

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-15

民族:汉    性别:男    职称:副教授
E-mail: wuxf@cumtb.edu.cn

(1) 2009.7月~,中国矿业大学(北京)理学院,教师
(2) 2009. 3-5, Wayne State University, USA学术访问
(3) 2004.9月~2009.7月,北京师范大学数学科学学院,博士,专业方向:基础数学,调和分析
(4) 2000.9月~2004.7月,北京师范大学数学科学学院,学士,专业:数学与应用数学
1、 国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目编号:**),2012.1-2014.12,主持人
2、 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(项目编号:2009QS12),2009-,主持人
1. (With J. Hart and R.H. Torres) Smoothing properties of bilinear operators andLeibniz-type rules in Lebesgue and mixed Lebesgue spaces, to appear in Transactionsofthe American Mathematical Society,DOI: https: //doi.org/ 10.1090/ tran/7312.2. (With L. Chaffee, and R.H. Torres) Multilinear weighted norm inequalities underintegral typeregularity conditions, Harmonic Analysis, Partial DifferentialEquations and Applications, 193-216,Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York,2017.
3. (With M. Leeand C. Lin) Characterization of Campanato Spaces Associated with
ParabolicSections, Asian Journal of Mathematics 20 (2016), 183-198.
4. (With Y. Chenand H. Liu) Vector-valued inequalitiesfor the commutators of fractional integrals with rough kernels, StudiaMathematica 222 (2014), 97-122.
5. Weighted Carleson measure spaces associatedwith different homogeneities,
Canadian Journalof Mathematics 66 (2014), 1382-1412.
6. An atomicdecomposition characterization of flag Hardy spaces H^p_F(R^n\times R^m) with applications, Journalof Geometric Analysis 24 (2) (2014),613-626.
7. Weighted norm inequalities for flag singularintegrals on homogeneous groups,
Taiwanese Journalof Mathematics 18 (2) (2014), 357-369.
8. (With Z. Liuand L. Zhang) Weighted Hardy spaces on space of homogeneous type withapplications, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 18 (2) (2014), 559-574.
9. Boundedness of composition of operatorsassociated with different homogeneities on weighted Besov and Triebel-Lizorkinspaces, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 124 (1) (2014), 81-92.
10. Relationship between Hardy spacesassociated with different homogeneities and one-parameter Hardy spaces, Journalof Function Spaces and Applications 2013 (2013), Art. ID 365463, 6 pp.
11. (With X.-H. Wu) Weak Hardy spaces$H^{1,\infty}$ on spaces of homogeneous type and their applications, TaiwaneseJournal of Mathematics 16 (2012), 2239-2258.
12. (With Z. Liu) Characterizations ofmultiparameter Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces associated with flag singularintegrals, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications (2012), Art. ID 275791,18 pp.
13. Atomic decomposition characterizationsof weighted multiparameter Hardy spaces, Frontiers of Mathematics inChina7 (2012),1195-1212.
14. (With Y. Ding, Y. Han, G. Lu)Boundedness of Singular integrals on Multiparameter Weighted Hardy spaces, PotentialAnalysis 37 (2012), 31-56.
15. (With M. Qu) BMO spaces associated with generalized
parabolic sections, Analysis in Theory and Applications 27(2011), 1-9.
16. (With Y. Ding) Fractional integrals onproduct manifolds.
Potential Analysis,30(2009),371—383.
17. (With Y. Ding), Littlewood-Paley g-functions withrough kernels on homogeneous groups. Studia Mathematica,195(1)(2009),51—86.
18. (With Y. Ding), Weak Hardy space and endpointestimates for singular integrals on space of homogeneous type. Turkish Journal ofMathematics,34(2010),235—247.
19. (With Y. Ding),boundedness for Riesz transform related to Schr?dinger operator on nilpotent groups. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 14(2010),1647—1664.
20. Hardy spacesassociated to generalized parabolic sections, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal18 (2008), 33-51.

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