以虚拟机器人手臂开展之方法对障碍空间施予两段式逐步型之群集化(英文)Two-phase Stepwise Clustering by a Virtual Robot Deploying in an Obstacle Region 陈平和;许维修;冯鼎轩; 1:Department of Electrical Engineering 2:Tungnan University 摘要(Abstract):
A region filled with stationary and non-stationary obstacles always needs a path,based on clustering all the obstacles,for moving of autonomous robots.This paper provides a method,called"two-phase stepwise clustering" to solve this problem.Phase I uses Dendrogram as an approach for the preliminary clustering in the beginning to avoid misleading of the path start.Phase II links piecewise segments from centers of triangles deployed by neural discrimination.In the simulation,two paths constructed from longitudinal deployment and lateral deployment links each other and thus forms a robot path and also an envelope as clustering obstacles.
作者(Author): 陈平和;许维修;冯鼎轩;
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