

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-02

姓  名: 张朝磊
所在系所: 材加系
职  务: 校团委副书记、材料学院青年教师团工委书记
职  称: 副教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路30号北京科技大学材料学院
邮  编: 100083
办公地点: 主楼232
电  话:
邮  箱: zhangchaolei@ustb.edu.cn
传  真:

2016.01~2016.07,美国科罗拉多矿业大学(Colorado School of Mines)访问

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3. 负责教研课题

[1] C.L. Zhang, W. Fang, B.R. Cai, et al. Austenite grain growth and its effect on splitting fracture property of a V-N microalloyed medium carbon steel connecting rod [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2019, 26(8): 875-881.
[2] 张朝磊,魏旸,方文,等.谐波减速器特殊钢材质柔轮的组织和力学性能分析[J].材料导报,2018,32(8):2842-2846.
[3] 张朝磊,魏旸,方文,等.非调质钢36MnVS4汽车发动机连杆胀断缺陷分析[J].材料导报,2018,32(14):133-136.
[4] G.N. He, N.B. Zhou, C.L. Zhang*, et al. Effect of niobium on the dry sliding friction and wear properties of 100Cr6 bearing steel [C]. Journal of Tribology, 2018, 140: 1-7.
[5] Y. Wei, W. Fang, C.L. Zhang*, et al. Effect of different microstructures on the performance of air-cooled forging steel 46MnVS5 fracture splitting connecting rod [C]. Materials Science Forum. 2018, 941: 358-363.
[6] 张朝磊,巴鑫宇,樊世亮,等.非调质钢46MnVS5汽车发动机连杆胀断缺陷分析[C].第十一届中国钢铁年会论文集.2017.
[7] 张朝磊, 张在云. 基于工程教育认证标准培养解决复杂工程问题能力[J]. 中国冶金教育, 2017, (4): 14-17.
[8] 张朝磊, 刘雅政. 汽车胀断连杆用非调质钢的应用现状与发展[J]. 材料导报, 2017, 31(5): 58-64.
[9] C.L. Zhang, L.Y. Xie, G.L. Liu, et al. Surface decarburization behavior and its adverse effects of air-cooled forging steel C70S6 for fracture splitting connecting rod [J]. Metals and Materials International, 2016, 22(5): 836-841.
[10] J.R. Li, C.L. Zhang, B. Jiang, et al. Effect of large-size M23C6-type carbides on the low-temperature toughness of martensitic heat-resistant steels [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 685: 248-257.
[11] C. Huang, C.L. Zhang, L. Jiang, et al. Isothermal heat treatment of a bearing steel for improved mechanical properties [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 660: 131-135.
[12] J.R. Li, C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu Y. Influence of carbides on the high-temperature tempered martensite embrittlement of martensitic heat-resistant steels [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 670: 256-263.
[13] 张朝磊, 杨忠, 孙景宏, 等. 合金元素对曲轴用非调质钢奥氏体长大和组织细化的影响[J]. 工程科学学报, 2015, 37(2): 175-179.
[14] 张朝磊, 赵帆, 文新理, 等. 加热温度和Nb对弹簧钢60Si2CrVAT完全脱碳层深度和形貌的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36(9): 167-172.
[15] 张朝磊, 余伟铭, 王嗣雯, 等. 球化退火中Nb对GCr15钢碳化物析出和球化的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2015 (2): 97-101.
[16] 张朝磊, 梅珍, 赵帆, 等. 高品质硬线轧后冷却路径优化[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36(s1): 152-155.
[17] C.L. Zhang, L.Y. Zhou, X. Liu, et al. Reverse Transformation from ferrite/pearlite to austenite and its influence on structure inheritance in spring steel 60Si2MnA. Steel Research International, 2014, 85(10): 1453-1458.
[18] C.L. Zhang, X. Liu, L.Y. Zhou, et al. Influence of pearlite interlamellar spacing on strain hardening behaviour in spring steel 60Si2MnA. 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, 19-24 Oct. 2014, Nagoya, Japan.
[19] 张朝磊, 刘翔, 张丹, 等. GCr15球化珠光体组织在热处理过程中碳化物的遗传性[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2014, 35(s1): 45-48.
[20] 张朝磊, 蒋波, 赵帆, 等. 27SiMn 钢相变规律与强韧化热处理[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2014, 35(s2): 101-111.
[21] C.L. Zhang, L.Y. Zhou, Y.Z. Liu. Surface decarburization characteristics and relation of decarburized types to heating temperature in spring steel 60Si2MnA. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, 20(8): 720-724.
[22] C.L. Zhang, L.Y. Zhou, Y.Z. Liu. Heredity in the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled spring steel wire 60Si2MnA during heat treatment process. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2013, 29(1): 82-88.
[23] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, L.Y. Zhou. Influence of pearlite interlamellar spacing on the deformation behavior and fracture characteristics in spring steel 60Si2MnA. 2013 International Conference on Mechanical and Material Engineering, Nov.23-24, 2013, Shiyan, Hubei, China.
[24] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, L.Y. Zhou, et al. Secondary hardening, austenite grain coarsening and surface decarburization phenomenon in Nb-bearing spring steel. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2012, 19(3): 47-51.
[25] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, L.Y. Zhou, et al. Forming condition and control strategy of ferrite decarburization in 60Si2MnA spring steel wires for automobile suspensions. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2012, 19(2): 116-121.
[26] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, L.Y. Zhou. Transformation conditions - microstructures - mechanical properties relationship in 0.60%C hypoeutectoid steel. Steel Research International, 2011, 82(10): 1207-1212.
[27] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, C. Jiang, et al. Effects of niobium and vanadium on hydrogen-induced delayed fracture in high strength spring steel. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2011, 18(6): 49-53.
[28] C.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, L.Y. Zhou, et al. Effects of TMCP parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-bearing spring steel. The 6th International Conference on High Strength Low Alloy Steels, May 31-Ju.2, 2011, Beijing, China.
[29] 刘雅政,张朝磊,陈列,等. 铁素体+珠光体型非调质钢曲轴锻件的贝氏体控制方法:中国,ZL5.8[P], 2018-03-13.
[30] 张朝磊,刘雅政,刘翔,等. 一种铌微合金化高碳铬轴承钢及其热轧生产方法:中国,ZL5.X[P],2016-07-06.
[31] 刘雅政,张朝磊,周乐育,等. 一种高强韧性27SiMn钢热处理工艺:中国,ZL6.5[P], 2015-08-05.

1. 青海省重点研发与转化计划项目:工业机器人高精度长寿命减速器柔轮用特殊钢研发;青海省科技计划项目:变形镁合金裂解加工应用基础研究;
2. 中共北京市委军民融合发展委员会办公室项目:军民融合产品、军民融合企业标准体系研究;
3. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目:重大装备用轴承钢关键技术开发——任务4:盾构机轴承钢生产技术开发;
4. 西宁特殊钢集团公司项目:高品质渗碳齿轮钢开发及质量控制技术系统研究、高品质非调质胀断连杆钢生产工艺与质量控制技术系统研究、高品质非调质曲轴用钢生产工艺与质量控制技术系统研究、高品质锻材质量控制技术研究、高品质钎具钢质量控制关键技术系统研究;
5. 中心金属公司项目、中国博士后科学基金项目:铌微合金在中高碳特殊钢中的作用机理及应用基础研究
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:混杂超级钢的应用基础研究等3项


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