

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04






目前为国家科学技术奖、教育部科技奖和****计划评审专家,国家自然科学基金、江苏、天津、北京、河北、福建、四川和重庆等科技项目评审专家。International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy等10多种国际刊物,中国科学、化工学报等国内刊物评审人。



1、Lu Zhang, Qibin Li, Chao Liu*,Molecular insight of flow property for gas-water mixture (CO2/CH4-H2O) in shale organic matrix,Fuel 288(2021)119720 ,2021年3月15日
4、Liyong Xin, Chao Liu*, Luxi Tan**, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li1, Erguang Huo,Kuan Sun,Thermal stability and pyrolysis products of HFO-1234yf as an environment-friendly working fluid for Organic Rankine Cycle,Energy, 228(2021)120564

1、Lu Zhang, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li,Molecular simulations of competitive adsorption behavior between CH4-C2H6in K-illite clay at supercritical conditions,Fuel,260(2020)116358
2、Huasheng Chen, Chao Liu*, Xiaoxiao Xu, Lu Zhang,A new model for predicting sulfur solubility in sour gases based on hybrid intelligent algorithm,Fuel,262. (2020) 116550
3、Xiaoxue Chen, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li*, Xurong Wang, Shukun Wang,Dynamic behavior of supercritical organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture working fluids,Energy,191 (2020) 116576
4、Yu Pu, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li**,Xiaoxiao Xu, Erguang Huo, Pyrolysis mechanism of HFO-1234yf with R32 by ReaxFF MD and DFT method,International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 109:82-91
5、Zhuang Sun, Chao Liu, and Shukun Wang,Multi-objective decision framework for comprehensive assessment of organic Rankine cycle system,J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 014702 (2020)
6、Lu Zhang, Chao Liu*, Yang Liu**, Qibin Li, Qinglin Cheng, Shouyin Cai,Transport property of methane and ethane in K-illite nanoporous of shale: insights from Molecular Dynamic simulations,Fuel & Energy,Energy Fuels 2020, 34, 1710?1719
7、Erguang Huo, Qibin Li,Chao Liu*, Zhengyong Huang*, Liyong Xin,Experimental and theoretical studies on the thermal stability and decomposition mechanim of HFO-1336mzz(Z) with POE lubricant,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 147(2020) 104795
11、Liyong Xin, Chao Liu*, Yang Liu, Erguang Huo, Qibin Li, XurongWang, Qinglin Cheng,Thermal decomposition mechanism of some hydrocarbons by ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics and density functional theory study,Fuel,275(2020) 117885
12、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li**, Lang Liu, Erguang Huo, Cheng Zhang,Selection principle of working ?uid for organic Rankine cycle based on environmental bene?ts and economic performance,Applied Thermal Engineering, 178 (2020) 115598
13、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu*, Jie Li, Zhuang Sun, Xiaoxue Chen, Xiaonan Wang,Exergoeconomic analysis of a novel trigeneration system containing supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle, organic Rankine cycle and absorption refrigeration cycle for gas turbine waste heater covery,Energy Conversion and Management,221 (2020) 113064

1、Cheng Zhang,Chao Liu*, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Shukun Wang,Energetic, exergetic, economic and environmental (4E) analysis and multi-factor evaluation method of low GWP fluids in trans-critical organic Rankine cycles,Energy,Energy 168 (2019) 332-345。
4、刘亚玲,张诚,刘朝,ORC利用工业锅炉烟气余热发电技术经济性评估,重庆大学学报,42(1),2019, 73-81
6、Shukun Wang,Chao Liu*, Xiaoxiao Xu, Cheng Zhang,Ecological cumulative exergy consumption analysis of organic Rankine cycle for waste heat power generation,Journal of Cleaner Production 218 (2019) 543-554
7、Erguang Huo,Chao Liu*, Xiaoxiao Xu, Lang Liu, Shukun Wang, Liyong Xin,Dissociation mechanism of HFC-245fa on Cu(1 1 1) surfaces with and without oxygen-covered: A density functional theory study,Applied Surface Science 480 (2019) 487–496
8、Cao, Yu;Liu, Chao; Xu, Xiaoxiao; Huo, Erguang; Pu, Yu,Influence of water on HFO-1234yf oxidation pyrolysis via ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Molecular Physics,https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**
9、Erguang Huo,Chao Liu*, Liyong Xin, Xiaoxiao Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Chaobin Dang,Thermal stability and decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z) as an environmental friendly working fluid: experimental and theoretical study,International Journal of Energy Research,2019,43:4630-4643
10、Xiaoxue Chen,Chao Liu, Qibin Li, Xurong Wang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Dynamic analysis and control strategies of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system for waste heat recovery using zeotropic mixture as working fluid,Energy Conversion and Management 192 (2019) 321–334
11、Jie Wu, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qinbin Li, Xiaoxiao Li, Thermal degradation behavior of pectin in Citrus wastes with density functional theory study, Waste Management, 89 (2019) 408–417
12、Zhuang Sun、Chao Liu、Xiaoxiao Xu、Qibin Li、Xurong Wang、Shukun Wang、Xiaoxue Chen,Comparative carbon and water footprint analysis and optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle,ATE, Volume 158, 25 July 2019, 113769。
13、Erguang Huo,Chao Liu, The oxidation decomposition mechanisms of HFO-1336mzz(Z) as an environmentally friendly refrigerant in O2/H2O environment, Energy 185 (2019) 1154-1162
14、Jie Wu, Chao Liu, Qinbin Li,Thermal decomposition mechanism of O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucurono-xylan,Journal of Molecular Modeling,(2019) 25:234
15、Chao Liu, Shukun Wang, Cheng Zhang, Qibin Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Erguang Huo,Experimental study of micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system based on scroll expander,energy, Energy 188 (2019) 115930
16、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu*, Jingzheng Ren,**, Lang Liu, Qibin Li, Erguang Huo,Carbon footprint analysis of organic Rankine cycle system using zeotropic mixtures considering leak of fluid,Journal of Cleaner Production 239 (2019) 118095

1、Yang Ding, Chao Liu,Cheng Zhang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Lianfei Mao, Exergoenvironmental model of Organic Rankine Cycle system including the manufacture and leakage of working fluid, Energy, 145(2018), 52-64
3、Erguang Huo,Chao Liu,Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Dissociation mechanisms of HFO-1336mzz(Z) on Cu(1 1 1), Cu(1 1 0) and Cu(1 0 0) surfaces: A density functional theory study,Applied Surface Science 443 (2018) 389–400
4、刘亚玲,张诚,邹益平,陈娟,刘朝,利用有机朗肯循环系统回收30t/h燃煤锅炉烟气余热的热经济性评估,重庆大学学报,41(3),2018, 91-99
5、Shukun Wang,Chao Liu, Cheng Zhang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Thermodynamic evaluation of leak phenomenon in liquid receiver of ORC systems,Applied Thermal Engineering 141 (2018) 1110–1119
6、Erguang Huo, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Chaobin Dang,A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the oxidation decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z),International Journal of Refrigeration录用
7、Cheng Zhang, Chao Liu,Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Shukun Wanga, Xi Chen,Effects of superheat and internal heat exchanger on thermo-economic performance of organic Rankine cycle based on fluid type and heat sources,Energy 159 (2018) 482-495
8、Yayun Zhang, Hanwu Lei,Dengle Duan, Elmar Villota, Chao Liu, and Roger Ruan,New Insight into the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on MoP(001) from First Principles,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 20429?20439,DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b03976
9、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu, Cheng Zhang, Xiaoxiao Xu, and Qibin Li,Thermo-economic evaluations of dual pressure organic Rankine cycle (DPORC) driven by geothermal heat source,JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY,10, 063901 (2018)

1、Yayun zhang; chao liu; feng hao; hang xiao; shiwei zhang; xi chen,CO2Adsorption and Separation from Natural Gas on Phosphorene Surface: Combining DFT and GCMC calculations,Applied Surface Science,397 (2017) 206–212
2、Hao Zhang,Chao Liu, XX, Xu, QB,Li, Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition of HFO-1234yf by DFT Study,International Journal of Refrigeration,2017,74, 397–409
4、Cheng Zhang,Chao Liu, Thermo-economic comparison of subcritical organic Rankine cycle based on different heat exchanger configurations,10.1016/j.energy.2017.01.132,Energy 123 (2017) 728-741
5、Erguang Huo, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chaobin Dang,A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the pyrolysis mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z),International Journal of Refrigeration,83 (2017),118–130
6、Yu Cao, Chao Liu, Hao Zhang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li,Thermal decomposition of HFO-1234yf through ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation,Applied Thermal Engineering,126 (2017),330–338
7、Zeyu Li, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li,A theoretical study on the mechanism of xylobiose during pyrolysis process,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,1117,(2017) 130–140
8、Mei Yang, Chao Liu,The calculation of fluorine plastic economizer in economy by using the equivalent heat drop,ENERGY,135,2017,

1、Meng Wang, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li,Theoretical investigation on the carbons sources and orientations of the aldehyde group of furfural in the pyrolysis of glucose,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,117 (2016) 325–333
2、Chao Liu, Xi Wang, Hong Gao, Cheng Zhang, Chao He,The injector-based regenerative supercritical organic Rankine cycle,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2016,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30 (5) (2016) 2353~2360
3、Yayun Zhang, Chao Liu, Xi Chen,Mechanism of glucose conversion in supercritical water by DFT study,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,119 (2016) 199–207
4、Guangping Lei, Chao Liu, Qibin Li, Xiaoxiao Xu,Graphyne nanostructure as a potential adsorbent for separation of H2S/CH4mixture: Combining grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations with ideal adsorbed solution theory,Fuel,182 (2016) 210–21
5、Meng Wang, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li,Theoretical study of the pyrolysis of vanillin as a model of secondary lignin pyrolysis,Chemical Physics Letters,654 (2016) 41–45
6、Meng Wang, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li,Theoretical investigation on the carbon sources and orientations of the aldehyde group of furfural in the pyrolysis of glucose,doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2016.06.019,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,120 (2016) 464–473。
7、Yayun Zhang,Feng Hao,Chao Liu,Xi Chen,Band gap and oxygen vacancy diffusion of anatase (101) surface: the effect of strain,Theor Chem Acc (2016) 135:171
8、Yayun zhang; Feng Hao; Hang Xiao; Chao Liu; Xiaoyang Shi; Xi Chen,Hydrogen Separation by Porous Phosphorene: A Periodical DFT Study,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,41 (2016),23067-23074

1.李茂祥;刘朝;雷广平;宋粉红, H2S在水溶液中溶解度的分子动力学研究,工程热物理学报, 2015年01期
2. Huang Daiyue, Liu Chao*, Gilles Puel,Spatial Environmental Balance to Information and Communication Technology products in different regions of China by using LCA,Journal of Cleaner Production 91 (2015) 128-135
3、雷广平、刘朝*、解辉,石墨烯/纳米管复合结构吸附分离CO2/CH4混合物的分子模拟,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2015, 31 (4), 660-666
4、李期斌、刘朝,高压下I型甲院水合物导热机理的分子动力学模拟,工程热物理学报, 2015年,36卷4期,
5、Meng Wang,Chao Liu,Qibin Li,Xiaoxiao Xu,Theoretical insight into the conversion of xylose to furfural in the gas phase and water,J Mol Model (2015) 21:296
6、Yayun Zhang, Chao Liu?, Xi Chen,Unveiling the initial pyrolytic mechanisms of cellulose by DFT study,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,113 (2015) 621–629

1.刘文广;解辉;刘朝, Claus硫磺回收装置再热炉流动燃烧模拟研究,石油与天然气化工, 2014年06期
2. He, Chao; Liu, Chao; Gao, Hong; The net power output of ideal supercritical organic Rankine cycle with different flow arrangement evaporators, JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 6(3), 033117, 2014
3. Zhang, Yayun; Liu, Chao, A new horizon on effects of alkalis metal ions during biomass pyrolysis based on density function theory study, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, 110: 297-304, 2014
4. Lei, Guangping; Liu, Chao; Xie, Hui, Removal of hydrogen sulfide from natural gas by the graphene-nanotube hybrid structure: A molecular simulation, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 616: 232-236, 2014
5. Jianli Wang, Chao Liu, Preparation of Fe-Doped TiO2 Nanotube Arrays and Their Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Properties, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,Vol. 14, 1–6, 2014
7、Chao He, Chao Liu,A new selection principle of working fluids for subcritical organic Rankine cycle coupling with different heat sources,Energy 68 (2014) 283-291
8、Guangping Lei, Chao Liu,Separation of the hydrogen sulfide and methane mixture by the porous graphene membrane: Effect of the charges,Chemical Physics Letters 599 (2014) 127–132
9、F. H. Song, B. Q. Li and C. Liu,Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Electrically Induced Spreading of an Ionically Conducting Water Droplet,Langmuir 2014, 30, 2394?2400
10、Qibin LI, Chao LIU and Xi CHEN,Molecular Characteristics of Dissociated Water With Memory Effect From Methane Hydrates,International Journal of Modern Physics B,Vol. 28, No. 10 (2014) **
11、Qibin Li, Chao Liu,Molecular dynamics simulation of sulphur nucleation in S–H2S system,Molecular Physics, 2014,Vol. 112, No. 7, 947–955
12、Chao Liu, Yayun Zhang,Study of guaiacol pyrolysis mechanism based on density function theory,Fuel Processing Technology,123 (2014) 159–165
13、Yayun Zhang, Chao Liu?, Hui Xie, Mechanism studies on -d-glucopyranose pyrolysis by density functional theory methods,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 105 (2014) 23–34
14、Jiacheng He, Chao Liu,Performance research on modified KCS (Kalina cycle system) 11 without throttle valve,Energy 64 (2014) 389-397

1.Chao Liu, Chao He, Hong Gao, Hui Xie, Yourong Li, Shuangying Wu, Jinliang Xu,The environmental impact of organic Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery through life-cycle assessment,Energy 56 (2013) 144-154
2.Zhang, Zhi; Liu, Chao; Li, Qi-Bin,Prediction of Thermophysical Properties of Methane Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations,ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,25(2),653-656,2013
3.F. H. Song, B. Q. Li, and C. Liu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanosized Water Droplet Spreading in an Electric Field, Langmuir 2013,29(13),4266-4274
4.SONG Fen-Hong, LIU Chao, ZHOU Xuan, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Heterogeneous Nucleation of Argon Vapor onto a Spherical Solid Particle, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2013, 29 (4), 715-722
5.Zhi Zhang, Qibin Li, Chao Liu, Solubility of CO2 in Cryogenic Methane: Molecular Dynamics Study, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 16 (2013), 8987-8990

1.Hui, Xie; Chao, Liu,Molecular dynamics simulations of gas flow in nanochannel with a Janus interface,AIP ADVANCES,2(4),042126 (2012)
2.Li, Qibin; Liu, Chao,Molecular dynamics simulation of heat transfer with effects of fluid-lattice interactions,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,55:(25-26),8088-8092,2012
3.Gao, Hong; Liu, Chao; He, Chao,Performance Analysis and Working Fluid Selection of a Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle for Low Grade Waste Heat Recovery,ENERGIES,5(9),3233-3247,2012
4.Liu, Chao; He, Chao; Gao, Hong; The Optimal Evaporation Temperature of Subcritical ORC Based on Second Law Efficiency for Waste Heat Recovery,ENTROPY,14(3)491-504,2012
5.He, Chao; Liu, Chao; Gao, Hong,The optimal evaporation temperature and working fluids for subcritical organic Rankine cycle,ENERGY,38(1),136-143,2012

1.Huang, Xiaolu; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jinbao; Theory studies on pyrolysis mechanism of phenethyl phenyl ether,COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,976(1-3),51-59,2011
2.Zhang Zhi; Liu Chao; Li Haojie; Theoretical Studies of Pyrolysis Mechanism of Xylan Monomer,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA,69(18),2099-2107,2011
4.Liu, Chao; Huang, Jinbao; Huang, Xiaolu; Theoretical studies on formation mechanisms of CO and CO2 in cellulose pyrolysis, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,964(1-3),207-212,2011
5. Huang, Jinbao; Liu, Chao; Wei, Shunan; Density functional theory studies on pyrolysis mechanism of beta-D-glucopyranose, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 958(1-3), 64-70,2010
6.Huang Jinbao; Liu Chao; Wei Shunan; Density Functional Theory Study on the Dehydration Mechanism of Glycerine, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA,68(11), 1043-1049, 2010


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