

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


学习工作经历 2019年09月-至今 重庆大学 教授、博导(****)
2013年12月-2019年08月 重庆大学 研究员、博导(****)
2011年04月-2014年04月 新加坡国立大学 博士后
2007年08月-2012年02月 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士
2004年09月-2007年03月 北京航空航天大学 硕士
2000年09月-2004年06月 中国石油大学(北京) 学士

社会兼职 1. Associate Editor: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (since 2015)
2. Editorial Board Member: Nano Materials Science (since 2018)
3. Special Issue Guest Editor
(1) Nano Materials Science, 2020, Volume 2, pp. 181-296 (Elsevier)
(2) Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, Volume 360-369 (Elsevier)
(3) Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, Volume 320, pp. 1-648 (Elsevier)
(4) Thin Solid Films, 2015, Volume 584, pp. 1-382 (Elsevier)
(5) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2015, Vol 7, Issue 3, pp. 167-295 (ASP)
4. Symposium Chair
(1) ThinFilms2014, 15-18 July 2014, Chongqing, China
(2) ThinFilms2016, 12-15 July 2016, Singapore, Singapore
(3) ThinFilms2018, 17-20 July 2018, Shenzhen, China
(4) ThinFilms2021, 18-21 July 2021, Singapore, Singapore
5. Executive Committee Member & Symposium Topic Coordinator
(1) THERMEC' 2016, 29 May - 3 June 2016, Graz, Austria
(2) THERMEC' 2018, 8-13 July2018, Paris, France
(3) THERMEC' 2021, 10-14 May 2021, Vienna, Austria
6. American Chemical Society Regular Member
The Electrochemical Society Active Member
Thin Films Society Ordinary Member
7. 担任EES、JACS、AFM等63个国际学术期刊审稿人,美国材料研究学会MRS Bulletin 期刊书籍评阅人,Universiti Brunei Darussalam等国外高校博士学位论文评阅人。

主讲课程 本科生课程:《Engineering Materials》(全英文)、《Engineering Materials Laboratory》(全英文)、《工程材料》

主要研究方向 主要研究方向为跨尺度金属管/微通道表面改性与功能化应用,具体如下:
1. 金属管基体表面改性与浸润性理论,面向管道减阻、增强换热、管式能源器件等应用
2. 金属微通道表面改性,面向油水分离、太阳能水蒸发等应用
3. 纳米管阵列表面改性,面向新型能量转化与存储器件等应用

科研项目 1. 国家重点研发计划“科技助力经济2020”重点专项,2020.07-2022.06,项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12,项目负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2016.01-2018.12,项目负责人
4. 重庆英才青年拔尖人才计划项目,2020.01-2022.12,项目负责人
5. 重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目,2015.08-2018.07,项目负责人
6. 重庆市留学人员创业创新支持计划,2018.01-2019.12,项目负责人
7. 重庆市重点产业共性关键技术创新专项,2017.11-2019.10,子课题负责人
8. 小型油水分离器技术开发项目,2018.06-2019.05,项目负责人

论文/专著/专利 论文(*Corresponding Author)
1. X. Zhong, Y. Zhang, Y. Hou, H. Feng, L. Sun, Unique dynamics of water-ethanol binary droplets impacting onto a superheated surface with nanotubes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer164,120571, 2021.
2. J. Ye, D. Yuan, M. Ding*, Y. Long, T. Long, L. Sun*, C. Jia*, A cost-effective nafion/lignin composite membrane with low vanadium ion permeation for high performance vanadium redox flow battery, J. Power Sources482, 229023, 2021.
3. D. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y. Hou, X. Zhong*, J. Jin, L. Sun*, Film levitation and central jet of droplet impact on nanotube surface at superheated conditions, Phys. Rev. E102, 043108, 2020.
4.L. Xia, T. Long, W. Li, F. Zhong, M. Ding*, Y. Long, Z. Xu, Y. Lei, Y. Guan, D. Yuan, Y. Zhang, C. Jia*, L. Sun*, Q. Sun*, Highly stable vanadium redox-flow battery assisted by redox-mediated catalysis, Small16, **, 2020. (IF: 11.459)
5.J. Ye, X. Zhao, Y. Ma, J. Su, C. Xiang, K. Zhao, M. Ding*, C. Jia*, L. Sun*, Hybrid membranes dispersed with superhydrophilic TiO2nanotubes toward ultra-stable and high-performance vanadium redox flow batteries, Adv. Energy Mater.10, **,2020. (IF: 25.245)
6. X. Zhao, K. Zhao, J. Su, L. Sun*, TiO2/CuS core-shell nanorod arrays with aging-induced photoelectric conversion enhancement effect, Electrochem. Commun.111, 106648, 2020.
7. Y. Zhao, K. Zhao, J. Yin, J. Yang, J. Xu, Y. Gu, L. Liu, J. Luo, Y. Li*, L. Sun*, A nanopump for low-temperature and efficient solar water evaporation, J. Mater. Chem. A7, 24311-24319, 2019. (IF: 11.301)
8. X. Tang, Y. Bian, Z. Liu, J. Du*, M. Li*, Z. Hu, J. Yang, W. Chen, L. Sun*, Room-temperature up-conversion random lasing from CsPbBr3quantum dots with TiO2nanotubes, Opt. Lett.44, 4706-4709, 2019.
9. J. Sun, Z. D. Hood, S. Wu, P. Wan, L. Sun, S. Yang, M. F. Chisholm, Reversibly tuning the surface state of Ag via the assistance of photocatalysis in Ag/BiOCl, Nanotechnology30, 305601, 2019.
10. Y. Sun*, H. Wang, Q. Xing, W. Cui, J. Li, S. Wu, L. Sun*, The pivotal effects of oxygen vacancy on Bi2MoO6: Promoted visible light photocatalytic activity and reaction mechanism, Chin. J. Catal.40, 647-655, 2019.
11. Q. J. Le, M. Huang, T. Wang, X. Y. Liu, L. Sun, X. L. Guo, D. B. Jiang, J. Wang, F. Dong, Y. X. Zhang, Biotemplate derived three dimensional nitrogen doped graphene@MnO2as bifunctional material for supercapacitor and oxygen reduction reaction catalyst, J. Colloid Interface Sci.544, 155-163, 2019.
12. X. Zhao, Y. Jin, C. Xiang, J. Jin, M. Ding, S. Wu, C. Jia*, L. Sun*, Conformal filling of TiO2nanotubes with dense MxSyfilms for 3D heterojunctions: The anion effect, ChemElectroChem6, 1177-1182, 2019.
13. C. Xiang, X. Zhao, L. Tan, J. Ye, S. Wu, S. Zhang*, L. Sun*, A solar tube: Efficiently converting sunlight into electricity and heat, Nano Energy55, 269-276, 2019. (IF: 16.602)
14. J. Ye, Y. Cheng, L. Sun, M. Ding, C. Wu, D. Yuan, X. Zhao, C. Xiang, C. Jia, A green SPEEK/lignin composite membrane with high ion selectivity for vanadium redox flow battery, J. Membr. Sci.572, 110-118, 2019. (ESI highly cited paper)
15. Y. Sun*, J. Liao, F. Dong, S. Wu, L. Sun*, A Bi/BiOI/(BiO)2CO3heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic NO removal under visible light, Chin. J. Catal.40, 362-370, 2019.
16. C. Xiang, L. Sun*, General way to compute the intrinsic contact angle at tubes, J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 29210-29219,2018.
17. J. Ye, X. Lou, C. Wu, S. Wu, M. Ding*, L. Sun*, C. Jia, Ion selectivity and stability enhancement of SPEEK/Lignin membrane for vanadium redox flow battery: The degree of sulfonation effect, Front. Chem.6, 549, 2018.
18. J. Jin, X. Zhao, Y.-H. Du, M. Ding, C. Xiang, N. Yan, C. Jia*, Z. Han*, L. Sun*, Nanostructured three-dimensional percolative channels for separation of oil-in-water emulsions, iScience6, 289-298, 2018.
19. S. Wu, W. Sun, J. Sun, Z. D. Hood, S.-Z. Yang, L. Sun, P. R. C. Kent, M. F. Chisholm, Surface reorganization leads to enhanced photocatalytic activity in defective BiOCl, Chem. Mater.30, 5128-5136, 2018.
20. Z. Wang, T. Zhang, M. Ding, B. Dong, Y. Li, M. Chen, X. Li, J. Huang, H. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Li, D. Li, C. Jia, L. Sun, H. Guo, Y. Ye, D. Sun, Y. Chen, T. Yang, J. Zhang, S. Ono, Z. Han, Z. Zhang, Electric-field control of magnetism in a few-layered van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor, Nat. Nanotechnol.13, 554-559,2018. (IF: 31.538, ESI highly cited paper)
21. S. Wu*, J. Sun, S.-Z. Yang, Q. He, L. Zhang, L. Sun*, Evolution of oxyhalide crystals under electron beam irradiation: an in situ method to understand the origin of structural instability, Inorg. Chem.57, 8988-8993, 2018.
22. M. Ding, X. Ling, D. Yuan, Y. Cheng, C. Wu, Z.-S. Chao, L. Sun*, C. Yan, C. Jia*, SPEEK membrane of ultrahigh stability enhanced by functionalized carbon nanotubes for vanadium redox flow battery, Front. Chem.6, 286, 2018.
23. M. Wang, Z. Zang, B. Yang, X. Hu, K. Sun, L. Sun, Performance improvement of perovskite solar cells through enhanced hole extraction: the role of iodide concentration gradient, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells185, 117-123, 2018. (ESI hot paper, ESI highly cited paper)
24. H. Li, M. Ding, J. Jin, D. Sun, S. Zhang*, C. Jia*, L. Sun*, Effect of electrolyte pretreatment on the formation of TiO2nanotubes: an ignored yet non-negligible factor, ChemElectroChem5, 1006-1012, 2018. (ESI hot paper, ESI highly cited paper, Cover Feature)
25. J. Sun, S. Wu*, S.-Z. Yang, Q. Li, J. Xiong, Z. Yang, L. Gu, X. Zhang, L. Sun*, Enhanced photocatalytic activity induced by sp3 to sp2 transition of carbon dopants in BiOCl crystals, Appl. Catal. B: Environ.221, 467-472, 2018. (IF: 16.683)
26. L. Hu, K. Sun, M. Wang, W. Chen, B. Yang, J. Fu, Z. Xiong, X. Li, X. Tang, Z. Zang, S. Zhang, L. Sun, M. Li, Inverted planar perovskite solar cells with a high fill factor and negligible hysteresis by the dual effect of NaCl-doped PEDOT:PSS, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces9, 43902-43909, 2017.
27. Z. Hu, Z. Liu, Y. Bian, D. Liu, X. Tang, W. Hu, Z. Zang, M. Zhou, L. Sun, J. Tang, Y. Li, J. Du, Y. Leng, Robust cesium lead halide perovskite microcubes for frequency upconversion lasing, Adv. Opt. Mater.5, **, 2017.
28. W. Tong, L. Qiu, J. Jin, L. Sun*, F. Duan*, Unique lift-off of droplet impact on high temperature nanotube surfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett.111, 091605, 2017.
29. X. L. Guo, J. M. Zhang, W. N. Xu, C. G. Hu, L. Sun, Y. X. Zhang, Growth of NiMn LDH nanosheet arrays on KCu7S4 microwires for hybrid supercapacitors with enhanced electrochemical performance, J. Mater. Chem. A5, 20579-20587, 2017. (IF: 11.301, Cover Feature)
30. C. Xiang, L. Sun*, Y. Wang, G. Wang, X. Zhao, S. Zhang*, Large-scale, uniform, and superhydrophobic titania nanotubes at the inner surface of 1000 mm long titanium tubes, J. Phys. Chem. C121, 15448-15455, 2017.
31. Y. Wang, L. Sun*, C. Xiang, X. Zhao, S. Wu, S. Zhang*, Coaxial anodic oxidation under dynamic electrolyte conditions for inner surface patterning of high-aspect-ratio and slim Ti tubes, Corros. Sci.124, 193-197, 2017.
32. B. Ge, D. Zhou, W. Zhang, S. Feng, L. Sun*, J. Shen*, Towards high-performance transistors and photodetectors with monolayer graphene through modified transfer and lithography process, Mater. Express7, 230-236, 2017. (Front Cover)
33. F. Wu, P. Li, K. Sun, Y. Zhou, W. Chen, J. Fu, M. Li, S. Lu, D. Wei, X. Tang, Z. Zhang, L. Sun, X. Liu, J. Ouyang, Conductivity Enhancement of PEDOT:PSS via addition of chloroplatinic acid and its mechanism, Adv. Electron. Mater.3, **, 2017.
34. G. Han, S. Zhang, P. P. Boix, L. H. Wong, L. Sun, S.-Y. Lien, Towards high efficiency thinfilm solar cells, Prog. Mater. Sci.87, 246-291, 2017. (IF: 31.560)
35. L. Sun*, Employing ZnS as a capping material for PbS quantum dots and bulk heterojunction solar cells, Sci. China Mater.59, 817-824, 2016.
36. S. Wu*, Y. Jiang, L. Hu, J. Sun, P. Wan, L. Sun*, Size-dependent crystalline fluctuation and growth mechanism of bismuth nanoparticles under electron beam irradiation, Nanoscale8, 12282-12288, 2016.
37. X. Zhao, J. Huang*, Y. Wang, C. Xiang, D. Sun, L. Wu, X. Tang, K. Sun, Z. Zang, L. Sun*, Interdigitated CuS/TiO2 nanotube bulk heterojunctions achieved via ion exchange, Electrochim. Acta199, 180-186, 2016.
38. X. Tang, W. Chen, Z. Zu, Z. Zang, M. Deng, T. Zhu, K. Sun, L. Sun, J. Xue, Nanocomposites of AgInZnS and graphene nanosheets as efficient photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution, Nanoscale7, 18498-18503, 2015. (Cover Feature)
39. L. Sun, Q. Wang, PbS quantum dots capped with amorphous ZnS for bulk heterojunction solar cells: The solvent effect, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces6, 14239-14246, 2014.
40. L. Sun, X. Wang, M. Li, S. Zhang, Q. Wang, Anodic titania nanotubes grown on titanium tubular electrodes, Langmuir30, 2835-2841, 2014.
41. X. Wang, L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Wang, Ultralong, small-diameter TiO2 nanotubes achieved by an optimized two-step anodization for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces6, 1361-1365, 2014.
42. C. Shen, L. Sun, Z. Y. koh, Q. Wang, Cuprous sulfide counter electrodes prepared by ion exchange for high-efficiency quantum dot-sensitized solar cells, J. Mater. Chem. A2, 2807-2813, 2014. (IF: 11.301)
43. L. Sun, S. Zhang, Q. Wang, Conformal growth of anodic nanotubes for dye-sensitized solar cells: part II. Nonplanar electrode, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.14, 2050-2064, 2014. (Invited Review)
44. L. Sun, Z. Y. Koh, Q. Wang, PbS quantum dots embedded in a ZnS dielectric matrix for bulk heterojunction solar cell applications, Adv. Mater.25, 4598-4604, 2013. (IF: 27.398)
45. X. Wang, L. Sun, S. Zhang, D. Zhao, On seeding of the second layer in growth of double-layered TiO2 nanotube arrays, Electrochim. Acta107, 200-208, 2013.
46. X. Wang, L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Wang, K. Huo, J. Fu, H. Wang, D. Zhao, A composite electrode of TiO2 nanotubes and nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal treatment for use in dye-sensitized solar cells, RSC Adv.3, 11001-11006, 2013.
47. S. Iwan, B. Bambang, J. L. Zhao, S. T. Tan, H. M. Fan, L. Sun, S. Zhang, H. H. Ryu, X. W. Sun, Green electroluminescence from an n-ZnO:Er/p-Si heterostructured light-emitting diode, Physica B407, 2721-2724, 2012.
48. L. Sun, S. Zhang, Q. Wang, D. Zhao, Conformal growth of anodic nanotubes for dye-sensitized solar cells: part I. planar electrode, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett.4, 471-482, 2012. (Invited Review)
49. L. Sun, Y. Huang, Md. A. Hossain, K. Li, S. Adams, Q. Wang, Fabrication of TiO2/CuSCN bulk heterojunctions by profile-controlled electrodeposition,J. Electrochem. Soc.159, D323-D327, 2012.
50. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Wang, X. W. Sun, D. Y. Ong, X. Wang, D. Zhao, Transition from anodic titania nanotubes to nanowires: arising from nanotube growth to application in dye-sensitized solar cells, ChemPhysChem12, 3634-3641, 2011.
51. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Wang, X. W. Sun, D. Y. Ong, A. K. K. Kyaw, A novel parallel configuration of dye-sensitized solar cells with double-sided anodic nanotube arrays, Energy Environ. Sci.4, 2240-2248, 2011. (IF: 30.289)
§ Highlighted in COSMOS (Proceedings of the Singapore National Academy of Science)2011, 7, 8-9.
52. X. Wang, S. Zhang, L. Sun, A two-step anodization to grow high-aspect-ratio TiO2 nanotubes, Thin Solid Films519, 4694-4698, 2011.
53. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. W. Sun, X. Wang, Y. Cai, Double-sided anodic titania nanotube arrays: a lopsided growth process, Langmuir26, 18424-18429, 2010.
54. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Sun, X. He, Effect of the geometry of the anodized titania nanotube array on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.10, 4551-4561, 2010. (Invited Review)
55. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. W. Sun, X. He, Effect of electric field strength on the length of anodized titania nanotube arrays, J. Electroanal. Chem.637, 6-12, 2009.
56. B. Ling, X. W. Sun, J. L. Zhao, Y. Q. Shen, Z. L. Dong, L. Sun, S. F. Li, S. Zhang, One-dimensional single-crystalline bismuth oxide micro/nanoribbons: morphology-controlled synthesis and luminescent properties,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.10, 8322-8327, 2010.
57. H. Guo,L. Sun, H. Li, S. Gong, High temperature oxidation behavior of hafnium modified NiAl bond coat in EB-PVD thermal barrier coating system, Thin Solid Films516, 5732-5735, 2008.
58. L. Sun, H. Guo, H. Li, S. Gong, Hf modified NiAl bond coat for thermal barrier coating application, Mater. Sci. Forum546-549, 1777-1780, 2007.
59. H. Li, L. Sun, A. Hesnawi, Z. Zhou, S. Gong, Three surface modification methods and their effects on the isothermal oxidation behavior of the EB-PVD NiAl coating, Surf. Coat. Technol.201, 5161-5164, 2007.
60. H. Li, S. Tao, Z. Zhou, L. Sun, A. Hesnawi, S. Gong, Element diffusion during fabrication of EB-PVD NiAl coating and its 1100 C isothermal oxidation behavior (II), Surf. Coat. Technol.201, 6589-6592, 2007.

著作章节(*Corresponding Author)
1. J. Ye, L. Sun*, Membrane materials for vanadium redox flow battery, in Materials for Energy, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2021, Chapter 6, Page 199-238.
2. X. Zhao, C. Xiang, M. Huang, M. Ding, C. Jia*, L. Sun*, Quantum dot solar cells, in Emerging Photovoltaic Materials: Silicon & Beyond, Wiley-Scrivener Publishing, USA, 2019, Chapter 16, Page 611-658.
3. L. Sun, S. Zhang, X. W. Sun, X. He, Anodized titania nanotube array and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells, in Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings, Volume 3, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2010, Chapter 2, Page 57-108.

1. 孙立东、王晔、香承杰,一种超大长径比细钛管内表面二氧化钛纳米管阵列的动态制备方法,专利号:ZL1.8
2. 孙立东、丁美、贾传坤,一种石墨烯改性碳毡的制备方法,专利号:ZL6.2
3. 孙立东、韩拯、贾传坤、贾如意,一种CPU外壳纳米管散热薄膜的制备方法,专利号:ZL7.3

表彰及奖励 1. 2016年11月 重庆市第八批“百名海外高层次人才集聚计划”、重庆市特聘专家
2. 2017年12月 重庆产学研科技成果创新奖一等奖
3. 2018年05月 Vacuum杰出审稿人奖,Elsevier
4. 2018年08月 Thin Solid Films杰出审稿人奖,Elsevier
5. 2018年08月 Materials Chemistry and Physics 杰出审稿人奖,Elsevier
6. 2018年08月 Applied Surface Science杰出审稿人奖,Elsevier
7. 2018年09月 Global Peer Review Awards 2018 (材料科学全球前1%),Web of Science
8. 2019年10月 重庆市第一批“重庆英才青年拔尖人才”

1. 2018年07月 ThinFilms2018,TSF-TACT Joint Poster Award,博士研究生叶家业
2. 2018年09月 重庆大学优秀硕士论文,硕士研究生葛邦同
3. 2018年09月 重庆大学优秀硕士论文,硕士研究生李慧妃
4. 2018年09月 重庆大学优秀硕士论文,硕士研究生王晔
5. 2018年11月 第十届中国储能与动力电池研讨会,优秀墙报奖,硕士研究生韩杰
6. 2018年12月 全国电化学制造技术论坛,优秀青年报告奖,硕士研究生夏路
7. 2018年12月 首届重庆市创新方法大赛,三等奖,博士研究生金鉴
8.2020年07月 重庆大学优秀博士论文,博士研究生香承杰

科研团队 The young group welcome all of the students keenon science...
1. 博士研究生
唐 荣,tangrong9826@163.com。
2. 硕士研究生
3. 毕业生
2020届 谭立望、韩杰、叶家业(博士)、李竑芸(转博)
2019届 夏路、李伟、靳宇、赵小丽(博士)、孙艳娟(博士)
2018届 张龙飞、方浩、香承杰(博士、优秀博士论文)
2017届 葛邦同(优秀硕士论文)、李慧妃(优秀硕士论文)、王晔(优秀硕士论文)

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