

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-07





2007.09 - 2011.07:清华大学,水利水电工程系,学士
2011.10 - 2013.03:日本北海道大学,土木工程系,硕士
2013.04 - 2015.09:日本北海道大学,土木工程系,博士
2012.08 - 2012.10:美国普林斯顿大学,访问****
2014.04 - 2016.03:日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员
2015.10 - 2018.03:日本东京大学,博士后研究员
2018.04 - 2018.09:日本横滨国立大学,助理教授
2018.09 - 至今:浙江大学建筑工程学院,****研究员,博士生导师。

(SCI Journals) (First: 15, Corresponding: 4)
[1] F. Gong, Y. Takahashi, I. Segawa and K. Maekawa. Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Smeared Cracking by Alkali-silica Reaction and Freeze-thaw Cycles, Cement and Concrete Composites 111 (2020) 103623 (SCI)
[2] Y. Wang, T. Ueda, F. Gong, D. Zhang, Z. Wang, Experimental Examination of Electrical Characteristics for Portland Cement Mortar Frost Damage Evaluation, Materials, 13 (2020) 1258 (SCI)
[3] Z. Wang, H. Hayashida, D. Zhang, F. Gong* and T. Ueda. Structural Behaviors Evaluation of RC Beam under Frost Damage – A Methodology with Meso-macro Material/Bond Simulation and Integrating into Structural Analysis, Engineering Structures, 206 (2020) 110162 (SCI)
[4] K. Maekawa, Y. Okano, F. Gong. Space-Averaged Non-Local Analysis of Electric Potential for Polarization Reactions of Reinforcing Bars in Electrolytes, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 17 (2019) 616-627 (SCI)
[5] Y. Wang, C. Zhou, X. Li, Z. Lu and F. Gong. Experimental study on steel plates with and without notches strengthened by CFRP sheets, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2019, 1-18 (SCI)
[6] Z. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Gong*, S. Mehrpay and T. Ueda. Mesoscale Simulation of Bond Behaviors between Concrete and Reinforcement under the Effect of Frost Damage with Axisymmetric Rigid Body Spring Model, Construction and Building Materials 2019, 215, 886-897 (SCI)
[7] Z. Wang, F. Gong*, D. Zhang, Y. Wang and T. Ueda. RBSM Based Analysis on Mechanical Degradation of Concrete under Frost Action – A General Prediction with Various Cement Grades and Lowest Temperatures, Construction and Building Materials 2019,211, 744-755 (SCI)
[8] M. Ren, F. Gong* and K. Maekawa. Numerical Investigation of RC Beam Bending with Non-Uniform Frost Damage in Compression and Tension Sides, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 2019:1-17 (SCI)
[9] F. Gong and K. Maekawa. Proposal of poro-mechanical coupling among ASR, corrosion and frost action for damage assessment of structural concrete with water, Engineering Structures 2019, 188, 418-429 (SCI)
[10] Y. Wang, T. Ueda, F. Gong and D. Zhang. Meso-scale mechanical deterioration of mortar due to sodium chloride attack, Cement and Concrete Composites 2019, 96, 163-173. (SCI)
[11] F. Gong and S. Jacobsen. Modeling of Water Transport in Highly Saturated Concrete with Wet Surface During Freeze/thaw, Cement and Concrete Research, 2019, 115, 294-307. (SCI)
[12] F. Gong, M. Ren and K. Maekawa. Simulation of Spatially Non-Uniform Frost Damage in RC Beams Under Various Exposure and Confining Conditions, Engineering Structures 2018, 176, 859-870. (SCI)
[13] F. Gong, Y. Takahashi and K. Maekawa. Multi-scale Computational Modeling for Concrete Damage by Mixed Pore Pressures – Case of Coupled Alkali Silica Reaction and Cyclic Freeze/thaw, Engineering Computations 2018, 35 (6), 2367-2385. (SCI)
[14] F. Gong, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. 2D RBSM Based Micro-Mesoscale Study of Mechanical Strengthening /Damaging Effect to Concrete by Frost Action, fib Structural Concrete, 2018, 19 (4), 1131-1145. (SCI)
[15] F. Gong and K. Maekawa. Multi-scale Simulation of Freeze-thaw Damage to RC Column and its Restoring Force Characteristics, Engineering Structures, 2018, 156, 522-536 (SCI)
[16] Z. Wang, F. Gong, D. Zhang, H. Hayashida and T. Ueda. Mesoscale RBSM Simulation of Non-Uniform Frost Damage for Concrete Considering Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer with Verification by CT Imaging, Construction and Building Materials 2017, 157, 203-213 (SCI)
[17] F. Gong, Y. Takahashi and K. Maekawa. Strong Coupling of Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Alkali Silica Reaction - Multi-scale Poro-mechanical Approach to Concrete Damages -,Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 2017, 15(7), 346-367 (SCI)
[18] F. Gong, T. Ueda, Y. Wang, D. Zhang and Z. Wang. Mesoscale Simulation of Fatigue Behavior of ConcreteMaterialsDamaged by Freeze-thaw Cycles, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 144, 702-716 (SCI)
[19] Y. Wang, F. Gong, D. Zhang and T. Ueda. Estimation of ice formation in mortar saturated with sodium chloride solutions, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 144, 238-251 (SCI)
[20] F. Gong, Y. Wang, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. Modeling and mesoscale simulation of ice-strengthened mechanical properties of concrete at low temperatures, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2017, **-1-16 (SCI)
[21] Y. Wang, F. Gong, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. Estimation of ice content in mortar based on electrical measurements, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2016, 35-46 (SCI)
[22] F. Gong, D. Zhang, T. Ueda and E. Sicat. Closure to Discussion of "Empirical estimation of pore size distribution in cement, mortar and concrete",Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 27, Issue 11, 2015, **-1-2 (SCI)
[23] F. Gong, Y. Wang, D. Zhang and T. Ueda. Mesoscale simulation of deformation for mortar and concrete under cyclic freezing and thawing stress,Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology,Vol. 13, No. 6, 2015, 291-304 (SCI)
[24] F. Gong, E. Sicat, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. Stress analysis for concrete materials under multiple freeze-thaw cycles,Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology,Vol. 13, No. 3, 2015, 124-134 (SCI)
[25] F. Gong, D. Zhang, E. Sicat and T. Ueda. Empirical estimation of pore size distribution in cement, mortar and concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 26, Issue 7, 2014, **-1-11 (SCI)
[26] E. Sicat, F. Gong, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. Experimental investigation of the deformational behavior of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of mortar during freezing and thawing cycles. Constr. Build. Mater., Vol. 65, 2014, 122-131 (SCI)
[27] E. Sicat, F. Gong, D. Zhang, T. Ueda. Change of coefficient of thermal expansion of mortar due to damage by freeze thaw cycles, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2013, 333-346 (SCI)
[28] F. Gong, E. Sicat, T. Ueda and D. Zhang. Meso-scale mechanical model for mortar deformation under freeze thaw cycles, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2013, 49-60 (SCI)

Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (SCI) 副主编

国际结构混凝土协会奖 (fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers), EPFL, Switzerland, 2017
日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),JSPS特别研究员, 2014-2016
日本混凝土工学会(Japan Concrete Institute, JCI)学会奖(论文类)2014
JCI Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (SCI) 年度三篇最佳论文之一, 2013


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