
清华大学高等研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-姚 宏

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

研究组网页: www.stanford.edu/~hyao(temporary)
教育背景09/2009 Ph.D. 斯坦福大学, 导师: Prof. Steven A. Kivelson
博士论文: Theoretical studies of strongly correlated electronic systems
09/2004 M.A. 约翰霍普金斯大学,导师: Prof. Oleg Tchernyshyov
07/2001 B.S. 南京大学,导师:龚昌德教授
工作履历12/2017 至今 清华大学高等研究院 教授
05/2012 -12/2017清华大学高等研究院 研究员
09/2011 - 08/2012 斯坦福大学 博士后 合作导师:张首晟教授
08/2009 - 08/2011 加州大学伯克利分校及劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 博士后合作导师:李东海教授

奖励与荣誉Stanford Graduate Fellowship (Henry Fan Fellow), Stanford University (2007-2009)。
学术成果已正式发表80篇学术论文,包括21篇Phys. Rev. Lett.、3篇Nature Communications、4篇Nature Physics、1篇Science、1篇Science Advances,其中以通讯作者发表16篇Phys. Rev. Lett.、2篇Nature Communications、1篇Science Advances论文,其中在Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics发表一篇综述论文。共被引用4000余次(Web of Science)/5000余次(Google School),H-index = 32(Web of Science)/36(Google Scholar)。
全部论文:HongYao@arXiv, HongYao@Google Scholar, andHongYao@ResearcherID.
21. Sign-Problem-Free Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo: Developments and Applications
Zi-Xiang Li, Hong Yao
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 10, 337 (2019)
20. Observation of Emergent Spacetime Supersymmetry at Superconducting Quantum Criticality
Zi-Xiang Li, Abolhassan Vaezi*, Christian B. Mendl, and Hong Yao*
Science Advances 4, eaau1463 (2018)
19. Universal properties of many-body localization transitions in quasiperiodic systems
Shi-Xin Zhang and Hong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 206601 (2018)
18. Possible Three-Dimensional Nematic Odd-Parity Superconductivity inSr2RuO4
Wen Huang and Hong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett.121, 157002 (2018)
17. Chiral tricritical point: a new universality class in Dirac systems
Shuai Yin,Shao-Kai Jian*,and Hong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 215702 (2018)
16. Solvable SYK models in higher dimensions: a new type of many-body localization transition
Shao-Kai Jian andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 206602 (2017)
15. Fermion-induced quantum critical points
Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, Shao-Kai Jian,andHong Yao*
Nature Communications 8,314 (2017)
14. Edge quantum criticality and emergent supersymmetry in topological phases
Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119,107202 (2017)
13. Emergence of supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics
Shao-Kai Jian, Chien-Hung Lin, Joseph Maciejko*, andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 166802 (2017)
12. Majorana-time-reversal symmetries: a fundamental principle for sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 267002 (2016)
11. Symmetry-protected ideal Weyl semimetal in HgTe-class materials
Jiawei Ruan, Shao-Kai Jian,Hong Yao*, Haijun Zhang*, Shou-Cheng Zhang, and Dingyu Xing
Nature Communications 7, 11136 (2016); Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science
10.Ideal Weyl semimetals in the chalcopyrites CuTlSe2, AgTlTe2, AuTlTe2 and ZnPbAs2
Jiawei Ruan, Shao-Kai Jian, D. Zhang,Hong Yao*, Haijun Zhang*, Shou-Cheng Zhang, and Dingyu Xing
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 226801 (2016)
9. Quantum Monte Carlo study of the Tc enhancement mechanism in FeSe on SrTiO3
Zi-Xiang Li, Fa Wang,Hong Yao*, and Dung-Hai Lee*
Science Bulletin 61, 925 (2016); Selected as a cover story; Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science in 2017
8. Emergent space-time supersymmetry in 3+1D Weyl and 2+1D Dirac semimetals
Shao-Kai Jian, Yi-Fan Jiang, andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 237001 (2015); Editors’ Suggestion; Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science in 2016
7. Solving fermion sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo by Majorana representation
Zi-Xiang Li, Yi-Fan Jiang, andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 91, 241117 (2015); Editors’ Suggestion; Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science in 2016
6. Topological Odd-Parity Superconductivity at Type-II 2D Van Hove Singularities
Hong Yao* and Fan Yang
Phys. Rev. B 92, 035132 (2015)
5. Classification of topological insulators and superconductors in the presence of reflection symmetry
Ching-Kai Chiu,Hong Yao, and Shinsei Ryu
Phys. Rev. B 88, 075142 (2013); Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science
4.Interaction effect on topological classification of superconductors in two dimensions
Hong Yao*and Shinsei Ryu
Phys. Rev. B 88, 064507 (2013)
3. Frustrated RVB states in 2D: classifications and short-range correlations
Fan Yang andHong Yao*
Phys. Rev. Lett.109, 147209 (2012)
2. Spin Liquid Ground State of the Spin-1/2 Square J1-J2 Heisenberg Model
Hong-Chen Jiang,Hong Yao, and Leon Balents
Phys. Rev. B 86, 024424 (2012); Editor’s Suggestion; Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science
1. Exact spin liquid ground states of the quantum dimer model on the square and honeycomb lattices
Hong Yao*and Steven A. Kivelson
Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 247206 (2012)

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