

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04

姓名 李俊 性别 男
所在部门 新能源与储能系 职称 教授
职务 联系电话
邮箱 lijun@cqu.edu.cn




E-MAIL: lijun@cqu.edu.cn



[1] Qiang Liao, Jun Zhang, Jun Li, Dingding Ye, Xun Zhu, Biao Zhang, (2014). Increased performance of a tubular microbial fuel cell with a rotating carbon-brush anode. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Accepted
[2] Zhu, X., Zhang, B., Ye, D. D., Li, J., Liao, Q. (2014). Air-breathing direct formic acid microfluidic fuel cell with an array of cylinder anodes. Journal of Power Sources, 247, 346-353.
[3] Li, J., Zhang, J., Ye, D., Zhu, X., Liao, Q., & Zheng, J. (2014). Optimization of inner diameter of tubular bamboo charcoal anode for a microbial fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[4] Zhang, B., Ye, D.D., Sui, P. C., Djilali, N., Zhu, X. (2014). Computational modeling of air-breathing microfluidic fuel cells with flow-over and flow-through anodes. Journal of Power Sources, 259, 15-24.
[5] Liao, Q., Zhang, J., Li, J., Ye, D., Zhu, X., Zheng, J., & Zhang, B. (2014). Electricity generation and COD removal of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) operated with alkaline substrates. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[6] Ye, D., Jin, P., Li, J., Zhu, X., Liao, Q. (2014). Effect of inert particle concentration on the operation of a microbial fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[7] Zhu, X., Zhang, L., Li, J., Liao, Q., Ye, D.D. (2013). Performance of liter-scale microbial fuel cells with electrode arrays: Effect of array pattern. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(35), 15716-15722.
[8] Li, J., Liu, C.M, Liao, Q., Zhu, X., Ye, D.D (2013). Improved performance of a tubular microbial fuel cell with a composite anode of graphite fiber brush and graphite granules. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(35), 15723-15729.
[9] Ye, D.D, Yang, Y., Li, J., Zhu, X., Liao, Q., Deng, B.W, Chen, R. (2013). Performance of a microfluidic microbial fuel cell based on graphite electrodes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(35), 15710-15715.
[10] Jun Li, Wentian Zou, Zhong Xu, Dingding Ye, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao (2013). Improved hydrogen production of the downstream bioreactor by coupling single chamber microbial fuel cells between series-connected photosynthetic biohydrogen reactors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(35): 15613–15619.
[11] Chunmei Liu, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Liang Zhang, , Dingding Ye, Robert K. Brown, Qiang Liao (2013). Effects of brush lengths and fiber loadings on the performance of microbial fuel cells using graphite fiber brush anodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (35): 15646–15652.
[12] Jun Li, Ming Li, Jun Zhang, Dingding Ye, Xun Zhu, Qiao Qiang, A microbial fuel cell capable of converting gaseous toluene to electricity, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 75(15):39-46
[13] Liang Zhang, Jun Li*, Xun Zhu, Dingding Ye, Qiang Liao, Anodic current distribution in a liter-scale microbial fuel cell with electrode arrays, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 223(1):623-631
[14] Biao Zhang, Dingding Ye, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Electrodeposition of Pd catalyst layer on graphite rod electrodes for direct formic acid oxidation, Journal of Power Sources , 2012, 214 (15): 277-284.
[15] Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Jun Li, Qiang Liao, Dingding Ye, Biofilm formation and electricity generation of a microbial fuel cell started up under different external resistances, Journal of Power Souces , 2011,196 (15): 6029-6035.
[16] R Wu, Q Liao, X Zhu, H Wang, Y Ding, J Li, D Ye. A Two‐dimensional Network Study on Oxygen Transport in Porous Gas Diffusion Layer. Fuel Cells, 2011, 11(2): 255-262.
[17] YZ Wang, Q Liao, X Zhu, J Li, DJ Lee. Effect of culture conditions on the kinetics of hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria in batch culture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(21): 14004-14013.
[18] Xiao-Fan Qu, Yong-Zhong Wang , Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Jun Li, Yu-Dong Ding, Duu-Jong Lee. Bubble behavior and photo-hydrogen production performance of photosynthetic bacteria in microchannel photobioreactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(21): 14111-14119.
[19] YJ Wang, Q Liao, YZ Wang, X Zhu, J Li. Effects of flow rate and substrate concentration on the formation and H2 production of photosynthetic bacterial biofilms. Bioresource technology, 2011, 102(13): 6902-6908.
[20] Jun Li, Qian Fu, Xun Zhu , Qiang Liao, Liang Zhang and Hong Wang, A solar regenerable cathodic electron acceptor for microbial fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2010,55(7): 2332-2337.
[21] Qian Fu, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, DingDing Ye,Liang Zhang, An MFC capable of regenerating the cathodic electron acceptor under sunlight, Science China Technological Sciences, 2010,53: 2489-2494.
[22] R Wu, X Zhu, Q Liao, H Wang, Y Ding, J Li, D Ye. Determination of oxygen effective diffusivity in porous gas diffusion layer using a three-dimensional pore network model. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(24): 7394-7403.
[23] Rui Wu, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Hong Wang, Yu-dong Ding, Jun Li, Ding-ding Ye. A pore network study on water distribution in bi-layer gas diffusion media: Effects of inlet boundary condition and micro-porous layer properties. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(17): 9134-9143.
[24] H Wang, Q Liao, X Zhu, J Li, X Tian. Experimental studies of liquid droplet coalescence on the gradient surface. Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism, 2010, 23(6): 1165-1168.
[25] Rui Wu, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Hong Wang, Yu-dong Ding, Jun Li, Ding-ding Ye. A pore network study on the role of micro-porous layer in control of liquid water distribution in gas diffusion layer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(14): 7588-7593.
[26] Chuan Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Yongzhong Wang, Jun Li, Yudong Ding, Hong Wang. Performance of a groove-type photobioreactor for hydrogen production by immobilized photosynthetic bacteria. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(11): 5284-5292.
[27] Xin Tian, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Yongzhong Wang, Pan Zhang, Jun Li, Hong Wang. Characteristics of a biofilm photobioreactor as applied to photo-hydrogen production. Bioresource technology, 2010, 101(3): 977-983.
[28] Jun Li, Qian Fu, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Ding-ding Ye, Xin Tian, Persulfate: A self-activated cathodic electron acceptor for microbial fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources , 2009, 194(1): 269-274.
[29] Jun Li, Ying Liang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Xin Tian, Comparison of the electrocatalytic performance of PtRu nanoparticles supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different lengths and diameters, Electrochimica Acta , 2009, 54(4): 1277-1285.
[30] Jun Li, Ding-ding Ye, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Yu-dong Ding , Xin Tian, Effect of wettability of anode microporous layer on performance and operation duration of passive air-breathing direct methanol fuel cells, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry , 2009, 39(10): 1771-1778.
[31] D Ye, X Zhu, Q Liao, J Li, Q Fu. Two-dimensional two-phase mass transport model for methanol and water crossover in air-breathing direct methanol fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 192(2): 502-514.
[32] Xin Tian, Qiang Liao, Wei Liu, Yong Zhong Wang, Xun Zhu, Jun Li, Hong Wang. Photo-hydrogen production rate of a PVA-boric acid gel granule containing immobilized photosynthetic bacteria cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(11): 4708-4717.
[33] Ying Liang, Jun Li, Shi-Zhong Wang, Xian-Zhu Fu, Qing-Chi Xu, Jing-Dong Lin, Dai-Wei Liao, Investigation of Pt catalysts supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes with various diameters and lengths, Catalysis Letters , 2008, 120(3-4): 236-243.
[34] Ying Liang, Jun Li, Qing-Chi Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu, Dai-wei Liao, Composite Carbon Supported PtRu Catalyst for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2008, 465 (1-2): 296-304.
[35] Jun Li, Ying Liang, Qing-Chi Xu, Xian-Zhu Fu, Jeff Qiang Xu, Jing-Dong Lin and Dai-Wei Liao, Synthesis and characterization of sub-l0 nm platinum hollow spheres as electrocatalyst of direct methanol fuel cell, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2006, 6:1107-1113.

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