1. 山东大学 微生物技术国家重点实验室,山东 青岛 266237;
2. 中国科学院微生物研究所 微生物资源国家重点实验室,北京 100101;
3. 南京大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210023;
4. School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz 4132, Switzerland;
5. Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 31861133002),欧盟H2020 (No. 826244) 资助
Environmental scientists & microbiologists from China & EU: take the responsibility to cherish the Earth homeland
Shuang-Jiang Liu1,2

1. State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, Shandong, China;
2. Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
3. School of Environmental Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China;
4. School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz 4132, Switzerland;
5. Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Received: September 21, 2021
Supported by: National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 31861133002), European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Under Grant Agreement (No. 826244)
Corresponding author: Shuang-Jiang Liu. Tel: +86-10-64807421; Fax: +86-10-64807423; E-mail: liusj@sdu.edu.cn.
Abstract: Humanity shares the common interest to protect the environment and to maintain a healthy global ecosystem. International collaboration is key in this context, to advance the necessary science and technology. The National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and European Commission (EC) have agreed to collaborate in innovative knowledge and technology in the field of bioremediation of polluted environments and biodegradation of plastics. In this context, projects on bioremediation of soils, wastewater and sediment matrices and on microbial degradation of plastics were supported. This special issue aimed to introduce these projects and their progresses in the related fields. In total, 23 papers have been collected in this issue, covering both fundamental and applied researches.
Keywords: bioremediationenvironmental protectionChinaEuropean Unioninternational collaboration
2019年突如其来的一场新冠瘟疫,打乱了整个地球的节奏。不同于以往的瘟疫,这个新冠病毒祸害人类一年多之久,依然恋恋不舍,似乎要折磨人类更长时间。为了最终战胜这个瘟疫,全人类比历史上任何时候更需要合作,但社会文化背景的差异、政客的偏见,却使得近年来在多个领域(特别是抗疫) 的国际合作,显得异常困难。幸好,中国和欧盟国家在环境生物技术领域的合作,在国家自然科学基金委员会和欧盟的支持下,得以继续开展。出版这个专刊的初心,是希望展示中欧科学家在环境生物修复技术领域的研究成果和科技合作成果。
地球是独一无二的、是全人类的家园,这个家园需要我们共同呵护。退化的生态系统需要恢复,污染的水体需要治理,人类活动造成的受损耕地和污染场地需要修复。低能耗、低成本、零化学物质添加、更加接近自然过程的生物修复技术,是消除污染和恢复生态系统功能的人类社会共性需求。专刊围绕这一主题,汇集了23篇文章[1-23],从资源发现到污染物降解转化过程等基础研究到工艺开发和实际污染场景测试等应用研究,从研究报告到回顾综述,在不同层面上探讨如何满足环境生物修复对技术创新和技术应用的需求。塑料污染是近年来高度关注的环境问题,消除塑料环境污染,一个途径是强化废弃塑料在环境中的分解过程,使得塑料中的物质元素重新进入自然界循环;另一个更有前途的途径可能是废弃塑料的循环利用。专刊收录了在塑料单体降解微生物方面的研究成果,并综合介绍了中欧合作项目在塑料降解转化微生物菌群、以及塑料综合利用的碳中和路径的设想和努力。作为体现中欧合作和环境生物修复两个方面内容的专刊,我们邀请了中欧合作项目3位负责人介绍各自项目,希望以此促进更多的中欧科学家合作。读者还可以通过各个项目的网站(例如https://www.electra.site/) 或者相关文献[24],了解更多的合作内容和进展,发现合作伙伴。同时,作为一本以国内读者群体为主的专业期刊,为了充分体现我国环境生物修复领域科技工作者的研究成果,本专刊论文并未全部限定在中欧合作项目内容之内,有些论文的研究方向,可能就是未来的合作热点。
[1] | 刘双江, Philippe F.-X. Corvini, Korneel Rabaey. 面向有机污染物消除的"微生物、植物、电"多效耦合作用机制及低能耗型修复技术. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3405-3410. Liu SJ, Corvini PFX, Rabaey K. ELECTRA: electricity-driven low energy and chemical input technology for accelerated bioremediation. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3405-3410 (in Chinese). |
[2] | 祁庆生. 解塑再用-中欧合作项目"合成塑料降解转化微生物菌群" 介绍. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3411-3413. Qi QS. Plastics biodegradation and recycling-the introduction of China - Europe cooperation project "Synthetic microorganism communities for plastic degradation and transformation". Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3411-3413 (in Chinese). |
[3] | 周杰, 苏海佳, 吴琼, 等. 中欧组织间合作研究项目MIX-UP助力实现"碳中和". 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3414-3424. Zhou J, Su HJ, Wu Q, et al. MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities: the NSFC-EU 2019 project MIX-UP to help achieve "carbon neutrality". Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3414-3424 (in Chinese). |
[4] | 杨兴盛, 王尚, 何晴, 等. 典型有机固废厌氧消化微生物研究现状与发展方向. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3425-3438. Yang XS, Wang S, He Q, et al. Microorganisms in the typical anaerobic digestion system of organic solid wastes: a review. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3425-3438 (in Chinese). |
[5] | 韩群, 秦亚玲, 李德峰. 细菌Rieske非血红素铁环羟化酶在多环芳烃降解中的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3439-3458. Han Q, Qin YL, Li DF. Advances in bacterial Rieske non-heme iron ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases that initiate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3439-3458 (in Chinese). |
[6] | 许航, 朱思橙, 张文辉, 等. 好氧活性污泥体系中磺胺类抗生素生物降解的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3459-3474. Xu H, Zhu SC, Zhang WH, et al. Advances in biodegradation of sulfonamides antibiotics in aerobic activated sludge system. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3459-3474 (in Chinese). |
[7] | 柯壮, Obamwonyi O, Kolvenbach B, 等. 3D生物打印技术在微生物修复中的应用. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3475-3486. Ke Z, Obamwonyi O, Kolvenbach B, et al. Insights into the applications of 3D bioprinting for bioremediation technologies. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3475-3486 (in Chinese). |
[8] | 何玉洁, 周凯萍, 饶怡璇, 等. 土壤中抗生素的环境风险及污染土壤的生物修复技术. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3487-3504. He YJ, Zhou KP, Rao YX, et al. Environmental risks of antibiotics in soil and the related bioremediation technologies. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3487-3504 (in Chinese). |
[9] | 牛晓倩, 周胜虎, 邓禹. 脱氮微生物及脱氮工艺研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3505-3519. Niu XQ, Zhou SH, Deng Y. Advances in denitrification microorganisms and processes. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3505-3519 (in Chinese). |
[10] | 张彤, 刘盼, 王倩, 等. 降解石油基塑料的微生物及微生物菌群. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3520-3534. Zhang T, Liu P, Wang Q, et al. Degradation of petroleum-based plastics by microbes and microbial consortia. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3520-3534 (in Chinese). |
[11] | 郑美林, 赵颖豪, 苗莉莉, 等. 多环芳烃污染土壤生物修复研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3535-3548. Zheng ML, Zhao YH, Miao LL, et al. Advances in bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated soil. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3535-3548 (in Chinese). |
[12] | 王晴, 杨宗帅, 尹立普, 等. 有机污染土壤和地下水生物修复研究热点和趋势——基于Web of Science数据库的文献计量学分析. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3549-3564. Wang Q, Yang ZS, Yin LP, et al. Bibliometric analysis on bioremediation of organic contaminated soil and groundwater based on Web of Science database. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3549-3564 (in Chinese). |
[13] | 崔逸儒, 杨毅, 严俊, 等. 脱卤单胞菌属在厌氧降解有机氯化物及污染场地修复应用中的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3565-3577. Cui YR, Yang Y, Yan J, et al. Advances of using Dehalogenimonas in anaerobic degradation of chlorinated compounds and bioremediation of contaminated sites. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3565-3577 (in Chinese). |
[14] | 张耀之, 金慧娟, 李秀颖, 等. 1, 2, 3-三氯丙烷降解机制与污染场地修复技术研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3578-3590. Zhang YZ, Jin HJ, Li XY, et al. Advances in degradation mechanisms of 1, 2, 3-trichloropropane and remediation technology of contaminated sites. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3578-3590 (in Chinese). |
[15] | 闫潇, 王建雷, 张明江, 等. 微生物修复返溶铬污染场地的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3591-3603. Yan X, Wang JL, Zhang MJ, et al. Advances in microbial remediation of the re-dissolved chromium contaminated sites. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3591-3603 (in Chinese). |
[16] | 王立, 汪根, 马放, 等. 超积累植物与丛枝菌根真菌共生及其联合吸收积累重金属的效应. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3604-3621. Wang L, Wang G, Ma F, et al. Symbiosis between hyperaccumulators and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their synergistic effect on the absorption and accumulation of heavy metals: a review. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3604-3621 (in Chinese). |
[17] | 郑瑾, 付雅丽, 宋权威, 等. 微生物强化修复石油污染土壤的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3622-3635. Zheng J, Fu YL, Song QW, et al. Advances in the bioaugmentation-assisted remediation of petroleum contaminated soil. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3622-3635 (in Chinese). |
[18] | 钟磊, 卿晋武, 陈红云, 等. 微生物修复石油烃土壤污染技术研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3636-3652. Zhong L, Qing JW, Chen HY, et al. Advances in bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3636-3652 (in Chinese). |
[19] | 史可, 郭晨蕾, 马晓丹, 等. 一株氯霉素降解细菌的分离鉴定与代谢特性研究. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3653-3662. Shi K, Guo CL, Ma XD, et al. Isolation, identification and characterization of a chloramphenicol-degrading bacterium. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3653-3662 (in Chinese). |
[20] | 柳晓东, 朱海珍, 姜民志, 等. 北京龙形水系三种沉水植物根际及叶际微生物群落特征. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3663-3674. Liu XD, Zhu HZ, Jiang MZ, et al. Characteristics of the rhizosphere and phyllosphere microbial community of three submerged plants in the dragon-shaped water system of Beijing. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3663-3674 (in Chinese). |
[21] | 何洁, 徐安明, 刘嘉唯, 等. 一株聚氨酯降解菌的分离及其降解特性解析. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3675-3684. He J, Xu AM, Liu JW, et al. Isolation and characterization of a polyurethane-degrading bacterium. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3675-3684 (in Chinese). |
[22] | 徐珊姗, 周金登, 双陈冬, 等. Fe3O4对施氏假单胞菌反硝化过程的影响. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3685-3695. Xu SS, Zhou JD, Shuang CD, et al. Effects of Fe3O4 on the denitrification performance of Pseudomonas stutzeri. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3685-3695 (in Chinese). |
[23] | 刘聪洋, 王美妮, 张佳梦, 等. 一株多环芳烃降解菌及其在多种强化体系中降解菲的潜力. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37(10): 3696-3707. Liu CY, Wang MN, Zhang JM, et al. A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degrading strain and its potential of degrading phenanthrene in various enhanced systems. Chin J Biotech, 2021, 37(10): 3696-3707 (in Chinese). |
[24] | Ballerstedt H, Tiso T, Wierckx N, et al. MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities: EU Horizon 2020 project MIX-UP started January 2020. Environ Sci Eur, 2021, 33(1): 99. DOI:10.1186/s12302-021-00536-5 |