本科毕业于华北水利水电大学,2018年12月博士毕业,获重庆大学工学博士学位,期间于2017年在英国拉夫堡大学博士联合培养1年。现任职重庆大学土木工程学院建筑环境与能源应用课群组/建筑环境研究所,主要研究方向为室内环境与人体舒适健康。作为主研人员参与多项国家自然科学基金项目/国际合作项目、十三五国家研发计划项目/课题等10余项,主持国家自然科学青年基金1项“室内空气湿度对儿童过敏性哮喘发病的影响及其机理(**,2020-2022)”。累计发表相关学术期刊论文近30篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI一区(JCR分区)论文11篇,中文核心和专业重要期刊论文6篇,在国际/国内专业领域知名会议上发表会议论文10余篇并作分论坛报告,申请发明专利9项,合作专著2部。目前任国际期刊Journal of Building Engineering (SCI,IF 3.379) 期刊副编辑,Building and Energy、Indoor Air、Energy等多个SCI高水平期刊审稿人。
《Environmental quality and wellbeing》
国际SCI期刊副主编(Associate Editor): Journal of Building Engineering (JCR一区,IF 3.379)
期刊特刊联合主编(Guest Editor):Journal of Building Engineering 2020年特刊“Hospital Health Design”(医院建筑环境设计)
国际SCI期刊审稿人:Build Environ, Energ Build, Appl Energ, J Build Eng 等
国际知名会议排届论文审稿人:Indoor Air, SuDBE 等
1.Chenqiu Du, Wei Yu, Yanjiong Ma, Qicong Cai, Baizhan Li, Nan Li, Wenbo Wang, Runming Yao. A holistic investigation into the seasonal and temporal variations of window opening behavior in residential buildings in Chongqing, China. Energy and Buildings, Available online: 2020, Oct.03.
2.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu. Indoor mould exposure: characteristics, influences and corresponding associations with built environment—A review. Journal of Building Engineering, Available online: 2020, Nov.03.
3.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu, Jiao Cai, Lexiang Wang, Xinyi Li, Yinghui Yao, Bicheng Li. Evaluating the effect of building construction periods on household dampness/mold and child health corresponding to different energy efficiency design requirements. Indoor Air, 2020, 2020-07-30
4.Chenqiu Du, Hong Liu, Caijie Li, Jie Xiong, Baizhan Li, Guoqing Li, Zhanli Xi. Demand and efficiency evaluations of local convective heating to human feet and low body parts in cold environments. Building and Environment, 2020, 171:106662
5.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu, Hong Liu, Runming Yao. Energy flexibility for heating and cooling based on seasonal occupant thermal adaptation in mixed-mode residential buildings[J]. Energy, 2019, 116339.
6.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Yongqiang Li, Mengnan Xu, Runming Yao. Modification of the Predicted Heat Strain (PHS) model in predicting human thermal responses for Chinese workers in hot environments[J]. Building and Environment, 2019, 165, 106349.
7.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Hong Liu, Yu Ji, Runming Yao, Wei Yu. Quantification of personal thermal comfort with localized airflow system based on sensitivity analysis and classification tree model[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 194, 1-11.
8.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu, Hong Liu, etc. Moisture in clothing and its transient influence on human thermal responses through clothing microenvironment[J]. Building and Environment, 2019, 150, 1-12.
9.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Hong Liu, Yifan Wei, Meilan Tan. Quantifying the cooling efficiency of air velocity by heat loss from skin surface in warm and hot environments[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 136, 146-155.
10.Chenqiu Du, Baizhan Li, Yong Cheng, Chao Li, Hong Liu, Runming Yao. Influence of human thermal adaptation and its development on human thermal responses to warm environments[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 139, 134-145.
11.Chenqiu Du, Jun Kang, Wei Yu, Mingqing Chen, Baizhan Li, Hong Liu, Han Wang. Repeated exposures to temperature variation exacerbate the airway inflammations through TRPA1 in a mouse asthma model[J]. Respiralogy, 2019, 24.
12.Yongqiang Li, Chenqiu Du, Runming Yao, Guoqing Li, Baizhan Li. A method to identify individually physiological response differences to heat exposure using Comprehensive Deviation Coefficient (CDC). Energy and Buildings, 2020, 217:110003.
13.Baizhan Li, Chenqiu Du, Meilan Tan, Hong Liu, Emmanuel Essah. A modified method of evaluating the impact of air humidity on human acceptable air temperatures in hot-humid environments [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018,158, 393-405.
14.Baizhan Li, Chenqiu Du, Runming Yao, Wei Yu, Vincenzo Costanzo. Indoor thermal environments in Chinese residential buildings responding to the diversity of climates [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 129(25), 693-708.
15.Baizhan Li, Chenqiu Du, Hong Liu, Wei Yu, Jie Zheng, Meilan Tan, Zhenxing Jin, Wenjie Li, Jing Wu, Lu Chen, Runming Yao. Regulation of sensory conduction velocity of human bodies responding to annual temperature variation in natural environment[J]. Indoor Air, 2019,29,308-319
16.Baizhan Li, Yongqiang Li, Chenqiu Du, Runming Yao. A ‘heart rate’-based model (PHSHR) for predicting personal heat stress in dynamic working environments [J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 135, 318-329.
17.Haochen Jiang, Runming Yao, Shiyu Han, Chenqiu Du, Wei Yu, Shuqin Chen, Baiyi li, Hang Yu, Nianping Li, Jinqing Peng, Baizhan li. How do urban residents use energy for winter heating at home? -A large-scale survey in the hot summer and cold winter climate zone in the Yangtze River Region. Energy and Building, 2020, 223:110131.
18.Jiao Cai, Baizhan Li, Wei Yu, Han Wang, Chenqiu Du, Yinping Zhang. Household dampness-related exposures in relation to childhood asthma and rhinitis in China: A multi-centre observational study. Environment International, 2019, 126:735-746.
19.Chao Li, Hong Liu, Baizhan Li, Yong Cheng, Chengqiu Du, Aihong Shen. Human responses to the air relative humidity ramps: A chamber study[J]. Building and Environment, 2017, 123:456-468.
20.Guoqing Li, Xin Meng, Xiaowei Zhang, Ling Zhang, Chenqiu Du, Nan Li, Wei Yu, et al. An innovative ventilation system using piston wind for the thermal environment in Shanghai subway station. Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 101276.
1.杜晨秋,李信仪,喻 伟,姚润明. 基于人员热适应的住宅供暖供冷节能潜力分析-以重庆为例. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020, 12.
2.杜晨秋, 喻伟, 李百战, 马言炯, 明茹, 姚润明. 重庆住宅人员空调使用行为特点及评价. 建筑科学, 2020, 36(10):12-19.
3.杜晨秋, 李百战, 刘红, 李超. 空气湿度对人员可接受热环境的影响及评价, 科学通报,2019,64:1-11.
4.杜晨秋,李百战,刘红,程勇,陈金华. 毛细管侧墙和顶板供冷性能的实验研究[J]. 暖通空调,2018,48(5):103-109.
5.杜晨秋,李百战,刘红,吴语欣,杜秀媛. 基于决策树模型的住宅室内热舒适评价应用[J]. 暖通空调. 2018, 48(5):103-109
6.杜晨秋,李百战,刘红,杨宇,卫诣凡,黄志超. 温度突变下人体热响应随时间变化特性的实验研究[J]. 暖通空调, 2018, 49(4):19-26
7.杜晨秋,李百战,袭著革,贾洪愿,熊杰. 环境温度对人群普通感冒发病影响的时间序列分析[J]. 环境与健康杂志. 2018, 11
8.李百战,杨旭,陈明清,喻伟,杜晨秋(执笔),刘红. 室内环境热舒适与热健康客观评价的生物实验研究[J]. 暖通空调,2016,46(5),94-100.
9.刁成玉琢,李百战,刘红,程勇,李楠,陈金华,杜晨秋. 不同供暖末端室内热舒适的实验研究[J]. 暖通空调, 2018, 48(7):98-105
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04
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简介待补充待补充·研究方向.·主讲课程·学术兼职·主要成果·获奖情况·研究生培养-·联系方式- ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04重庆大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-甘民
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个人简介李珂,讲师,硕士生导师,国际桥梁及结构工程协会会员。1989年4月生,中共党员,博士。2017年在同济大学获博士学位,导师为国际桥梁及结构工程协会主席葛耀君教授。2017年6月在重庆大学任职博士后,进行桥梁抗风研究,合作导师为中国钢结构协会专家委员会副主任狄谨教授。2019年12月担任重庆大 ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04重庆大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘敏
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个人简介李江涛,女,1968年9月生,湖南常德人。1990年本科毕业于原重庆建筑大学,2004年获重庆大学工学硕士学位。主要从事建筑设备、建筑机械和工程造价方面的教学和研究。获“教育部优秀市政公用工程设计奖”二等奖两项、三等奖两项。发表期刊论文数篇,获实用新型专利授权1项。担任土木工程学院研究生办公 ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04重庆大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李鑫
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简介吕欣,女,1967年8月出生,四川乐山人。1991年毕业于成都地质学院工程地质与水文地质专业,获学士学位;2008年毕业于重庆大学岩土工程专业,获硕士学位。现为重庆大学土木工程学院讲师,兼任《地下空间与工程学报》责任编辑。·研究方向(1)岩土工程;(2)地质防灾。科研项目:承担了“重冰区超高压输 ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04