AlessandroGolombiewski Teixeira
电 话:
Golombiewski Teixeira有丰富的政界任职经历。曾任巴西旅游部部长、工业与贸易部副部长、巴西工业发展机构主席,巴西出口与投资促进局主席、巴西总统特别经济顾问、世界投资促进机构协会主席。他还曾担任巴西国家发展银行的董事会成员达12年之久。
2008年Golombiewski Teixeira教授被英国金融时报评选为“拉丁美国年度风云人物”。他在2008年和2014年两度收获巴西最高荣誉,"Commend of Rio Branco”
Professor Golombiewski Teixeira is a Professor of Public Policy at School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University and Professor of International Business at Schwartzman College also at Tsinghua University.
Professor Golombiewski Teixeira has spent his last 20 years working in academia, government, international institutions, and private sector at the same time. Professor Golombiewski Teixeira has a unique background with a broad perspective in different areas such as Innovation and Industrial Policies, Development Policies, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, International Marketing among others. Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira has more than two decades of extensive teaching and research experience in Europe, Latin America, and North America, across different courses ranging from undergraduates to postgraduates. More recently he was a visiting Professor at Columbia University, Associate Senior Researcher at Denver University in the USA. He held different Lecturer and research position in University of Sussex (UK) and in Brazilian Universities such University of Sao Paulo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul among others.
Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira has a wealth of senior experience in policy-making in his home country, Brazil, Latin America and Internationally. For more than 15 years Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira has been at the forefront of initiatives holding high-level positions in the Brazilian Government and International Organizations with a very high profile and international exposure.
He was Minister in the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, Deputy Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, President of Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development, President of the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion and Special Economic Advisor to the President of Brazil President of RedIbero-American y Caribbean Agencies for Export Promotion and President of the World Association of Investment Promotions Agencies (WAIPA) both United Nations Affiliated Institutions.
Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira also has served as board member of the Brazilian National Development Bank for 12 years, National Energy Committee, National Science and Technology Committee, National Infrastructure Committee and in more than a dozen Brazilian and international private sector companies such as Klabin and Suzano Paper and Pulp Brazilian giants, Lupatech gas and oil International company, AES Electrical Power Corporation among many others.
Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira was in charge to elaborate, coordinate and oversee of Industrial, Innovation, International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Policies in Brazil and several Trade and Investment bilateral and multilateral negotiations.
In 2008 Professor Golombiewski Teixeira was chosen Latin America Personality of the year by the British Newspaper Financial Times. He was knighted in 2008 and 2014 with highest Brazilian Commends "Commend of Rio Branco" the Brazilian government grants this command award to those who made relevant contributions to the country on the international stage and 2015 “Commend of National Defense” to acknowledge his military as well as civil substantial contribution to Brazil’s Development.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
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