

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04





杨仲卿,教授,博导,重庆大学能源与环境研究所副所长,国家工信部工业节能与绿色发展评价中心(重庆大学)副主任。重庆大学-University of British Columbia联合培养博士,获重庆市优秀博士论文奖。从事能源利用与转换、系统节能、燃烧污染物控制,催化燃烧、多相流动与环境保护方面的教学与研究工作。担任国家自然科学基金、全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛、教育部学位与研究生发展教育中心评审专家,重庆市经信委、四川省经信委厅项目评审专家。《Applied Energy》、《Energy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Energy & Fuels》、《工程热物理学报》、《燃料化学学报》《西安交通大学学报》等SCI/EI期刊评审专家。

2009/10 - 2010/9,University of British Columbia,化学工程,联合培养博士生
2006/9 - 2011/7,重庆大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士
2002/9 - 2006/7,重庆大学,热动与动力工程,学士
2019/9- 至今 ,重庆大学能源与动力工程学院,教授,博士生导师

[1]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**, 基于原位结构解析的C-C/C-H键选择性断裂调控机制研究,2019/01~2022/12
[2]. 重庆市经信委,2018A110,重庆市燃煤锅炉能效水平分析与提升方案编制,2018/12~2019/06
[3]. 重庆市经信委,2018第70号,重庆市燃煤火电及水泥行业“能效领跑者”评比,2018/09~2019/06
[4]. 低温烟气废水蒸发浓缩技术研究.来源:国电投远达环保工程有限公司,2018/08~2019
[5]. 民用建筑空调系统硬连接及多维管道支撑优化(重庆市地标建筑朝天门来福士广场),来源:中建三局二公司,2018/03~2019
[6]. 钙基助剂强化生活垃圾催化气化产气特性及机制研究.重庆市生活垃圾资源化处理协同创新中心,2018~2019

[1]. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**、气固两相流体系内低浓度甲烷燃烧反应机理及动力学、2013/01-2015/12、已结题、主持
[2]. 火电行业“能效领跑者”综合评价指标体系研究. 渝经信发[2016]73号, 重庆市经信委, 2016/10~2017/09,已结题,主持
[3]. 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目,CDJZR**,催化性颗粒体系内气固两相流与低浓度甲烷反应耦合作用机制研究、2012/06~2014/06、已结题、主持
[4]. 中央高校基本科研业务经费重点项目,CDJZR145507,挥发性有机物(VOCs)流态化催化燃烧特性及动力学研究,2016/01~2017/12,已结题、主持
[5]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**、微细通道内甲烷/湿空气滞止流燃烧机理与特性,2013/01-2016/12、已结题、主研
[6]. 重庆大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,低浓度甲烷燃烧特性及动力学研究,2011/10~2013/09、已结题、主持
[7]. 军工类横向.JG**,2015/09~2016/03
[8]. 强化能源动力类专业课程关联的教学实践与探索.重庆大学教改项目,项目负责人,2018年1月~2018年12月
[9]. 烟道蒸发深度除雾技术研究.国家电投集团远达环保工程有限公司.2017年10月~2018年2月

[1]. Shanshan Xiong,JiangHe,ZhongqingYang*,MingnvGuo,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan.Thermodynamic analysis of CaO enhanced steam gasification process of food waste with high moisture and low moisture. Energy,2020, 194, 116831
[2]. XiuquanLi, LiZhang, ZhongqingYang*,PengWang,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan. Adsorption materials for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the key factors for VOCs adsorption process: A review. Separation and Purification Technology.2020,235 , 116213
[3].XiuquanLi,LiZhang,ZhongqingYang,ZiqiangHe,PengWang,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan.Hydrophobic modified activated carbon using PDMS for the adsorption of VOCs in humid condition. Separation and Purification Technology.2020,239, 116517
[4]. Yan Lan, Zhongqing Yang, Peng Wang, Yunfei Yan, Li Zhang, Jingyu Ran. A review of microscopic seepage mechanism for shale gas extracted by supercritical CO2 flooding. Fuel ,2019,238: 412-424.
[5]. Zhengxing Liang, Xining Cheng,,Li Zhang,, Zhongqing Yang,, Jingyu Ran, and Lin Ding. Study of Main Solutes on Evaporation and Crystallization Processes of the Desulfurization Wastewater Droplet. Energy & Fuels, 32:6119-6129
[6]. Haojie Geng, Li Zhang, Zhongqing Yang, ,Yunfei Yan and Jingyu Ran, (). "Effect of Pd/Pt ratio on the reactivity of methane catalytic combustion in bimetallic Pd-Pt catalyst." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018, 43: 11069-11078.
[7]. Jiang He,,Zhongqing Yang, Chunling Ding, Li Zhang, ,Yunfei Yan ,Xuesen Du Methane dehydrogenation and oxidation process over Ni-based bimetallic catalysts. Fuel,2018, 226: 400-409.
[8]. Liang, Z., L. Zhang, Z. Yang, X. Cheng, G. Pu and J. Ran (2018). "The effect of solid particles on the evaporation and crystallization processes of the desulfurization wastewater droplet." Applied Thermal Engineering 134: 141-151.
[9]. Zhengxing Liang, Li Zhang,Zhongqing Yang,Xining Cheng,Ge Pu, Jingyu Ran. The effect of solid particles on the evaporation and crystallization processes of the desulfurization wastewater droplet. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 134:141-151
[10].Haojie Geng, Zhongqing Yang, Li Zhang, Jingyu Ran, Yunfei Yan. Methane oxidation with low O2/CH4 ratios in the present of water: Combustion or reforming. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 132, 339-346. (SCI一区)
[11]. 杨仲卿, 谢江浩, 张力,闫云飞,唐强,张勋. 壁面作用下预混火焰淬熄及OH自由基分布特性[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2017, 38(4): 781-786.
[12]. Zhongqing Yang, Jianghao Xie, Li Zhang, Mingnv Guo, Jingyu Ran. Experimental Study and Kinetic Analysis of CuO/γ-Al2O3 Absorbed SO2. International Energy Journal,2016,16(4): 173-182
[13]. Geng Haojie,Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li,Ran Jingyu,Yan, Yunfei, Guo Mingnv. Effects of O2/CH4 ratio on methane catalytic combustion over Cu/γ-Al2O3 particles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41(40):18282-18290
[14]. Zhongqing Yang, Peng Yang, Li Zhang, Mingnv Guo, Jingyu Ran. Experiment and modeling of low-concentration methane catalytic combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering.2016,93:660–667(SCI期刊)
[15].Geng Haojie, Yang Zhongqing*, Zhang Li, Ran Jingyu, Chen Yanrong. Experimental and kinetic study of methane combustion with water over copper catalyst at low-temperature. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015;103:244-50. (SCI期刊)
[16].Zhongqing Yang*, Li Zhang, Jin Peng. Experimental Study on Gasification and Kinetic Characteristics of Inferior Coal with High Ash Content under CO2 atmosphere. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016,38(3):309-314
[17].Haojie Geng Zhongqing Yang, Jingyu Ran, Li Zhang, Yunfei Yan and Mingnv Guo. Low-concentration methane combustion over a Cu/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: effects of water. RSC Advances. 2015;5(24):18915-18921.
[18].Yang ZQ, Ren W.G., Zhang L., Qian C. R., Yan, Y.F. Guo, M.n. Limestone particle attrition and size distribution in a bench scale bubbling fluidized bed. Global NEST Journal. 2015;17(2):236-47. (SCI期刊)
[19].Yanrong Chen; Haojie Li; Zhongqing Yang; Hu Fan. Co-utilization of two coal mine residues: Noncatalytic cocombustion of coal bed methane and coal gangue in a circulating fluidized bed. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2015;7(9):1-8.
[20]. Bo Zhang, Li Zhang, Zhongqing Yang, Yunfei Yan,Ge Pu, Mingnv Guo.Hydrogen-rich gas production from wet biomass steam gasification with CaO/MgO. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015, 40(29):8816-8823(SCI期刊)
[21].Zhang Li, Zhang Bo, Yang Zhongqing, Guo Mingnv. The Role of Water on the Performance of Calcium Oxide-Based Sorbents for Carbon Dioxide Capture: A Review. Energy Technology. 2015;3(1):10-9. (SCI期刊)
[22]. Zhang J-g, Zhang L, Yang Z-q, Yan Y-f, Ran J-y. Ash Sintering Behavior of Lignite in Catalyzed Steam Gasification with Kaolin as Additive. Energy Technology. 2015:556-62. (SCI期刊)
[23]. Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li, Peng Jin, Guo Mingnv. Gasification of Inferior Coal with High Ash Content under CO2 and O2/H2O Atmospheres. International Journal of Green Energy. 2015;12(10):1046-53. (SCI期刊)
[24]. Z. Yang*, J. Liu, L. Zhang. S.Zheng, M. Guo, Y. Yan. Catalytic combustion of low-concentration coal bed methane over CuO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: effect of SO2. RSC Adv. 2014,4:39394-39399 (SCI期刊,IF=3.708)
[25]. Xie Zhenhua, Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li, Liu Chuncheng. Effects of non-catalytic surface reactions on the CH4–air premixed flame within micro-channels. RSC Adv. 2015;5(43):34272-80. (SCI期刊)
[1]. Zhongqing Yang,, Xiuquan Li, Li Zhang, Lin Ding. The Ultra-low Concentration Coal-bed Methane Fluidized Bed Oxidized Combustion System and Its Technical and Economic Evaluation under Carbon Trading Mechanism..Thirty-Sixth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.2019, Sept. 3-6, Westin Convention Center Hotel (1000 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, USA)
[2]. Zhongqing Yang, Yu Chen,Li Zhang, Lin Ding.Catalytic Combustion of Low Concentration Methane over Supported Bimetallic Cu-Ni Catalysts.Thirty-Fourth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA,USA.September 5 - 8, 2017
[3].Zhongqing Yang,Hengyuan Wang,Li Zhang,Yunfei Yan. Effects of Mn-Ce addition on combustion characteristic of low concentration over Cu/γ-Al2O3 5th International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference Madrid, Spain, 2016.07.11 2016.07.13
[4]. Zhongqing Yang*, Li Zhang, Shiwei Zheng Temperature and pressure characteristic of ultra-low concentration coal bed methane combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Power Conference. July, 2012, Anaheim, USA
[5]. Li Zhang*, Xuelin Zhao, Zhongqing Yang, and Junguang Zhang. Experimental study of ultra-low concentration methane combustion in fluidized bed with Cu/γ-Al2O3 as catalytic particles. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Power Conference,POWER2013,July 29-August 1, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts,USA
[6]. 每年选派2~3人参加中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议,并宣读论文
[7]. 每年选派1~2人参加中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议,并宣读论文

[English version]

[English version]
Zhongqing Yang

Thermal Engineering


Telephone number


* Personal Profile:
Dr. Zhongqing Yang, Professor, Deputy Director of Energy and Environment Institute of Chongqing University, Vice Director of Industrial Energy Conservation and Green Development Evaluation Center (Chongqing University), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.Chongqing University-University of British Columbia Joint Training of Doctors,Doctoral dissertation won the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Chongqing in 2012 .Engaged in teaching and Research on energy utilization and conversion, system energy saving, Combustion Pollutant control, catalytic combustion, multi-phase flow and environmental protection.He served as an evaluation expert of National Natural Science Foundation, National University Students' Social Practice and Science and Technology Competition on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, Ministry of Education Degree and Graduate Development Education Center, Chongqing Economic and Information Commission and Sichuan Economic and Information Commission Office. Served as reviewers of several journals, such as, Applied Energy、 Energy、Energy Conversion and Management、 Energy & Fuels、Journal of Engineering Thermophysics、 Journal of Fuel Chemistry、 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University , et al.
As a project leader, he presided over more than 10 national and provincial-level projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and key projects of basic scientific research funds of central universities, published more than 50 papers in core journals at home and abroad, and was authorized more than 10 invention patents.The research results were awarded the Excellent Paper Award of Chen Xuejun, a young scholar of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, in 2013.He was invited to give an invitation report at the "2014 National Natural Science Foundation Meeting on Progress in Multiphase Flow Field".As well as the "Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technology and Systems, Ministry of Education, 2014 Academic Annual Conference"he was invited to report once.Guiding students to win the first prize and the second prize for energy conservation and emission reduction for three times.He was awarded the second prize for teaching achievement in Chongqing and the third prize for scientific and technological progress in Chongqing and Si Chuan Province. In 2017, he was named "Top Ten Excellent Young Teachers of Chongqing University".

* Educational experience:
2009/10 - 2010/9,University of British Columbia, Chemical Engineering, Joint Training of Doctoral Students
2006/9-2011/7, Chongqing University, Ph.D student, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
2002/9-2006/7, Bachelor of Engineering, Thermal and Power Engineering, Chongqing University

Working experience
2019/9- Present ,School of Power and Energy Engineering, Chongqing University, Professor
2013/9~2019/8,School of Power and Energy Engineering, Chongqing University, Associate Professor
2011/7~2013/8,School of Power and Energy Engineering, Chongqing University, Lecturer

* Research direction:
●Catalytic combustion of carbon-based fuels
●Energy Efficient Conversion and System Energy Saving
●Combustion Pollutant Control
●Gas-solid multiphase flow and environmental protection
●Regional energy policy
Recruitment of graduate students in the above directions.

* Postgraduate training:
The research team has more than 10 experimental benches, covering an area of about 200 m2, including three-channel parallel fixed bed catalytic combustion reaction system, low calorific value gas fuel fluidized catalytic combustion experimental system, municipal solid waste gasification gas production experimental system and volatile organic compounds efficient conversion experimental system, which provide a good platform for scientific research.
The research team has close scientific cooperation projects with large enterprises and institutions such as China Power Investment Yuanda Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., Chongqing Energy Conservation Technology Service Center, China Construction Bureau, Dongguo Group, Sichuan Coal Group, etc. The projects carried out by the research group have good engineering application background.
The research team maintained cooperation with Columbia University, University of Illinois-Champaign, University of British Columbia , University of Toronto, Queensland University, University of Western Australia, and selected graduate students for joint training, which improved a good international exchange platform for graduate students.

* Research projects in progress:
[1]. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 5187 6014, Research on the Regulation Mechanism of Selective Fracture of C-C/C-H Bond Based on in-situ Structural Analysis, 2019/01-2022/12[2]. Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, 2018A110, Energy Efficiency Level Analysis and Promotion Programming of Coal-fired Boilers in Chongqing, 2018/12-2019/06
[3]. Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, No. 70, 2018, Energy Efficiency Leader of Coal-fired Power and Cement Industry in Chongqing, 2018/09-2019/06
[4]. Study on evaporation and concentration technology of low-temperature flue gas wastewater. Source: Guodian Investment Yuanda Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd., 2018/08-2019[5]. Hard Connection and Multidimensional Pipeline Supporting Optimization of Air Conditioning System in Civil Buildings (Chaotianmen Laifushi Square, Chongqing Landmark Building), Source: Second Company of China Construction Bureau, 2018/03-2019
[6]. Study on Gas Production Characteristics and Mechanism of Calcium-based sorbents Enhanced Domestic Waste Catalytic Gasification. Chongqing Municipal Solid Waste Resource Treatment Co-innovation Center, 2018-2019

* Finished scientific research projects:
[1]. Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, **, Mechanism and Kinetics of Low Concentration Methane Combustion in Gas-Solid Two-Phase Fluid System, 2013/01-2015/12
[2]. Study on the comprehensive evaluation index system of "energy efficiency leader" in thermal power industry. Yujing Xinfa [2016] 73, Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, 2016/10-2017/09
[3]. Funding project for basic scientific research in central universities, CDJZR**, coupling mechanism between gas-solid two-phase flow and low concentration methane reaction in catalytic granular system, 2012/06-2014/06
[4]. Key Funds for Basic Scientific Research in Central Universities, CDJZR145507, Fluidized Catalytic Combustion Characteristics and Kinetics of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), 2016/01-2017/1
[5]. National Natural Science Foundation of China, **, mechanism and characteristics of methane/wet air stagnant combustion in micro-channels, 2013/01-2016/12
[6]. Chongqing University High-level Talents Research Initiation Fund Project, Study on Combustion Characteristics and Kinetics of Low Concentration Methane, 2011/10-2013/09,
[7]. Military industry project. JG**, 2015/09-2016/03
[8]. Strengthening the Teaching Practice and Exploration of the Course Relevance of Energy and Dynamics. Educational Reform Project of Chongqing University, Project Leader, January 2018-December 2018
[9]. Study on deep defogging technology of flue evaporation. State Power Investment Group Yuanda Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd. October 2017-February 2018

* Published papers:
More than 50 SCI EI papers have been published. The representative papers in the past five years are as follows:
[1]. Shanshan Xiong,JiangHe,ZhongqingYang*,MingnvGuo,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan.Thermodynamic analysis of CaO enhanced steam gasification process of food waste with high moisture and low moisture. Energy,2020, 194, 116831
[2]. XiuquanLi, LiZhang, ZhongqingYang*,PengWang,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan. Adsorption materials for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the key factors for VOCs adsorption process: A review. Separation and Purification Technology.2020,235 , 116213
[3].XiuquanLi,LiZhang*,ZhongqingYang*,ZiqiangHe,PengWang,YunfeiYan,JingyuRan.Hydrophobic modified activated carbon using PDMS for the adsorption of VOCs in humid condition. Separation and Purification Technology.2020,239, 116517
[4]. Yan Lan, Zhongqing Yang*, Peng Wang, Yunfei Yan, Li Zhang, Jingyu Ran. A review of microscopic seepage mechanism for shale gas extracted by supercritical CO2 flooding. Fuel ,2019,238: 412-424.
[5]. Zhengxing Liang, Xining Cheng,,Li Zhang*,, Zhongqing Yang*,, Jingyu Ran, and Lin Ding. Study of Main Solutes on Evaporation and Crystallization Processes of the Desulfurization Wastewater Droplet. Energy & Fuels, 32:6119-6129
[6]. Haojie Geng, Li Zhang, Zhongqing Yang* ,Yunfei Yan and Jingyu Ran, (). "Effect of Pd/Pt ratio on the reactivity of methane catalytic combustion in bimetallic Pd-Pt catalyst." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018, 43: 11069-11078.
[7].Jiang He,,Zhongqing Yang*, Chunling Ding, Li Zhang, ,Yunfei Yan ,Xuesen Du Methane dehydrogenation and oxidation process over Ni-based bimetallic catalysts. Fuel,2018, 226: 400-409.
[8]. Liang, Z., L. Zhang, Z. Yang*, X. Cheng, G. Pu and J. Ran (2018). "The effect of solid particles on the evaporation and crystallization processes of the desulfurization wastewater droplet." Applied Thermal Engineering 134: 141-151.
[9]. Zhengxing Liang, Li Zhang*,Zhongqing Yang*,Xining Cheng,Ge Pu, Jingyu Ran. The effect of solid particles on the evaporation and crystallization processes of the desulfurization wastewater droplet. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 134:141-151
[10]. Haojie Geng, Zhongqing Yang*, Li Zhang, Jingyu Ran, Yunfei Yan. Methane oxidation with low O2/CH4 ratios in the present of water: Combustion or reforming. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 132, 339-346. (SCI zone 1)
[11]. Zhongqing Yang*, Jianghao Xie, Li Zhang,Yunfei Yan,Qiang Tang,Xun Zhang. Premixed flame quenching and distribution of OH radicals under wall action[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2017, 38(4): 781-786.
[12].Zhongqing Yang*, Jianghao Xie, Li Zhang, Mingnv Guo, Jingyu Ran. Experimental Study and Kinetic Analysis of CuO/γ-Al2O3 Absorbed SO2. International Energy Journal,2016,16(4): 173-182
[13]. Geng Haojie,Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li,Ran Jingyu,Yan, Yunfei, Guo Mingnv. Effects of O2/CH4 ratio on methane catalytic combustion over Cu/γ-Al2O3 particles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41(40):18282-18290
[14]. Zhongqing Yang, Peng Yang, Li Zhang, Mingnv Guo, Jingyu Ran. Experiment and modeling of low-concentration methane catalytic combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering.2016,93:660–667(SCI Journal)
[15].Geng Haojie, Yang Zhongqing*, Zhang Li, Ran Jingyu, Chen Yanrong. Experimental and kinetic study of methane combustion with water over copper catalyst at low-temperature. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015;103:244-50. (SCI Journal)
[16].Zhongqing Yang*, Li Zhang, Jin Peng. Experimental Study on Gasification and Kinetic Characteristics of Inferior Coal with High Ash Content under CO2 atmosphere. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016,38(3):309-314
[17]. Haojie Geng Zhongqing Yang, Jingyu Ran, Li Zhang, Yunfei Yan and Mingnv Guo. Low-concentration methane combustion over a Cu/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: effects of water. RSC Advances. 2015;5(24):18915-18921.
[18]. Yang ZQ, Ren W.G., Zhang L., Qian C. R., Yan, Y.F. Guo, M.n. Limestone particle attrition and size distribution in a bench scale bubbling fluidized bed. Global NEST Journal. 2015;17(2):236-47. (SCI Journal)
[19]. Yanrong Chen; Haojie Li; Zhongqing Yang; Hu Fan. Co-utilization of two coal mine residues: Noncatalytic cocombustion of coal bed methane and coal gangue in a circulating fluidized bed. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2015;7(9):1-8.
[20]. Bo Zhang, Li Zhang, Zhongqing Yang, Yunfei Yan,Ge Pu, Mingnv Guo.Hydrogen-rich gas production from wet biomass steam gasification with CaO/MgO. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015, 40(29):8816-8823(SCI Journal)
[21].Zhang Li, Zhang Bo, Yang Zhongqing, Guo Mingnv. The Role of Water on the Performance of Calcium Oxide-Based Sorbents for Carbon Dioxide Capture: A Review. Energy Technology. 2015;3(1):10-9. (SCI Journal)
[22]. Zhang J-g, Zhang L, Yang Z-q, Yan Y-f, Ran J-y. Ash Sintering Behavior of Lignite in Catalyzed Steam Gasification with Kaolin as Additive. Energy Technology. 2015:556-62. (SCI Journal)
[23].Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li, Peng Jin, Guo Mingnv. Gasification of Inferior Coal with High Ash Content under CO2 and O2/H2O Atmospheres. International Journal of Green Energy. 2015;12(10):1046-53. (SCI Journal)
[24]. Z. Yang*, J. Liu, L. Zhang. S.Zheng, M. Guo, Y. Yan. Catalytic combustion of low-concentration coal bed methane over CuO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: effect of SO2. RSC Adv. 2014,4:39394-39399 (SCI Journal,IF=3.708)
[25].Xie Zhenhua, Yang Zhongqing, Zhang Li, Liu Chuncheng. Effects of non-catalytic surface reactions on the CH4–air premixed flame within micro-channels. RSC Adv. 2015;5(43):34272-80. (SCI Journal)

* International conference papers:
[1]. Zhongqing Yang,, Xiuquan Li, Li Zhang, Lin Ding. The Ultra-low Concentration Coal-bed Methane Fluidized Bed Oxidized Combustion System and Its Technical and Economic Evaluation under Carbon Trading Mechanism..Thirty-Sixth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.2019, Sept. 3-6, Westin Convention Center Hotel (1000 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, USA)
[2].Zhongqing Yang, Yu Chen,Li Zhang, Lin Ding.Catalytic Combustion of Low Concentration Methane over Supported Bimetallic Cu-Ni Catalysts.Thirty-Fourth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA,USA.September 5 - 8, 2017
[3].Zhongqing Yang,Hengyuan Wang,Li Zhang,Yunfei Yan. Effects of Mn-Ce addition on combustion characteristic of low concentration over Cu/γ-Al2O3 5th International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference Madrid, Spain, 2016.07.11 2016.07.13
[4].Zhongqing Yang*, Li Zhang, Shiwei Zheng Temperature and pressure characteristic of ultra-low concentration coal bed methane combustion in a fluidized bed reactor. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Power Conference. July, 2012, Anaheim, USA
[5].Li Zhang*, Xuelin Zhao, Zhongqing Yang, and Junguang Zhang. Experimental study of ultra-low concentration methane combustion in fluidized bed with Cu/γ-Al2O3 as catalytic particles. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Power Conference,POWER2013,July 29-August 1, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts,USA
[6].2-3 persons are selected to attend the academic conference of combustion science of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics every year and read out the papers.
[7]. One to two people are selected to attend the multi-phase flow academic conference of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics every year and read out the papers.

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