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在Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Langmuir等国际知名期刊上共发表SCI论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者20篇,四篇入选ESI高被引论文,影响因子大于10的论文5篇,论文被引超过1000次,H-index为20;在国际知名出版社Taylor & Francis Group出版的《Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook》上撰写“Mesoporous Carbon Nanomaterials”章节;数次在国际材料学会年会上(2014 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston; ICMAT2015&IUMRS-ICA2015, Singapore)做口头报告;担任Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Materials Letter, RSC Advances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等国际期刊审稿人。承担国家自然科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、重庆大学人才引进启动经费、中央高校基本科研业务费专项和新加坡国家级科研项目。




1) 复合碳基/氧化物纳米电极在柔性储能器件上的应用研究
2) 新型多级微纳结构光热转材料和器件中能量转换及物质/热量输运研究
3) 功能化超薄石墨烯基“纳米纸”的制备以及功能化
4) 高性能碳基电催化制氢氧电极结构设计及性能调控
1) 2019年军队预研项目子课题,主持
2) 2018年重庆市基础研究与前沿探索专项,主持
3) 2018年重庆大学前沿交叉学科培育专项,主持
4) 2018年重庆市技术创新与应用示范(产业类)重点研发项目,参研
5) 2017年国家自然科学基金,青年项目,主持
6) 2017年重庆市留创计划项目(创新类),主持
7) 2017年重庆市人工智能创新重大主题专项(重点研发项目),参研
1. Wang, J.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K.; He, J.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, C.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Li, Meng*, Improving ionic/electronic conductivity of MoS2 Li-ion anode via manganese doping and structural optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 372, 665-672.
2. Yang Geng, Kezhen Zhang, Peijin Ying, Jiacheng Wang, Wan Sun*, Kuan Sun*, Meng Li* Constructing Hierarchical Carbon Framework and Quantifying Water Transfer for Novel Solar Evaporation Configuration, Carbon 2019, 155, 25-33
3. Yong Yang,Meng Li*, Yuping Wu, Xiaoxing Liu, Tao Wang, Baoyu Zong, Zhihong Yang, Jun Ding and Junmin Xue*; Ultrathin Flexible Graphene/Magnetic Nanodisc Nanocomposite Papers for High-Efficient Electromagnetic Interference Shielding , Nanoscale 2016,8, 15989-15998 (IF7.76)
4. Hu, L.; Sun, K.*; Wang, M.; Chen, W.; Yang, B.; Fu, J.; Xiong, Z.; Li, X.; Tang, X.; Zang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Sun, L.; Li, M.*, Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with a High Fill Factor and Negligible Hysteresis by the Dual Effect of NaCl-Doped PEDOT:PSS. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017.
5. Tang, W.; Chen, Z.; Tian, B.; Lee, H.-W.; Zhao, X.; Fan, X.; Fan, Y.; Leng, K.; Peng, C.; Kim, M.-H.; Li, M.; Lin, M.; Su, J.; Chen, J.; Jeong, H. Y.; Yin, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhou, W.; Loh, K. P.; Zheng, G. W., In Situ Observation and Electrochemical Study of Encapsulated Sulfur Nanoparticles by MoS2 Flakes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139 (29), 10133-10141. (IF = 13.86)
6. Meng Li*, Junmin Xue, Mesoporous Carbon Nanomaterials, Invited book chapter contribution for Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook; Taylor & Francis Group; CRC Press: 2016, pp 505-540.
7. Huang, X.; Leng, M.; Xiao, W.; Li, Meng.; Ding, J.; Tan, T. L.; Lee, W. S. V.; Xue, J., Activating Basal Planes and S-Terminated Edges of MoS2 toward More Efficient Hydrogen Evolution. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (6), ** (IF:12.2, ESI高被引论文)
8. Meng Li, Pan Feng, Eugene Shi Guang Choo, Yunbo Lv Yu Chen and Junmin Xue*; Designed construction of Graphene and Iron Oxide Freestanding Electrode with Enhanced Flexible Energy Storage Performance, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016. 8(11), 6972–6981 (IF:6.7)
9. Vincent Lee, Erwin Peng , Meng Li, Xiaolei Huang and Junmin Xue*; Rational Design of Stable 4 V Lithium Ion Capacitor, Nano Energy 2016 , 27, 202-212 (IF:12.27)
10. Yong Yang, Meng Li , Yuping Wu, Baoyu Zong, Jun Ding*; Size-dependent microwave absorption properties of Fe3O4 nanodiscs, RSC Advances 2016. 6, 25444-25448 (IF:3.9)
11. Mao Lu, Meng Li (equal contributions), Junmin Xue, John Wang*; Bendable Graphene/Conducting Polymers Hybrid Films for Freestanding Electrodes with High Volumetric Capacitances, RSC Advances 2015. 6 (4), 2951-2957 (IF:3.9)
12. Vincent Lee, Mei Leng, Meng Li, Xiaolei Huang, Junmin Xue*; Sulphur-functionalized graphene towards high performance supercapacitor, Nano Energy 2015. 12, 250-257 (IF: 12.27)
13. Meng Li, Zhe Tang, Mei Leng, Junmin Xue*; Flexible Solid‐State Supercapacitor Based on Graphene‐based Hybrid Films, Advanced Functional Materials 2014. 24 (47), 7495-7502. (IF:12.2, ESI高被引论文)
14. Meng Li, Jumin Xue*, Integrated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon from Melamine Resins with Superior Performance in Supercapacitors, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (5), 2507-2517. (IF:4.5, ESI高被引论文)
15. Yu Chen, Bohang Song, Meng Li, Li Lu, Junmin Xue*, Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Embedded in Uniform Mesoporous Carbon Spheres for Superior High‐Rate Battery Applications, Advanced Functional Materials 2014, 24 (3), 319-326. (IF:12.2, ESI高被引论文)
16. Xiaoliang Hong, Meng Li, Nina Bao, Erwin Peng, Wenmin Li, Jumin Xue, Jun Ding*, Synthesis of FeCo nanoparticles from FeO (OH) and Co3O4 using oleic acid as reduction agent, Journal of nanoparticle research 2014, 16 (3), 1-9. (IF:2.278, Jan 2016 Citations:2)
17. Meng Li, Jun Ding (co-supervisor), Junmin Xue*, Mesoporous carbon decorated graphene as an efficient electrode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1 (25), 7469-7476. (IF:7.443, Jan 2016 Citations:24)
18. Meng Li, Junmin Xue*, Ordered mesoporous carbon nanoparticles with well-controlled morphologies from sphere to rod via a soft-template route, Journal of colloid and interface science 2012, 377 (1), 169-175. (IF:3.368, Jan 2016 Citations:37)
19. Meng Li, Junmin Xue*, Facile route to synthesize polyurethane hollow microspheres with size-tunable single holes, Langmuir 2011, 27 (7), 3229-3232. (IF:4.457, Jan 2016 Citations:18)

[English version]
Dr. Meng Lireceived his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at National University of Singapore in 2015 and worked as postdoctoral research fellow at the same institute in 2015-2016. Since 2016, he has been appointed as Assistant Professor in School of Power Engineering at Chongqing University. His research focuses on synthesis of nano-functional materials for the applications of energy storage and conversion.
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Jan 2012 ~ Jul 2015
· Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (SUST), China Sep 2005 ~ Jul 2009
· Bachelor of Engineering
Research Fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NUS Aug 2015 ~ Oct 2016
· Work at functional nanomaterials laboratory
· Projects:
a. Design and fabrication of high performance flexible Li-ion Capacitor, Na-ion Battery and supercapacitor based on freestanding hybrid graphene films.
b. Ultrathin flexible graphene/magnetic nanodisc nanocomposite papers for high-efficient electromagnetic interference shielding.
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NUS Jan 2012 ~ Jul 2015
· Research at functional nanomaterials laboratory
· Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Xue Junmin & Prof. Ding Jun
· Projects:
a. Mesoporous carbon nanomaterials as efficient electrode materials
b. Design and fabrication of high performance flexible supercapacitors based on freestanding graphene hybrid films
c. Development of next generation flexible energy storage devices with hybrid property of supercapacitor and Li-ion battery
Research Engineer, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NUS Dec 2009 ~ Jan 2012
· Employment in functional nanomaterials laboratory
· Research Projects:
a. A facile method to synthesize bimetallic FeCo nanoparticles
b. Hollow polymer Microspheres with controllable monoporous for Capturing Nanoparticles or Macromolecules
Research Assistant, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, SUST Jun 2009~ Dec 2009
· Working in MOE Key Laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry.
· Research Projects:
a. Application and Development of High Performance Polyurethane Elastomer
b. Exploring Modified Polyurethane Elastomer with Enhanced Heat-resistant property
1. Wang, J.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K.; He, J.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, C.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Li, Meng*, Improving ionic/electronic conductivity of MoS2 Li-ion anode via manganese doping and structural optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 372, 665-672.
2. Yang Geng, Kezhen Zhang, Peijin Ying, Jiacheng Wang, Wan Sun*, Kuan Sun*, Meng Li* Constructing Hierarchical Carbon Framework and Quantifying Water Transfer for Novel Solar Evaporation Configuration, Carbon 2019, 155, 25-33
3. Yong Yang,Meng Li*, Yuping Wu, Xiaoxing Liu, Tao Wang, Baoyu Zong, Zhihong Yang, Jun Ding and Junmin Xue*; Ultrathin Flexible Graphene/Magnetic Nanodisc Nanocomposite Papers for High-Efficient Electromagnetic Interference Shielding , Nanoscale 2016,8, 15989-15998 (IF7.76)
4. Hu, L.; Sun, K.*; Wang, M.; Chen, W.; Yang, B.; Fu, J.; Xiong, Z.; Li, X.; Tang, X.; Zang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Sun, L.; Li, M.*, Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with a High Fill Factor and Negligible Hysteresis by the Dual Effect of NaCl-Doped PEDOT:PSS. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017.
5. Tang, W.; Chen, Z.; Tian, B.; Lee, H.-W.; Zhao, X.; Fan, X.; Fan, Y.; Leng, K.; Peng, C.; Kim, M.-H.; Li, M.; Lin, M.; Su, J.; Chen, J.; Jeong, H. Y.; Yin, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhou, W.; Loh, K. P.; Zheng, G. W., In Situ Observation and Electrochemical Study of Encapsulated Sulfur Nanoparticles by MoS2 Flakes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139 (29), 10133-10141. (IF = 13.86)
6. Meng Li*, Junmin Xue, Mesoporous Carbon Nanomaterials, Invited book chapter contribution for Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook; Taylor & Francis Group; CRC Press: 2016, pp 505-540.
7. Huang, X.; Leng, M.; Xiao, W.; Li, Meng.; Ding, J.; Tan, T. L.; Lee, W. S. V.; Xue, J., Activating Basal Planes and S-Terminated Edges of MoS2 toward More Efficient Hydrogen Evolution. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (6), ** (IF:12.2, ESI high cited paper)
8. Meng Li, Pan Feng, Eugene Shi Guang Choo, Yunbo Lv Yu Chen and Junmin Xue*; Designed construction of Graphene and Iron Oxide Freestanding Electrode with Enhanced Flexible Energy Storage Performance, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016. 8(11), 6972–6981 (IF:6.7)
9. Vincent Lee, Erwin Peng , Meng Li, Xiaolei Huang and Junmin Xue*; Rational Design of Stable 4 V Lithium Ion Capacitor, Nano Energy 2016 , 27, 202-212 (IF:12.27)
10. Yong Yang, Meng Li , Yuping Wu, Baoyu Zong, Jun Ding*; Size-dependent microwave absorption properties of Fe3O4 nanodiscs, RSC Advances 2016. 6, 25444-25448 (IF:3.9)
11. Mao Lu, Meng Li (equal contributions), Junmin Xue, John Wang*; Bendable Graphene/Conducting Polymers Hybrid Films for Freestanding Electrodes with High Volumetric Capacitances, RSC Advances 2015. 6 (4), 2951-2957 (IF:3.9)
12. Vincent Lee, Mei Leng, Meng Li, Xiaolei Huang, Junmin Xue*; Sulphur-functionalized graphene towards high performance supercapacitor, Nano Energy 2015. 12, 250-257 (IF: 12.27)
13. Meng Li, Zhe Tang, Mei Leng, Junmin Xue*; Flexible Solid‐State Supercapacitor Based on Graphene‐based Hybrid Films, Advanced Functional Materials 2014. 24 (47), 7495-7502. (IF:12.2, ESI high cited paper)
14. Meng Li, Jumin Xue*, Integrated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon from Melamine Resins with Superior Performance in Supercapacitors, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (5), 2507-2517. (IF:4.5, ESI高被引论文)
15. Yu Chen, Bohang Song, Meng Li, Li Lu, Junmin Xue*, Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Embedded in Uniform Mesoporous Carbon Spheres for Superior High‐Rate Battery Applications, Advanced Functional Materials 2014, 24 (3), 319-326. (IF:12.2, ESI high cited paper)
16. Xiaoliang Hong, Meng Li, Nina Bao, Erwin Peng, Wenmin Li, Jumin Xue, Jun Ding*, Synthesis of FeCo nanoparticles from FeO (OH) and Co3O4 using oleic acid as reduction agent, Journal of nanoparticle research 2014, 16 (3), 1-9. (IF:2.278, Jan 2016 Citations:2)
17. Meng Li, Jun Ding (co-supervisor), Junmin Xue*, Mesoporous carbon decorated graphene as an efficient electrode material for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1 (25), 7469-7476. (IF:7.443, Jan 2016 Citations:24)
18. Meng Li, Junmin Xue*, Ordered mesoporous carbon nanoparticles with well-controlled morphologies from sphere to rod via a soft-template route, Journal of colloid and interface science 2012, 377 (1), 169-175. (IF:3.368, Jan 2016 Citations:37)
19. Meng Li, Junmin Xue*, Facile route to synthesize polyurethane hollow microspheres with size-tunable single holes, Langmuir 2011, 27 (7), 3229-3232. (IF:4.457, Jan 2016 Citations:18)

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