

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


张志超,1985年出生于福建省莆田市,副教授,2013年清华大学岩土工程专业博士毕业并从事博士后研究工作(2013-2015),2019-2020年美国加州大学伯克利分校访问****(合作教授:英国皇家工程院院士Kenichi Soga教授),主要从事水工结构抗震、地下结构抗震、岩土工程及岩土材料本构理论和数值模拟研究。目前已在国内外学术期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文25篇,其中SCI检索论文18篇,EI检索论文7篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项《非饱和粘土中能量桩力学性能的温度-渗流-动应力耦合机理研究》,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项目(《循环温度荷载作用下地热桩基力学性质及桩土相互作用研究)、重庆市基础科学与前沿技术专项课题1项、中央高校科研基本业务费项目3项(其中重点培育课题1项)。作为主要完成人参与国家自然科学基金项目《微生物灌浆:地基加固技术新探索》、北京自然科学基金《城市地下生命线抗震试验研究》及《清华大学-MIT-剑桥大学低碳能源大学联盟》国际合作项目,国家行业标准《桩基地热能利用技术规程》编委。在岩土材料静动力学统一本构理论、多物理场耦合理论方面有长期的深入研究,提出了一种统一解决岩土材料、水泥基材料各种复杂力学问题的热力学理论框架,成功应用于地下能源结构工程、海上吸力沉箱基础工程和石油钻井工程等工程领域。




(1) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. A thermodynamic constitutive model for undrained monotonic and cyclic shear behavior of saturated soils. Acta Geotechnica, 2015, 10(6): 781-796. (SCI,IF2.46)
(2) Xiao, Y., Zhang, Z., Granular hyperelasticity with inherent and stress-induced anisotropy. Acta Geotechnica.2020,15:671–680.
(3) Zhang, Z. , Li, L. , & Xu, Z. A thermodynamics-based hyperelastic-plastic coupled model unified for unbonded and bonded soils. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 102902.
(4) Xiao, Y.,Wang, C.G.,Zhang, Z.C.*,Liu, H.L.,Yin,Z.Y. Constitutive Modeling for Two Sands under High Pressure.International Journal of Geomechanics. 2021, 21(5): **.
(5)Zhang, Z.C., Cheng, X.H.: A Thermo-mechanical constitutive model based on Granular Solid Hydrodynamics for clay. Computers and Geotechnics.2016, 80:373-382. (SCI IF1.7)
(6) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. Critical state and ultimate state surface of soils: a granular solid hydrodynamic perspective. Granular Matter, 2015, 17: 253-263.(SCI IF1.7)
(7) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. Effective stress in saturated soil: a granular solid hydrodynamics approach. Granular Matter, 2014, 16(5): 761-769.(SCI IF1.7)
(8) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. A Fully Coupled THM Model Based on a Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Approach and its Application, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, DOI: 10.1002/nag.2569,2016.(SCI IF1.76)
(9) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. Predicting the cyclic behavior of suction caisson foundations using the finite element method. Ships and Offshore Structures, DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**.(SCI IF0.79)
(10) Zhang Z. A thermodynamics-based theory for the thermo-poro-mechanical modeling of saturated clay. International Journal of Plasticity, 2017, 92:164-185. (SCI,IF5.7)
(11) Zuan Yang, Xiaohui Cheng, Zhichao Zhang, Hao Wang. Modeling of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation in Porous Media. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013, 7(1) : 449-458.(SCI)
(12) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. Formulation of Tsinghua-Thermosoil Model: A Fully Coupled THM Model Based on Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Approach, In: L. Laloui and A. Ferrari (Eds.): Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales, SSGG, Berlin: Spring-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 155-161.(EI)
(13)Zhang, Z.C., Cheng, X.H.: Simulation of nonisothermal consolidation of saturated soils based on a thermodynamic model. SWJ. 192163, 2013 (SCI)
(14) Zhichao Zhang, Xiaohui Cheng. A Thermo-mechanical constitutive model based on Granular Solid Hydrodynamics for clay. International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, 2014, Cambridge.(EI,SCI)
(15)Zhichao Zhang, Predictions of cyclic yielding behavior of solids based on a nonequilibrium thermodynamic theory. Mech. Mater.Accepted (SCI. IF2.65)
(16) 张志超*,程晓辉,饱和土体非等温固结和不排水剪切的热力学本构模型,岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(7): 1297-1306.(EI)
(17) 张志超*,王进廷,徐艳杰.跨断层地下管线振动台模型试验研究-I. 试验方案,土木工程学报,2011, 44(11):93-98 (EI)
(18) 张志超*,王进廷,徐艳杰.跨断层地下管线振动台模型试验研究-II.试验成果分析,土木工程学报,2011,44(12):116-125.(EI)
(19) 由爽, 张志超*,纪洪广. 岩石蠕变的热力学本构模型及应用分析. 中国矿业大学学报, 2016, 45(3):507-513.(EI)
(20)程晓辉,麻强,杨钻,张志超,李萌. 微生物灌浆加固液化砂土地基的动力反应研究, 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(8): 1486-1495.(EI)




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