

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-03

2003年6月在西安交通大学获博士学位,2003年10月—2005年8月在清华大学做博士后,2005年8月进入北京科技大学工作。2011年4月—2012年4月在德国达姆施塔特工业大学(Technische Universit?t Darmstadt)访问研究,2016年7月—9月在美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(University of Texas at Dallas)访问研究。主持国家863计划、国家自然科学基金等4项国家级课题和7项省部级课题;发表论文130多篇,SCI他引1600多次,H指数21;获授权专利22项。
多种学术期刊审稿人,包括Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Materials Science, Composites Part B, Diamond and Related Materials等
L.H. Wang, J.W. Li, Z.F. Che, X.T. Wang, H.L. Zhang*, J.G. Wang*, M.J. Kim*: Combining Cr pre-coating and Cr alloying to improve the thermal conductivity of diamond particles reinforced Cu matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 749: 1098-1105 (2018)
G.Z. Bai, N. Li, X.T. Wang, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim, H.L. Zhang*: High thermal conductivity of Cu-B/diamond composites prepared by gas pressure infiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735: 1648-1653 (2018)
Z.F. Che, J.W. Li, Q.X. Wang, L.H. Wang, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X.T. Wang, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim: The formation of atomic-level interfacial layer and its effect on thermal conductivity of W-coated diamond particles reinforced Al matrix composites, Composites Part A, 107: 164-170 (2018)
Z.F. Che, Q.X. Wang, L.H. Wang, J.W. Li, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X.T. Wang, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim: Interfacial structure evolution of Ti-coated diamond particle reinforced Al matrix composite produced by gas pressure infiltration, Composites Part B, 113: 285-290 (2017)
Z.F. Che, J.W. Li, L.H. Wang, Y.X. Qi, Y. Zhang, H.L. Zhang, X.T. Wang, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim: Effect of diamond surface chemistry and structure on the interfacial microstructure and properties of Al/diamond composites, RSC Advances, 6: 67252-67259 (2016)
C.X. Li, X.T. Wang, L.H. Wang, J.W. Li, H.X. Li, H.L. Zhang*: Interfacial characteristic and thermal conductivity of Al/diamond composites produced by gas pressure infiltration in a nitrogen atmosphere, Materials & Design, 92: 643-648 (2016)
J.W. Li, H.L. Zhang, L.H. Wang, Z.F. Che, Y. Zhang, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim, X.T. Wang: Optimized thermal properties in diamond particles reinforced copper-titanium matrix composites produced by gas pressure infiltration, Composites Part A, 91: 189-194 (2016)
Z.F. Che, Y. Zhang, J.W. Li, H.L. Zhang, X.T. Wang, C. Sun, J.G. Wang, M.J. Kim: Nucleation and growth mechanisms of interfacial Al4C3 in Al/diamond composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 657: 81-89 (2016)
J.W. Li, X.T. Wang, Y. Qiao, Y. Zhang, Z.B. He, H.L. Zhang*: High thermal conductivity through layer optimization in diamond particles dispersed Zr-alloyed Cu matrix composites, Scripta Materialia, 109: 72-75 (2015)
J.W. Li, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z.F. Che, X.T. Wang: Microstructure and thermal conductivity of Cu/diamond composites with Ti-coated diamond particles produced by gas pressure infiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647: 941-946 (2015)
B. Lin, X.T. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhu, H.L. Zhang*: Interface characterization of a Cu-Ti-coated diamond system, Surface and Coatings Technology, 278: 163-170 (2015)
H.L. Zhang, J.H. Wu, Y. Zhang, J.W. Li, X.T. Wang, Y.H. Sun: Mechanical properties of diamond/Al composites with Ti-coated diamond particles produced by gas-assisted pressure infiltration, Materials Science and Engineering A, 626: 362-368 (2015)
J.S. He, X.T. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y.M. Zhao, H.L. Zhang*: Thermal conductivity of Cu-Zr/diamond composites produced by high temperature-high pressure method, Composites Part B, 68: 22-26 (2015)
J.S. He, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y.M. Zhao, X.T. Wang: Effect of boron addition on interface microstructure and thermal conductivity of Cu/diamond composites produced by high temperature-high pressure method, Physical Status Solidi A, 21: 587-594 (2014)
L.L. Chen, X.T. Wang, W.J. Gong, H.L. Zhang*: Effect of yttrium addition on microstructure and orientation of hydride precipitation in Zr-1Nb alloy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39: 21116-21126 (2014)
J.H. Wu, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J.W. Li, X.T. Wang: The role of Ti coating in enhancing tensile strength of Al/diamond composites, Materials Science and Engineering A, 565: 33-37 (2013)
W.J. Gong, H.L. Zhang, C.F. Wu, H. Tian, X.T. Wang: The role of alloying elements in the initiation of nanoscale porosity in oxide films formed on zirconium alloys, Corrosion Science, 77: 391-396 (2013)
W.J. Gong, H.L. Zhang, Y. Qiao, H. Tian, X.D. Ni, Z.K. Li, X.T. Wang: Grain morphology and crystal structure of pre-transition oxides formed on Zircaloy-4, Corrosion Science, 74: 323-331 (2013)
J.H. Wu, H.L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J.W. Li, X.T. Wang: Effect of copper content on the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion of Al-Cu/diamond composites, Materials & Design, 39: 87-92 (2012)
Y. Zhang, H.L. Zhang, J.H. Wu, X.T. Wang: Enhanced thermal conductivity in copper matrix composites reinforced with titanium-coated diamond particles, Scripta Materialia, 65: 1097-1100 (2011)
H.B. Qin, H.L. Zhang*, B.P. Zhang, L.H. Xu: Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite BiFeO3–BaTiO3 crystallites, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94: 3671-3674 (2011)
H.L. Zhang*, S. Yang, S. Yang, D.C. Kong, B.P. Zhang, Y.J. Zhang: Reliability enhancement in nickel-particle-dispersed alkaline niobate piezoelectric composites and actuators, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31: 795-800 (2011)
S.W. Zhang, H.L. Zhang*, B.P. Zhang, S. Yang: Phase-transition behavior and piezoelectric properties of lead-free (Ba0.95Ca0.05)(Ti1-xZrx)O3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 506: 131-135 (2010)
S.W. Zhang, H.L. Zhang*, B.P. Zhang, G.L. Zhao: Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (Ba0.95Ca0.05)(Ti0.88Zr0.12)O3 ceramics sintered in a protective atmosphere, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29: 3235-3242 (2009)
H.L. Zhang, J.F. Li, B.P. Zhang, W. Jiang: Enhanced mechanical properties in Ag-particle-dispersed PZT piezoelectric composites for actuator applications, Materials Science and Engineering A, 498: 272-277 (2008)
H.L. Zhang, J.F. Li, B.P. Zhang: Microstructure and electrical properties of porous PZT ceramics derived from different pore-forming agents, Acta Materialia, 55: 171-181 (2007)
H.L. Zhang, J.F. Li, B.P. Zhang, K.F. Yao, W.S. Liu, H. Wang: Electrical and thermal properties of carbon nanotube bulk materials: Experimental studies for the 328K-958K temperature range, Physical Review B, 75: 205407 (2007)
H.L. Zhang, J.F. Li, B.P. Zhang: Sintering and piezoelectric properties of co-fired PZT/Ag composites, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89: 1300-1307 (2006)
H.L. Zhang, J.F. Li, K.F. Yao, L.D. Chen: Spark plasma sintering and thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube bulk materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 97: 114310 (2005)
H.L. Zhang, P.Z. Huang, J. Sun, H. Gao: Morphological healing evolution of penny-shaped fatigue microcracks in pure iron at elevated temperatures, Applied Physics Letters, 85: 1143-1145 (2004)
H.L. Zhang, J. Sun, H. Gao: Morphological healing evolution of intragranular penny-shaped microcracks by surface diffusion: Part II. Experiments, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34: 287-294 (2003)

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