本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04
2000.09-2004.07 重庆大学应用物理学士
2004.09-2009.07 重庆大学凝聚态物理博士
2009.09-2010.10 重庆大学物理系讲师
2010.10- 至今 重庆大学物理系副教授
2010.05 遴选为硕士生导师
2010.10 副教授
2013.05 遴选为博士生导师
2016.01-2016.02 上海交通大学材料学院访问
2016.07-2016.09 南方科技大学物理系访问
2018.09-2019.03 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学访问
从事凝聚态物理和材料科学交叉领域的研究工作,主要涉及位错、层错、孪晶界等微观缺陷及其与高性能材料性质相关的研究,关注电子层次的理解,强调理论模拟与实验相结合的思路。已发表SCI检索论文50余篇,在美国Nova出版社参编专著一章。Acta Mater.,JACS,Philos. Mag., J. Alloys Compd., Chin. Phys. B等SCI检索期刊审稿人,国家自然科学基金评审专家、教育部学位中心论文评审专家、全国大学生物理学术竞赛裁判、重庆大学大学生物理学术竞赛团队负责人。获重庆大学黄尚廉院士青年创新奖、重庆大学优秀青年教师、重庆物理学会先进工作者。已培养毕业博士5名、硕士10名,培养毕业的学生获研究生国家奖学金、重庆大学研究生学术奖、重庆市优秀硕士学位论文等。
(28) New family of two-dimensional ternary photoelectric materials,Wangping Xu, Rui Wang, Baobing Zheng, Xiaozhi Wu, Hu Xu,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 14457.
(27) Effects of Stone–Wales defect on the electronic and optical properties of armchair MoS2 nanoribbon,Weiwei Xu, Wangping Xu, Fangyang Zhan, Laref Amel, Rui Wang, Xiaozhi Wu, J. Electron. Mater. (2019)
(26)Dislocation behaviors in nanotwinned diamond, Jianwei Xiao, Huizhen Yang, Xiaozhi Wu, Fatima Younus, Peng Li, Bin Wen, Xiangyi Zhang, Yanbin Wang, Yongjun Tian, Sci. Adv. 4 (2018) eaat8195.
(25)Structural and electronic properties of 90 degrees dislocations in silicon nanorods: A first-principles calculation, Jianwei Wang, Weiwei Xu, Rui Wang, Laref Amel, Xiaozhi Wu*, Comp. Mater. Sci. 149 (2018) 243.
(24)Effects of Multiple Stacking Faults on the Electronic and Optical Properties of Armchair MoS2 Nanoribbons: First- Principles Calculations, Weiwei Xu, Jianwei Wang, Laref Amel, Rui Wang, Xiaozhi Wu*, J. Electron. Mater. 47 (2018) 7114.
(23)Electronic Properties of Armchair MoS2 Nanoribbons with Stacking Faults: First-Principles Calculations, Weiwei Xu, Jianwei Wang, Laref Amel, Juan Yang, Xiaozhi Wu*, Rui Wang, J. Electron. Mater. 47 (2018) 5498.
(22)Interface Effects on Screw Dislocations in Heterostructures, Jianwei Wang, Ting Sun, Weiwei Xu, Xiaozhi Wu*, Rui Wang, Crystals 8 (2018) 28.
(21)Segregation and mechanical properties of Si, Fe and Ti on the Al/Al2.5X0.5Zr (X = Cu, Zn, Ag) coherent interfaces, Ting Sun, Xiaozhi Wu, Zhihong Jia, Rui Wang, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Comp. Mater. Sci. 141 (2018) 325.
(20)The phase stability, ductility and hardness of MoN and NbN, Linghu Yaoyao, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, J. Electron. Mater.(2017).
(19)First-principles study on the adhesive energy of Al/TiC interfaces: Revisited, Ting Sun, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu,Comput. Mater. Sci. 126 (2017) 108.
(18)The structural stability, mechanical properties and stacking fault energy of Al3Zr precipitates in Al-Cu-Zr alloys: HRTEM observations and first-principles calculations, Hai Hu, Mingqi Zhao, Xiaozhi Wu, Zhihong Jia, Rui Wang, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, J. Alloys Compd. 681 (2016) 96.
(17)Sructural stability, mechanical properties and stacking fault energies of TiAl3 alloyed with Zn, Cu, Ag, Hai Hu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Zhihong Jia, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, J. Alloys Compd. 666 (2016) 185.
(16)Phase stability, mechanical properties and electronic structure of TiAl alloying with W, Mo, Sc and Yb, Hai Hu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, J. Alloys Compd. 658 (2016) 689.
(15)The adhesive properties of coherent and semicoherent NiAl/V interfaces within Peierls-Nabarro model, Linghu Yaoyao, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Crystals 6 (2016) 32.
(14)The transformation pathways for virtual long period stacking-ordered Mg, Fuhui Li, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Comput. Mater. Sci. 114 (2016) 1.
(13)Elastic properties of magnesium with virtual long-period stacking-ordered structure, Weiwei Xu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Comput. Mater. Sci. 110 (2016) 191.
(12)First principles study on the temperature dependent elastic constants, anisotropy, generalized stacking fault energy and dislocation core of NiAl and FeAl, Lili Liu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Comput. Mater. Sci. 103 (2015) 116.
(11)Stacking fault energy, yield stress anomaly, and twinnability of Ni3Al, Lili Liu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Chin. Phys. B 24 (2015) 077102.
(10)The mechanical and electronic properties of Al/TiC interfaces, Ting Sun, Xiaozhi Wu, Weiguo Li, Rui Wang, Phys. Scr. 90 (2015) 035701.
(9)First principles study on the phase stability and mechanical properties of MoSi2, Hai Hu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang,Weiguo Li, Qing Liu, Intermetallics 67 (2015) 26.
(8)Effect of Ni vacancy, Ni antisite, Cr and Pt on the third-order elastic constants and mechanical properties, Shaohua Wu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Qing Liu, Intermetallics 55 (2014) 108.
(7)The generalized planar fault energy, ductility and twinnability of Al and Al-RE (RE=Sc, Y, Dy, Tb, Nd), Xiaozhi Wu, Lili Liu, Rui Wang,Qing Liu, Chin. Phys. B 23 (2014) 066104.
(6)Energy investigations on the adhesive properties of Al/TiC interfaces, Xiaozhi Wu, Ting Sun, Rui Wang, Lili Liu,Qing Liu, Phys. B 449 (2014) 269.
(5)Temperature effects on the generalized planar fault energies and twinnablities, Lili Liu, Rui Wang, Xiaozhi Wu, Qunyi Wei, Comput. Mater. Sci. 88 (2014) 124.
(4)The elastic propertis and anisotropy of superconducing MgCNi3 and CdCNi3 under different pressure, Huifang Feng, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Qunyi Wei, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 27 (2014) 1187.
(3)The elastic propertis, generalized stacking fualt energy and dissociated dislocations in MgB2 under different pressure, Huifang Feng, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Qunyi Wei, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 26 (2013) 3401.
(2)High-pressure effect on elastic constants, stacking fault energy and correlation with dislocation properties in MgO and Cao, Lili Liu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Huifang Feng, Shaohua Wu, Eur. Phys. J. B 85 (2012) 226.
(1)On the generalized stacking energy, core structure and Peierls stress of 1/2<110>{110} dislocations in alkali halides, Lili Liu, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang, Huifang Feng, Shaohua Wu, Eur. Phys. J. B 85 (2012) 58.
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