

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04






郑朝蕾,女,教授。主要从事低品质燃料燃烧理论、新能源动力系统、碳氢燃料及替代燃料动力学机理、新型内燃机燃烧理论等方面的研究工作。参与了该研究方向多项国家重大课题的研究工作,包括国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)和国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技支撑计划等。主持国家自然科学基金3项,国家863计划子课题1项,省部级项目1项,中央高校交叉前沿重点项目1项,参研其他项目多项。近年来在国内外高水平学术刊物发表学术论文 50 余篇,其中 SCI 检索论文 30余篇且多次被国际同行引用,单篇最高引用次数607次。

1. 低品质燃料(合成气、非常规天然气等)的燃烧理论
2. 新能源动力装置(氢能、混合动力、增程器等)理论与设计
3. 碳氢燃料及替代燃料(醇类燃料、生物质燃料)燃烧动力学机理及特性
4. 新型内燃机燃烧理论

[1] Yunkun Song, Zhaolei Zheng*. Development and validation of a reduced chemical kinetic mechanism for supercritical gasoline of GDI engine, FUEL, 241: 676-685. WOS: 068
[2] Weidong Xiong, Zhaolei Zheng*, Tao Peng. Construction and Validation of a Five-Component Fuel Simplification Mechanism for Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine, ENERGY & FUELS, 33: 574-584, 2019. WOS: 056
[3 ]Jun Kong, Yanxin Qin, Zhaolei Zheng*. Method for determining gasoline surrogate component proportions and development of reduced chemical kinetics model of the determined surrogate fuel. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 233: 3658-3670, 2019. WOS: 007
[4] Zhaolei Zheng*, Hanyu Liu, Xuefeng Tian. Effects of throat area and inlet area of intake port on mixture formation of gasoline direct injection engines, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 233: 1150-1161, 2019. WOS: 007
[5] Hanyu Liu, Kwang Hee Yoo, Andre? L. Boehman, Zhaolei Zheng*. Experimental Study of Autoignition Characteristics of the Ethanol Effect on Biodiesel/n-Heptane Blend in a Motored Engine and a Constant-Volume Combustion Chamber. Energy & Fuels, 32(2): 1884-1892, 2018. WOS: 092
[6] Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhanfeng Yang. Numerical simulation of the influence of environmental and jet parameters on supercritical injection. Applied thermal engineering, 127: 925-932, 2017. SCI: 0004**
[7] Jie Xiao, Bo Zhang, Zhaolei Zheng*. Development and validation of a reduced chemical kinetic mechanism for HCCI engine of biodiesel surrogate. Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 39: 1752-1764, 2017. WOS: 007
[8] Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhumei Lv. Generation and Analysis for a Skeletal Chemical Kinetic Model of IC8H18 with Nitric Oxide in HCCI Combustion, Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 32: 1151-1160, 2016. WOS: 010
[9] Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhumei Lv. A new skeletal chemical kinetic model of gasoline surrogate fuel with nitric oxide in HCCI combustion, Applied Energy, 147: 59-66, 2015. WOS: 007
[10] Zhaolei Zheng*, Xuefeng Tian, Xiaoyu Zhang. Effects of split injection proportion and the second injection time on the mixture formation in a GDI engine under catalyst heating mode using stratified charge strategy, Applied Thermal Engineering, 84: 237-245, 2015. WOS: 023
[11]Z haolei Zheng*, Chuntao Liu, Xuefeng Tian, Xiaoyu Zhang. Numerical study of the effect of piston top contour on GDI engine performance under catalyst heating mode, Fuel, 157:64-72, 2015. WOS: 009
[12] Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhenglong Liang. Reduced Chemical Kinetic Model of a Gasoline Surrogate Fuel for HCCI Combustion, Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 31: 1265-1274, 2015. WOS: 006
[13] Feng Wang, Zhaolei Zheng*. A Soot Precursor Formation Embedded Reaction Mechanism of Diesel Surrogate Fuel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37:1323-1331, 2015. WOS: 010
[14] Ying Wang, Zhaolei Zheng*, Zuwei He. Kinetic Modeling of NO Sensitization of N-heptane Auto-ignition and Combustion, Energy Sources Part A - Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 37:997-1004, 2015. WOS: 010
[15] Zhaolei Zheng*, Chuntao Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang. Numerical study of effects of reformed exhaust gas recirculation (REGR) on dimethyl ether HCCI combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39: 8106-8117, 2014. WOS: 053
[16] Yiqiang Pei, Zhaolei Zheng*, Bo Zhang. Chemical Kinetic Model Development of Biodiesel Surrogate Fuel and Reaction Path Analysi, Physico-chimica Sinica, 30: 217-226, 2014. WOS: 003

[English version]

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