

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

电话:86-,**, **


I. Publication in Chinese
Academic Books
1. Chu Shulong and Rong Yu: American Government and Politics (Three volumes, Tsinghua University Press, March 2012)
2. Chu Shulong and Tang Hong: Political Theories (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, forthcoming March 2006);
3. Editor and contributor: Peaceful Rise and Development: China’s Foreign Strategy and Policy (Beijing: Peking University Press, March 2008);
4. China’s Reunification Strategy (Hong Kong: Mingbao Press, 2006);
5. The World, the U.S. and China: Theories of International Relations and Strategy in the New Century, Editor, (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003);
6. Basic Theories of International Relations (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003);
7. The Sino-U.S. Relations in the Post-Cold War (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2001);
8. Engagement and Prevention: American China Strategy in the Post-Cold War (Xiamen: Ludao Press, 2000);
9. America at the New Century (Beijing: Current Affairs Press, 1997);
10. Introduction of International Relations (co-author) (Beijing World Affairs Press, 1989);
11. International Politics (co-author) (Chengdu: Sichuan Nationality Press, 1988);

Book Chapters:
1. “Asian Security: Situation and Cooperation” in Su Ge (ed.) International Structure (Beijing: The Central Party School Press, 2002)
2. “The Sino-U.S. Relations since the End of the Cold War,” in Liu Xuecheng and Li Jidong ed., The U.S. and China: Adversary or Partner? (Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2000);
3. “The Sino-U.S. Strategic Partnership,” in Tsinghua University ed., World Economy and Politics in the Early 21st Century (Fuzhou: Fujian Education Press, 2000);
4. “American Strategy in Asia,” in Anwei and Li Dongyan ed., The World at the Cross Road (Beijing: Renmin University Press, 2000);
5. “A Number of Issues in China’s International Studies,” in Gu Guanfu and others ed., China’s Research on the Theories of International Relations in the New Century (Beijing: Current Affairs Press, 1999);
6. “The Star War and the Future World,” in Peng Shuzhi and Hu Yixiang ed., Lectures on Current World History (Zhengzhou: Henan University Press, 1988);

英Major Articles:
1. “Trends of Trump Administration’s Internal and External Policies,” International Economic Review, No.1, 2017.
2. “President Trump’s Foreign Policy,” Contemporary World, No.4, 2017.
3. “How Big of The ‘Big Country’s Diplomacy’?” Huanghai Review, No.1, 2017.
4. “Some Major Views and Assessments on the United States,” Contemporary International Relations. No.6, 2016;
5. “Trends of American Global Strategy in 2016,” Contemporary World, No.3, 2016.
6. “China-DPRK Relations and China’s Policy After the 4th North Korean Nuclear Test,” Sungkyun China Obsercer (ROK) No.3, 2016, Vol.15.
7. “Thoughts on China’s National and Foreign Strategies,” World Economies and Politics, No.9, 2015. (“关于中国国家战略和外交战略的思考”,《世界经济与政治》2015年第9期);
8. “’China’s Story and Its International Image,” Contemporary International Relations. No.9, 2015. ( “‘中国故事’与中国国际形象”,《现代国际关系》2015年第9期);
9. “Rethinking on the China-U.S. Relations,” Contemporary International Relations, 2014-8.
10. “The Anti-Terrorism Strategy of the U.S. since 9/11 and Their Lessons to China,” Contemporary World, 2014-9.
11. “The Two Pillars of the Long-term China-U.S. Relations,” Contemporary International Relations, 2013-3.
12. “The Fundamental Thoughts and Theories of American Foreign Policy,” New Strategy, 2013-3.
13. “American Strategic Shifts and Their Implication to China,” Journal of University of International Relations, 2012-4.
14. “Change and Development of the American Federalism,” Journal of University of International Relations, 2012-2.
15. “Is America Declinning?” Contemporary International Relations, 2011.4.
16. “The Long Term Trends of the Sino-U.S. Relations,” Contemporary International Relations, 2010.6.
17. “The Global Trends of the Early 21st Century,” Contemporary International Relations, No.8, 2010.
18. “U.S. Demographic Trends and Impacts,” American Studies Quarterly, 2009.4.
19. “The Impact of Traditional Culture on China’s Foreign Relations,” World Economies and Politics, No. 12, 2007;
20. “The Changing World Strategic Situation and American Foreign Strategy,” Contemporary International Relation, No. 12, 2007;
21. “The Views on China of the Presidential Candidates,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 12, 2007;
22. “China’s Strategy toward the United States,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 6, 2006;
23. “China and the U.S.: Cooperation and Prevention,” Contemporary World, No. 1, 2006;
24. “China’s Foreign Strategy before 2020,” World Economy and Politics, No.8, 2003;
25. “Culture and International Relations,” World Economy and Politics, No.2, 2003;
26. “Multilaterism: Concept, Background and China’s Approach,” World Economy and Politics, No. 10, 2001;
27. “The 9/11 and Bush’s Foreign Policy,” Peace and Development, No. 4, 2001;
28. “Chinese and American Views, Positions and Policies on International Strategic Issues,” World Economy and Politics, No. 7, 2000;
29. “The Bilateral Strategic and Security Relations between China and the U.S. in the Post-Cold War Era,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 5, 2000;
30. “The Development of American China and Asia Strategies,” Peace and Development, No. 3, 2000;;
31. “The Development of China’s Security Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era,” World Economy and Politics, No. 9, 1999;
32. “International Situation and the Sino-U.S. Relations,” Peace and Development, No. 4, 1999;
33. “China’s National Interests, Power and Strategy,” Strategy and Management, No. 4, 1999;
34. “Major Issues of Global Situation and China’s Foreign Strategy,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 8, 1999;
35. “Security Theories in the Post-Cold War Era,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 4, 1999;
36. “Cooperation and Conflicts between China and the U.S.,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 6, 1998;
37. “Security Concepts, Structure and Strategies in Asia,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 5, 1997;
38. “The Strategic Framework of the Sino-U.S. Relations,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 10, 1997;
39. “Strategic Choice on the Sino-U.S. Relations,” Contemporary International relations, No. 11, 1996;
40. “On the Establishment of International Studies in China,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 5, 1995;

II. Publication in English and Japanese
Major Articles:
1. “China’s Perception and Policy About North Korea,” American Foreign Policy Interests (US), Vol.37, No.5-6, September-December 2015. “Two Pillars of Sino-U.S. Long-term Relations,” Contemporary International Relations, No.3, 2013. The English version is published at the website of the Center for U.S.-China Relations of the New York University on July 2013.
2. “America Is Not Declining,” Diplomacy, Vol. 16, Nov.2012 (Japan)
3. “Is America Declining?” Brookings Northeast Asia Commentary No 54, January 24, 2012.
4. “China’s Peaceful Development Doctrine,” NBR Report, October 2009.
5. “The Security Challenges in Northeast Asia: A Chinese View,” The Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), The U.S. Army War College, November 2007;
6. “China’s Views of American Strategic Development in Asia,” in Jonathan D. Pollack edited Asian Eyes America, U.S. Naval War College Press, New Port, Rhode Island, 2007;
7. “The Middle East in China’s Foreign Strategy,” Center of International and Strategic Studies (CSIS), September 2006;
8. “Globalization and Security: A Chinese View,” National Institute for Defense Studies, Tokyo, March 2005;
9. “China,” in Charles E. Morrison (ed.). Asia-Pacific Security Outlook 2004, 2003, 2002,2001,2000,1999,1998. (Tokyo & New York: Japan Center for International Exchange);
10. “The 16th Party Congress and China’s Foreign Policy,” Journal of Chinese Politics, April, 2004;
11. “The SARS and Human Security in East Asia,” UNESCO, Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Seoul, June, 2004;
12. “The Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: Hard to Start and Move,” East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore, Singapore, June 2004;
13. “China’s Perspectives on the Regional and World Order Since 9-11,” in Han Sung-Joo edited: Coping with 9-11: Asian Perspectives on Global and Regional Order (Tokyo and New York: Japan Center for International Exchange, 2003);
14. “China and Human Security,” North Pacific Policy Papers, No.8, 2002 (Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia);
15 “China, Asia and Issues of Intervention and Sovereignty,” Pugwash Occasional Papers, Volume 2. Number 1, January 2001;
16. “The Role of China and Russia in Constructing a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula,” Hwang Byong-Moo and Lee Pil-Jung(ed.)Pursuing Peace Beyond the Korean War. (Seoul: Korea National Defense University, 2000);
17. “Russian and Chinese Role in Korean Peninsula,” Defense Review, Seoul, Summer 2000;
18. “International Space for What? Beijing’s Concerns and Position Regarding Taiwan’s Participation in International Organizations,” in Gerrit W. Gong (ed.) Taiwan Strait Dilemmas: China—Taiwan—U.S. Policies in the New Century.(Washington, DC: The CSIS Press, 2000);
19. “China and the U.S.—Japan and U.S.—Korea Alliances in a Changing Northeast Asia,” Discussion Papers, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, June 1999;
20.“The Second PRC-US War: International Involvement in China’s Unification,” in Greg Austin (ed.) Missile Diplomacy and Taiwan’s Future: Innovations in Politics and Military Power. (Canberra: The Australian National University, 1997);
21. “National Unity, Sovereignty & Territorial Integration,” The China Journal (Australia), July 1996;
22. “The PRC Girds for Limited, High-Teck War,” Orbis, Spring 1994;
23.. “The Russian-US Military Balance in the Post-Cold War Asia-Pacific Region & the ‘China Threat’,” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, Spring 1994.

Book Chapters:
1. “Mainland China’s Peaceful Development Strategy and Cross-Strait Relations,” in Jean-Pierre Cabestan and Jacques deLisle edited Political Changes in Taiwan Under Ma Ying-jeou. London and New York: Routlege, 2014.
2. “Bilateral Dialogue Mechanism and Sino-American Relations,” in Yufan Hao edited Sino-American Relations: Challenges Ahead. Burlington: Ashgate, 2010.
3. Frans-Paul van der Putten and Chu Shulong edited: China, Europe and International Security. London and New York: Routledge. 2011.
4.“Bilateral Dialogue Mechanisms and Sino-American Relations,” inYufan Hao edited Sino-American Relations: Challenges Ahead. Ashgate: Surrey,UK, 2010
5. “China: Dynamic Minimum Deterrence,” in Muthiah Alagappa edited The Long Shadow: Nuclear Weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008.
6.”Chinese Views of American Strategic Development in Asia,” in Jonathan D. Pollack edited Eyes America. Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 2007
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