cultural Communication, Vol. 13, No.5, May 31 .2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
13. "An Interpretation of Cather’s Prairie Trilogy from the Perspective of Diaspora Criticism",Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 14 No. 6 June 30. 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
14. "Teaching Mode Exploration Based on the Text of New Horizon College English Text Book for Reading and Writing",Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 15 No. 6 December 31, 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
15. “Developing Students’ Communicative Competence Through Interaction in Oral English”,Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.18, No.2,2019.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
3.作品《以布局之美展现意义——论莎士比亚< 仲夏夜之梦>的戏剧结构形式及其美学价值》,重庆市莎士比亚研究会论文评比三等奖,2013年4月。
5.作品《研究型教学模式:大学英语通识教育实现途径》荣获西南大学“我与通识教育”论文大赛(教师组)优秀奖,2015年 6月19日。
参加2018年8月13号到20号在北京举行的第24届世界哲学大会,并在圆桌会议“文学中的哲学”上做了发言,题为 “A Poet Dwells in Beauty: A Kantian Reading of Keats’s Poetry”(诗人诗意地栖居:从康德美学看济慈诗歌的美学特点)。
Zheng Chang serves as a teacher at the College of International Studies, Southwest University. She graduated with B.A. in English Language Education and M.A. in English Language and Literature, and now she is a PhD Candidate majoring in Western Philosophy.
Research Fields
Translation , English Literature and Criticism, Western Philosophy
College English Reading,Writing and Translation
College English Listening and Speaking
Chinese and English Translation
Advanced English Reading
Advanced English for English Minor Degree
Research Project
2012, “The Cooperative Model Based on Inquiry: a New Path Towards Liberal Education in College English”(SWU**)supported by Southwest University
1.“A Romantic Soul and Poetic Life : A Tentative Study of the Aesthetic Features of John Keats’ Poetry from Kant’s Philosophy”, Masterpiece Review,Vol.12 No.12,December 30, 2012.
2.“An Analysis of the Short Story the Snows of Kilimanjaro from Jean Paul Sartre’s Existentialism”, Mang Zhong,Vol.12 No.12,December 30, 2012.
3.“Meanings Embedded in Patterns: An Aesthetic Study of the Dramatic Structures of William Shakespeare’s A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream” , Anhui Literature,Vol.10 No.10, October 30, 2012.
4.“An Analysis of the Dramatic Structures and Aesthetic Values of William Shakespeare’s A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream”, Literature Education,Vol.10 No.10,October 30, 2009.
5.“A Comparative Study of the Jerome Model and the Horace Model”, Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.8 No.3,June 30, 2014, Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
6.“A Poet Dwells in Beauty: A Kantian Reading of Keats’s Poetry”,English Language and Literature Studies,Vol.4 No.3 September 30,2014.Canadian Center of Science and Education.
7.“Gift and Curse of Freedom: A Study of the Snows of Kilimanjaro From Sartre’s Philosophy of Existentialism”, Canadian Social Science,Vol.10 No.6 December 31,2014.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
8.“On Personality Development of Connie in D.H.Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover from Tripartite Theory in Freud’s Psychoanalysis”, Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.10,No.1 January 31.2015.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
9.“A Brief Analysis of the Irony and Sarcasm in Mrs Warren’s Profession”, Studies in Literature and Language,Vol.12 No.4, April 30.2016.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
10.“English Newspapers as Specimen: A Study of Linguistic Features of the English Newspapers in the 20th Century From Historical Linguistics”,Studies in Literature and Language,Vol. 14 No. 1 January 31, 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
11.“Picturing Her Landscape: An Interpretation of Amy Lowell’s Poems From Emerson’s Transcendentalism”,Cross-Cultural Communication, Vol. 13 No.5 May 31, 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
12.“An Interpretation of Cather’s Prairie Trilogy from the Perspective of Diaspora Criticism”,Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 14 No. 6 June 30, 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
13.“Teaching Mode Exploration Based on the Text of New Horizon College English Text Book for Reading and Writing”,Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 15 No. 6 December 31, 2017.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
14.“Developing Students’ Communicative Competence Through Interaction in Oral English”,Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.18 No.2,2019.Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture.
1. 2004, Second Grade Award for the Article "A Brief Analysis of the Qualities of a University Teacher ", granted by Southwest University
2. 2012, Second Grade Award for the Article “A Cultural Turn in Translation: a Comparative Study of Three Classical Translation Models”, granted by Chongqing Translators’ Association.
3. 2013, Third Grade Award for the Article “Meanings Embedded in Patterns: An Aesthetic Study of the Dramatic Structures of William Shakespeare’s A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream ", granted by Chongqing Shakespeare Association.
4. 2013,Excellent Grade Award for Teachers in the Training Programme concerning Modern Teaching Methodology, granted by Southwest University.
5.2015, Excellent Award for the Article “A Teaching Mode Based on Inquiry : a Path towards Liberal Education in College English”, granted by Southwest University
l {C}{C}2004,Qualification Certificate for English Majors(Band 8), granted by ELT Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education
l {C}{C}2005,Qualification Certificate of Translation Proficiency, granted by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China
l {C}{C}2019, English Test for International Communication(Advanced Level), granted by CLA( China Language Assessment Center) of Beijing Foreign Studies University
Second Foreign Language
Level B, Certificate for French Language for Professional Title,granted by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China
Academic Activities
Take participation in The XXIV World Congress of Philosophy held in Beijing, China during August 13-20 and delivered a speech entitled “A Poet Dwells in Beauty: A Kantian Reading of Keats’s Poetry ” in the round table discussion focusing on philosophy in literature.
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