

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04











[1] Guangjun Wang, Fei Yan, Zehong Chen, Shuangcheng Sun, Hong Chen*. Generalized distribution parameter model and numerical simulation method for DSG solar trough collector under once-through mode[J]. Solar Energy, 2019, 188(8): 414-425.
[2] Guangjun Wang, Shibin Wan, Hong Chen*, Cai Lv, Daqian Zhang. A double decentralized fuzzy inference method for estimating the time and space-dependent thermal boundary condition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 109(6): 302-311.
[3] Guangjun Wang,Cai Lv,Hong Chen*,Shibin Wan,Daqian Zhang. A multiple model adaptive inverse method for nonlinear heat transfer system with temperature-dependent thermophysical properties[J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 118(3):847-856.
[4] Wang Guangjun*, Zhu Lina, Chen Hong. A decentralized fuzzy inference method for solving the two-dimensional steady inverse heat conduction problem of estimating boundary condition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(6): 2782-2788.
[5] Wang, Guangjun*, Luo Zhaoming, Zhu Lina, Chen Hong, Zhang Lihui. Fuzzy estimation for temperature distribution of furnace inner surface[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012, 51(1): 84-90.
[6] Wang Kun, Wang Guangjun*, Wan Shibin, Lv Cai, Chen Hong*. Quantitative identification of three-dimensional subsurface defect based on the fuzzy inference of thermal process[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 133(4): 903-911.
[7] Sun Shuangcheng, Wang Guangjun, Zhang Daqian, Chen Hong*. An inverse method for the reconstruction of thermal boundary conditions of semitransparent medium[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134(5): 574-585.
[8] Shuangcheng Sun, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen*. Application of improved decentralized fuzzy inference methods for estimating the thermal boundary condition of participating medium[J].International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 149(3): 106216
[9] Hong Chen, Dongmin Cao, Guangjun Wang*, Shibin Wan, Yanhao Li. Fuzzy estimation for unknown boundary shape of fluid-solid conjugate heat transfer problem[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 106(8): 112-121.
[10] Chen Hong, Su Litao, Wang Guangjun*, Wan Shibin, Zhang Lihui, Luo Zhaoming. Fuzzy estimation for heat flux distribution at the slab continuous casting mold surface[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014, 83 (9): 80-88.
[11] Lv Cai, Wang Guangjun*, Wan Shibin, Chen Hong*. Estimation of the moving heat source intensity using the multiple model adaptive inverse method[J]. Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 138(4): 576-585.
[12] Cai Lv, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen*. Estimation of time-dependent thermal boundary conditions and online reconstruction of transient temperature field for boiler membrane water wall[J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 147(2): 118955.
[13] Shibin Wan, Guangjun Wang, Hong Chen*, Cai Lv. Multi-model method for solving nonlinear transient inverse heat conduction problems[J]. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2018, 26(5): 621-640.
[14] Shibin Wan, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen, Kun Wang. Application of unscented Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother to nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 112(2): 408-420.
[15] Yanhao Li, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen, Zhenyu Zhu, Daqian Zhang. A decentralized fuzzy inference method for the inverse geometry heat conduction problem[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 106(8): 109-116.
[16] Yanhao Li, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen. Simultaneously estimation for surface heat fluxes of steel slab in a reheating furnace based on DMC predictive control[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 80(4): 396-403.
[17] Li Yanhao, Wang Guangjun*, Chen Hong. Simultaneously regular inversion of unsteady heating boundary conditions based on dynamic matrix control[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 88(2): 148-157.
[18] Wang Kun, Wang Guangjun*, Chen Hong, Zhu Lina. Estimating thermal boundary conditions of boiler membrane water-wall using decentralized fuzzy inference with sensitivity weighting[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 66(5): 309-317.
[19] Zhaoming Luo, Guangjun Wang, Hong Chen*. Decentralized fuzzy inference method for estimating thermal boundary condition of a heated cylinder normal to a laminar air stream[J]. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 66(10): 1869-1878.
[20] Zhijie Wang, Guangjun Wang*, Hong Chen. Adaptive PID Cascade Control for Superheated Steam Temperature Based on Inverse Model[J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2011, 133(11): 111602.
[21] 陈红, 韩磊, 王广军*. DSG槽式太阳能集热系统数学模型及动态特性[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2013, 33(29): 88-94.
[22] 陈红, 王广军*, 王志杰, 沈曙光. 基于最小二乘支持向量机的模糊辨识及其在热工对象逆系统建模中的应用[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2010, 30(29): 103-106.
[23] 陈红, 曾建, 王广军*. 蒸汽发生器水位的自抗扰控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2010, 30(32): 103-107.
[24] 王志杰, 王广军, 陈红*. 基于逆模型的火电机组自适应解耦控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(29): 118-123.
[25] 吕财, 王广军, 陈红*, 陈泽弘. 膜式水冷壁时变热边界条件的模型预测反演[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(12): 3598-3605.
[26]吕财, 王广军, 陈红*. 非线性传热系统的自适应预测模型[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(4): 783-787.
[27]张丽慧, 王广军*, 陈红, 王旭东. 基于导热反问题求解骨磨削过程移动边界热流[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2016,371(12):2621-2625.
[28]张丽慧, 王广军*, 罗兆明, 陈红.利用二维导热反问题预测钢坯温度分布[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2016,37(12):2136-2139.
[29]罗兆明, 王广军*, 朱丽娜. 炉子内壁不规则几何形状的模糊反演[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2013,34(10):1906-1909.
[30]蒋文萍, 王广军*, 严飞, 陈红. 膜式水冷壁传热边界条件反演[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(5): 93-98.
[31]张丽慧, 王广军*, 陈红, 罗兆明. 基于最优未来时间步求解非稳态导热反问题[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(2): 99-103.

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