本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
李衍达 教授
通信地址:北京清华大学自动化系 邮政编码:100084
联系电话: Fax:
1954年9月-1959年7月 清华大学自动控制自动控制专业学习,获学士学位
1958年9月-1970年9月 清华大学电机系 助教,讲师
1970年9月-1978年10月 清华大学自动化系 讲师
1978年10月-1981年3月 MIT 访问
1983年3月-至今 清华大学自动化系 副教授,教授
1983年1月-至今 在IEEE担任高级会员
1995年9月-2005年9月 在国务院(学位委员会控制科学与工程)学科评议组担任召集人
1997年7月-至今 在电子学报担任副主编
1998年7月-至今 在中国自动化学会智能自动化专业委员会担任名誉主任
1998年9月-2007年9月 在中国自动化学会担任副理事长
1999年9月-至今 在清华大学担任校务委员会委员
2002年7月-2007年9月 在教育部高等学校电子信息与电气科学教学指导委员会担任主任委员
2002年7月-至今 在北京大学理论生物学中心学术委员会担任委员
[1] 生物信息学
[2] 智能信息处理
[3] 信号处理
1999年 获得教育部颁发的 国家教委科技进步奖一等奖
1999年 获得新鸿基地产颁发的 新鸿基地产信息学科奖
1997年 获得科技部颁发的 国家自然科学奖四等奖
1993年 获得科技部颁发的 国家自然科学奖四等奖
1991年 获得教育部颁发的 国家教委科技进步奖一等奖
1989年 获得教育部颁发的 国家教委优秀教学成果奖特等奖
1986年 获得北京市科委颁发的 北京市科技进步奖北京市科技进步奖
1984年 获得清华大学颁发的 清华大学杰出论文奖清华大学杰出论文奖
[1] 李衍达. 信息世界漫谈. 清华大学出版社,2000
[2] 罗发龙, 李衍达. 神经网络信号处理. 电子工业出版社,1993
[3] 李衍达, 常同. 信号重构理论及应用. 清华大学出版社,1991
[4] Xin Yao, Han Hao, Yanda Li, Shao Li. Modularity-based credible prediction of disease genes and detection of disease subtypes on the phenotype-gene heterogeneous network. BMC System Biology,2011,5:79
[5] Jin Gu, Yang Chen, Shao Li, Yanda Li. Identification of responsive gene modules by network-based gene clustering and extending: application to inflammation and angiogenesis. BMC System Biology,2010,4:47
[6] Li Tang, Zhen Chen, Hao Yin, Jun Li, Yanda Li. CORS: A cooperative overlay routing service to enhance interactive multimedia communications. JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION,2010,21(2):107-119
[7] X. Wang, Z. Xuan, X. Zhao, Y. Li, M. Q. Zhang. High-resolution human core-promoter prediction with CoreBoost_HM. GENOME RESEARCH, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 266-275, Feb. 2009
[8] Wanwan Tang, Xuebing Wu, Rui Jiang, Yanda Li. Epistatic Module Detection for Case-Control Studies: A Bayesian Model with a Gibbs Sampling Strategy. PLoS Genet,2009,5(5):e**
[9] Pufeng Du, Shengjiao Cao and Yanda Li. SubChlo: Predicting protein subchloroplast locations with pseudo-amino acid composition and the evidence-theoretic K-nearest neighbor (ET-KNN) algorithm. Journal of Theoretical Biology,2009,261(2):330-335
[10] Pufeng Du, Liyan Jia and Yanda Li. CURE-Chloroplast: A chloroplast C-to-U RNA editing predictor for seed plants. BMC Bioinformatics,2009,10:135
[11] Jin Gu, Shao Li, Yang Chen, Yanda Li. Integrative computational identifications of the signaling pathway network related to TNF-alpha stimulus in vascular endothelial cells. International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing,2009,422-427
[12] Pufeng Du and Yanda Li. Computational analysis of RNA editing: seeking tiny discrepancies between transcriptome and genome. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China,2009,4(3): 251-58
[13] Pufeng Du, Yang Chen and Yanda Li. Computational evidence of A-to-I RNA editing in nucleus transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China,2009,4(4):349-361
[14] Tao Peng, Pufeng Du and Yanda Li. PBEAM: A parallel implementation of BEAM for genome-wide inference of epistatic interactions. Bioinformation ,2009,3(8): 349-351
[15] Pufeng Du and Yanda Li. Prediction of C-to-U RNA editing sites in plant mitochondria using both biochemical and evolutionary information. Journal of Theoretical Biology,2008,253:579-586
[16] Tao Peng, Chenghai Xue, Jianning Bi, Xiaowo Wang, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Functional importance of different patterns of correlation between adjacent cassette exons in human and mouse. BMC Genomics,2008,9:191
[17] Jianning Bi, Tao Peng, Yanda Li. Evidence for association of multi-exon skipping events with tumors. Front Electr Electron Eng China,2008,3(3):260-266
[18] Xiaowo Wang, Jin Gu, Michael Zhang, Yanda Li. Identification of phylogenetically conserved microRNA cis-regulatory elements across 12 Drosophila species. Bioinformatics ,2008,24(2):165-171
[19] Xiaowo Wang , Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Complicated evolutionary patterns of miRNAs in vertebrates. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci,2008,51(6):552-9
[20] 汪小我,张学工,李衍达. 脊椎动物中微小RNA进化模式研究. 中国科学C辑:生命科学,2008,38(4):348-355
[21] Zhang J, Ma T, Li YD, Li S. dbNEI2.0: building multilayer network for drug-NEI-disease. Bioinformatics,2008,24:2409-2411
[22] Jin Gu, Hu Fu, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Identifications of conserved 7-mers in 3-UTRs and microRNAs in Drosophila. BMC Bioinformatics,2007, 8:432
[23] Pufeng Du, Tao He, Yanda Li. Prediction of C-to-U RNA editing sites in higher plant mitochondria using only nucleotide sequence features. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2007, 358(1):336-341
[24] Shao Li, Zhongqi Zhang, Lijiang Wu, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li, Wang Y.. Understanding ZHENG in Traditional Chinese Medicine in the context of neuro-endocrine-immune network. IEE Systems Biology,2007, 1(1):51-60
[25] Chaolin Zhang, Xuegong Zhang, Michael Q. Zhang, Yanda Li. Neighbor number, valley seeking and clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters,2007,28:173-180
[26] Tao He, Pufeng Du, Yanda Li. dbRES: a web-oriented database for annotated RNA Editing Sites. Nucleic Acids Res,2007, 35(Database issue):D141-4
[27] Huiyu Xia, Jianning Bi, Yanda Li. Identification of alternative 5/3 splice sites based on the mechanism of splice site competition. Nucleic Acids Res,2006, 34(21):6305-6313
[28] Jin Gu, Tao He, Yunfei Pei, Fei Li, Xiaowo Wang, Jing Zhang, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Primary Transcripts and Expressions of Mammal Intergenic MicroRNAs Detected by Mapping ESTs to Their Flanking Sequences. Mamm Genome,2006, 17(10):1033-1041
[29] Pufeng Du, Yanda Li. Prediction of protein submitochondria locations by hybridizing pseudo-amino acid composition with various physicochemical features of segmented sequence. BMC Bioiformatics,2006, 7:518
[30] Liyong Zhang, Fang Ding, Wenfeng Cao, Zhongmin Liu, Wei Liu, Zaicheng Yu, Yu Wu, Wendong Li, Yanda Li and Zhihua Liu. Stomatin-like Protein 2 Is Overexpressed in Cancer and Involved in Regulating Cell Growth and Cell Adhesion in Human Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2006, 12(5), 1639-1646
[31] Yandong Li, Zhongwei Ma, Wenkai Lu and Yanda Li. Automatic removal of the eye blink artifact from EEG using an ICA-based template matching approach. Physiological measurement, 2006, 27, 425
[32] Xiaowo Wang, Jing Zhang, Fei Li, Jin Gu, Tao He, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. MicroRNA Identification Based On Sequence and Structure Alignment. Bioinformatics,2005, 21:3610-3614
[33] C. Xue, F. Li, T. He, G. Liu, Y. Li and X. Zhang. Classification of real and pseudo microRNA precursors using local structure-sequence features and support vector machine. BMC-Bioinformatics, vol.6, 2005.
[34] Fang Wen, Fei Li, Huiyu Xia, Xin Lu, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. The impact of very short alternative splicing on protein structures and functions in the human genome. Trends in Genet ,2004, 20(5): 232-236
[35] Ying Huang, Yanda Li. Prediction of protein subcellular locations using fuzzy k-NN method. Bioinformatics,2004, 20: 21-28
[36] Ying Huang and Yanda Li. Prediction of protein subcellular locations using fuzzy k-NN method. . Bioinformatics,Vol.20, No.1, 2004, pp.21-28, DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btg366.
[37] Ying Huang, Jun Cai, Liang Ji, Yanda Li. Classifying G-protein coupled receptors with bagging classification tree. Computational biology and chemistry, 2004, 28 (4), 275-280
[38] Hongyuan Chen, Yanda Li. Performance model of IEEE 802.11 DCF with variable packet length. Communications Letters, IEEE, 2004, 8 (3), 186-188
[39] 许建华,张学工,李衍达. 支持向量机的新发展. 控制与决策,2004
[40] Qing Zhou and Yanda Li. Directed variation in evolution strategies. IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation, Vol.7, No.4, August 2003
[41] Y. Sun, X. Fan, Y. Li. Identifying splicing sites in eukaryotic RNA: support machine approach. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, vol.33, no.1, pp. 17-29, Jan. 2003
[42] 樊晓丹,孙应飞,李衍达. 一种基于RTW的实时控制系统快速开发方法. 2003, 43(7), 895-898
[43] 周晋, 路海明, 李衍达. 用Small-World 设计无组织 P2P系统的路由算法. 软件学报,2003,15(6), 915-923
[44] J Xu, LJ Zhang, H Lu, Y Li. The development and prospect of personalized TV program recommendation systems. Multimedia Software Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. Fourth International Symposium, 2002, 82-89
[45] 蔡登,卢增祥,李衍达. 信息协同过滤. 计算机科学, 2002, 29(6), 1-4
[46] 李梢(博士后),王永炎,季梁,李衍达(导师). 复杂系统意义下的中医药学及其案例研究.. 系统仿真学报,2002, 14(11) :1429-03
[47] Ji HK, Zhou Q, Wen F, Xia HY, Lu X, Li YD. . AsMamDB: an alternative splice database of mammals . Nucleic Acid Research,2001, 29: 260-263
[48] Jianhua Xu, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Kernel MSE algorithm: a unified framework for KFD, LS-SVM and KRR. Neural Networks, Proceedings. IJCNN '01. International Joint Conference, 2001, vol. 2, 1486-1491
[49] 阎辉,张学工,李衍达. 支持向量机与最小二乘法的关系研究. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 41(9), 77-80
[50] 邹红星(研究生),戴琼海,李衍达. FMlet变换的子空间. 中国科学,2001,31,5
[51] 邹红星(研究生),戴琼海,李衍达,卢旭光. 不含交叉项干扰且具有WVD聚集性的时频分布之不存在性. 中国科学,2001,31,4,348-354
[52] 刘宇新(研究生),李衍达(导师). 基于重叠正交变换的自适应图像水印. 电子学报,2001,10,1368-1372
[53] 李衍达. 信息与生命. 化学通报,2001,10,601-607
[54] 李衍达. 以信息系统的观点了解基因组. 电子学报,2001, 29:1731-1734
[55] 邹红星,王殿军,戴琼海,李衍达. 延拓矩阵的奇异值分解. 科学通报,2000,45卷,14期,1560-1562
[56] 周杰,卢春雨,张长水,李衍达. 人脸自动识别方法综述. 电子学报,2000, 28(4): 102-106
[57] 邹红星,周小波,李衍达. 视频分析:回溯与前瞻. 电子学报,2000
[58] 阎辉,李鲲鹏,张学工,李衍达. 测井曲线的小波变换特性在自动分层中的应用. 地球物理学报, 2000, 43(4), 568-573
[59] 李衍达. 与信息科学的结合为生命科学的研究开辟新的前景. 中国科学基金,第13卷,第5期,1999,9,pp 307-308
[60] E. Gelenbe, Z. Mao, Y. Li. Function approximation with spiked random networks. IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 3-9, Jan. 1999
[61] Y. Tang, N. Zhang, Y. Li. Stable fuzzy adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems. Fuzzy sets and systems (Elsevier), vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 279-288, 1999
[62] 周杰,卢春雨,张长水,李衍达. 基于方向对称变换的人脸定位方法. 电子学报,1999, 27(8), 12-15
[63] 卢增祥,李衍达. 交互支持向量机学习算法及其应用. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),1999, 39(7), 93-97
[64] H. Luo and Y. Li. The application of blind channel identification techniques to prestack seismic deconvolution. Proceedings of the IEEE,Vol.86,No.10,Oct,1998
[65] X Lu, Z Sun, H Chen, Y Li. Characterizing self-similarity in bacteria DNA sequences. Physical Review E, 1998, 58 (3), 3578
[66] C-B Xiao,X-D Zhang and Y-D Li. A new method for AR order determination of an ARMA process. IEEE Transon SP,Vol.44,No.11,Nov.1996
[67] X-D Zhang,Y。Song and Y-D Li. Adaptive identification of nonminimum phase ARMA models using higher order cumulants alone. IEEE Trans on SP,Vol.44,No.5,pp 1285-1288,May 1996
[68] 张良杰,李衍达. 模糊神经网络技术的新近发展. 信息与控制,1995, 24(1), 39-46
[69] Li Yanda. Information technological revolution and its impact on China. Computer Application on Petroleum Industry, Vol.2, 1994
[70] X-D Zhang and Y-D Li. Harmonic retrieval in mixed Gaussian and non-Gaussian ARMA noises。. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.42, No.12, Dec, 1994
[71] Luo Falong, Li Yanda. Real-time computation of the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of a positive define matrix. IEEE Trans on Circuit and Systems,Vol.41,No.6,1994
[72] X. Zhang and Y. Li. The application of artificial neural networks in editing noisy seismic data. Chapter 7 in F. Aminzadeh & M. Jamshidi eds. “Soft Computing: Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence” Prentice-Hall, 1994
[73] Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Self-organizing map as a new method for clustering and data analysis. Neural Networks, 1993. IJCNN '93-Nagoya. Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference. Vol. 3, 2448-2451
[74] Yen Ta Li,A.L.Kurkjian. Arrival time determination using iterative signal reconstruction from the phase of the cross spectrum。. IEEE Trans on ASSP, Vol ASSP-31, No.2, April, 1983
[75] Yanda Li. Improvement of maximum likelihood velocity spectrum estimation. ACTA GEOPHYSICA SINICA, Vol.26, No.2, March, 1983
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梁斌 教授导航与控制研究所 所长通信地址:北京清华大学自动化系 邮政编码:100084联系电话: Fax: Email:bliang@tsinghua.edu.cn 展开 教育背景 1985年5月-1991年1月 保送西北工业大学第一届教学改革试点班,本硕连读,获学士和硕士学位1 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-李一鹏
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刘义 副研究员系统集成研究所通信地址:北京清华大学自动化系 邮政编码:100084联系电话: Fax:Email:yiliu@tsinghua.edu.cn 展开 教育背景 1984年9月-1989年7月 清华大学自动化工业自动化专业专业学习,获学士学位1989年9月-1991年7月 清华大学自动化自动化仪 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16清华大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-刘烨斌
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李翔 副教授系统集成研究所地址:北京清华大学自动化系 邮编:100084邮箱:xiangli@tsinghua.edu.cn 展开 教育背景 2002年9月至2006年7月 北京理工大学光电学院,获学士学位2006年9月至2008年7月 北京理工大学光电学院,获硕士学位2008年8月至2013年6月 新加坡 ...清华大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-16